Hyperian Betrayal Trauma




8/13/2022 Post #3
Wrath wrote a fascinating post about “betrayal trauma”. He said, “Jennifer J. Freyd, Ph.D. in Psychology, is known for her theory of betrayal trauma, which covers various topics including betrayal blindness. She states that betrayal blindness is the unawareness, not-knowing, and forgetting exhibited by people towards betrayal. Victims (in this case Hyperians) may display betrayal blindness in order to preserve relationships, institutions, and social systems upon which they depend. Sound like anyone you know? ————————————- They call him Morgue because its where brain cells go to die. ————————————-“
Betrayal trauma is such a powerful concept. Rachel Larson wrote, “Betrayal trauma is the trauma that results from betrayal by a trusted person or institution. Betrayal trauma theory seeks to understand how an individual will interpret that betrayal and store it in his or her memory. This theory predicts that the more necessary a person or institution is deemed to be in a person’s life, the more likely there will be an ‘unawareness’ or ‘blindness’ to that betrayal. Third party observers are often left wondering, how can they not see what is happening?”
This is clearly what is happening within Hyperianism. All those left – ALL OF THEM – just act as if nothing is happening, as if everything is the same as it always was. Corey (Morgue) says exactly the same things, never once mentioning the departure of moderators, creators, top supporters, scores of people, many Patrons and so on. And everyone just goes along with it. NO ONE asks awkward questions. No one says anything to upset the applecart. Everyone knows exactly what to say. It’s pure Orwellian doublethink. Orwell wrote, “… to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself — that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word — doublethink — involved the use of doublethink.”
All the Hyperians are in this state. Who did this to them? Their cult leader did.
Rachel Larson wrote, “In order to cope, the mind of the survivor blocks out the painful information so that it can focus on the more basic needs of survival and attachment. This is called betrayal blindness — it’s how we can not know what is right in front of our faces. This can explain why a child can have what appears to be a good, healthy relationship with a trusted caregiver who is secretly abusing them. Or why someone stays in an abusive relationship, and makes excuses for their partner.”
Hyperians are blinding themselves to what is staring them in the face. They CANNOT accept it. They have invested so much in this cult leader, placed so much faith in him, that they just cannot ever face the facts. They constantly reformulate the facts to whatever they want them to be. The truth can never penetrate.
Rachel Larson wrote, “A person can be suffering from betrayal trauma and not yet be aware of the betrayal. That nagging sense that something is off in the relationship, that something isn’t quite right, can be a clue of betrayal trauma.”
Many things have not yet “exploded” in Hyperianism. Everyone is aware at some level that something is terribly wrong, but it will take these people months to realize they have been relentlessly groomed and brainwashed for months and years by their cult leader. But it will all catch up with Corey in the end.
Rachel Larson wrote, “Here are several ways betrayal trauma alters the mind and body: 1) Alexithymia: Being unable or find it very difficult to recognize your own emotions and/or describe them. 2) Physical symptoms: In his book The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel van der Kolk expounds upon the ideas that the body stores everything and how trauma can have significant physiological impacts on the brain and body. While the mind can blind us to the pain of betrayal, the body remembers. This can manifest in headaches, stomach aches, chronic fatigue, obesity, gastrointestinal issues, sleep issues, laryngitis, a weakened immune system, and so on. 3) Increased dissociation: The feeling of being ‘in a fog’ or ‘zoned out’ is dissociation; you’re vaguely aware of your emotions and feelings, but not really being able to clearly grasp them. 4) Anxiety: This can either manifest as a generalized anxiety or specific fears related to the betrayal, like anxiety about your relationship. 5) Depression: When you are unable to recognize and/or express your emotions, depression becomes more likely.”
The remaining Hyperians have actually gone into a dissociative state. Rachel Larson wrote, “Betrayal trauma, like all trauma, can have long term damaging effects on both your psychological and physical health. The mind often has created a dissociation to deal with painful betrayal. This is meant to be a temporary strategy to help you cope through the event until you have the strength and resources to face your pain and heal it. Without proper treatment, the damaging effects may deepen and escalate, leading to other problems like hyper-independence and trust issues.”
All of this is playing out – very slowly – within the Hyperian community. It’s horrific.
And have you noticed that as the Hyperian community shrinks, it tries to EXPAND its number of livestreams, to pretend that everything is going great. All of them are now spending all of their lives on this drivel of theirs. They have totally doubled down. The world now has to have “Jan” inflicted on it three times a week – to shore up Corey’s image!
Spare us!