The Anti-Meritocracy of Wokeness, Hyperianism & MorgueOfficial



The world now revolves around one word – JUDGMENT. To judge, or not to judge, that is the question. Meritocracy is all about judgment. People are always being judged with regard to their merit. Everyone is always having their mettle tested. The whole point of meritocracy is to create a society that can be actively judged to be getting better and better, smarter and smarter, more and more successful, achieving more and more. After all, the task is to optimize everyone, and how are we determine that if we aren’t constantly judging how close to, or how far from, people are to being optimal? We must judge what “optimal” means. We must judge everything. We must, above all, judge what is the one, absolute, objective Truth, and that automatically entails judging what are the infinite, subjective, relative lies.

Cultures must be judged. Which cultures are healthy and which diseased? Religions must be judged. Do they have value, or are they toxic? All political systems, economic systems, and so on, must have judgment passed on them. If you have been paying any serious attention to our work across more than 200 books, you will see that they are all about passing judgment on everything, in order to determine what humanity should do to EVOLVE, to become a society of the divine, a community of gods, to maximize human potential and fully actualize everyone.

There are countless people in the world – the Woke, full of all their New Age drivel – who absolutely despise judgment. They rail against it. Their idea of a perfect world and perfect humanity is “living non-judgmentally in the moment”. You know, like cattle, or sheep. No one is to be judged. Everyone is allowed to be whatever they want to be, whatever they want to identify as, whatever they feel like from moment to moment, no questions asked. All opinions are to be treated as of exactly equal worth. A professor has no more worth regarding his opinions than a person with no qualifications regarding anything.

Non-judgmental Wokeness declares the sanctity of ALL PATHS AND ALL TRUTHS. Everyone is right. Everyone is part of the solution. The Woke guru Ken Wilber said,

“I have one major rule: Everybody is right. More specifically, everybody — including me — has some important pieces of truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace.”

Wokeness replaces judgment with “compassion” and “empathy”.

All cultures are to be equally respected, i.e., we are to have a multiculture, and hell take you if you declare that some cultures are superior to others and the better cultures should be reinforced and the worse cultures driven into oblivion.

All religions are to be equally respected. The Woke love Islam even though if Islam ruled the world it would put all of the Woke to death for rejecting the one, true God, Allah!

Wokeness is a system of anti-judgment, the demonization of judgment, the desire to remove judgment from existence. The Woke are TERRIFIED of judgment, of being judged. One wonders why! Well, we all know – they grasp in their dim-witted brains that they will be judged HARSHLY. As losers and failures, as radically sub-optimal. As Corey Rebhahn proudly says, they would rather change the world than change themselves. So, instead of working to become better, they want the world never to pass judgment on them, and they campaign against all systems of judgment and declare them “hateful”, “bigoted”, “intolerant”, “disrespectful”, “fascist”, “totalitarian”, “N**i”. Judgment itself is now, apparently, the essence of N**ism. Anyone who judges anything is branded a N**i. The Woke embrace judgment in only one way, and that is to judge and condemn all those who oppose Wokeness as N**IS.

Let’s consider Hyperianism itself. Hilariously enough, it’s a DICTATORSHIP. Corey Rebhahn, the Woke Fuehrer, cannot be challenged. He can’t be replaced by anyone. A more meritorious person – not associated with scandal, plagiarism, criminality – CANNOT come along and replace him. There is no mechanism for such a thing. It’s not allowed. No one can replace any of the mods either, except if they rebel against Rebhahn, and then they are, as we all know, automatically unpersons, likely to be swatted.

This is because Hyperianism is not any kind of movement or activist group. It’s a cult, a religion, and its GOD is Corey Rebhahn. You can replace leaders, you cannot replace GOD. Rebhahn is worshiped by his cult slaves. It’s not what he says that matters. Anyone interested in the sorts of things he talks about has access to the Source material – our 200 books – but no one cares about the material. They care about HIM. They are in love with him, and he is entirely devoted to securing this love – because he’s a malignant narcissist. Hyperianism is a love cult. The cult slaves all love Corey Rebhahn. Nothing he says or does can stop their love. The Terrors of Men filth? Who cares? Strangling bitches, calling women sluts, stabbing people with steak knives, calling for homicide and suicide. Who cares? It’s just “art”, right? Making false and malicious complaints to the FBI, swatting people, smearing the people from whom he plagiarized his ideas, canceling the website of the people whose ideas he stole, threatening to cancel the books of the people whose ideas he plundered, issuing cease and desist notices and threatening to sue for defamation, who cares? No Hyperian does. ANYTHING that Corey Rebhahn says or does is perfect! Because he is GOD.

Hyperianism is the purest cult you can get. Rebhahn can get away with ANYTHING.

Take, as a signature example of a cult slave, the maniac Hyperian PUKES. She said, regarding all the charges Rebhahn faces,

“You all just claim its Morgue. No proof. Just jumping to conclusions. Just like how many claimed it was Morgues fault about the website, but it was website host that took it down. And it’s no wonder, they probably saw what the AC was turning into, and didnt want any involvement. The AC have slandered so many people that it could have been anyone that called authorities. But you are blinded by anger and hate, you jump to irrational conclusions. A rational person would be able to see that there is more than one possibility. The irrational assume they know without looking at the possibilities.”

So, the MOUNTAIN of evidence that we have presented against Rebhahn is entirely ignored. We even showed screenshots of the Rebhahn gang discussing their FBI complaint. But what does PUKES care? She didn’t get to where she didn’t get to by accepting reality! So, apparently our website host just, you know, decided to take down our site, unbidden, with no complaint by anyone. Apparently, that’s a thing – according to PUKES (with no evidence at all, yet she accuses us of having no evidence!). It had zero to do with Rebhahn and his gang, supposedly.

Well, PUKES, it’s a big day for you. Have a look at the following screenshots. Now, we don’t expect them to have any effect at all – you are 100% retarded and disconnected from reality – but we want your fellow Hyperian nutjobs to know exactly how delusional you are! Here we go:

The Anti-Meritocracy of Wokeness, Hyperianism and MorgueOfficial

Rebhahn says on August 10, 2020,

“I’d like to share a development. Please be careful with how this is approached publicly.”

So, this is when the criminal Corey Rebhahn announced to his gang that he had succeeded in canceling the AC by complaining to our host. The agreed “public approach” by the cabal was TO SAY NOTHING about what they had done, so that morons like PUKES could believe that it was nothing to do with the actions of Rebhahn. And that strategy WORKED. If you say nothing, your cult slaves will NEVER question you and never believe that you did what you did. The Rebhahn gang whines about “censorship” despite being the essence of cancel culture!

The Anti-Meritocracy of Wokeness, Hyperianism and MorgueOfficial

The pervert and deviant Phillip Shope says,

“Do you know if this will be long term?”

Rebhahn, a degenerate pervert and self-confessed murderer (!), said with extreme relish,

“Oh yes. They can’t use that hosting service again. They could get a new host though.”

The sick, diseased freak Immensely Fat Jan weighed in with:

“I’m so thrilled.”

By the way, our hosting service sent us a message asking us to discuss the matter. We never replied. The fact that our website was canceled by these Rebhahn maniacs, we regarded as PURE GOLD … direct, absolute proof of what we are up against! And the Daily Whistle has actually been a far superior platform for attacking the Rebhahn cult. A total win-win situation.

Hyperianism and MorgueOfficial

Here the gimps discuss their crime with relish.

The Anti-Meritocracy of Wokeness

And here the dimwits try to work out where Illuminati HQ is, based on the IP address of the AC website they just got canceled. Er, if we were personally hosting the website, you couldn’t have canceled it, you fuckwits! And we wouldn’t be hosting it in our HQ. Duh!

Hyperianism and MorgueOfficial

If you wondered why we call Kassidy a retarded fucking cunt and a totally fucking sick, disgusting animal … here’s why. She is a top donor to this gang and actively collaborates with them. Kassidy Lying Cuntman is as much of a piece of shit as they are; completely in cahoots with these criminals. Some people say that the cultists are victims. We don’t. We say they are as guilty as Rebhahn. They keep the whole shitshow on the road. ALL of these people are 100% accountable for their actions. They will all be JUDGED.

So, PUKES, what shit are you going to come up with now to excuse your GOD? Why don’t you just ask him to explain these screenshots? Send him a superchat! It couldn’t be any easier. But, of course, you will NEVER question Rebhahn. Because you are a cult slave and you cannot back out of this now. You are all the way down the shithole, and you are never coming back out. No amount of proof could convince you of anything. You would reject all of it instantly – because that’s the kind of person you are, a person who despises the truth and would never accept the truth over lies.

This PUKES person – what a total fucking weirdo – is a natural-born liar, and truth can never reach these people and never persuade them. They believe whatever FEELS GOOD to them to believe. And it feels good to PUKES to worship Corey Rebhahn and always believe him.

By the way, here’s Rebhahn from a few years ago, with his face superimposed over the AC website, the very one from which he stole all of his ideas and then got canceled!!!

This is precisely why we regard this person as an animal, a beast, the very essence of a vile, rank traitor.

Care to comment, PUKES? Didn’t think so. You know, at 3 o’clock in the morning, in the dark night of the soul, even lying degenerate scum like you – who keep calling US liars despite all the evidence to the contrary – must realize you are a truly disgusting, valueless, repulsive human being, actively collaborating with liars and criminals. The story of your life, right?! The truth would KILL a piece of shit like you. You are the woman who posted pictures of her children on Facebook, and then complained about people merely linking to your public Facebook profile showing your children – that you put there! What a piece of work. A total nutjob. Therefore, the PERFECT Hyperian.

No Hyperian is innocent. 100% of them are guilty. Everyone is accountable for their actions. There are no excuses. Everyone is a moral agent and can and will be judged for their chosen actions. 100% of Hyperians choose to worship Rebhahn, a disgusting criminal and degenerate. That is ENTIRELY on them. We gave everyone the facts. All the sensible people reacted to the facts and left Hyperianism. Those that remained made an active choice to do so, and so are every bit as guilty as the man they adore. It’s “joint enterprise”, in the criminal jargon. They all know what is going on, but go along with it anyway.

It’s pointless to have a thinking debate with Hyperians. They DON’T think. They are extreme feeling types. What they FEEL is all that counts to them. They don’t give a fuck about truth, facts, proof. PUKES loves Rebhahn and that’s the end of all discussion right there. She will fit the narrative to whatever exonerates Rebhahn and condemns us. That’s the way these pointless people roll. They are incapable of thinking about what is happening here. None of this is complicated. It’s simplicity itself. But people like PUKES simply refuse to accept reality. Only fantasy serves their needs. These people have a COMPULSION to believe in Rebhahn.

Rebhahn utterly betrayed the AC, but PUKES would never betray Rebhahn.

Oscar Wilde said,

“Yet each man kills the thing he loves. By each let this be heard. Some do it with a bitter look. Some with a flattering word. The coward does it with a kiss. The brave man with a sword.”

Corey Rebhahn absolutely LOVED the AC – his whole life was changed and transformed by it – and then the coward killed it via a cowardly, lying complaint to our host. Such is life. These scumbags always prove their true character … that they are VERMIN … that they are subhuman.

Mina Lotus aka Pauline King Shannon (PUKES) said,

“Sanja Jan Err… that’s annoying af. The whole; I did this, but I’m gonna play victim. Instead of owning it and taking any accountability. Okay, Amber Heard!”

Hmmm, guess who signed the letter “Standing with Johnny Depp“)? You guessed it … Pauline King Shannon (6330. Pauline King Shannon, “Artist”, London):

We realized Mina Lotus was the Pukey One when exactly the same obscure reference was used by Pukey and then by “Mina Lotus”.

So, if you want to know why Rebhahn never has any experts on his deadstreams, here’s why. He tried the experiment once, with minor philosopher Peter Sjöstedt-H, the panpsychist and unconditional advocate, like Rebhahn, of psychedelics. The video of their “interaction” is this one: “Philosophy of Mind: Why Scientism is a Faith and Psychedelics with Peter Sjöstedt-H“.

You will see that Peter Sjöstedt-H is ENORMOUSLY superior to Rebhahn, vastly better informed, infinitely more qualified, much more fluent, impressive and confident, and just talks over the clown Rebhahn.

Under the video, Kaitlin Montgomery said,

“Off topic but I noticed Morgue blinks a lot. I could just be projecting here, but I blink excessively and I notice it happens when I’m trying to hold a mask required to interact. I am Autistic and it’s really hard to not blink fifty million times.”

So, was Rebhahn “holding a mask required to interact”? We believe that Rebhahn is indeed on the autistic spectrum. Professor Sam Vaknin points to the links between psychopathy, pathological narcissism and autism. All are marked by a lack of empathy. Con men like Rebhahn simply fake empathy as a central part of their con. It must have been an enormous strain for Rebhahn talking to Peter Sjöstedt-H. He never repeated the exercise.

Imagine trying to hold a conversation with an intellectual like Peter Sjöstedt-H when you are merely faking being an intellectual, as Rebhahn does. Rebhahn is a cerebral narcissist not an intellectual, i.e., he poses as an intellectual without being one. He has no education and no qualifications and is a criminal plagiarist of the ideas and work of others.

Hyperian John Jerome Paten said of the video,

“I like that guy but you could hardly get a word in edgewise, maybe you are a lil to polite lol.”

That’s because an informed individual was up against an uninformed fake!

Amorow said,

“I’d love to see you engage with more philosophers and scientists like this. Donald Hoffman comes to mind.”

HAHAHAHA. No intellectual would be seen dead with this guy. The only people who take this moron Rebhahn seriously are his own cult slaves!

quicky82 said,

“Great discussion; really interesting. You should see if Bernardo Kastrup would be up for an interview; he’s another idealist philosopher familiar with psychedelics. I bet you’d find a lot to discuss with each other.”

That would be a MASSACRE. Go on, Rebhahn, make it happen! Heeeeeee.

Rebhahn, to maintain his authority, must NOT be seen with actual authorities, with bona fide experts as opposed to total frauds like himself. They would DESTROY him and his cult would be ended, so there will NEVER be anyone at all appearing alongside Rebhahn.

Rebhahn claimed to solve the greatest philosophical problem of all time. No qualified person agreed, although all of his brainwashed cult slaves did (!). We have totally refuted all of Rebhahn’s arguments. Now, if this person were any kind of intellectual, he would feel it essential to respond to our rebuttal and seek to refute our points to prove his merit and defend his earth-shattering, world-changing “proof”. But Rebhahn ignores EVERYTHING, just keeps repeating the same disproven crap, and not one of his cult slaves EVER asks him about any of this. What, aren’t they interested in the subject? Don’t they want to know Rebhahn’s response to the total demolition of his claims? But they just don’t care. They don’t care about the PSR, or intellectualism, or anything Rebhahn says. They just LOVE HIM and LOVE THE COMMUNITY. And that’s it. These people talk about reason and logic, while never using reason and logic. Any rational and logical person would of course DEMAND that Rebhahn replies to the disproof of what he bragged was the answer to the greatest philosophical problem of all time.

He has either solved it or he hasn’t. That’s logic for ya! So, which is it? We have proved that he doesn’t have a fucking clue what the PSR even is. Why don’t all you cult slaves ask your God to have a deadstream where he DEFENDS his so-called answer against our proof that he doesn’t understand the PSR in the slightest? It’s eternal and necessary existence, ontologically expressed through monads and their constituent sinusoids. It’s not some free-floating abstraction that could or could not exist and is in some sort of competition with “impossibility” (something that can be defined only in relation to the PSR!).

Or do you literally not give a damn what this guy says and claims? He’s either telling you useful information or telling you nonsense. Don’t you care which? You obviously don’t. We have trashed ALL of Rebhahn’s ideas. Why don’t you Hyperian cult slaves demand that he answers what we have said? It’s because you don’t actually give a fuck what he says. It’s irrelevant to you. All you care about are your feelings concerning him, yourselves and the “community”. The truth is 100% irrelevant to this scene. If the truth mattered, you would question Rebhahn. You would seek to establish his merit. But you don’t. It doesn’t matter in the slightest to you. Because you hate truth and you hate merit.

No one in Hyperianism is serious. No one takes ideas seriously, They don’t care if Rebhahn talks crap to them. The truth does not concern them. They’re not “learning” anything. Learning is about learning the truth … not about learning Woke crap spouted by a plagiarist with no education and no qualifications who reads out articles from medium dot com or gnosis dot org, or whatever, which anyone could read for themselves. You can read our 200 books if you want actual Source information, unavailable anywhere else, but you don’t. The point of the Hyperian exercise is to be WOKE in a WOKE community, and that’s it. Being Woke trumps everything. Nothing else is pertinent. Truth is always irrelevant to Hyperians. Only Wokeness is relevant.

To avoid the accusation that they have zero interest in the truth, Hyperians claim that they are “freethinkers” and like to encounter all sorts of ideas. So, the defense here is that freethinkers should not be “constrained” by the truth, and it’s always wonderful to entertain lies – it shows how open-minded and freethinking you are (apparently)! Of course, if you have that attitude – as mental defectives like Dyslexic Fairy and Tyler Esse have – then why would you EVER be bothered by what is true and what is false, right? Because it’s irrelevant to being open-minded, freethinking and Woke, right?

Plagiarism? – who cares! Making malicious complaints to the FBI? – who cares! Canceling the AC – who cares! Because if you don’t care about the truth then who cares about anything? Anything goes. All paths and all “truths”, right? Everything is just a subjective and relative opinion, right? And when that’s what people actually believe then you end up with sick, degenerate cults such as Hyperianism, truth-free zones where not a single person asks the cult god to actually back up his “truths”. BECAUSE THEY DON’T GIVE A FUCK WHAT THE TRUTH IS. Why would they – they’re dumb as fuck, and truth is never of interest to stupid people. It’s their alienation from the truth that makes them stupid. How can you be intelligent if you don’t care what is true and what is false? Hyperians don’t care. Not in the slightest. Look at geniuses like Kim What Line?, Angela thick as a bucket, Maria Weirdling, Kassidy Retard, Dyslexic Away with the Fairies, PUKES, Lisa Wacky, and all the rest of the repulsive, cringe cretins who constitute Rebhahn’s harem of unthinking slaves, 100% intellectually challenged one and all. Seriously, does anyone anywhere imagine that these people are bothered about the PSR or One Mind versus a Hive Mind, or Being versus Becoming, or whatever? They have less than no interest.

They all suffer from BPD (borderline personality disorder), or covert narcissism, or they are inverted narcissists who actively can’t live without narcs in their lives.

Here’s a video about 8 Signs Of A Malignant Narcissist.

Check it out:

The creepy thing about Hyperianism, is that malignant narcissism isn’t just accepted by the Hyperians, it’s what the cult is all about. Rebhahn is worshiped BECAUSE he is a malignant narcissist!

Hyperianism is a scene 100% devoid of merit. It’s a religion, not a meritocracy. Truth doesn’t matter. Faith alone counts. The members of Rebhahn’s sick cult have total faith, and, as we all know from the example of Abrahamism, it’s close to impossible to remove a person’s faith. Truth doesn’t matter, facts, evidence, proof, reason and logic, and anything else, will never prevail against absolute faith.

All you can do is seek to psychologically undermine their faith, and one day their faith can just vanish. They suddenly realize that everything they believe is total nonsense and this is no way to live life. But it can take many years!

Thinking types care about truth because it’s impossible to think properly in the absence of the truth. Feeling types don’t care about the truth because their feelings ARE their truth and lies invariably make them feel better than the actual truth and therefore their “truth” is the set of lies they believe that make them feel good. Hence a cult such as Hyperianism.

A world governed by feelings is automatically a lying world. Woke world – entirely about emotions – is the very definition of a truth-free world and therefore an absolute IDIOCRACY. Extreme feeling types cannot help but be stupid because if you are not directed by the truth then you are directed by lies, and lies are stupid and create mad fantasies. Just look at the Abrahamic religions – dumb, dumb, dumb. And just look at Hyperianism. A gang of cretins on social media trolling smart people! Because … it feels good, it feels, right, it feels, “true”!!!

Truth cannot, in human circles, beat liars. They have to succumb to alternative lies! Eventually, the Hyperians will find even better liars than Rebhahn and leave his sinking ship. They will never turn to the TRUTH.



Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Meritocracy