Come On Down, Paul Cherry!



Didn’t Englishman Paul Cherry, one of the most fanatical Hyperians, used to be called nut-wing, or something like that? Mr Cherry Pie first came on our radar when he said,
“The ac [pi] has made some rather serious accusations against morgue, including that he falsely reported both themselves and someone with the initials RJ to the FBI So, if Mr Sinclair’s allegations were true, then there would be official documentation stating that said parties were under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and that no further action would be taken. if you do not have physical copies, then perhaps by putting in a freedom of information request for such documents FBI Records: Freedom of Information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA) to obtain them so this process can reach its natural conclusion and the facts can be established.”
We replied,
“Paul, isn’t it funny how it never occurs to you to simply ask your cult leader? At the next livestream, why not send him a superchat with the question: ‘Is it true that you, or one of your mods, contacted the FBI to complain about two former senior members of Hyperianism, and to report the AC for radicalization?’ Is that too much to ask? You’ll get the answer, or the avoidance of the answer, or the lying answer, straight from the horse’s mouth.”
So, Paul Cherry, the INTENT behind your comment was of course to suggest that we were lying, that we had just made up a load of mad shit to make Morgue, the God of Hyperianism, look bad. We were supposedly attempting some sort of diabolical tactic to discredit and damage Morgue. Morgue – a hyperaware World Shaper, raising human consciousness, a world-historic figure who would establish New Terra – couldn’t possibly have gone to the FBI to vindictively try to fuck up a former mod (RJ) for leaving his cult, to try to fuck up Apollonius, a former senior colleague, for telling him to immediately stop using all Illuminist content, and to try to bring down the AC, the source of ALL of his substantive ideas. (We can’t be blamed for any of his insane Woke shit! That’s all on him!)
Paul Cherry’s actual superchat to Corey was:
“May I ask a question Concerning a claim by – He claims that you reported yourself to the government. I have asked for paperwork, but it doesn’t seem to be forthcoming.”
How that made us laugh. Morgue reported HIMSELF to the government? WTF! If only!
Do you see that brainwashed cultists CANNOT ask their God a direct, difficult question? They just can’t do it. So, Cherry turned what would have been a question that would have put Rebhahn right on the spot into an absurd question that made no sense at all. There is profound Freudian psychology at work here. Deep down, Cherry wanted to know what was going on – that’s why he asked the question, after all – but also he DIDN’T want the answer because he knew we were telling the truth, so what he did was SELF-SABOTAGE by asking a question devoid of meaning, allowing Rebhahn to dismiss the whole thing as nonsense. Of course, it was Cherry’s question that was nonsense, not the underlying issue – but by dismissing the cretinous question, Rebhahn KNEW he was also dismissing the whole FBI business. No Hyperians believed that Rebhahn had contacted the FBI, even though it was self-evident that he was RETALIATING in the most insane way to David Sinclair’s book “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”. We announced the publication of that book on 28 July. By 6 August, just days later, two men had been swatted and the AC had been denounced as terrorists to the FBI. That’s literally what happened. That’s literally the timeline… book publication exposing Rebhahn as a sinister and dangerous cult leader who had betrayed the AC/PI, followed by instant proof that the book was right because this maniac then went to the FBI and made deranged claims that could have got two men killed, and was designed to kill off the AC/PI with one all-powerful stroke. “Big fucking mistake,” Rebhahn blustered in his private chat with his mods regarding our book blowing the whistle on him. In fact, the Big Fucking Mistake was by the psychopath Rebhahn when he lied to the FBI to get revenge against us for our book. We did a sane thing. He did an insane thing.
Hyperians REFUSE to think badly of their cult God, so ipso facto despise us as the enemy of their divinity. They say WE are lying when in fact it’s always Rebhahn who’s lying. They refuse to ask Rebhahn any awkward question, and even if, miraculously, they attempt any such question (as we see with Cherry), it has to be turned into something silly, expressed in an apologetic tone to Rebhahn for “wasting his time”, and course Rebhahn can immediately bat it away, as required by the disingenuous questioner (Cherry). These people CONSPIRE with their cult god.
Let’s have a close look at this Cherry character.
He played with dolls as a child!
(Paul Cherry: when I was a child I used to play with dolls and I Remember my primary school teacher had a word with my parents because it wasn’t perceived as normal in the mid 1980s.)
What a weirdo.
He’s bisexual.
(paul cherry: as a man who is bisexual i do have some feminine traits but interestingly enough, they did a study in brains of gays and lesbians tens and bis and found some structural differences.)
So, all the men who remain in Hyperianism are either bisexual or gay. They are in love with Rebhahn – an androgynous, non-binary freak who switches every which way – and want to have sex with him. Come on people, Hyperianism is a sex cult. It’s a Rebhahn fan club for bisexual men and women and gay men who are sexually into him, into exoticism, shall we say. There are no heterosexuals in Hyperianism. Why would there be?
We previously wrote,
“But, hey, what do you expect from someone like Paul Cherry, an archetypal brainwashed cultist, with the customary love of sexual ambiguity that we find in all Hyperian cultists. It’s this fetishism that blinds these lunatics to reality. They will say ANYTHING to defend their cult God. They are literally incapable of doubting him – you know, exactly like ABRAHAMISTs, of which they are just a weird, freakish, androgynous branch.”
Hyperianism is just non-binary Christianity with a non-binary Jesus.
Cherry claims to be an academic. No, you’re fucking not, mate!
(paul cherry Member (2 years) £10.00 i am a social anthropologist so if you need information on the Africans traditions and how they branched out into different systems it quite fascinating there are some good resources out there.) This man is a cultist who doesn’t even realize he’s in a cult. Hey, mate, why don’t you study the social anthropology of the freaky cult you’re in?! Didn’t think so.
We previously said,
“Paul Cherry is the kind of toxic moron who populates the Hyperian ranks, so bewildered, so intellectually challenged, so in fear of asking his cult leader to tell the truth, that he literally invented an insane question to ask, which was, of course, batted away instantly, as intended. Try again, Cherry Man. Repeat our question exactly as stated and don’t add any of your own deranged gibberish.”
Rebhahn has still never admitted to his cult that he went to the FBI. Well, look at the screenshots of Rebhahn and his mod goons discussing their FBI complaint in their private chat.
come on down paul cherry
come on down paul cherry
come on down paul cherry
come on down paul cherry
come on down paul cherry
The nutjob Paul Cherry claims to be AGAINST cancel culture! (paul cherry … cool i will check it out jan i like to keep an open mind but i must disagree with you on cancel culture i was cancelled i lost my academic posting and any chance of tenure”.)
Says the guy who worships Morgue, the quintessence of Woke cancel culture – the guy who wrote smears campaigns against us, calling us bigots and N**is, to get us canceled, who went to the FBI to tell them that we were terrorists seeking Armageddon, to get us canceled, who actually canceled the AC website by telling insane lies about us to our service provider, who tried to sue us, via Karen, to cancel us, and who swatted three people to try to cancel them too.
How can any person who claims to be against cancel culture support four people – Rebhahn, Immensely Fat Jan (the Blob), Mad Bitchell, and Necrophil – who are the cancelers per excellence, whose first instinct is always to play the Woke victim card and demand that their legitimate critics be deplatformed and canceled? Total fucking cowards! We already know that these four psychopaths will also be trying to get our books canceled in the near future (we’ve seen their private chat about this!). Ironically, they are the ones who are going to be totally canceled – because of their insane decision to lie to the FBI. They canceled themselves by being criminals!
Malignant narcissists have no reality-testing capacity. They rely on others to tell them what reality is. But what happens when they surround themselves with other malignant narcissists? Then the whole group lives in a fantasy world. If we had been up against just one pathological narcissist – Rebhahn – Hyperianism would have collapsed back in August. People capable of grasping reality would have told Rebhahn it was all over. But the Blob, the Bitchell and Necrophil are as seriously mentally ill as Rebhahn, and so all four entered into an insane conspiracy to try to eliminate the opponents of their cult by fabricating a deranged story about terrorists coming to kill them and assassinate POTUS. Only people incapable of reality testing could have come up with this. What was their “evidence” that we were what they claimed we were (murderous terrorists, supposedly!) – quotes from fiction! Seriously! And screenshots of things said to them by RJ and Apollonius to which THEY attached the lunatic interpretation that they constituted death threats against them that were just about to be acted on. TOTAL INSANITY!!! How on earth do these mad people expect to survive branding people as terrorists – a STAGGERINGLY serious accusation to make – based on nothing but their collective fantasy? They have fucking zero chance of getting away with this. They are all going to jail for sure. The only question is when. The inept FBI are in no hurry. Serving justice is clearly not their thing. They jump to do the Woke’s bidding. They are much more reluctant to arrest Woke criminal scum like Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, and Phillip Shope.
So, all you insane Hyperians, remember you all said we were LYING about Rebhahn going to the FBI to fuck over his former mod RJ, his former senior colleague Apollonius, and those from whom he got ALL of his significant ideas (the AC/PI)? Well, here’s the first set of screenshots showing you these lunatics discussing their FBI complaint.
Well, what do you say now? Who was lying to you and who was telling you the truth? Hey Cherry Pie, you fuckwit, you were very keen on documentation for the FBI complaint. So, why don’t you fucking ask Rebhahn, your god whose dick you dream of sucking, to supply you with his IC3 complaint to the FBI? Why the fuck are you asking us for the documentation and not him? He was the mad cunt who made the complaint. All the responsibility for this scandal lies entirely with him and his fellow conspirators. Our side were the victims of these nutjobs. THEY were the perpetrators. But as sure as hell we’re going to get justice.
The useless idiot Paul Cherry said,
“…well if someone makes false allegations sullying your name then what do you expect to happen”
What about when someone tells the truth about you? What do you expect to happen?!
We all know who the LIARS are here, namely Paul Cherry, all the Hyperians, and, above all, Torgensen, Mitchell, Shope and Rebhahn.
We couldn’t have been any more open and honest. We have shown everyone everything that has been going on. The other lot have AT ALL TIMES lied and pretended that none of this was even happening. We were portrayed as people just inventing shit. But we’re the ones with all the screenshots showing what’s really going on, you fuckwits. We know all the things that Rebhahn said to his mods that he never said to you, his brainwashed cultists.
He has no respect for you. He doesn’t trust you. He is never honest with you. He constantly lies to you. The other day he was asked if he was having a good year. He said it was GREAT! In fact, it’s the worst year of his adult life and his cult is about to be destroyed, and he will be arrested, prosecuted and jailed. But this lunatic can never tell you the truth. He cannot tell you how he’s really feeling. He can never admit weakness, defeat, failure, anything going wrong, any adversity – because he is, is he not, a hyperaware World Shaper changing human reality?!
Never forget that none of the demented accusations Rebhahn made against our side – the most serious allegations possible! – led to anyone being arrested or charged with ANYTHING, meaning of course that everything said in Rebhahn’s complaint FAILED to be stood up. So, if the complaint resulted in no further action being taken after the initial questioning process, it MEANS that the FBI found that the complaint had no merit. And, if it had no merit, WHY WAS IT MADE AT ALL?! And if it was without merit, how can those who made it have any expectation that they will not be arrested for making the worst possible claims about people – claiming that they were prospective murderers and terrorists!
You cannot go around branding people as N**is, killers and terrorists because they wrote a book telling the truth about you!
When Rebhahn is arrested for his lies, he obviously can’t be the god he claims to be, can he?
Hyperianism will soon be over. External reality is coming to Hyperianism’s door, and that’s when the house of cards collapses at last.
Paul Cherry and the other degenerate scum who remain in this sick, lying, pathological cult are gripped by neurotic and psychotic obsessions. They constantly make up phony grievances. They are pigs rolling around in their own shit, denying the self-evident truth that all the substantive ideas relied on by Hyperianism came from us, not from the plagiarist, con man, grifter and felon Corey Rebhahn.
Wouldn’t you maniacs like to face the truth for once in your pathetic, failed lives? Your cult is OVER. Only the death throes continue. You will soon be put out of your misery. The TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE!
By the way, will all of you Hyperian morons who said we were lying about the FBI now all apologize to us and admit that we are right and you are wrong? Will you now, finally, denounce your false god? Of course you won’t …. BECAUSE you’re all mind-controlled cultists, totally under Rebhahn’s power.