When you’re up against four psychopaths, all backing up each other to the hilt, and capable of absolutely anything, no matter how criminal, as we have already seen, then, unfortunately, you have to fully prepare to take on these maniacs and deal with them once and for all. They cannot be allowed to go on committing crimes against decent, moral human beings.
We know for a fact that Phillip Shope is planning to have our books canceled so that Morgue Official can then carry out his plagiarism of our work to the maximum, unimpeded by the books from which Morgue and his Hyperian cult stole all of their substantive knowledge (but not their insane Woke shit!). He has already discussed it with his deviant lord, Morgue.
Check it out:
This is what we’re up against. This is what we have to be ready for as we prepare to bring out our books on Sunday denouncing Hyperianism.
So, we all need to be ready to deal with these psychopaths. They have already carried out many psychopathic actions (FBI, swatting, cops, smear campaigns, lawsuits, lawyers, suicide hot line, canceling our website, and so on). All of that was in response to one book. Think about how insanely these lunatics will react when THREE books come out. Well, we’ll soon find out. Anything’s possible from the seriously mentally ill – but of course, it’s exactly their insanity that will finally send them all to jail, or the mental asylum.
Last time, these insane people insanely complained to the FBI – to get revenge for the book exposing their sick and dangerous cult. That, like everything else they tried, FAILED. Because no one on our side did anything wrong. Nevertheless, we have been put to immense inconvenience to deal with the crap these Woke lunatics throw at us. They are the biggest cry babies in the world, totally weak and pathetic. They are absolute cowards. They do everything via others – cops, lawyers, the FBI, and so on. They never fight their own battles. They are the lowest human beings you could ever imagine, snakes with zero honor and dignity. They don’t even believe that honor and dignity should have any role at all in the world. These qualities are distinctly unWoke.
These four psychos provably fabricated evidence and lied to the FBI. These people WILL be arrested when the FBI finally decide to look at the irrefutable evidence, rather than deliberately ignoring it, as they have been doing thus far.
All that’s needed is one trigger – some extra lunatic action by these four mentally disturbed individuals – to get the FBI to act. We’re expecting the psychos to deliver us the ammunition we need in the days following the publication of our new books exposing their cult more comprehensively than ever.
The cretin Phillip Shope and his cronies keep delivering hate speech against normal people and the normal world. They absolutely DESPISE regular human beings, all humans who don’t subscribe to their diseased, degenerate Woke ideology. Shope believes that hate speech is a crime. If it were, he would have been arrested for his sick campaign of hate against the normal world.
As with everything else, Shope needs an education regarding what constitutes crime and what can be legitimately complained about. We have a complaint about the factual doctoring of evidence and lying to the FBI carried out by the Rebhahn gang – all exactly proved! – whereas these crazy clowns talk about supposed “hate” as if it were a crime. It isn’t, you fucking muppets. Here’s what the FBI said:
“A hate crime is a traditional offense like murder, arson, or vandalism with an added element of bias. For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a ‘criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.’ Hate itself is not a crime — and the FBI is mindful of protecting freedom of speech and other civil liberties.”
Any attempt to silence and cancel us by claiming to Amazon that we are engaged in “hate” will immediately be notified to the FBI as part of the ongoing, sick campaign of harassment and lying to attack our work that is being conducted by the plagiarist Rebhahn gang, contrary to the First Amendment.
By the way, Shope, “Mein Kampf” is sold on Amazon. Woke nutcases like you – a man who dreams of the skin of the dead! – are no doubt seeking to have history itself erased because it’s “hateful” and upsets you. Poor little lamb. What an effeminate person you are. Another half man, just like Rebhahn, your god. That’s why you get on so well. Two eunuchs together.
Your diseased campaign against healthy free speech will never succeed. We will go on being free to blow the whistle on the sick and degenerate Hyperian cult. Unlike the Rebhahn gang, we have committed no crimes. They have committed plenty. The law will eventually take its course. Our assumption is that Rebhahn is currently being protected by his cop dad and his cronies. The reek of police corruption hangs heavily over this case.
So, it’s essential to know exactly what we’re up against. Tomorrow, we shall be giving everyone much greater insight into who these people are.
These people are terrified of the truth. They can’t provide a rational counterargument so they just start crying and then calling the cops or the FBI, or lawyers. And these deranged people call themselves hyperaware World Shapers raising human consciousness! They can’t even tell their own groomed and brainwashed followers what’s going on, so all the creepy weirdos who fanatically support them have to come to us to find out what’s going on with their own cult. They don’t even find that ironic. Why isn’t “hyperaware” Rebhahn explaining to them what is going on? Ho, ho, ho. Because Rebhahn knows he is finished if he engages with reality.
The “Hyperians” are the DEATH of human intelligence. They are the enemies of consciousness and are slipping back into animalism. Just look at drugs-obsessed Phillip Shope, a man whose brain is now as frazzled by drugs as that of his God, Corey Rebhahn, an extremely heavy drug abuser.
These insane people are supremely entitled. They believe that the world should be forced to agree with them, that no one should be allowed to object to them or hate them, and they believe that the police, FBI, and lawyers should be called to stop anyone criticizing him, contrary to the First Amendment. Rowan and Apollonius made the mistake of talking freely to people they once regarded as friends and comrades, and ended up on the receiving end of an FBI operation for their “mistake” in trying to talk honestly to the Rebhahn gang. Can you imagine the chilling effect that has? People start worrying about everything they say. They can’t trust the people around them anymore. Because any “misspeaking” could get you arrested.
Humanity cannot live this way, constantly self-censoring so as not to offend the weirdest freaks in the world who take offense at ANYTHING!
These Rebhahnites are N**IS. The Woke N**is are as serious a threat to the human future as the first N**is were. And they must be fought to the bitter end, just as the first ones were. People must be free to oppose the Woke, or the world is lost.
Did you see what the nutjob Rebhahn said on his latest deadstream?
“I studied palmistry for years. For a long time, I used to take a scalpel and cut in my own fate lines as a metaphorical way of saying that I control my own fate … that unconscious forces don’t dictate it. I consciously do so myself. … I did that for a long time. I would cut in my own fate lines on both my palms. I did it for six months or a year. You can see the scars if you look closely.”
This is magical thinking, and also clear evidence of insanity. This is exactly what a FALSE SELF – the core of malignant narcissism – gets up to to prove to itself that it is GOD and is in charge of its own fate. All of the weird things that Rebhahn did – such as swallowing razor blades and jabbing himself with needles – were all actions carried out by a FALSE SELF to delude itself that it was powerful and could not be hurt.
Rebhahn is a 24-carat nutjob, and the only reason his slavish followers don’t see it is that they are seriously mentally ill too!
Rebhahn said he’s an ethical vegan and cares for animals, while admitting that he eats salmon, among other things! What a hypocrite. Not only does this obscene person have no compunction about eating animals, he thinks nothing of making false, vicious, fabricated complaints to the FBI to fuck over former senior Hyperians!
Insane Hyperian “Heretical Response” said,
“What they [Morgue] teach is how to love and appreciate yourself.”
You see, it’s nothing to do with knowledge. It’s nothing to do with the collective, with meritocracy, with the working class, with overthrowing the elites. It’s all about extreme individualism – loving and appreciating yourself! … and no one loves and appreciates himself more than the malignant narcissist Corey Rebhahn, and his entire cult comprises people such as Heretical Response, seeking to become BETTER narcissists! It’s all about them, never about others. This is what Rebhahn’s shared fantasy is all about – getting weak, simple-minded people to become more narcissistic, more like Rebhahn himself … the apex narcissist of the cult.
Rebhahn talks about philosophy. He has zero qualifications in philosophy. He rubbishes science. He has zero qualifications in science. In fact, Rebhahn has no qualifications at all. He didn’t even go to school. Rebhahn has no qualifications regarding anything at all. He’s a sword swallower. He’s a palmist, an astrologer, a magician, an extreme stunt artist, a freak show performer. An NLP con man.
Corey Rebhahn is the very poster boy of the Dunning-Kruger effect – an idiot who thinks he’s smart and thinks he can sneer at people who are actually smart.
By the way, we have taken Rebhahn’s hilariously dumb comments about the “One Mind seeking diversity” and trashed them for the moronic garbage they are. You’ll be able to read about it in “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”, coming out on Sunday. Of course, Rebhahn will just go on talking his same old crap, and his groomed cultists will go on believing whatever he says. It’s not as if they’re actually going to read our book and agree that their God is an idiot. As if! These people fell all the way down the rabbit hole and are never getting back out. They hate the truth. They have no idea what an intellectual argument is. After all, they are the Dunning-Kruger mob in full action.
Not a single Hyperian could read our book and refute our arguments, so none will ever read our books. That’s how they roll. They are the dumbest people on earth.
Anyhoo, we’re getting closer to Sunday when the Hyperian Bomb explodes. Lots to look forward to!
Tick tock!