American Murder Song



10/5/2022 Post #1
Morguey Boy loves to rail against celebrity and Hollywood, which is odd given that he lives in Hollywood and clearly craves being a celebrity.
Rebhahn said, “The vast majority of the mainstream ‘dark’, ‘alternative artists’ are nothing but empty frauds. They have no content, no meaning, no boundary pushing intelligent message.”
At least they didn’t plagiarize someone else’s boundary-pushing intelligent message!
Rebhahn said, “They are boy bands who wear black. Pretty little bitches afraid to get dirty.”
Hmmmm! Is Rebhahn lusting after some boy band? Sure sounds like it.
By the way, what “dirt” does a Woke maniac like you get involved with, Rebhahn? Other than throwing dirt at your critics, of course!
Rebhahn said, “They are obsessed with popularity and ‘success’ in their celebrity world.”
Just like you, then!
Rebhahn said, “Fuck them and their cute little skulls, and their pretty-boy makeup.”
Rebhahn deffo wants to fuck ‘em!!!
Rebhahn said, “They are the popular kids in high school, the only difference is they wear black clothing.”
Rebhahn loves black clothing too, but he never even went to school!
Rebhahn said, “Don’t like what I have to say? Get off my page. I say what I mean. I am SHARP. I don’t package things with nice little bows. I don’t mix my message in with sugar and spice.”
Yeah, but you get other people canceled for saying what you don’t want to hear!
Rebhahn said, “Let me say this is not directed towards those with a differing view, I don’t mind that. This is directed towards those that think I should not express my thoughts in my personal space.”
Fucking hypocrite. We didn’t get to express our thoughts in our personal space … because of YOU, the Woke police. The Thought Police.
On December 13, 2014, Rebhahn said, “I have had some people accuse me of telling people what to think, or that people are following me blindly.”
So what’s new? You’ve ALWAYS been a cult leader.
Rebhahn said, “What is NOT okay, is if I say something irrational and a person then agrees with me just because they agree with anything that I say, regardless of its quality.”
Hold on, you say irrational stuff all the time, and your cultists agree with it all!
Rebhahn said, “Agreeing with something that is NOT rational just because you like the person who said it (or for any other reason), THAT is being a blind follower and not thinking for yourself.”
So, why don’t you disband your cult since – clearly – it comprises nothing but blind followers who would never question you regarding anything, and especially not regarding the FBI!
Rebhahn said, “I get real tired of this whole ‘celebrity’ thing.”
What, the thing you RELENTLESSLY pursue?
Rebhahn said, “This has always been a means to an end, for me.”
You see – Rebhahn actively wants to be a celebrity and aims to be one.
Rebhahn said, “Hollywood is fucking vile. #falsereality
And that rationally explains why you live in Hollywood!
Rebhahn said, “Thank you for the support my friends. I am glad many of you do not associate me with that sick [celebrity] culture.”
Er, we totally associate you with that sick celebrity culture, or vacuous “influencer culture” more accurately in your case.
Rebhahn said, “We can change things and bring an end to this bullshit.”
Rebhahn said, “Many of those on my page are dumb as shit. Some of those on my page are highly intelligent. To the latter, I thank you. Keep striving, my friends, you are the reason I continue my work.”
All Hyperians are as dumb as shit. All the smart people left! So, why haven’t you stopped now, Rebhahn?!
Susan Mitchell said, “I see so many comments from people saying you only like people who think exactly like you do, and anyone who disagrees with you must be the ‘dumb as shit’ ones. But I’ve never seen you call anyone stupid for presenting a logical point of view. Most people here who disagree with you (and it’s almost always on the Christianity issue) simply say, ‘I believe this, and who are you to say I shouldn’t?’ But they don’t actually provide a rational argument for their belief. I doubt it’s a different philosophical outlook that disgusts you. I know that if I posted a thought-provoking message and got back comments only about my teeth and hair, I would be more than slightly irritated.”
Rebhahn said in reply, “Your support is truly appreciated Susan. Your comment is completely accurate. Thank you.”
That was seven years ago. Their sick love affair – Morgeo and Bitchiet – has well and truly blossomed since then.
Eleze Gentry said, “Yes, I don’t know how you get through reading most of the comments I’ve seen on your posts Morgue, the lack of logic and reason, and the amounts of regurgitated brainwashed nonsense from members of certain religions.”
Have you ever read the Hyperian chat? Oh right – you’re one of the cretins IN the chat!
Rebhahn said, “A devil seeks slaves and worshipers. A god seeks to awaken the potential in everyone. We are the divine.”
You’re the devil, Rebhahn. There’s something seriously wrong with you.
Rebhahn said, “The concept of celebrity disgusts me. If and when I reach the status that I wish, I promise that I will be anti-celebrity.”
And what status is it that you wish, Rebhahn? Cult leader? Cult god? Cult idol?
Rebhahn said, “Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous. #fakes #frauds #scum
Q: “How did you come to join the Venice Beach Freakshow?”
A: “Eventually, I got into street performing. I started out on the Huntington Beach Pier in Orange County. Then moved all over California. Because my street performances are very shocking, I got arrested in Hollywood. I got banned from the Santa Monica Promenade. I never got banned from Venice Beach, but I did have quite a few visits from police. So eventually, word about me got to Todd. He became interested because I do stunts that other performers don’t. So he contacted me, and we got to talking for a while. I started out as a guest performer there, and he was so happy, I eventually became a featured act.”
You’ll soon be getting arrested in Hollywood AGAIN.
So your career as a binary cowboy didn’t take off then? Is that why you ended up as a non-binary cult leader? Anything to get to the top, right?!