Books by Morgue



MorgueOfficial (Corey Rebhahn) is the leader of the sinister cult of Hyperianism. To date there are 5 books by Morgue:

  1. The Metaphorical Suicide
  2. Book Zero Transitional Veganism: One Step Closer to Light
  3. The Path of Shadow: Self and Universal Completion
  4. Transitional Veganism: One Step Closer to Light
  5. Ontological Mathematics: The Science of the Future

Morgue is a notorious plagiarist. All of his books are ripoffs of books by the AC/PI, especially the authors Mike Hockney and Dr. Thomas Stark.

Morgue Official is a poor writer, reflecting the fact that he never received an education. His grammar is terrible. He was homeschooled in a Christian Fundamentalist cult and knows only the Bible. He would be a Christian fanatic were he not non-binary and bisexual.

Do not read the books by Morgue. Save your money.

Rebhahn’s book “The Metaphorical Suicide” reflects that he is a depressive character who admits to having had suicidal thoughts. He has written a song about suicide.

Books by Morgue

“I’m suicide chic,” he says. “It’s called Suicide Chic, baby.”

“Pull the trigger boys and girls,” he says.


Morgen Night said,

“I get a lot of messages from people facing depression. They tend to look at is as something weak and to be ashamed of. Suicidal individuals are some of the strongest people I have ever met. For them every day is a battle.”

A friend of Rebhahn’s, and a male lover of his, both committed suicide. 

Morgue said,

“Nihilism and materialism are philosophies I have struggled with in the past. I know all too well that nihilism can stem from materialism. These two beliefs can cause depression and thoughts of suicide in some individuals. I hope that my work (and future work) will help individuals struggling with depression.”

Morgue Official said,

“Our enemies have condemned us and thrown us into darkness. We’ve been beaten and persecuted, lied to and chained. Now we come flooding through the Gateway. Witches and demons, sorcerers and serpents. We wield fire, wisdom and shadow. This world we will burn and in its destruction our creation will rise. Energy is never destroyed only transformed. So begins our transformation of humanity. We Blaze through the Gateway.”

Morgue said,

“Zoe.xi with her copy of The Metaphorical Suicide. I am impressed with those minds who are able to understand its contents.

Also, many have contacted me informing me that their parents have not allowed them to read it. Many parents are a great obstacle to growth.”

Morgue Official is a cult leader who will turn you against your family. He himself is alienated from his family.

Through his books – those books by Morgue Official – he seeks to corrupt you to his perverted worldview. 

Morgue said,

“I do not identify as human. We are higher than humanity. We are beyond human. We are infinite.”

His books are full of grandiose statements that would be strongly associated with the condition of malignant narcissism, from which he patently suffers. 

Rebhahn said in his first book, The Metaphorical Suicide,

“Before building a new house you must first tear down the old. Before installing a new operating system you must uninstall the one already there. You must destroy before you can create. You must kill your old self before you can create and become your new self.

You must undo all of your base programming and remove all of the brainwashing and faulty conditioning. This is not any easy task, the brainwashed state is the very foundation of who you are and hardly anyone will realize this. No one thinks they are brainwashed, if you knew you were brainwashed it would not be very effective brainwashing would it? It only works because people are not aware that they are conditioned clones living out a fake life predetermined for them by culture and society. Look around you, the vast majority is living out the same prepackaged, mundane life with only slight variation. They go to school to get a job and make money. They use this money to get a car and buy a house, during this time they fuck and get married. They settle down, have kids and then spend the next 18 years raising them while having parties on the weekends. Then they die. What a ‘life’. That is no fucking life. That is a waste of the human experience. These people are worthless trash slowing down the progress of reality while the rest of us, the intelligent ones, suffer for their stupidity. Education is about trying to solve the puzzle of existence and progress as a unique individual along with humanity as a whole. It is not about becoming a cog in the corporate machine that can be replaced at a moments notice by any other drone that the school system churns out. There are no longer individuals but instead completely replaceable automatons in a factory of shit.

Wake up. Stupidity is rampant, cultivate some intelligence. Don’t let others dictate how you should live your life, don’t let culture define for you what is important. Get smart and do something about your life before it’s too late. It’s time to kill.”

The books by Morgue are dangerous books. They could ruin your life.

The books by Morgue are produced by a diseased mind.

The books by Morgue will harm you.

Stay clear of the books by Morgue.

Don’t let the books by Morgue corrupt you. Morgue is all about corrupting people and turning them into his cult slaves and fleecing them of their money.

In The Metaphorical Suicide, Morgue said,

“This life can be whatever you will it to be. You can become whoever you will to become. You are a player in a game along with billions of other players. Once you realize that it is a game you gain an incredible advantage. You can live a ‘happy’, mundane, average life and you can be a ‘happy’, mundane, average person. You can go to school, get a job, make money, get married, have kids and have parties on the weekends until the day you die. Is that really living? Who would play that game? Who would watch that movie? The stupid. The weak. The sleepwalkers.

“You can ‘live’ like that or you can live a life filled with adventure, danger, thrills, risk, satisfaction, intensity and discovery. You will find secrets hidden in this reality that you would have thought only existed in a dream. They are there for those with eyes to see. They are there for the strong, the intelligent, the willed and the lovers of wisdom. The choice is yours. This book is for the strong. It is for the outcasts, the pariahs and the philosophers. I have no sympathy for the weak. I have no sympathy for those who refuse to wake. They are lukewarm and unpalatable. I wretch with disgust and spit them out.”

Do not read books by Morgue.

Do not read books by Morgue.

Do not read books by Morgue.

Do not read books by Morgue.

Do not read books by Morgue.

MORGUE said,

“Kill who you aren’t to become who you are.”

Morgue provably endorses both homicide and suicide. He even refers to himself as a murderer, as well as a freak and a monster.

Investigative journalist Jared Hammer said,

“Hyperianism claims that ‘death is an illusion.’ This is terribly concerning as it calls to mind the mass suicides of such cults as Heaven’s Gate and Jonestown. These factors of Hyperianism line up closely with strategies used by cults to turn their followers away from society, as well as gain control over their thoughts and behavior. Although Hyperianism is still a new movement, it is quickly growing. Cults will do everything in their power to convince you that they are not a cult. They obtain followings of people disenchanted with reality and manipulate and mold them as they wish. My advice? Be wary of Morgue and his strange Hyperian teachings. He may offer some appealing thoughts and concepts, but it may be as deceitful as this sausage disguised as a banana. Sometimes, you can peel back the layers and find that the packaging was a straight-up lie.”

Another investigative journalist David G. McAfee said,

“I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Hammer’s assessment. This has the markings of what could ultimately become a full-fledged cult, complete with brain reprogramming and maybe even self-harm or suicide. When you have a compelling leader demanding authority and telling people ‘death is an illusion,’ you never know what might happen. Those who seek hidden knowledge and distrust science and religion might find this group appealing, but it is just another one of the churches it claims to hate. It preaches its gospel as fact, without regard to well-founded disagreements, and derides anyone who disagrees. … Morgue didn’t respond to my requests for comment.”


Books by Morgue try to turn you into a cult member, and take all your money.

Books by Morgue are bad for you. Don’t go near them.

Books by Morgue are bad for the world.

Burn books By Morgue. Seriously. They are a menace. 

Jessica, a former Hyperian, said,

“Man I wish things didn’t have to go so south with Hyperianism. I actually saw a great future at one point with it but then that shattered. Why can’t people be kind and authentic instead of fake and mean to others? People always tend to repeat past cult leaders’ habits and behaviors and it’s sad. Not saying it’s a suicide cult but I see potential danger for their future. I see them hurting others who don’t side or agree with them. These are my thoughts. … Passion can turn violent in people.”

Rob said,

“I’ve mentioned that too. Anything is possible. The worst case scenario would be like a new army.”

Hyperianism, like its cult leader, is saturated with nihilism, the glorification of self-harm, the contemplation of suicide, and the total hatred of anyone who opposes Hyperianism, and the wish for their complete destruction.

No jury on earth would reach any other conclusion than that Hyperianism is a cult and Corey Rebhahn a classic cult leader. The evidence, coming especially from those who were once in Hyperianism, is overwhelming and irrefutable. So, it can be taken to be a PROVEN fact that Hyperianism is a cult, and that means that all of the actions of Corey and his cabal will be seen through the prism of other sinister cults such as the Jim Jones suicide cult and the Charles Manson homicide cult. Just look for yourself at how Corey Rebhahn acts on his livestreams, and how all of his mods, Patrons and supporters act – as if nothing at all has changed in Hyperian world and everything is FINE, even though Hyperianism has actually been facing an existential threat for months. But the whole point about cults is that they deny reality. That’s what the theory of cognitive dissonance predicted, and it’s exactly what has happened. Classic cult behavior! There is not a single person in the Hyperian cult who would say to their cult leader, “What is this FBI business all about?” Because then the spell would break and reality would have intruded into the cult, and as Corey and his cabal of mods know, that’s what must never be allowed to happen, because it would end the cult. But the approach to the outside world has already happened – triggered by the Corey cabal themselves! – and so reality WILL enter the Hyperian fantasy world. And then the cult will end there and then.

These are the lowest people in the world. These people are MONSTERS. They truly are. No ifs and no buts. But these particular monsters are going to jail for what they did. They have destroyed themselves. Great job, guys. A metaphorical suicide, right? Everything is always a signed confession!

Books by Morgue will never help you. Books by Morgue are stupid. Books by Morgue are plagiarized. Books by Morgue harm society.

Morgue has made disturbing cultic videos:

  • Happiness is POWER
  • Eliminate Weakness
  • SATANIC Prayer for the Christians
  • BANNED YouTube Video
  • Why I Wear “Dark” Clothing – A Warning Sign to Stay Away if you’re part of the problem
  • Drugs as Tools
  • The Liberating Effects of Satanic Music and Marilyn Manson
  • We Are the Future: Spreading the Word for the Order of One

Corey Rebhahn is a former reality TV star and uses his celebrity status to get innocent people infatuated.

Corey Rebhahn makes a huge amount of money from plagiarizing the content of others. He is defrauding people by pretending that this is his content.

Corey Rebhahn operated a bizarre secret society called the Order of One, which became Hyperianism.

You can see for yourself the kind of extreme content Morgue’s cult is serving up:

Is Hyperianism a Self-Harm and Suicide Cult?

Hyperianism clearly revolves strong themes of self-harm and suicide. Hyperian cult leader Corey Rebhahn was basically a self-harm “artist”, claiming that if you did what he did you would end up in the Morgue (hence his stage name).

Consider the evidence, straight from the horse’s mouth:

“When you get to the end of your rope. Tie a knot and hang from it.”

“Pull the trigger boys and girls.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Here is the bullet and here is the gun. It is up to you to pull the trigger.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Where’s the off button?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Culture has brainwashed you. Join me LIVE as we explore how to destroy your old self in order to create your NEW self. We’re going to have a lot happening in this stream. I’ll be displaying my Bed of Razor Blades from when I performed a stunt symbolizing the death of the old self and we’ll explore excerpts from my book The Metaphorical Suicide.” – Corey Rebhahn

Rebhahn’s first book was all about suicide, which he styled “metaphorical”. Really?

“Wanna die young and sell my soul. Use up all your drugs and make me come. Yesterday, man, I was a Nihilist. Now today I’m just too fuckin’ bored. … I want to disappear.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Facebook just sent me an official notification that they are concerned for my mental health, and that I should consider professional help. I must be doing something right 😉 – Corey Rebhahn.

“I hate people being able to see my eyes. They’re not for everyone. #SuicideChic” – Corey Rebhahn

“I got that fucked up self-destructive thing goin’ on” – Corey Rebhahn

“To be happy one must be in love with suffering.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Repeat after me. I’m not real.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sobriety, what a horrible horrible feeling.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I will be live tweeting tonight’s episode of FREAKSHOW tonight at 9:30/8:30c. One of the most emotional and SHOCKING episodes. “My blood will set me free”.  – Corey Rebhahn

“Do you fear death? Subscribe for more videos:” – Corey Rebhahn

“What would it be like to not exist at all? Subscribe for more:” – Corey Rebhahn

Morgue made a video entitled “Suicide“.

Rebhahn wrote,

“This was written during a nihilistic period in my life when I was struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts.”

Why is this video still on his YouTube channel unless he’s still promoting these views?

“Guide me to the knife.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s face it: The world is TRASH. Is it HELL? 🔥 Subscribe for more videos:” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is just the beginning. Stain it RED.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Is it strange that I eat only one meal a day?” – Corey Rebhahn

“My vision burns red and my saliva mixed with blood.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ahh it’s good to be a freak!” – Corey Rebhahn

“The blood of witches and heretics runs in our veins and together we’ll stain this world red.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What’s your deepest fear?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sometimes it takes a knife, to open a mind.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sometimes you can barely tell the difference between darkness and light.” – Corey Rebhahn

“This photo was taken at an abandoned asylum.” – Corey Rebhahn

Is Rebhahn an Actual Lunatic?

“Let me hear YOU say it. POST a comment here now and share it: “BLOOD!” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m not alive. I’m undead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Keep calm and hate humanity” – Corey Rebhahn

“What are nightmares? I have the darkest of dreams.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Dead eyes. #feelingwitchy” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m a little dead today.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Give me a reason to smile.” – Corey Rebhahn

“First a star must die” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am really sick of people.” – Corey Rebhahn

“A fan gave me a bottle of wine adorned with razor blades. Very creative. It’s a good thing I opened the package cautiously.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I don’t like the external world.” – Corey Rebhahn

On his Facebook page, Rebhahn has made it clear that he is a heavy user of drugs and alcohol, and has glorified the irresponsible use of these.

“Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous.

#fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn

Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality” – Corey Rebhahn

All of this material is on Rebhahn’s social media TODAY. This is not historical. It is current – because it is currently available and has not been deleted.

Karen said,

“How many teens are already obsessed with death? How many teens commit suicide each year…?”

This is exactly right. People such as Rebhahn are encouraging this whole sick scene, and trying to get children to hate normality in order to support Rebhahn’s degenerate abnormality.

Rebhahn must be stopped. Like Andrew Tate, he is someone who should be thrown off social media. Much of his content is disturbing and disgusting, and it is even being shown to children.

Enough already.

The books by Morgue are produced by a toxic influencer. The books by Morgue are cult books. The books by Morgue are designed to turn you into non-binary, vegan cultists. Don’t let the body snatchers and mind snatchers get you. 

The Case Against Hyperianism

Is Hyperianism a Misanthropy and Murder Cult?

Consider the evidence in the cult leader’s own words:

“If you could MURDER anyone and get away with it, who would it be?” – Corey Rebhahn

“They display proper etiquette at the dinner table while they feast on carefully prepared pieces of the dead. I grip the steak knife and my knuckles turn white as I long to plunge it into their rancid flesh. They can not comprehend the futility of their life. I could show them.” – Corey Rebhahn

“If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I want to eat you.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We are the instruments of destruction. We will sing the songs of creation. #thenewdeath” – Corey Rebhahn

“Everyone has a demon inside yearning to escape. We are all born with it but everyone tries to hide it. First your parents, who are your world and then the world itself. They try to hide it and they usually do. Even you try to hide it. There are a few of us who recognize this and let the demon out little by little and more each time. Those of us who work at this will eventually become the demon. You must help it.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I can not count how many times some ‘spray on tan’ slut has inquired in disbelief why I dress the way I do, or do the things I do. ‘It’s not sexy’, she informs me. Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. Why should I be concerned if other people find me attractive in any way? Should I change my identity, for a waste producing organ between the legs? … Morbidly Yours, Morgue” – Corey Rebhahn

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This is reality, and we need both love and hate.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fight fire with fire.” – Corey Rebhahn

“To those who wish to make our lives hell, we will give you hell.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Hate or love?” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is not playtime, this is not the playground, this is real life. I will not hold hands and sing songs with those who wish to destroy me.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m getting sick of all this peace and love.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Unconditional love makes you weak and docile. Should you love the ones who bind you? Should you love the ones who burn you at the stake?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Don’t forget hate, anger, and will. Hate the ones who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave. Use your anger to fuel your will. Get angry and do something about it. Do not settle for the illusion of peace and freedom. Some of us still have a little fight left in us.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Long live the heretic, long live the madman. To hell with the rest.” – Corey Rebhahn

“My “leave me the fuck alone” posture. It gets used often.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Stain it red” – Corey Rebhahn

“Something I wrote:

I have a game

That we could play

Its piece’s made

From blood and clay

You roll the dice

To choose your place

And take your life

To end this race

I have a lie

That I could tell

You’ll never die

And end this hell

Divinely wrought

From deadly spit

The weak are taught

Their wrists to slit

Don’t let them beg

Don’t let them cry

We want them dead

We’ll watch them die” – Corey Rebhahn

“Pariah. #heretic #vagabond #outcast #outlier” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fuck them. I will have nothing to do with the bullshit culture they have created. We are the heretics, we are the rebels, we are the outcasts. We don’t give a shit about being accepted and we put no importance on popularity. We are real, fearless and dangerous.

#fakes #frauds #scum” – Corey Rebhahn

“I burn at maximum and I don’t expect to have a long life.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m coming back bitches. It’s time to light the fuse.” – Corey Rebhahn

“The forgotten one

Erased from the pages, lost in history

Forger of insanity

Creator of a new sin

Lord of initiation

Mention not his name” – Corey Rebhahn

“Disgusted by “humanity”.” – Corey Rebhahn

I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Disgusted by “humanity”.” – Corey Rebhahn

I’m not anti-social, I just want you dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I DO NOT want or need approval from anyone other than myself.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You would make a beautiful corpse.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I have driven kings to madness. Their bodies hang in their own house. Can you see me?” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am the Lecher bitch and I wear the X of castigation. I am the whore of the extreme.” As quoted by Corey Rebhahn

“So many speak when they have nothing to say. My words are precise and toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Say No to Normal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal is dead and I carried the coffin.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal… What is normal?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sanity is overrated.” – Corey Rebhahn

“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane.” – Corey Rebhahn

“So many people are fucked up inside because they are made to be someone they aren’t.” – Corey Rebhahn

“You’re not a person, you’re just an asshole, and I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you.” – Corey Rebhahn

“This is real life baby and I’m an angel.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We looked to happiness, then to darkness and now to insanity.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I like my wine how I like my people, bitter.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Reality bitches. I’m the real deal.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Right and Wrong DOES NOT EXIST – Eliminating Morality Part 1

YOUTUBE.COM SUBSCRIBE! Morgue shares his views on morality. First video in the series proposes that morality does not exist.” – Corey Rebhahn

“They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I can break the rules. Can you?” – Corey Rebhahn

“It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY.” – Corey Rebhahn

“The Insanity Drug.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Terrors of Men: I don’t give a fuck” – Corey Rebhahn

“Life is my stage, and the show must go on.” – Corey Rebhahn

“If I cut out your eyes, would you still see?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s go HUNTING.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Morbidly Yours,



Strangle the B*tch” – Corey Rebhahn

“Home of Morgue – Musings of a Dead Soul” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ah trivia time! “It wasn’t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun…killing somebody’s a funny experience.”

Do you know who said this?” Yes yes! Albert Desalvo is correct. The Boston Strangler, confessed murderer of 13 women. I knew my bloodthirsty friends would get this one fast.” – Corey Rebhahn

“NEW Update, when are these fuckers going to learn I will not put up with their shit?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Ah Trivia time, here is a favorite of mine: “I believe the only way to reform people is to kill them” Do you know who said it?” – Corey Rebhahn [Serial killer Carl Panzram]

“My glass isn’t half empty or half full, it’s poison filled.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? And if someone says blood I will stab you!” – Corey Rebhahn

“Things are about to get… strange.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Bite me.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Sanity is for the unimaginative.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Let’s learn german. Today’s phrase is “Eat shit and die”.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Many Enemies bring much Honor [Mussolini]” – Corey Rebhahn


“What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power?” – Corey Rebhahn

“Thank you bluetooths, for making me appear sane when I talk to myself.” – Corey Rebhahn

“It feels so GOOD to be BAD.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I’m such a nice guy.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Your life is a cancer and I am the cure.” – Corey Rebhahn

“We won’t keep calm.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Feeling dirty.” – Corey Rebhahn

“What do you think is lacking in the world right now? What would you like to see more of? Some of these answers make me want to vomit.” – Corey Rebhahn

“One day you will see my face.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Most of you have no idea who I am. Some of you have seen my shadow. Just wait…” – Corey Rebhahn

“Fallen angels are the true liberators of spirit. We bow to no one and we ask no one to bow to us. Get off your knees and stand on your own feet.” – Corey Rebhahn

“Truer words never spoken. 😉 Morgue … Sticks and stones may break my bones … but a 12 gauge sawed off will BLOW YOUR FUCKIN’ HEAD OFF.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I was going to put something meaningful/inspirational but fuck it… kiss my ass.” – Corey Rebhahn

“I am toxic.” – Corey Rebhahn

(And, by the way, if Hyperians complain that we are using cherry-picked quotes from years ago, well, all we’re doing is deploying the exact same tactic as your cult god when he literally told the FBI (!!!) that we were deadly N**i Terrorists, based on quotes from a NOVEL from years ago. So spare us your fucking hypocrisy. Our plan is to make this person the most toxic person on earth, just as he attempted to do to us. And we shall succeed – since this actually is an utterly toxic human being, despite his claim that he doesn’t identify as human. What, do you identify as a PSYCHOPATH? Accurate!)

So, another day another deadstream from Corey on YouTube. We all know the drill. This insane person will continue to act as if absolutely nothing is up, that his cult is not in an existential battle, and all of his insane followers will do exactly the same, and not one will ask the cult god to address what is going on. And these people claim to be HYPERAWARE WORLD SHAPERS! In fact, they are all lunatics, and they all ought to be in mental asylums. You cannot make a problem go away by pretending it’s not there. Didn’t you learn that as children? You think that if you don’t look, the thing you fear isn’t there. But it is! And it’s not going away, no matter how much you close your eyes!

Ghostwhispers went on,

“He seems to be delving into political and conspiracy theory type videos more recently but I feel like his videos come out so fast that I have a difficult time keeping up with them so I gave up. His first book is titled ‘The Metaphorical Suicide’ which is about metaphorically ‘killing’ yourself and creating the new ‘real’ version of yourself. It’s not that long, easy to comprehend, and I honestly found it to be an interesting read. I haven’t read anything else by him. His videos started out easy to follow but became more and more complex and as I said, I had a hard time keeping up with his content. I’ve seen a few comments on his social media calling Hyperianism a cult and occasionally he responds by saying that it’s an ‘anti-cult’ based on ‘logic and reason’ and promotes thinking for yourself. I know there was an issue in one of his Facebook groups (that he’s admin on but isn’t very active and it’s mostly moderated by a handful of fans/followers) where the members would get very aggressive if someone questioned or challenged an idea in his books or videos. Morgue did notice the hostility in the group eventually and posted that he didn’t approve of it and politely asked for it to stop, saying he wanted to encourage discussion, but I never really saw him participate in these discussions. He does seem to livestream a lot though so perhaps that’s where he chimes in. I can still sense a bit of hostility in some member’s comments to each other, but overall it’s not as bad as the one incident I mentioned earlier. The movement seems interesting and harmless thus far but every time I decide to try and follow it again, I just get a weird vibe from his videos. Maybe that’s what he’s going for. I find it kind of strange that I can’t seem to find much about him online, making him a bit enigma-like, in my opinion.”

Where does this “weird vibe” emanate? It’s from Corey Rebhahn himself, a staggeringly weird and freaky person who claims he has presided over the death of normality.

“[Morgue] wanted to encourage discussion.”

HAHAHAHAHA. Don’t think so! All discussion regarding anything “difficult” gets shut down IMMEDIATELY.

Ghostwhisper said,

“I will admit that I’ve been interested in various new age movements for the past decade and started hanging around my favorite new age shop and listening to speakers and took a class on divination there as a teenager and I’ve always been hyper vigilant about certain speakers or groups that I met up with there, as the first new age book that I ever picked up had a list of red flags to look out for and I’ve definitely dodged some suspicious situations.”

Who wouldn’t take Hyperianism to be a weird, Woke New Age group? That’s exactly what it has become. Freaky Morgue made it in his own image. It’s as weird as he is, as sick as he is, as mentally ill as he is. Everything stems from his desperate psychological issues which he refuses to address. He refuses to accept that there is anything wrong with him and instead says there is something wrong with the world. The world must change to accommodate him. There’s no question of him having to accept reality, normality, the world. He’s a pathological narcissist, after all. It’s always all about him. Everything revolves around him. For every Narcissist, only they truly exist. They are all solipsists. Just look at Rebhahn, a classic of the species, with the camera always trained on him, as if no one else exists, or even could exist – except for his adoring Echoes of course, his weird coven of Hexen, all of whom are sexually ambiguous, just as he is. These people have bonded above all over their common sexual ambiguity. Their chosen identity revolves around not being heterosexual. Many non-heterosexuals get on perfectly well with the normal, heterosexual world. They are practical. They acknowledge the reality principle. The Hyperians do not. They are an extremist non-binary hate group that detests heterosexuals and especially heterosexual males, whom Rebhahn has feared all his life. He regards all heterosexual men who reject Wokeness as “toxic”, as haters, bigots and Nazis.

Ghostwhisper said,

“I was homeschooled and very depressed and lonely and lost as a teenager and that shop was the most socializing I normally experienced and on some level, I knew this would attract predators, my parents already were afraid of me getting roped into something cult like since they grew up in the 70s with Jonestown and the Manson family and such and they knew I felt ostracized by my peers and was very much a ‘free spirit’ and as a teenager just being aloud to go places without adult supervision, I was determined to prove to my parents that I wasn’t going to get involved in anything dangerous, so I’ve been on the look out for signs of cultish groups or predatory guru types for over a decade now and sometimes I do feel like I’m reading too much into things because I learned what to look for so early on, and this could just be some weird guy on the internet with genuinely good intentions, but I’ve been suspicious of the Hyperian movement for at least a year now and I’m just starting to wonder if I’ve caused myself to be overly paranoid or if there’s something strange going on here. I haven’t really interacted with anyone else involved in the group, I tend to just lurk and I do have trouble making friends due to being so introverted and I have a difficult time trusting people so I can’t say what the followers are like but at a glance they mostly seem to be in their teens and early 20s, which is a fairly vulnerable age group.”

So, this individual is exactly the kind of prey that predator Rebhahn would normally feast on, but, luckily, she has her wits abut her, and is on the lookout for trouble. Unlike all the people that succumbed to this guy’s grooming and brainwashing, she sniffed out that something is badly off, and indeed it is. Rebhahn is totally OFF. That guy is off his head. The red flags are EVERYWHERE.

Ghostwhisper said,

“I don’t know. It doesn’t seem malicious but there’s something about Morgue and Hyperianism that just feels off to me.”

Well done, you saved yourself! The whole scene is not just “off”, but totally wicked and malicious, run by a cabal of clinical psychopaths: Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell, and Shope. These people are all seriously mentally ill, having undergone an incredible degree of psychological inflation, to the extent that they now go around claiming to be hyperaware World Shapers, and, er, GOD! They ought to be in mental asylums. The world must protect itself from crazies like these.

How many times do you need to tell people they’re in a cult? It turns out to be infinite times. Cultists will NEVER leave. Cults end when the cult leader dies, goes to jail, or is embroiled in a massive scandal. Jail for the Rebhahn gang will be how Hyperianism ends. The crime has already been committed: LYING TO THE FBI about us, a former mod, and a former senior Hyperian.

Morgue should be deposed as leader of Hyperianism replaced by DJ QUOKKA!!!

Hyperianism would be in every way improved if it were run by DJ Quokka, the voice of sanity!

Hyperianism could actually be interesting if DJ Quokka delivered the livestreams!


Books by Morgue are degenerate. Books by Morgue are toxic. Books by Morgue make you transition into a vegan. Books by Morgue make you metaphorically commit suicide. Books by Morgue make you walk the Path of Shadow, the dark path, the sinister path. Do not walk that path. Save yourself.   

This guy Morgue is both homicidal and suicidal. He’s a totally sick fuck, to be frank. It’s amazing that society allows mad people to roam around, fucking up others with their insanity and degeneration. Who the fuck wants a world full of people with razor blades in their mouths? That’s what you definitely want to STOP!

Rebhahn said,

“For example, my demo ‘Suicide’ is about Nihilism (The belief that life is meaningless) and the trigger pulling thoughts that often accompany such a system of thought. I, myself, was in such a suicidal place when I wrote that track.”

Is this guy destined to commit suicide? He will never cope when he has to face reality, normality. Seriously, when he no longer has his Hyperian cult to fleece, how is this guy going to make a living? Sword-swallowing former cult leaders are unemployable!

Rebhahn said,

“Suicide and depression are major issues today and is a result of the disgusting, backwards state that our world is in as well as mainstream thought systems broadcasting to the public that their existence is meaningless.”

Books by Morgue

Several people – the prime weirdos who fund Hyperianism – may commit suicide when the disgusting, backward cult falls.

Rebhahn is as trapped as his cultists are. He relies on his “community” to indulge his pathological narcissism. Without their veneration, he would go back to being the suicidal, nihilistic, misanthropic Edgelord he was a decade ago, writing shitty angsty poetry again. Yawn.

Rebhahn gets extremely moody and engages in suicidal ideation.

In the case of Morgue – Corey Rebhahn – this malignant narcissist’s craving for narcissistic supply began with street performances of “self-harm” stunts. Haven’t people realized that Rebhahn swallows swords because he HATES himself, and wants to harm himself and even kill himself? This weirdo if FOREVER engaged in a “metaphorical suicide”, verging on the literal! If this person had even a glimmer of self-awareness, he would comprehend that he engaged in the psychological suicide of his REAL SELF. Why? Because his real self was totally traumatized in childhood and could not cope with the world, which it felt to be relentlessly hostile. So, Rebhahn wanted a new self, a self that could cope. He needed a FALSE SELF, one designed to take on the world, to protect or avenge itself, or even to conquer the world. Morgy Porgy actually committed Metaphorical Homicide against his real self, so that he could replace it with his grandiose, perfectionist false self. Having got no love, no support, no adulation, no help, no security, no comfort, no praise as his real self (in childhood), Rebhahn’s false self (in adulthood) craves all of these. In fact, it was created precisely to get everything the real self didn’t get … and to get it unconditionally (perfectly). That’s why Rebhahn is addicted to narcissistic supply. He wants to be worshiped, venerated, loved without conditions, esteemed, regarded as perfect. He wants to be treated as God. As a Messiah. He’s obsessed with Jesus Christ, an archetype deeply programmed into him. He can’t accept mainstream Christianity – because it was an instrument of torture for his childhood real self – but that makes heretical Christianity (“revenge Christianity”) – Gnostic Christianity – all the more enticing for Rebhahn’s false self. He’s giving the middle finger to Christianity … while preaching Christianity!

THIS VIDEO COULD KILL YOU – Rebhahn is obsessed with death, with both homicide and suicide.

In June 26, 2013, Rebhahn said,

“I hate people being able to see my eyes. They’re not for everyone. #SuicideChic”

Morgue – Suicide (lyrics) obsessivemorguedisorder-blog:

The cornfields are burning

I smell them burning.

The skies have turned black,

Burned up by the ash.

The women are hurting

And they’re fucking learning

I have worlds to destroy,

But first I’ll

Fuck you.

Let me in

Hold them wide

Hold your breath

Beg to die

Let me In

Hold them wide

Say my name


You’re horribly nothing

You’re tragically nothing

Just *??* in the slits

That blood is the oasis

You know you shouldn’t care

Your life’s not worth shit.

You cut in the gash

And now you are mine.

Let me in

Hold them wide

Hold your breath

Beg to die

Let me in

Hold them wide

Say my name



Corey said,

“They will break their own bones for your attention. I have seen it, the tantrums, the screaming, even the false suicide attempts. I am not saying to withhold help from a friend if he or she genuinely needs it. This is a completely different situation, please do not confuse the two. I am speaking of the individual who does nothing to improve their life.”

What a monster.

Reviews of Books by Morgue Official

The Path of Shadow

Books By Morgue
Books By Morgue

Book Zero

Books By Morgue

Transitional Veganism

Metaphorical Suicide

Books By Morgue

Morgue Official said,

“This book is for the strong. It is for the outcasts, the pariahs and the philosophers. I have no sympathy for the weak. I have no sympathy for those who refuse to wake. They are lukewarm and unpalatable. I wretch with disgust and spit them out.” (Excerpt from my book “The Metaphorical Suicide”.)

Conclusion: Do not buy any of the books by Morgue. They will ruin your mental health. Have nothing to do with the books by Morgue.


What is Hyperianism
What is Hyperianism?
What is Ontological Mathematics
What Is Ontological Mathematics?
Morgue from Freakshow
Morgue From Freakshow
Who is Morgue
Who Is Morgue? The Truth is More Sinister Than Imagined

Tags: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperian Books, Hyperian, Books by Morgue, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Morgue Official Books