Rowan said,
“The quality of submissions in these two books is unreal … THTTM.”
It really was. We were incredibly impressed.
Rowan said,
“Imagine Rebhahn trying to rally his troops to counter with a book of their own. Kim Drew would submit a line drawn through a crossword puzzle thinking she was solving a maze. Hope Bahr would submit a log of shit in a zip lock bag. Paul Cherry would muster a cum shot rag with Morgue’s face scribbled on it. Corey would get AI to write his part. The book would be bound with the skin and a lock of hair of one of Phillip’s Grindr victims. Susan would edit it. Jan would rage quit. Actually, come to think of it, I’d love to see that! Your move, Porgy.”
By the way, hasn’t Rebhahn actually sent an AI robot out to do his deadstreams for him these days? He’s too lazy to do anything for himself now. He probably writes his crappy books via AI. He types in the general parameters – WOKE SHIT – and, hey presto, his next book is ready.
But Rebhahn, your bot keeps glitching! It talks even more shit than you used to (it learned TOO WELL!). Sort it out, mate!
Since Porgy would never do a book project – he has no interest in what his glove puppets think, only in how much love and money they send him – WE shall step in to fill the void.
So, this is to announce a new book project, a most unexpected one – thus proving how scrupulously fair we are. It’s called “DON’T TAKE HYPERIANISM TO THE MORGUE”.
Shock, horror, sharp intake of breath.
It’s for HYPERIANS ONLY. So, Hyperians, this is your chance to express yourself, in your own words, uncensored. If you believe in Hyperianism and Morgue so much, you must have good reasons for your beliefs, and you must want to communicate them to the world. Right?!
No doubt you’ve devoured the AWESOME THTTM (Parts I and II) and now you want to explain how all the people who contributed to these books are wrong, and Morgue really is the True Messiah. Well, this is your big chance!
Karen has once again kindly volunteered to coordinate all of this. Notify her of your intention to submit an essay by the end of this month. And then you will have until March 15 to submit your actual essay to Karen. Then we’ll bring out a book using the same process as for THTTM.
Don’t say we’re not magnanimous. We’re wiling to let you “self-express”, just as you’ve always wanted. Express your “diversity”, right guys?! You know you want to.
Explain why Morgy Porgy ISN’T a malignant narcissist, a psychopath, a liar, a plagiarist, a conman, a fraud, a fake, a phony, a grifter, a thief, a swatter, a pal of the FBI, cops and lawyers, a cancel culture fanatic, a smearer, a jeerer, a Woke nutcase … a cult leader grooming and brainwashing vulnerable people. You MUST have great reasons for denying that all of these things are true of your cult god. So what are those reasons? In six months, we have never once come across any argument by any Hyperian actually refuting anything we say. We’ve come across a lot of insane trolling and condemnation, and repetition of Rebhahn’s smears against, but we have never encountered a single Hyperian who actually engaged with the case against Rebhahn. Is that because you don’t want to, or can’t? Well, come on, let’s be having you. Put your money where your mouth is. Walk the walk. If you are people of reason and logic, as you claim, then you should have no problem giving your rational and logical case for why you are right about Rebhahn and his cult of Hyperianism and we are wrong.
Naturally, we have an ulterior motive for this project. As you know, we think all of you Hyperians are groomed, brainwashed cultists … hopeless goons who can’t string two sentences together, of seriously low intelligence, all of whom are infatuated with Rebhahn, and you have fused your identity with his.
We are expecting your efforts to be comically bad and show how inept and stupid Hyperians are in comparison with the magnificent Illuminist authors who contributed to THTTM.
Go on, try to prove us wrong. We shall relish your attempt, which we of course expect to be totally feeble and pathetic. Come on … it’s time to write down – for all the world to see – why you go on being Hyperian and supporting Rebhahn and giving him so much money! You have your reasons, so what are they? We are incredibly curious about why you go on being suckers in a cult of suckers. Do you get off on it? Is it a BDSM kink?
So, to remind you, you have until the end of the month to notify Karen of your intention to participate, and then you have until 15 March to write your submissions. Morgy Porgy will be fully onboard with this since he will of course want to read about how much his abject worshipers venerate him.
M.C. Heavyset, a huge fan of Mystic Fat Jan, the Tarot Card Fortune Teller of the Farmers’ Market, said,
“Hi I Like how you said you are Hyperian and you do whatever the hell you want 。◕‿◕。😊”
And that’s what Hyperianism is really all about – DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT, i.e., … FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. That’s the true Hyperian message.
So, our motive for this book is … GIVE THEM ENOUGH ROPE. We expect the Hyperians to hang themselves – to reveal their spectacular stupidity – in their attempts to justify why they remain in their cult.
Give it your best shot! Prove us wrong (as if!).
By the way, have you noticed that if you pay 2 bucks (to buy THTTM parts I and II), you can get 300,000 words of incredible wisdom from Illuminists, whereas on a Morgue deadstream, people spend two bucks, or TWO HUNDRED bucks more like, to ask Morgue what his favorite color is, or what vegan dish he’s pretending to eat today (you know he’s a fake vegan, don’t you?!).
Baudrillard said that there are four phases of the image: the first reflects a basic reality; the second masks or perverts a basic reality; the third masks the absence of a basic reality; and the fourth bears no relation to any reality (it is its own pure simulacrum).
Hyperianism started off as a reflection of Illuminism, then masked that it was moving away from Illuminism; then masked that it had lost all connection to Illuminism, and now bears no relation to any reality. It’s pure fantasy, the copy without the original (Illuminism).
The four phases also reflect Rebhahn himself. He started off with a True Self, then he started to create a mask for his True Self to protect himself from his shitty life, then he started creating a False Self, a full mask in its own right, with a life of its own, and now his False Self lives in a totally false world, a fantasy world, and has no connection to reality. It is entirely self-referential. Only Rebhahn’s narcissistic supply – his Hyperian cult – props up this fantasy. And they share that fantasy world with him. Of course, none of these people would ever prosper in the real world.
The world of social media is bringing to life Baudrillard’s nightmarish version of hyperreality where the whole of humanity lives in a matrix that has no resemblance to anything except itself. It’s all becoming frighteningly real (or unreal!), and will be completed by the dystopian METAVERSE, so loved by Corey Rebhahn, the fakest man on earth, who doesn’t even identify as human but as something, er, “other than human”.
So, on the day we originally said we would publish the “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” books, thanks once again to all the authors who contributed so superbly. And big thanks to Apollonius, Gina, Rowan and Artemis Maenad who did a lot of extra work behind the scenes. And the biggest thanks go to Karen, who had the most preparation to do behind the scenes. This project really began with Karen’s original idea of setting up a writing group to “unite in reason” Illuminists and Hyperians. As it turned out, the Illuminists and EX-Hyperians get on fine, united in reason. It’s the remaining Hyperians who can’t be reached by reason. Because they are Hyperians due to their feelings alone. They mention “logic and reason” only because Morgy Porgy does, and they want to please him, not because they care at all about logic and reason. If they did, they would read our books condemning Hyperianism – because how else would they be logically and rationally informed about the criticisms of their cult? Is it logical and rational to IGNORE what is being said about the group to which you belong? Hyperians appear to believe that it is logical and rational to ignore reality, to never address it. Is it? Or is it totally illogical and irrational? How can you “shape the world” if you ignore the world because you prefer life in your fantasy? What is it that makes Hyperians logically and rationally conclude that they are NOT part of a pathological fantasy, generated by the man they love … Corey Rebhahn?
Also, thanks to Ishtar who submitted one of the most compelling essays in the collection. Ishtar was heavily involved in Karen’s original project, and then got entirely blamed for its collapse. But she expertly reveals Morgue’s machinations and how she was disgracefully sacrificed and hung out to dry by Morgue. Anything to save his own skin. Read all about it for yourself. It’s deeply disturbing and symptomatic of so much of what goes on in Hyperianism, out of sight. There’s an astonishing amount of manipulation and insidious pressuring of people to make them do what Morgue wants. He relies so much on people wanting to please him, and almost being scared to displease him. That’s anything other than a healthy scene. That’s TOXIC. Good people end up in impossible situations, and that’s wrong on every level.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking