The only thing cult leader Morgue Official knows about is the Bible. He was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult and is an out-and-out WASP. This person is totally incapable of escaping his past. He is in every way trapped by his disastrous relationship with his parents (who split up when he was a teen), and his disastrous relationship with Christianity (Rebhahn, you must understand, for many years wanted to be the most PERFECT Christian in the world – since that was how to win the “love” of his extremist Christian parents … this weird fuckwit was the most obnoxious, insufferable goody two shoes on earth!).
Hyperianism is now just a variant of Christianity. It’s a dumb Christian religion for dumb Christian cultists. They’re Woke Christians, born-again Christians. Their “Jesus” is Corey Rebhahn … their “Savior”.
Let’s give you a rundown of what Hyperianism now preaches. It won’t take long. Hyperianism is an astonishingly infantilized religion, designed to appeal to really stupid people from Christian backgrounds.
Hyperianism is monotheistic Christianity where the Christian Creator doesn’t make the world, and the souls that inhabit it, out of nothing at all … but out of HIMSELF. In Hyperianism, there is only one ultimate reality – God, the Christian Creator, which Rebhahn refers to as the “Absolute”.
Rebhahn says that the “Absolute perspective” shows that there is only one thing – ONE MIND (i.e., the Creator). So, this is the part of Hyperianism that deals with UNITY. Rebhahn could describe the “Absolute perspective” as the “Unity perspective”. This is where he spouts his drivel that we are all really one and therefore should never hate each other or fight with each other, because it makes no sense to be in conflict with yourself! This idea of “we are all One” is of course central to New Age thinking, Woke thinking, mysticism, Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, Buddhism, Hinduism, and so on. It is also implied by the Christian Mantra “Love thy neighbor as thyself”.
But Unity is definitely NOT what Hyperianism is all about. It’s actually about DIVERSITY. The slogan that defines Hyperianism is “Unity exploring diversity”.
Rebhahn has literally talked about the Creator getting bored and wanting to “explore difference”. To relieve his tedium, the Creator created a material world, and then created dissociated versions of his own mind to explore it. God consciousness, according to Rebhahn, is actually Hyperian “hyperawareness”, i.e., this is when the Creator reaches self-awareness, via Corey Rebhahn himself, Immensely Fat Jan, Necrophil the Carpet Cleaner, and mad Susan Bitchell, the very wealthy narc groupie. Who knew?!
The other two arms of Rebhahn’s “triadic perspective” are the mental diversity perspective (the “monadic” perspective) and the physical diversity perspective (the “avatar” perspective).
Rebhahn definitely doesn’t go for the GENDER perspective, where everyone must have a male or female perspective. He HATES that, being non-binary and all.
You have to remember that all of Rebhahn’s ideological choices are always to validate his particular will, and his personal lifestyle choices. So, Rebhahn emphasizes that monads have no inherent gender and so have an “agender” (genderless) perspective. His big Woke maneuver is to say that because monadic minds have no innate gendered perspective, this should automatically be carried over to the “avatar” world, i.e., avatars, although they have a male or female biological sex, should be ignored in these terms. Everyone should be able to explore any gender they like, says Rebhahn, or no gender at all, without any “hate” from society (and the “Unity” perspective is invoked here, of course, to suggest that it is INSANE to object to anyone at all … because you are supposedly objecting to yourself … can you see how staggeringly manipulative this idea is?! … it’s a charter for crime – since why should you object to crimes committed by “yourself” – and extreme individualism, and a world of the pure Freudian ID).
So, Rebhahn says everyone should be vegan because of the Unity perspective, everyone should be pacifist, and everyone should be maximally tolerant (of him … although, of course, he has zero tolerance towards anyone not cooperating with his selfish agenda). They should respect everyone else and even “celebrate” them. They should always be curious about others, especially the most different, and never under any circumstances discriminate against them. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR! Blessed are the weak, and the meek, and the different, and the persecuted. It’s as if people such as Rebhahn have never heard of human history and how wedded it has been to SAMENESS (which is of course an intrinsic UNITY PERSPECTIVE, unlike Rebhahn’s diversity perspective, which formally opposes unity!).
Actually, if it were true that we were “One” exploring diversity, then why would that not entail exploring “evil” diversity rather than “good” diversity? If the game is to explore “diverse experiences”, why not explore being a hater, a troll, a bigot, a Nazi, a mass murderer, a sadist, a psychopath, a malignant narcissist … ? Isn’t it funny how Hyperians deny any absolute morality and then preach peace and love to all men, AND ANIMALS … in an even more extreme way than actual Christians do?! They talk about “diversity”, but actually mean “Woke diversity”. But on what basis would the bored One Mind, keen to explore diversity, be against persecuting the Woke, as part of this diverse world of diverse experiences?! Aren’t the psychopaths allowed to explore their diversity? Who has any right to get in the way of their absolute expression of diversity, right, Rebhahn?! What’s sauce for the goose, and so on. Why would “exploring diversity” not involve a total bloodbath … if we’re actually serious about real diversity and not Woke diversity? Why would the ONE MIND limit itself to Woke diversity? If it wants diversity, why not explore anti-Woke diversity too? If you could create a game where avatars of yourself could hate each other and fight each other, why wouldn’t you create that game? So, even Rebhahn’s “One Mind exploring diversity” shtick doesn’t actually lead to what Rebhahn wants – infinite tolerance for non-binary freaks like him. It just as much leads to infinite intolerance of such people – because that’s the whole fucking point of “exploring diversity”. Rebhahn, who constantly speaks out against religious morality, wants the exploration of diversity to explore nothing but Woke morality.
Nietzsche said,
“Moderation sees itself as beautiful; it is unaware that in the eye of the immoderate it appears black and sober and consequently ugly-looking.”
So, Edgelord Morgue’s understanding of the exploration of diversity would be completely different from Woke Morgue’s understanding. Which proves just how dumb this whole malarkey is. It has none of the “desirable” consequences the dumbwit Rebhahn imagines it does. It is NOT the secret sauce of Wokeness.
Everyone, says Rebhahn, should become androgynous (non-binary) to balance male and female energies – even though that seems to enormously degrade reality’s supposed commitment to “diversity” … males and females are to be eliminated and replaced solely by non-binary gloop.
Joel Swindler, top Hyperian donor, shouted out twice a week by Rebhahn, says he “Studied Creation and Creator at JESUS of Nazareth.” Swindler clearly understands that Hyperianism is 100% compatible with Jesus of Nazareth.
Anyway, that’s basically the full Hyperian story. It spins a story about “unity” in order to promote its opposite – disunity. Its defining idea is “Unity exploring diversity”. It says we are all one mind, and that’s all there is, and the purpose of this one mind is to relieve boredom by, er, doing whatever Corey Rebhahn likes to do! The One Mind dissociates so that it can explore MADNESS, er diversity.
When it suits Rebhahn, he talks about Unity. When it suits Rebhahn, he talks about diversity. When it suits Rebhahn, he emphasizes One Mind. When it suits Rebhahn, he emphasizes Many Minds. When it suits Rebhahn, he emphasizes monads (although, according to Rebhahn, only one monad actually exists!). When it suits Rebhahn, he emphasizes avatars (especially the diverse “aesthetic” of avatars).
The whole thing is designed to secure narcissistic supply and money for Rebhahn by using whatever Woke rhetoric works in the moment for his simple-minded, weak-minded, Woke-minded audience.
There is no Truth in this silly religion. There are no technical details. It’s pure Mythos. Logos is entirely absent. Hyperians proudly say that they don’t read books (especially ours!). They can, they say, only “absorb” information from videos, and especially from Hyperian videos.
For those that don’t know, thinking types primarily gain knowledge from books – where they are exposed to IDEAS. Feeling types primarily gain their knowledge, such as it is, from videos – where they are exposed to whoever is speaking to them, with whom they enter into an emotional RELATIONSHIP. Hyperianism is all about cult members having a cult relationship with the cult god, Rebhahn. Ideas are neither here nor there. The emotional relationship with Rebhahn is what defines the cult. Everyone who didn’t want or need a relationship with Corey Rebhahn left Hyperianism. Everyone obsessed with having a parasocial relationship with Rebhahn stayed. Relationships (which they call “community” … “hyperfam”), not ideas, are what are important to Hyperians. That’s self-evident. They cannot abandon a relationship, and they don’t care about ideas. They will accept whatever incoherent, contradictory crap Rebhahn – a man with no qualifications – “teaches” them. They have no interest in experts, in qualified individuals, in complex concepts and philosophy. All they are interested in is belonging to a Woke group saying Woke things.
Gnostic Christianity is dragged into all of this. Rebhahn likes to portray the Gnostics as the Woke of ancient times, full of freaks and weirdos like him. So, he loves to talk about BANNED texts, FORBIDDEN texts, SECRET texts, HIDDEN texts, SUPPRESSED texts, ERASED FEMALE DISCIPLES, and so on, which all supposedly show that Corey Rebhahn is the Second Coming of the Christ and the One True God physically incarnated on earth again to preach Unity Exploring Diversity, to build New Terra (New Jerusalem) and “raise human consciousness” (to attain Christ Consciousness). Collective frequency domains (CFDs) are the Hyperian Rapture.
So, Hyperianism is just Christianity with a non-binary, Woke makeover. It’s a slave morality. It’s absolute opposed to masculinity, and all heterosexual males are regarded as “toxic”. The whole thing revolves around Corey Rebhahn’s personal experiences in life, his personal tastes, and his pathological narcissism and psychopathy.
The Hyperian Bible is now something like a year behind schedule. That’s because Rebhahn knows he can’t go near ontological mathematics anymore, and what’s left of Hyperianism as a Logos subject without ont math? Zilch!
Hyperianism is now just a childishly simple Woke story of “Unity exploring Diversity”. It’s just Woke ideology reframed as Christianity, especially Gnostic Christianity (Christianity for mystical outsiders). There’s no book to be written about it.
We have told you what Hyperianism actually is in just one page. You’ve all heard “the speech”. Rebhahn delivers it over a hundred times a year on his deadstreams – how reality is all about ONE MIND exploring (somehow) being MANY MINDS in order to have “experiences” and learn from them, and “grow” (though no Hyperian has ever grown except in the scale of their tedium and pointlessness … and Fat Jan’s ever immenser Fatness!). And this set of experiences is ALWAYS to be seen in Woke terms, i.e., the terms from which Corey Rebhahn secures the most narcissistic supply and money.
YAWN! Pass the hot chocolate and turn down the lights!
Corey Rebhahn isn’t any kind of intellectual. This person has zero commitment to Truth. He has a commitment to getting as big an audience as he can. He openly welcomes astrologers into Hyperianism. What intellectual wants an audience of astrologers? None! Rebhahn, as everyone knows, has no qualifications, and never even made it to school. His ferocious anti-intellectualism is no surprise. Did you hear this man with no philosophical qualifications slagging off qualified philosophers? That’s the Dunning-Kruger effect right there.
What IS surprising is that he is a somatic narcissist (he is preoccupied with his physical image) who aspires to be a cerebral narcissist (and be regarded as “really smart”). It’s this cerebral narcissism that made Hyperianism into the horror show it became. A stupid person with no education suddenly believed himself astonishingly smart and capable of solving the greatest philosophical problems of all time. It always makes us laugh when we hear Rebhahn – a sword-swallowing freak – saying with a straight face that he solved the biggest problem in philosophical history. Who said he solved it? HE DID. Who agreed with him? NO ONE. Come on, people, LAUGH. This is PRECISELY what the grandiosity of malignant narcissism looks like.
By the way, Morgy Porgy is totally losing it these days (well, even more so than usual). Someone commented under one of his videos that his “energy had changed”. Haven’t you noticed that he silently glares at the comments in the chat for way too long as he looks for ANYTHING worth mentioning. His narcissistic supply is drying up. This guy is clearly extremely depressed now. Imagine having to keep thanking Dyslexic Fairy hundreds of times a year for her meaningless Hegel quotes (as if you can reduce grand philosophy to YouTube soundbites!). That’s a fate worse than death.
Rebhahn is totally trapped. Keep watching this Hyperian shitshow, folks. You will literally see this fuckwit mentally disintegrating. The cornered rat will experience MORTIFICATION and suffer narcissistic collapse. It’s going to be fun! Psychology in action, folks!
When it comes to Hyperianism, we have no Shadow. We talk about this monstrosity every day. We don’t ignore the elephant in the room. We don’t sweep anything under the carpet. We don’t pretend that reality is different from how it is. But Rebhahn’s chosen strategy is to commit all of those sins. He NEVER mentions what is going on. He NEVER refers to the elephant in the room. He is building a simply ENORMOUS SHADOW, and that Shadow is now etched on his face. And it’s going to erupt one of these days. As ever, have your popcorn ready for when the entertainment reaches ELEVEN on the scale (which, as you know, only goes up to ten!).
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking