Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): A Mentally Ill Influencer



Marshall McLuhan said,
“The medium is the message.” Social media has completely changed the world by giving a global platform to pathological narcissists. The influencer industry has come from nowhere to play a huge role in the lives of tens of millions of people … as a replacement for religion. The ridiculous prophets of old (all pathological narcissists) have morphed into the ridiculous influencers of today (all pathological narcissists too, like Corey Rebhahn/Morgue). Now “prophets” – FALSE PROPHETS – are everywhere, selling their snake oil to the gullible, credulous cretins whose counterparts in the past were those who came under the spell of the likes of Moses, the Buddha, Jesus, Saint Paul, Mohammed, and so on.
Professor Sam Vaknin wrote,
“Elsewhere … I have dealt with the classical, Freudian, concept of the Ego. It is partly conscious, partly preconscious and unconscious. It operates on a ‘reality principle’ (as opposed to the Id’s ‘pleasure principle’). It maintains an inner equilibrium between the onerous (and unrealistic, or ideal) demands of the Superego and the almost irresistible (and unrealistic) drives of the Id. It also has to fend off the unfavorable consequences of comparisons between itself and the Ego Ideal (comparisons that the Superego is only too eager to make). In many respects, therefore, the Ego in Freudian psychoanalysis is the Self. Not so in Jungian psychology.”
Predatory capitalism is a mentally ill economic system. It’s all about the Id’s pleasure principle and hates the reality principle, meaning that it creates a world of Id-dominated people, and not realistic, pragmatic, autonomous people controlled by the Ego.
America’s ideology of extreme individualism is the natural “philosophy” of the Id. America detests collectivism (the natural philosophy of the superego). Social media was of course birthed in the USA, where everyone wants to create an online shrine to themselves, and spy on the shrines of their peers, and those they wish to emulate.
What is social media all about? – millions of fragmentary, atomized individuals, narcissistically curating their personal image to try to impress other narcissists. All the Ids are trying to impress each other. Who dominates this scene? The uber narcissists – the malignant narcissists like Corey Rebhahn … the INFLUENCERS, constantly grifting from suckers. Smash the like! Like and subscribe. If you choose all the cheapest options, it’s only five bucks a month. It keeps a roof over my head.
Freud talked about the Ego Ideal (the inner image of oneself that one aspires to become). He never talked about the Id Ideal. What would that be? It would be the entity best able to secure maximum pleasure, the entity in a position to harvest MAXIMUM NARCISSISITIC SUPPLY. So, those people with an Id which doesn’t bring them the quantity and quality of pleasure they crave are very drawn to those with an Id that seems to be getting those things. Millions of people love the Kardashians because these ghastly walking-talking voids are living the vacuous pleasure principle lifestyle to the maximum – they are famous for being famous, and all their “achievements” are purely concerned with how well they play the Fame Game, America’s top game and top export to the world. The American dream is all about being a rich, famous, extreme individual.
So, all the beta apes look at and admire the alpha apes. And that’s what the Influencer game is all about. The Influencers are the alpha narcissists, those who get the most narcissistic supply. All those narcissists starved of narcissistic supply desperately want to be like those getting lots of it.
The world increasingly revolves around these people … those “living the life”, i.e., the life others want and crave. With social media, you can almost literally follow and see people having the life you seek. Which of course is what the influencer game is all about. You are influenced by influencers precisely because they have what you want, and you pay obsessed attention to them for that reason.
Social media is just recreating high school. The influencers are the “popular kids” (the plastics, the queen bees, those with the highest status) – the ones all the others want to be with, to be in their group, to hang out with.
Social media is just an Id popularity contest, and the influencers are the winners. Zero smart people are influencers.
Can you imagine the world being run by the Mean Girls? That’s the world social media has created. It’s all about image, appearance, fashion, social success, status, who has the most expensive designer clothes and accessories, and so on. All the shallow, superficial, surface crap that beguiles the moronic masses.
In Hyperianism, z-list girls imagine themselves a-listers because a weird androgynous man flirts with them and says their name out loud when they send him money and tell him how great he is. What a monumentally sick scene. It’s no different from prostitution.
We need an Ego economy rather than an Id economy, one that supports the smart, talented and profound people – not the shallow “appearance” people, those always projecting some highly constructed image. Look at how much attention Corey Rebhahn pays to his image. It’s all he’s concerned with.
In fact, there’s even more to it than the need for an Ego Economy. Plato had the brilliant idea of designing a State – the Republic – that reflects the three parts of the soul/brain: the thinking part (neocortex), spirited and emotional part (limbic system), and the desiring, appetitive part (reptilian brain stem). We should do exactly what Plato suggested and design society around the mind. In Freudian terms, we would design a society around the Ego (practical, obeying the reality principle), the Superego (collectivist, obeying the morality principle), and the Id (individualist, obeying the pleasure principle). In relation to the economy, it should have three parts too: a Superego Economy, an Ego economy, and an Id economy.
Predatory capitalism is all about the Id, and drags the whole world down into extreme individualism, consumption, “self-expression”, creating the era of the selfish, self-obsessed Self.
Look at Hyperianism. It’s all about extreme self-expression for extreme minorities and totally rejects the collective, and absolutely ignores the reality principle. It’s an insane Id fantasy where the most marginalized must be “respected and celebrated” for doing whatever they like, regardless of others, and regardless of the healthy development and evolution of society. Hyperianism is a far-right, extremist libertarian ideology supporting the “sovereign individuals” of extreme minorities, and it seeks to design society around a mentally ill androgynous individual (Corey Rebhahn). We can see what New Terra would be like just by reading the deranged posts of Edgelord Morgue, the Night Bringer, The Terror of Men, who relentlessly campaigns against normality (the Superego and Ego).
To free humanity, predatory capitalism must become a small aspect of reality, catering for Mythos, while we need an extremely powerful Logos Superego economy to shape and develop society (this would convey meritocracy). The Ego economy would mediate between the Superego and Id economies, always striving to get the right dialectical balance.
Of course, just as we have created a Freudian society, we could create a Jungian society based on the persona, ego, shadow, anima/animus, mana personalities and Self.
In fact, we could do pilot models of ANY major psychological theories in relation to their economic and social efficacy and compare and contrast them all and see which produce the best results. The best, most accurate psychological model would produce the best, most optimized society.
Predatory capitalism is horrendous because it has created a society of total Id Narcissists and psychopaths and insane fuckwits like Corey Rebhahn, a nauseating predatory capitalist influencer forever preying on the weak-minded and highly suggestible.
Predatory capitalism creates and enables monstrous psychopaths like Rebhahn. They fit right in with the malignant mode of predation, narcissism, psychopathy, image, and status supplied by predatory capitalism.
Consciousness is a social construct. You do not create higher consciousness via psychedelics – have you ever met any dickheads who regularly take psychedelics talk anything other than New Age bullshit? Just look at what the mindless shithead Corey Rebhahn – an extremely heavy drug abuser – says. This guy – Mr Psychedelic – complains to the FBI, engages in smear campaigns, swats people, issues lawsuits, tries to cancel and deplatform his critics, and so on …. so much for the enlightening, “loving” effects of psychedelics! Rebhahn is a totally dissociated nutjob, a true advert for not getting into the psychedelic scene, unless you want to end up insane like him, with a totally frazzled brain.
You optimize consciousness through the INSTITUTIONS of society, even through the economic institutions. We need to have a psychologically optimal economy, not an economy that panders to the Id and the extreme individual.
Anyone at all who supports Corey Rebhahn is as seriously mentally ill as he is. Absolutely no sane, rational, logical person could consider Corey Rebhahn a well-adjusted human. It’s self-evident that he is not. If you approve of Corey Rebhahn in a way at all, it’s because YOU too are seriously mentally ill too. Why would you imagine that you are not?! Why do you refuse to accept that if you are drawn to a non-binary, androgynous weirdo who appeared in a freakshow and has zero qualifications and calls himself hyperaware and a world shaper, you yourself are not HIGHLY SUSPECT? Why wouldn’t you be? Do you imagine it’s HEALTHY to be infatuated with a total fucking nutjob, far beyond all normal parameters? Hey, isn’t that true of you too?! You are a total freak and weirdo too. That’s WHY you are obsessed with this man. Haven’t you woken up yet? Haven’t you smelled the coffee? Get some fucking self-awareness! Stop kidding yourselves about the fantasy of “hyperawareness”. Rebhahn is the last person who could guide you to any higher state. That guy is totally fucked.
Here’s a typical Hyperian comment: “Go on. It’s very important to talk about. You have a great huge platform and it’s happening now. The New World is out of phase with the old world. The 3D mentality can not Ascend into a 5D world. I love your work. Keep on trucking. 👍🏻 Now is the time for everyone to awake and let your love essence and forgiveness shine through to be a beacon of light to the New World. Namaste.”
Enough of the gibberings of lunatics.
The power of Influencers – the vacuous, plastic Queen bees, and queens like Corey Rebhahn who thinks he’s one of the mean girls – needs to be smashed to smithereens. End this sick attention economy designed to give maximum narcissistic supply and influence to malignant narcissists and psychopaths … people like Corey Rebhahn.