Charles Manson and Corey Rebhahn



Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Charles Manson … American criminal and cult leader whose followers carried out several notorious murders in the late 1960s. Their crimes inspired the best-selling book Helter Skelter (1974).”
All cult leaders have something in common – a catastrophic childhood where their psyche dissociated in order to protect itself, resulting in enormous, lifelong traumas, ruptures and complexes. Several “alters” are created. The cult leader will typically have an extremely aggressive and violent Protector alter (a psychopath alter), as well as some opposite hyper-sensitive alter, which preaches loves and compassion and unity (a Jesus alter, so to speak).
It’s often this combination of extreme aggression coupled with extreme pacifism that proves so seductive to the followers of the cult leader. It’s like the Bible – the Old Testament shows God as a total bastard, and the New Testament God as a ludicrous hippie! What a psychologically winning combination – God is all things to all men! There’s something for everyone.
You could think of it in good cop, bad cop terms. The Jesus alter love bombs followers in a way they have never experienced before, and then the Devil alter punishes them in a way they have never experienced before. They long for the Jesus alter and are terrified of the Devil alter, and this leads to something calling “trauma bonding”.
Wikipedia says, “Trauma bonds are emotional bonds with an individual that arise from a recurring, cyclical pattern of abuse perpetuated by intermittent reinforcement through rewards and punishments. The process of forming trauma bonds is referred to as trauma bonding or traumatic bonding.”
A more subtle and powerful form of trauma bonding is one where the followers of the cult leader don’t even have to be subjected directly to punishment. The followers are instead traumatized by the mere thought of the relationship ending, so will do everything to preserve it. Look at Hyperianism. The cult followers of cult leader Corey Rebhahn will never ask Rebhahn and his gang to come clean about the FBI. They are terrified that Rebhahn would punish them and banish them if they did so (thus ending their relationship with him), and they are also terrified that if the truth came out, the cult would end, and, once again, the result would be the dissolution of their relationship with their God, the most important relationship in their life. As we can all see, the people who show up to Rebhahn’s deadstreams make their whole life revolve around his tedious “sermons” and “parables”. If you want to know what kind of people followed Jesus Christ around, just look at the Hyperians. They are the psychologically identical type.
People in abusive love affairs – people “who love too much” – can endure a huge amount of bad treatment because they are so terrified of losing the loving relationship. They are immune to the idea that a lover should not be abusing them. In fact, the abuse, psychologically, makes the love even more compelling and precious for these people. They see it as a HIGHER LOVE because it demands more of them! Their commitment must be much stronger; their feelings must be much more powerful. Their love must be way more intense.
Feeling types are of course the ones that end up in these situations. Thinking types leave IMMEDIATELY!
There are no thinking types left in Hyperianism, only extreme feeling types, 100% of whom are in love with their cult leader and compete for his displays of love. They secure his love by sending him money and praising him constantly, and by denying that he is stinking plagiarist, liar, conman, fraudster, grifter and malicious cunt who swats opponents, cancels opponents, and issues lawsuits against opponents. They simply deny that all the sick things this sick fuck does are true. And this sick fuck also goes out of his way to deny HIS OWN ACTIONS. He has in effect dissociated. One alter comes on a deadstream and pretends that he never did any of the things the other alter did. That’s a total fucking nutcase right there. Hyperians have literally seen Corey Rebhahn’s name on a cease and desist lawsuit sent to Karen, threatening proceedings for defamation, and NEVER ONCE ASKED HIM ABOUT IT. Equally, he has never once referred to it, and none of his mad mods has ever referred to it either. Why is it that none of these people find this behavior fucking INSANE? Well, it’s because this is EXACTLY how cults behave. Actually, the goon Paul Cherry did once say on one of JanMan’s deadstreams that Karen totally deserved it – the comment was something like, “Well if you defame someone, that’s what you get.” No one else added any comments. Christians like to ask, “What would Jesus do?” So, what would Jesus do regarding his critics? Would Jesus issue lawsuits against them for “defamation”? Only a fucking insane person would expect their leader – preaching “hyperawareness”, “World Shaping”, “Unity”, compassion, pity, raising human consciousness, ushering in “New Terra” – to be someone engaged in issuing lawsuits, writing smear campaigns, canceling websites and making insane complaints to the FBI about their opponents supposedly wanting to assassinate the American president! But, hey, what do you expect from someone like Paul Cherry, an archetypal brainwashed cultist, with the customary love of sexual ambiguity that we find in all Hyperian cultists. It’s this fetishism that blinds these lunatics to reality. They will say ANYTHING to defend their cult God. They are literally incapable of doubting him – you know, exactly like ABRAHAMISTs, of which they are just a weird, freakish, androgynous branch.
These people are as groomed and brainwashed as you can get, absolutely cut off from reason and logic.
Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Manson was born to a 16-year-old girl and a man he would never know. After his mother was imprisoned for armed robbery, he lived with an aunt and uncle in West Virginia. Beginning at age nine, he spent much of his life in juvenile reformatories or in prison for crimes that included petty larceny, armed robbery, burglary, and auto theft.”
So, that was Manson’s disastrous childhood – no father around, a criminal mother who had no interest in him and wasn’t around either (she was in jail!), and the notion ingrained in him that he was a bad person, unlovable, that even his own mother and father didn’t love him and abandoned him. Such a person, as we have seen, splits: one part becomes a sadist, horribly cruel to others (reflecting the cruelty they believe has been done to them), and the other part craves love and affection, and wants unconditional love and affection that can never be broken, can never vanish.
Look at Corey Rebhahn. His “father” has the surname “Didio”. Is he even Rebhahn’s real father? Is “Rebhahn” the mother’s surname? Or is there a real father who fucked off and then the mother remarried? Rebhahn uses the name “Morgue” to escape from the whole mess. Was Rebhahn “born in sin”? Was he born to a father who legged it, as in Manson’s case? Did Rebhahn’s mother – a fundamentalist Christian – treat him with horror because he constantly reminded her of sin, her own sins of the flesh? Rebhahn will NEVER tell his followers the truth, will he?! He will say that he suffers from “RTS” – to elicit their tears and sympathy … and loads of money – but he will never fill in all the details. He’s always staggeringly vague about his time in Montana. He never talks about his mother, and almost never mentions his “father”, stepmother and “brother” (stepbrother?) either. This guy is totally fucked by his family background. It is absolutely radioactive for him. It “triggers” him – meaning that it brings about DISSOCIATION.
What you can be 100% certain of is that this is a person with a staggeringly difficult family background, where he got no love, and consequently dissociated, and also developed gender dysmorphia. Without his mother or any other female figure to provide him with female love, he instead got it from his own Anima, and thus became a non-binary nutjob, possessed by his own Anima, and detesting his own masculinity and that of all men!
We know that Rebhahn became a violent psychopath – because it’s his TERRORS OF MEN alter. The only thing that stopped him from becoming a real killer was that his sickness was rechanneled into a violent performance as a freak in a freakshow – swallowing swords and balls, lying on beds of nails, playing with power tools, and all the rest of that mindless crap these cretins engage in to get attention, and also to satisfy their deep self-loathing and compulsion for either self-harm, or harming others. Rebhahn could adopt his “Edgelord” persona to his heart’s content and say the most grotesque things – things that should actually have seen him locked up as a mental case – and just hide behind the facade that he was a gothic “artist”, playing up to his “freakishness”. Would it be wrong to arrest everyone in a freakshow on sight? Just asking for a friend! Are nutjobs parading around in plain sight?
Edgelord Morgue got a few devoted fans – those into the Goth scene of darkness, danger and serial killers, and so on, but not enough to support his ambitions and the swanky lifestyle he craved. And so Morguey Boy turned to his other alter – Jesus Morgue, the Woke Messiah – and started preaching all of the tiresome Woke crap he has inflicted on the world for the last few years, lapped up by the sad Woke fucks that love all that mindless New Age bullcrap and horsepiss. Is there anything funnier than these cretinous freaks saying they’re interested in reason and logic? They can’t even work out that they’re in a cult, though everyone keeps telling them they are!
Why doesn’t Rebhahn do a deadstream on how the Woke Morgue is the OPPOSITE of the Edgelord Morgue? Ho, ho, ho. This is the least aware person on earth. Rebhahn isn’t even conscious. He is a human robot carrying out the consequences of catastrophic childhood dissociation. That’s why he’s so fucking weird, freakish and insane. No conscious person behaves like a cult leader. These people are under direct archetypal control, which is, funnily enough, what makes them “charismatic” to their followers – because archetypes are often perceived as numinous.
Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Following his release from prison in 1967, Manson moved to San Francisco, where he attracted a small but devoted group of followers from among the city’s bohemian youth culture.”
Who provides Rebhahn’s base? It’s “bohemian” outsiders, highly marginalized individuals who are either bisexual or non-binary, are ex druggies or current druggies, and all are beguiled by ANDROGYNY and ambiguous sex and sexuality. We know that Buffalo Phil Shope loves the idea of men with vaginas and women with penises. The whole scene, as we have said before, is a fetish scene – and for some bizarre reason our work on ontological mathematics has been dragged into it and now itself constitutes an intense fetish for these people since they see it as providing metaphysical vindication for their weirdness and makes them believe they are “higher beings”, beyond humanity. Sheez!
Encyclopedia Britannia says, ” By 1968 Manson had become the leader of the ‘Family,’ a communal religious cult dedicated to studying and implementing his eccentric religious teachings, which were drawn from science fiction as well as the occult and fringe psychology.”
Doesn’t that sound familiar? Rebhahn presides over the “HyperFam” – seriously! It’s a communal religious group dedicated to studying and implementing the eccentric teachings of a non-binary, vegan, pacifist, RTS-suffering loony tune, who dementedly imagines he is today’s Descartes, Hegel, or Nietzsche (WTF!).
Rebhahn’s ideas are taken from the occult, the esoteric, fringe psychology, science-fiction, and so on, (with his core ideas being entirely plagiarized from Illuminism – this guy has never had an original idea in his life!).
Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Manson preached the coming of an apocalyptic race war that would devastate the United States and leave the Family in a position of dominant power.”
Rebhahn preaches that his HyperFam are at the center of the birth of a new human consciousness – devoted to androgyny – that will form the seed for a glorious new world called “New Terra” where exotic minorities will dictate to the world. (As if! – you’d better have a fucking army, mate!)
Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Manson’s hold over his followers was graphically illustrated in 1969, when the Family carried out several murders on Manson’s orders. The most famous victim was actress Sharon Tate, wife of film director Roman Polanski, who was killed in her Los Angeles home along with three guests.”
Rebhahn could make his cult followers do almost anything. He really could. Someone like Paul Cherry would never doubt him under any circumstances. > > These people are totally cut off from reason and logic, and totally in the brainwashed cult mindset where they are capable of anything, as all cults prove over and over again.
Encyclopedia Britannica says, “The murders inspired numerous books and movies, both documentary and fiction. In addition to Helter Skelter, which was cowritten by the prosecutor of the murder trial …”
The “Helter Skelter” of Rebhahn’s “Hyper Family” involves an “apocalypse” of the old human consciousness, and then the Hyperian Hyper Family full of “World Shapers” with “hyperawareness” will come to power and establish NEW TERRA.
Of course, if you actually believe any of this, you are as deranged as Rebhahn himself. The whole scene is LAUGHABLE. It has no connection to reality at all.
Hyperianism is full of some of the biggest losers, failures, weirdos, and freaks on earth, with literally zero chance of impacting this world. But, of course, the more we point that out to them – the more we tell them the truth – the more they bond with Rebhahn. After all, would you rather have a cult leader telling you that you are going to change the world, or a rationalist realist telling you that you are totally fucked and the world is going to stamp on you and crush into the dirt? Well, we all know that answer to that.
Hyperians have zero interest in the truth, reality, pragmatism, reason and logic. They are getting off on a fantasy that they are significant people rather than the total and abysmal mediocrities and non-entities they actually are. They are absolutely delusional. All cultists are. That’s why they’re in a cult!
We laugh every time we recall the Hyperians calling us Nazis because we supported the actions of the emperor Hadrian in Palestine following constant rebellions from an insane religion, proving the obvious that Hyperianism is the new Judaism, the new Christianity, the new Abrahamism, wholly opposed to the amazing pagan Romans and Greeks. The emperor Hadrian was a remarkable figure in world history. Corey Rebhahn, the cult leader of Hyperianism, is a pathetic plagiarist and grifter, who will definitely end up in jail, like so many other cult leaders before him.
There is nothing behind the curtain – except a conman using tricks to deceive, groom and brainwash you. Haven’t you seen the Wizard of Oz? Every cult is led by its own Wizard of Oz. Such people are ten a penny. Corey Rebhahn is just another influencer jerk, conning the vulnerable.
Who are the sad fucks left in Hyperianism – they are people suffering from all the same weirdnesses as Rebhahn himself. What these people don’t realize is that it’s precisely these weirdnesses that ensure that Hyperianism is totally fucked and will have zero impact on the world. But the morons in this cult will spend their lives fleeing from the truth. The truth has zero value to them – because it tells them they are totally FUCKED.
The Buddha went on about the “four noble truths” (or half-assed subjective opinions of a relativist conman, as we would put it):
  • The truth about suffering.
  • The truth about the origin of suffering.
  • The truth about the ceasing of suffering.
  • The truth about the way to the ceasing of suffering.
Rebhahn teaches:
  • The “truth” about weirdness.
  • The “truth” about the origin of weirdness.
  • The “truth” about the victory of weirdness.
  • The “truth” about the way to the victory of weirdness.
Hyperianism is the Weird philosophy, the Freak philosophy, and a few hundred weirdos and freaks and Goths are drawn to it. Sad fucks.
It’s amazing how some people seek out failure and then cling to it. The job is to learn from failure and “fail better” … until you succeed – not to learn nothing from failure and plunge yourself even deeper into failure … to fail worse!
The Hyperian cult is already over. Its finished. It’s dead. It has ended. But of course, the most spectacular failures – those who remain in the cult – don’t get it and refuse to get it
Nietzsche said, “New struggles. – After Buddha was dead, they still showed his shadow in a cave for centuries – a colossal, horrible shadow. God is dead, but given the way people are, there may still be caves for millennia in which his shadow is displayed. – And we – we must still defeat his shadow as well!”
Hyperianism is dead, but given the way the surviving Hyperians are, there are still caves where the shadow of Corey Rebhahn is displayed and worshiped. Rebhahn as a full-on cult leader has already been deposed. The game we’re in now is to stop his most hardcore followers continuing to worship his echo, his shadow. Every trace of this sick fuck and his degenerate cult must be removed. And will be when this piece of shit is in jail for his many crimes.
Thus spoke Zarathustra, the Illuminist!
Tonight’s another deadstream night – when an insane cult will yet again demonstrate how insane cults behave, how they absolutely disconnect from reality and deny reality, and pretend that everything is perfect in cult world. No honesty … EVER. It’s a fucking astounding thing to witness – people who can barely be called HUMAN.