Philip Pullman said,
“Epic heroes seem to be at some distance from themselves. This realisation lies behind the crazy and yet tantalisingly rich idea of Julian Jaynes, whose book ‘The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind’ puts forward the bizarre suggestion that human beings only became conscious in the modern sense during the past four thousand years; that until then, they heard the promptings of conscience, or temptation, or inspiration, as the voices of gods, coming apparently from elsewhere, with no sense that their own minds were responsible. He instances Achilles in the Iliad, experiencing his own reluctance to strike Agamemnon as the goddess Athena seizing his golden hair and pulling him back.”
So, is bicameralism actually still happening everywhere? Instead of obeying voices they hear on the inside as if they are from the outside, people obey voices from the outside as if they were their own inside voice.
Why are so many people obsessed with celebrities, influencers, cult leaders and the like? Well, Julian Jaynes already gave the answer – people are looking for their lost gods! They cannot authorize themselves, so they need others to authorize them, control them, command them, give them a meaning and purpose.
Humanity is staggeringly lacking in AUTONOMOUS individuals.
People want to have their behavior guided by a voice, but not their own. That’s too painful, too onerous, too demanding for them.
In “His Dark Materials”, Philip Pullman imagined that his characters had external souls – daemons (spirit-animals) – which accompanied them everywhere and partly served the function of the bicameral guiding voice.
According to Jaynes, people resorted to divination when the gods’ voices fell silent. In “His Dark Materials”, Pullman’s protagonist Lyra has a truth device – an alethiometer – to serve the divination function. Many people today still read their astrology charts.
Sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick – who had a mental breakdown and heard voices – was very keen on Jaynes’s work.
Dick wrote to an editor, “…on to news about VALIS. The issue of TIME MAGAZINE which I told you about is off the stands, so I presume you were not able to get hold of a copy. I have the book which it discussed: Julian Jaynes’ THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BICAMERAL MIND (cost me $13, but it was well worth it). Here is his stunning theory, based on a decade of research:
“Humans originally were bicameral — that is, they used two hemispheres of the mind (‘bicameral’ means ‘two-chambered’). The left hemisphere was used for speech; the right contained the inner voices of the gods or dead or living kings, which the bicameral man heard as commands to do what was socially necessary; i.e. the inner command voices kept him at his tasks. Extraordinary as it may seem to us, when a king died, his people continued to hear his voice on an inner basis, for some time after he was dead; this is why in the most ancient cultures throughout the world the dead king’s body was provided with food, etc., since he, in the form of his voice, was very much alive to his followers. However, somewhere between two and one thousand B.C. man began not to hear these inner command voices; as Jaynes puts it, ‘The gods fell silent.’ Man made frantic and even somewhat tragic efforts to get the gods to talk to him as before; for example, this is what the Delphic Sibyls did: they spoke for the god Apollo, but by that time (600 B.C. to 100 A.D.) only a few simple peasant girls could hear the godly voices. And finally even they could not. By 100 A.D. no one could hear the voices of the gods anymore.
“In reading Jaynes’ book I discover that although he is very certain (and very correct) that these inner command voices issued out of man’s right hemispheres, in no way is Jaynes really sure what specifically the voices were, if you follow me. He does not even really claim to know, although he speaks of them sometimes as being introjected voices of former kings now dead. He does not seem to believe or claim that this is all that these voices were mainly he concentrates on the human agony of the loss of these voices, due, he says, to the rise of consciousness in the left hemispheres of men so that they so to speak gave themselves their own commands, were no longer automatons reacting to command voices from their right hemispheres. Bicameral man ceased to exist and modern man took his place. Modern man, as Ornstein says, is cut off from his right hemisphere, from whatever it is now doing — which seems to be a lot, according to Ornstein and Joe Bogen and other researchers, such as I quoted in A SCANNER DARKLY.
“Nowhere, though, does anyone except Jaynes — and this is the marvel of his theory — advance the idea that at any time did the right hemisphere speak to the left. Jaynes says, and I think rightly, that this falling silent of the godly voices is what has come down to us as the myth of the Fall. At one time man talked and walked with his god, but that all ended; hence we speak of the Fall. And the idea of Original Sin is that we ourselves were responsible for these godly voices falling perpetually silent, as they remain up to this day.
“Well, now, consider my novel VALIS. Here is an ancient teaching satellite which is also an ancient invisible ‘godly’ life form. Look at what I can add to my book based on Jaynes’ book — which due to the TIME article is probably being widely read and discussed, now. Obviously, VALIS/Zebra is the source of these inner godly voices; the right hemisphere is a transducer-receiver for VALIS/Zebra, and at one time VALIS/Zebra spoke to man in exactly the way that Jaynes describes. I therefore in VALIS am saying what the source of those now-silent voices is, which Jaynes does not for the simple reason that he cannot and hence does not try. I say, there was VALIS long ago, talking with man as I talk with other men now. However, I differ with Jaynes in certain crucial respects (and I wrote him a long letter yesterday to outline this); VALIS/Zebra still instructs man, but now it is done subliminally, in dreams, and in invisible manipulation of man’s acts through engramming and disinhibition. VALIS/Zebra works on, but in secret. Thus I wrote to Jaynes that although we do not hear the gods any more, that does not mean that they are no longer there and no longer active. To think that because we fail to hear them they no longer exist is a failure to think logically and in fact practically. It would be as if I believed that after you and I, Mark, ceased talking on the phone the other night, you ceased to exist — because I could no longer hear you. (I also pointed out to Jaynes that the voices of the gods still direct us in the form of what we call conscience, which I’m surprised he didn’t think of).
“The main value for my book VALIS is that just as the work of Ornstein and Bogen formed a scientific basis for A SCANNER DARKLY, so will Jaynes’ revolutionary new work form a scientific basis for VALIS. Jaynes has not really gone far enough (he says, however, that he plans to push his work further in a forthcoming book). He makes a completely convincing case for the ‘lost inner command voices of the gods which have now fallen silent’ but he does not try to explain the objective origin of the voices (by the way, he says that in our times, among modern man, the voices show up as the hallucinated voices which schizophrenics hear, that in fact schizophrenics are the remnants of bicameral man, unable to function, not understood or appreciate, in the modern world; also, the voices which schizophrenics hear tend to deride them rather than guide them: they are demon voices, not godly voices).
“That fits in with my book VALIS inasmuch as Houston Paige either is schizophrenic or fears that he is. A good scene might be one in which Paige, tottering on the edge of schizophrenia, begins to hallucinate, but instead of hearing godly command voices which instruct him as to how to cope with stress situations, they, as is so common in such voices, mock and insult him, a travesty of the ancient godly voices — these voices, in fact, in degenerate form.
“I will have Sadassa Sylvia be reading Jaynes’ book. She, of course, will suppose that the now-silent godly command voices issued from the Aramchek satellite. Meanwhile Paige, who also has read the book (or anyhow the article in TIME) supposes that these voices emanated from Zebra.
“The point is, Jaynes’ theory, research and book form the first scientific basis for VALIS/Zebra that I’ve yet come across, except, of course, the gene pool abreaction and disinhibition which I believe I already mentioned to you. The advantage to this is that TIME has given it good publicity.
“I frankly don’t think that Jaynes in his forthcoming work is going to be able to give a satisfactory account (assuming he tries to) of the objective origin of the right hemisphere command voices. Also, I am not thoroughly satisfied as to the reason he gives for them falling silent; i.e. the rise of modern conscious man; after all, aren’t there primitive tribes today who would have, we should suppose, whatever archaic kind of mind our own cultural ancestors once had? But they, too, no longer hear any godly inner voices, yet they are at least as primitive as the Greeks and Hebrews of one thousand B.C. It seems more likely to me that the source of these voices fell silent, rather than the way Jaynes supposes it: that we simply can’t hear them now because of changes in us. … Phil”
Dick directly wrote to Jaynes in 1977. Wow – two geniuses in direct contact!
People in cults hear the cult leader as if hearing a bicameral voice. He’s in their head. They have internalized all of his beliefs. They are extensions of him. They are all in his shared fantasy.
Sam Vaknin said,
“Julian Jaynes (‘The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind’, 1976) was the most forceful advocate of the idea of bicameralism and the bicameral mind: that supernatural revelation was merely how some people experienced a channel of communication between their cerebral hemispheres. Modern day ambient noise, information pollution, stress, and abnormal living conditions in cities served to suppress and extinguish this intracranial exchange, except in cases of schizophrenia. Instead, we developed compensatory introspection, self-awareness, and consciousness.”
Is there any bigger idea than that the hemispheres of the brain can experience each other as separate, and can hear the other hemisphere as if it were a different mind, a different voice? Schizophrenics can hear internally-generated voices as if they were external voices. And that means that the opposite can happen, i.e., external voices can be heard as if they were internal voices. The pathological narcissist is in the game of converting external voices into internal voices that constantly praise him, and that’s how he’s able to have a sense of self-worth. A malignant narc is actually a person full of self-shame and self-hate and is in severe danger of suicide unless he can attract “external regulation” to tell him how “brilliant” and “amazing” he is. But it’s not really external regulation. The narc converts all of his worshipers into internal objects whom he treats as perfect and who give him perfect feedback and are incapable of criticizing him. To see how the system works, just look at a cult such as Neogenianism. 100% of the cult slaves of Corey Rebhahn (MorgueOfficial) worship him unconditionally and give him all their money and would never dream of raising a single doubt or criticism regarding him. They might as well be extensions of him, reflections of him, because they are incapable of separating from him and individuating. They CANNOT be negative about him in any way to his face.
The central psychological problem of narcs is that they failed to separate and individuate from MOMMY. And they create a cult where their slaves cannot separate and individuate from THEM. They have become the MOMMY of the cultists, who all behave like CHILDREN looking for unconditional love from mommy, and who also give unconditional love to mommy. In fact, Vaknin says that the “children” also become mommies to the narc and relentlessly mother him. This is known as “dual mothership”.
Sam Vaknin said,
“The dual mothership concept: the narcissist becomes your idealizing mother and offers you unconditional love. You, in turn, become the narcissist’s idealizing mother and offer him unconditional love. When you inevitably break up, there is triple mourning: over your idealized self, over the narcissist as your mother and over the narcissist as your child.”
And you can see how true this is of the Neogenian cult. It’s full of strange women and gay men mothering Rebhahn, and also being treated as infants by Rebhahn, as if he is their nurturing, loving, protecting mother.
To anyone not in the cult, it’s REPULSIVE. To those in the cult, it’s an ecstatic return to a childhood, to a childhood they never actually enjoyed since they all had extremely problematic, traumatic childhoods, often associated with religious fundamentalism.
Over the last few days, we have supplied most of the emails we received from Rebhahn. We left out some emails where he was asking dumb questions about OM, and we redacted some content here and there to protect the privacy of various people, but you now basically have the full picture – apart from the final emails.
Here they are, from November 2020:
Morgue <> 4 Nov 2020
Hey there! I hope you’re doing well. I’m currently watching the election results like a hawk. It’s insane here in America right now.
What I’m messaging about actually has nothing to do with that. I just wanted to relay that I’ve been feeling a bit bad about not sharing TLP posts. I just want you to know that I wish I could and that I have tremendous respect for your thoughts, but I seriously think it would get my account flagged and possibly terminated. We are doing so good right now. We are growing like crazy and once Covid starts to ease up we can begin expanding into the real world which will allow us not to depend so heavily on social media. Hyperian Arjun had his YouTube account terminated last week for hate speech without any strikes or warnings and he’s an extremely nice guy whose content is barely controversial at all. Social media is insanely trigger happy right now with regard to banning accounts and flagging groups and I don’t want to risk losing the account or getting Hyperianism as a group flagged. I want to let you know what’s going on, on my end. It’s really frustrating.
Anyway, people are loving the Steve Madison books, by the way. I’m really happy to see that. If you ever want me to include more links, say anything, or whatever else let me know.
I hope you’re staying safe.
Morgue <> 8 Nov 2020
I couldn’t believe they took down Arjun’s channel. You’re right about the channel size. When you’re small you can usually fly under the radar, but if they catch something they don’t like they’ll take it down without hesitation. When you are a bigger channel they are way more likely to scrutinize you because users will flag you constantly, but they’ll be a bit more hesitant to terminate it outright without a few strikes.
We are having some difficulty with Thomas Foster. I won’t get into detail on this situation unless you’d like me to but it’s a situation that I need to deal with because it’s causing a lot of work and stress for our moderators to put it mildly. Before handling it I just want to verify that he doesn’t have any connection with you guys so I don’t inadvertently step on any toes. I highly doubt this is the case but a few mods do because of his writing style and he has hinted at having been told to push Hyperianism etc.
Morgue <> 8 Nov 2020
“To be frank, we are very uncomfortable with a lot of this New Age bullshit which we see being spouted by many Hyperians.
“We really need to address this increasing problem.”
Yes I completely understand. That comment by whoever wooblielocks is, is stupid and nothing but rambling. I wish it were possible to have discussions over the phone to quickly come up with solutions but I know you’ve said that’s not possible. If it ever is please let me know as I feel we could make much quicker progress. I guess I am a bit confused as far as how to go about this. See, I’m attempting to make Hyperianism such that intuitives can grasp it, while at the same time ultimately implementing a level system, much like grades in a school system to reflect higher levels of understanding. As it stands, many who claim to be Hyperian don’t understand Hyperianism at all. But this isn’t necessarily surprising to me. The aim is to get many people interested (even if that is just on a surface level) to provide the medium for propagation to reach far and wide to reach those with the capacity and Will to truly understand. Without that medium we really are dead in the water and talking to an empty room. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of people who don’t fully grasp Hyperianism will still claim to be Hyperian.
Also when it comes to politics, I haven’t spoken about it in great detail for two reasons. The first being that even though I know how important it is, personally I am more drawn to OM and the building of a culture and so I am more inclined to discuss these topics. Second, I know I have been advised by you in the past not to make Hyperianism too political (which I agree with). [Our Comment: Rebhahn had previously said, “Politics are my weakest point… I’d like to move on from politics so I can focus on more important projects. … C is pushing extremely hard for politics and it very well may be something I buckle down on in the future but as of right now it’s just not familiar territory for me. … Politics is the area in which I am least knowledgeable…” We had always thought that for Rebhahn himself to make political statements would have been LAUGHABLE since no one would take him seriously. He would be totally inauthentic and it would be done in total bad faith. However, if other Hyperians had come forward and been political, that would have been a different story. Of course, as we now know, no one else was ever allowed to take the limelight away from Rebhahn! Hyperianism COULD have been political, but Rebhahn would have had to be removed!]
So most Hyperians are completely clueless when it comes to our political stance. I plan on introducing it to them as time goes on.
What I’m trying to say is difficult to get across… But basically that to reach many people it’s not surprising to me we are going to get a lot of people who claim they are Hyperian while spouting nonsense. So if we wish to change that we certainly can but it will significantly diminish our reach. There’s a bit of a Heisenberg uncertainty principle going on.
This is not a perfect example but I’m trying to convey a certain idea… Crowley created Thelema which resonated with many people. Of course many people misunderstood it and spouted nonsense but those in the higher degrees understood what it was truly about.
So Hyperianism has two options. One is to be very purist and most likely only appeal to a very small crowd. The other is to be more along the lines of a “thelema” creation strategy where many people can grasp it intuitively on a surface level and have wide dissemination.
I was always under the impression that Hyperianism was to be more along the lines of the latter which is why I’m not surprised we have people that don’t get it and say some stupid things. But if it is the former, that is certainly possible, I just have to adjust my strategy. Personally, I think the latter would be more effective. … I always thought Hyperianism was a vehicle to inject ideals into the mainstream consciousness.
Morgue <> 8 Nov 2020
As for Thomas, this situation is really tricky because I’m sure from the outside he seems great. And it’s true he is incredibly knowledgeable etc. But from my interactions with him he doesn’t seem to be stable. He has told me his intent is to make Hyperianism into a radical leftist movement. He has taken it into his hands to shape Hyperianism how he sees fit and he refuses to discuss strategy or engage with us in a meaningful discussion. He gets constantly banned from facebook which shows me his way of doing things will go downhill very fast and jeopardize us. He’s shown major disrespect to our moderators and has posted a lengthy post attacking Hyperianism. If people want to help us that’s great but he’s not working with us he’s just going ahead and doing his own thing without any regard to strategy. There is so much I could say here, and I can if necessary.
If you guys did ask Thomas to push us in a certain direction I would totally understand but if that were to be the case I just need to be told because it’s really difficult for me when originally I thought the plan was not to get too heavy in politics and now he wants to make it into a radical leftist political movement. So it puts me in a really confused position if things have changed. If you didn’t tell Thomas to do this, which I don’t think you did, then I really need to do something about him because he simply won’t listen to us and is making posts that will cause division.
Things really get lost in translation over typing. I hope you see that I don’t mean to come across in any negative way here, I’m honestly just really confused and trying to figure out what’s going on and I want to do what is best for the movement.
[Our Comment: Thomas Foster should have been the leader of Hyperianism. Then it would have been totally radical!]
Morgue <> 9 Nov 2020
I’m also considering the narrative you proposed and possible counter-narratives. I’ll reply with some ideas.
Morgue <> 8 Nov 2020
“your fear of being removed is compounding all of these issues since the only content that definitely won’t be removed is the blandest possible – and that’s hardly something anyone wants to aspire to. So, systematically you yourself are promoting extreme liberalism and mediocrity.
“but it could be useful if you actually talked about it in a video – maybe how algorithms are forcing you in a certain direction, and how you are alarmed about it and would like to be more political, but you haven’t yet found the magic formula. You could perhaps ask for feedback and suggestions.”
I’m completely open to this. By the way I have mentioned several times in my last few livestreams that I want to write a political booklet outlining our stance. That’s definitely something I’ve been meaning to do and it’s been on my mind. But yes, let’s give this a bit of thought because I want to come up with a working solution. It’s a very tricky situation indeed.
Morgue <> 9 Nov 2020
Hey there,
I want to point out that none of us in Hyperianism thinks that our current audience reflects our ideals accurately. It’s about boosting our reach so that down the road we can teach and recruit optimally. As I’ve said it’s exceeding my expectations and I know that we will succeed. My goals are ultimately very long term.
I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. I want to be honest and let you know this is all really demoralizing. I’m trying very hard and I believe in this movement so much. Anyway… my thoughts on the matter at the moment are that it seems like your original idea may be the way to go, as in via a TLP post saying that Hyperianism is geared towards the masses and so it cannot be extreme so radicals should submit their material to TLP.
I hope that the post won’t be aggressively worded towards Hyperianism though. I really don’t want to create any conflict between Hyperians and others. Perhaps something along the lines of how Hegel, gnostics, etc had to veil their message or create a vehicle for it because of the church, but in the 21st century it is social media, run by liberals, that create persecution. What do you think?
Morgue <> 9 Nov 2020
Okay I understand.
I’m not super thrilled about it.. as I said it’s pretty demoralizing, but yeah 🙂
We wrote a statement and then parked it – because it was basically a foreshadowing of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”. Anyway, the point had already been made that we were done with Hyperianism. We had explicitly said to Rebhahn,
“It looks like we will have to issue in due course a statement that the deliberate choice of Hyperianism is to remove all ‘difficult’ content so as not to upset anyone, and that this has inevitable consequences for the character of Hyperianism: popular but utterly bland and mediocre because it is so inoffensive and explicitly intended to be so. Have we got any of that wrong? We will invite people to submit any radical content to TLP and ask any radicals such as TF to have nothing to do with Hyperianism (since their posts will simply be removed), thus leaving your moderators in peace and quiet. That seems to be the inevitable logic of this situation. Basically, we don’t want to stop people being radical and controversial, but you definitely do. That entirely dictates what the Hyperian community will be like … a community devoid of anyone with anything powerful to say for fear of rocking the boat. And that, to be frank, is exactly how Hyperianism comes across – a community with no will to power at all, no fight in them, and all just telling each other how much they love the community and hanging out together. Isn’t that where we’re at? If you wish to suggest a counter-narrative, please do so. Presumably the Hyperian community is living up to your expectations in some way or you would radically wish to transform it. You’re in an impossible position of wishing for two contradictory things: wanting Hyperianism to be exciting while also wanting it to be a sleepy bore full of bland conformists who always instinctively know never to go outside the MUZAK limits, and who are censored the moment they do. That’s never going to work out. … You are already basically a prisoner of your audience. They define you. You don’t define them. Most people are bland, and so if you cater for most people you end up with a bland outcome. It’s probably sensible to now bring about a decoupling between Hyperianism and our work. … we’re basically saying, in Hegelian terms, that Hyperianism is ‘picture-thinking’ religion for the masses. There’s no way that will come across as anything other than a rebuke for Hyperianism, and will make some of your best followers very uneasy. We can already detect that in some of them. Anyway, what we’ll do in the next few days is draft a suitable statement. But the basic message will no doubt not be flattering for Hyperianism, no matter how much we dress it up in nice language. So, the bottom line is that you’re basically agreeing that Hyperianism is a place where no conflict or strong opinions are to be exercised and that this is a definite choice on your part and you’re willing to take the hit. We will be actively confirming that no one with strong views will find a receptive home in Hyperianism, and so should leave well alone.”
After this, we expected Rebhahn to go and do his own thing – he knew we were done with Hyperianism – but of course he never did move on and just kept on plagiarizing our work, and continues to do so.
Look at “Hyperianism” now – just Woke New Age gibberish for “intuitives” (weird women and gay men), all about UFOs and aliens and Ra, the Law of One, channeling, Lucifer, Queer Gnosticism, and all the rest of it. It’s everything that it was shaping up to be for years – absolute nonsense for clowns, led by a “guru” with no education and no qualifications, who simply steals the ideas of others to shore up his garbage. Sam Vaknin has completely explained how pathological narcs go through life, and Rebhahn is a stereotype of the phenomenon, prepared to do ANYTHING to secure narc supply.
The good thing is that no serious person will ever do anything other than laugh at Rebhahn’s clown act.
So, it’s a year since we announced the publication of the awesome “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”. Well, everything we said in that book has obviously been proved beyond doubt! Actually, Rebhahn is enormously more of a monster and psychopath than we suspected back then. He is incredibly seriously mentally ill. He truly is a deeply sinister and dangerous individual. He attacks knowledge and burns books. He’s an enemy of all intelligent people, trying to block the evolution of humanity.
Check out this video by Sam Vaknin. It completely explains why Rebhahn made his insane, false and malicious complaint to the FBI:
“Why Narcissist Must Win, Be Right (Psychopath, too!)”
“Narcissist/psychopath interact with the game, not with other players. There is no intimacy, trust, or the honing of social skills. Narcissists must win by eradicating the competitor, so not competitive Will use any means, including underhanded or even criminal. Preemptive winning to avoid being dominated or shamed. Narcissists must be right (not argumentative or opinionated, but eristic: lecturing, hectoring, and censoring). Will lie, confabulate, invent: like AI hallucinations. Regardless of costs, benefits, alternatives. Dirty fighting: betrayal dynamic. Fragility of inflated, fantastic, counterfactual self-image: defense of the fantasy. Bounded rationality (satisfy, not optimize, minimum investment for minimally accepted outcomes). Impaired reality testing. Catastrophizing and false dichotomous view of the power matrix (from exploiting superior to forever exploited inferior). Reframing: self-supply via self-deception (I had won, been proven right or vindicated).”
Our next post will be on August 3, the anniversary of our first “AC update” regarding the Rebhahn situation.
Here’s more about the fall of YouTuber iilluminaughtii:
“The Fall of iilluminaughtii: YouTube’s BIGGEST BULLY… “
This will of course be happening to Rebhahn in due course. When the world wakes up to what a monster he is.
iilluminaughtii got away with it for years and became an enormous success for a while. All decent people need to make sure that Rebhahn’s mask is torn off much sooner.
Tags: Hyperianism, Morgue Official, Hyperian, Morgen Night, AMC Freakshow, Corey Rebhahn, Inner Star Actualization, What is Hyperianism, Morgue Official Real Name, Hyperian Founder, Morgue from Freakshow, Neogenian, Neogenian Oculus, Neogenianism, Neogenian Collective