Announcement of New Illuminist Army Book Project



We were so impressed by the submissions of all those that contributed to “Take Them to the Morgue (Parts 1 and 2)” that we thought it was time to present an even greater challenge: CREATIVE WRITING.
So, this is to announce a new book project – THE HYPERIAN MOVIE.
We have mentioned a hypothetical Hyperian Movie in the past. Check this out:
“The Hyperian Movie – written by everyone who hates Hyperianism – would be the greatest movie EVER! These lunatic Hyperians are priceless. Central casting could not have chosen a more gormless, delusional bunch. They are parodies of parodies. They surely aren’t real people. It’s a Russian bot operation for sure. SMASH THE LIKE. Bring on the demented Fairy! The person playing Fat Jan in the movie would become a global superstar. It would be the greatest comedy role ever. Remember when she was ranting on the audio track about who the fuck knows what? That’s pure Oscar material there. You could use that shit verbatim. Maybe that’s how the Hyperian Movie ends – Fat Jan just ranting about ranting, while holding one of her arsenal of guns, as she watches the waves come in at the beach at Monterey. FADES TO BLACK. Fat Jan must be furious that Rebhahn gets all the attention. She’s a much bigger character than he is, a true grotesque. Rebhahn’s madness is excruciatingly dull, whereas you can roll about laughing at Fat Jan’s insane antics … and random animal grunts and disgusting burps. (We think she should add a few weird hand gestures too.) That double act with “Cassie” – an almost-normal person – was like some new version of Laurel and Hardy (fatso and skinny), and the sexual tension was off the scale (and not in any good way!). Shouldn’t Fat Jan leave Hyperianism? Morguey Boy is holding her back. She should set up the Fat Jan cult and start a product line of unicorn burgers. Yummmmm. She certainly beguiles herself, and feels compelled to inflict herself on the world three times a week. We were wondering who would play her in the Hyperian movie, and we were thinking of Melissa McCarthy or Danny DeVito. People would KILL for that part. Guaranteed Oscar. So, although she’s totally sad and pathetic, the scale of her self-delusion is absolutely fascinating. She herself is grotesque, but her grotesqueness is compelling. Fat Jans are not people you meet every day! (Thank God!) Is the fuckwit on tonight or is she sick again, or ‘going private’ to spoil our fun laughing at her? Come on, MONSTROUSLY Fat Jan, give us a show. Rebhahn’s too boring. You’re the top clown in the circus act! Get Cassie on again. We’ll make sure the police are on standby.”
Anthony Lake said,
“I’d pitch DeVito for the Fat crack Janny teacup roll. Necropants, Dr Evil maybe? E.T. might play Morgue well! And Sue-tanic … simply a mumbling tar-pit. Anyone have shitlbrity cast shortlist suggestions? The new Hyperian movie could be a thing, or a trailer at least! 😂Lights, action…..roll camera!”
Announcement of New Illuminist Army Book Project
Heeeeeee! … “simply a mumbling tar-pit” – that’s pure genius! And an alien, a GREY, playing Rebhahn! Definitely Dr. Evil for Necropants.
In THTTM (Part I), “Buckminster Roo” said,
“One of the most bizarre qualities of the Hyperian cult is that the members view themselves as warriors: a force to be reckoned with, and ‘world-shapers’, which is hilarious since their behavior embodies the exact opposite. They are unironically role-playing a revolution. I humored story ideas of why sheep would ever impersonate wolves. Why do the Hyperians believe they are fierce and radical — that they could change the world? It seems like even when people are making the worst choices possible, they tend to have a personal bias by always seeing themselves as the main character. They never see themselves in the hero’s journey as a pointless side character, or an adversary impeding the hero’s destiny. I was so intrigued by the possibilities surrounding a story that I almost wrote a satirical story for my entry but went this route instead.”
We love this!
“Buckminster Roo” continued with:
“Imagine if the world’s leaders ran the show with woke identity politics rather than typical conservative values. If it ever happened, which seems dialectically impossible, would it be sustainable? What would it look like? Do I sense another story idea!? It could be something like a mix of the movie Idiocracy with a Holocaust spin. Sorry — spoiler alert — there’s no way my version doesn’t end in blood-soaked anarchy. It could make for hilarious black comedy with challenging social commentary! Could society thrive on love and light alone?” 
Loving that too! 
So, we would like contributors to create short fictional movie scenes about the cast of grotesques that are in charge of Hyperianism. It’s to be a tragi-comedy (natch!). You should also say what actors you would like to play the Hyperians featured in your chosen movie scene.
Now, many people have interacted directly with these monsters and could dramatize those real-life interactions. That’s one approach. Another is to get inside the heads of these bizarre people and imagine how they really see their own behavior. Or just make up crazy shit – hilarious, exaggerated and demented, like Idiocracy. 
Here’s a list of potential scenes:

The first meeting between Morgue Official and Fat Jan. What sick alchemy was created that day? The same goes for the first encounter between Morgue official and his proxy mother … Breeder Bitchell. How did trembling Necrophil feel when he first spoke to his Grindr God, Morgue Official? Or what did Carpet Cleaner Phil think the first time he saw NECROPANTS.


Does Immensely Fat Jan have secret conversations with her rats, rattlesnakes and tarantulas? Does she confide in them? How does the Fat One feel out on the shooting range? Does she imagine shooting us?!


Or how about a reunion between Morgue Official and his mom, Michell Rebhahn, in Montana? How would that go?


Dramatize the scene where the Hyperian Inner Circle first reacted to Without the Mob, There Is No Circus. (Some people were actually there!)


What about when Morgue Official was about to send his false and malicious complaint to the FBI to get his innocent critics swatted, or getting ready to go to lawyers to get them to issue a cease and desist notice to Karen, with a threat of defamation proceedings? (Hey, what happened there, Rebhahn? – did your lawyers tell you that you would 100% lose and be liable for all the legal costs for vexatiously and maliciously bringing proceedings with zero chance of success?!) What about Morgue Official contacting our service provider to get the AC canceled – the very place from where he got everything to launch Hyperianism in the first place! That’s gratitude for you. 


What about Morgue Official’s False Self having a conversation with his shriveled True Self (which ran away from life in childhood, allowing the insane False Self to assume control)?


What about Rebhahn, the Woke Jesus, meeting “actual” Jesus at the Second Coming? How would that conversation go?


What about Immensely Fat Jan, the non-binary, having an internal conversation between her binary female self and binary male self?


How did Immensely Fat Jan and Necrophil feel when they realized that Morgue Official and Breeder Bitchell had made a complaint to the FBI without even consulting them (thus showing them where the true power lies, and who gets a say in Hyperian decision-making! … Necrophil and Immensely Fat Jan don’t count for shit. They are just there to be mindless slaves, doing whatever Rebhahn and his mom Mitchell want).


How about Wonderpoop deciding to become a Hyperian? Did he do an even more special Wonderpoop that day? 


When Morgue Official puts on a dress and heels and takes selfies, what is he thinking?


How did the Rebhahn gang react to the publication of THTTM (Parts I and II) and “Delete Hyperianism”?


How will the Rebhahn gang feel when they are being marched off in handcuffs by the FBI to meet their fate as infamous cultists? The only thing they will be “shaping” is a prison cell!


Go inside Immensely Fat Jan’s turbulent mad mind and reflect on what she REALLY thinks about Morgue Official, Breeder Bitchell and Necrophil. Remember when she was insanely mumbling to herself in her car on the beach? Would she start telling herself the truth of her pathetic and pointless life?


Imagine immensely Fat Jan putting her game face on before going BIG FACE on one of her deranged deadstreams. Imagine her confiding in her microphone, or her vaper, or her beer can, or her takeaway immensely fat junk food.


Imagine the thoughts of carpet cleaner Necrophil as he cleans the carpets while imagining himself to be a hyperaware World Shaper raising human consciousness and building New Terra. The gulf between reality and fantasy is infinite, and yet, as Necrophil reaches down for the cleaning fluid, he must imagine that the gap is entirely bridgeable. 

The list goes on and on, and you can throw in other characters like Dyslexic Fairy, Kassidy, Hopeless Lunatic Bear, Joanna Laguna, PUKES, Tyler Waffen SS, Crybaby Crime-boss Erick Longo (, Anomaly Fox, Angel Dukat, Joel the Swindler, Zack the Funkmeister, and all the rest of the weirdos, freaks, halfwits, and morons that pop up to worship Rebhahn and give him his glitzy lifestyle in Hollywood – for plagiarizing and corrupting the ideas of others.
And what about Filanthowpissed, the incredible Invisible Man – top of the Hyperian donor list, but who has never appeared since he first burst on the scene. Was he literally made up by Rebhahn to encourage more donations? 
What about Morgue Official looking at the list of all the fake accounts he has bought to make him seem much more popular and successful than he actually is. Fake it to make it!
What about Breeder Bitchell chatting to her autistic, ailing husband, while her thoughts are actually entirely focused on Corey Rebhahn, and his desire to fuck every asshole he can find? Does her tragic husband ever glimpse the truth of what is really going on – or is he completely ga ga?
Many of you have inside info regarding Hyperianism. So you can dramatize scenes directly involving you, or episodes and events you heard about.
How did Rebhahn feel when David G. McAfee’s articles came out, exposing him as a sinister and dangerous cult leader?
How does Rebhahn go on justifying his shitshow to himself – all his lies, and grifting, and plagiarizing and conning and manipulating and exploiting?
So many possibilities. Use satire, black comedy, realism, fantasy, surrealism, tragedy, sci fi – whatever.
This is a great chance to get your creative juices flowing.
Creative writing is, for most people, much harder than straightforward prose, so this is a BIG CHALLENGE. For some, though, this will be a piece of cake, and they should write as many pieces as they feel inspired to create. 
Today is 21 February. All contributors should send their submissions to Karen by 30 April, and we’ll aim to have the book published by the end of May.
There’s a huge amount of creativity in the online Illuminist community – unlike braindead Hyperianism where all the slaves do nothing but mindlessly bow to their cult god and send him money – so this should be an amazing project, allowing everyone to SHINE. 
The most ambitious writers could even try to add film locations, camera positions and acting directions, as in an actual movie screenplay.
Given the success of THTTM, this ought to be awesome.
The book will again be sold for 99 cents. For those that don’t know, Amazon takes 69 cents of that! Amazon takes a 70% cut of books from 99 cents to $2.98, and above $9.99, and a 30% cut of books from $2.99 to $9.99. 
Can you believe that in his latest insane deadstream, Rebhahn was complaining about the writing style of Jung and claiming that Jung wasn’t precise enough – says the sword swallower with zero qualifications who commits blatant fallacies and category errors every time he opens his dumb mouth … and CONSTANTLY RIPS OFF JUNG’S IDEAS. It’s not as if Rebhahn has ever said anything original in his life. His deadstreams are always concerned with the ideas of others. He has zero ideas of his own, and will NEVER say anything of his own. Absolutely nothing of what he says – very badly – originated with him. All he does is butcher the good ideas of others and turn them into insane Woke drivel. 
Can you believe that this guy wants you to get his books rather than those of Jung, Hegel, the AC/PI, and all the other thinkers whose ideas he shamelessly plunders and plagiarizes. This is exactly how the world gets dumber and dumber. Rebhahn is a particularly stupid, uneducated person and, as Bertrand Russell pointed out:
“A stupid man’s report of what a clever man says is never accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something that he can understand.”
Rebhahn is forever fucking up the intelligent ideas he stole from others – he never understood them in the first place. After all, he’s a sword swallower from a freakshow with zero qualifications, and never even attended school.
Bertrand Russell said, “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves…” And that’s nowhere truer than with MALIGNANT NARCISSISTS like Corey Rebhahn. These people – suffering from insane grandiosity and absolute self-delusion – imagine they are infallible gods enlightening the world (you know, exactly as Rebhahn does). Rebhahn is supported by carpet cleaner Philip Shope, farmers’ market dogsbody Allie Torgensen, and rich retiree Susan Michell. and these people think they are smarter than every academic on earth. Isn’t that mind-boggling? Who needs an education system when people with no education can spew their garbage at the world? Hyperianism is the exact definition of an IDIOCRACY. There are zero intelligent people in Hyperianism. No academic would go within a million miles of that toxic scene. Hyperianism is in every way a manifestation of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Bill Maher said,
“The problem is that the people with the most ridiculous ideas are always the people who are most certain of them.”
It’s amazing how much Rebhahn’s slaves believe his shit, no matter how many times it is refuted.
David Dunning said,
“For poor performers to recognize their ineptitude would require them to possess the very expertise they lack.”
David Dunning said,
“If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. When you’re incompetent, the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is.”
Hyperians simply cannot grasp how incompetent they are, and Rebhahn is. 
David Dunning said,
“To fall prey to another person you have to fall prey to your belief that you’re a good judge of character, that you know the situation, that you’re on solid ground as opposed to shifty ground.”
ALL Hyperians believe they are wonderful judges of character, when in fact they judge people purely on the basis of who is Woke, and who isn’t. Their DEFINITION of “good character” is being Woke, and supporting the Woke causes they support.
David Dunning said,
“To recognize superior expertise would require people to have already a surfeit of expertise themselves.
Hyperians have no expertise. Their leader didn’t even go to school.
David Dunning said,
“We’re living in a world in which we’re awash with information and misinformation. We live in a post-truth world.”
Hyperianism pours out misinformation and has absolute hatred for the truth and reality.
David Dunning said,
“What’s curious is that, in many cases, incompetence does not leave people disoriented, perplexed, or cautious. Instead, the incompetent are often blessed with an inappropriate confidence, buoyed by something that feels to them like knowledge.”
This is the key to this. Hyperians FEEL that they are getting knowledge, when they are in fact just being relentlessly deceived by a total conman who provably has no education and no qualifications.
David Dunning said,
“When people are uninformed, they know they don’t know the answer, and so they will be more open to hearing from others with real expertise. If we think they know enough, however, we’ll just cobble together what seems to us to be the best response possible to someone asking us our opinion, or a policy, or what we think. Unfortunately we’re programmed to know enough to cobble together an answer.”
Hyperianism is all about a sword swallower cobbling together bad answers.
David Dunning said,
“In many areas of life, incompetent people do not recognize — scratch that, cannot recognize — just how incompetent they are.”
And thus … HYPERIANISM. Every major claim made by Rebhahn has been explicitly refuted by us, yet he just keeps repeating his fallacies, and being believed by his slaves.
Have you noticed that Rebhahn’s getting desperate about his Patreon – he’s CONSTANTLY mentioning it, constantly begging for more support to keep a roof over his head. Things are getting tough in Tinsel Town! Rebhahn doesn’t use his private pool anymore!
Go to the bottom of yesterday’s Daily Whistle post and watch Rebhahn saying the following on Twitter:
“My problem is I am not a good enough liar to hide my contempt for people.” 
Consider this statement very carefully. When, during his deadstreams, does Woke Jesus Morgue ever saying he is hiding CONTEMPT for people? So, either he has NO contempt for people these days (contrary to what he said on Twitter) OR … HE IS A GOOD ENOUGH LIAR TO HIDE HIS CONTEMPT FOR PEOPLE, AND NOW KEEPS HIS ABSOLUTE CONTEMPT FOR OTHERS TO HIMSELF. Bad for business, you see! Woke people don’t like to listen to Woke Messiahs saying how much they hate people, and how much contempt they have for them. Edgelord Morgue had no problem saying it, but Woke Morgue will NEVER say it. Why don’t people realize that this conman is permanently lying to them?
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Illuminist Army Book