How can anyone spend even five seconds in a Hyperian deadstream without realizing that this is the graveyard of intelligence? A brazen, overt, grandiose narcissist preaches to (and grifts from) hundreds of inverted narcissists who believe they are important BECAUSE they are worshiping Rebhahn. Nobodies such as Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy – people that no one sees in real life – can engage in the fantasy that they are significant people. Why? BECAUSE they are “helping” Rebhahn. As long as they believe that he’s a “somebody” then they can feel like somebodies too, because they are “SUPPORTING” him.
Rebhahn is in fact a total nobody and we would have totally ignored him if he had fucked off six months ago when we exposed him. Instead, he continues to promote a totally fucked, moronic version of our work and is thus doing IMMENSE DAMAGE to our work. We will not allow that. This fuckwit will be stopped. He can spout his own cretinous crap – his Phreakshow Philosophy – as much as he likes, but he will never be allowed to defile OUR work.
Never forget, all that Rebhahn was required to do was never reference ontological mathematics ever again (or FULLY explain exactly where he got all of his information from and repeat this every time he gave a talk), but, as we all know, he refused to do the right thing, the sane thing, the rational thing. Of course, the reason he didn’t want to give up Ont Math is that he’s got shit without it. Remember all of Rebhahn’s Terrors of Men drivel – an intelligence-free zone for malcontents, anomics and freaks (Rebhahn’s natural brethren). Hyperianism would just be a Woke version of the same nonsense without our system to give it the aura of intelligence.
How many times must we point it out? Rebhahn is a PERFORMER. He is not an INTELLECTUAL. As a somatic narcissist (absolutely obsessed with his image and his Rachel hair) who aspires to be a cerebral narcissist, he PERFORMS as an “intellectual”, but of course, he’s NOT an intellectual. This guy didn’t even go to school, and the only text he knows well is the Christian Bible! Which continues to inform his entire worldview. Hyperianism is just Woke Christianity, but which bizarrely uses ontological mathematics to make it seem impressive and intelligent. Our work has been dragged into Rebhahn’s grifting operation. This guy has no ethics AT ALL. He is shameless. Well … he’s a psychopath!
Stupid people, as per the Dunning-Kruger effect, have no means to differentiate cretins spouting word salad from geniuses expressing the most complex thoughts. America is now the Dunning-Kruger society par excellence, and that was in fact inevitable given America’s worship of extreme individualism, which is to say extreme narcissism and psychopathy, since everyone believes they are God and they all detest “experts” – because who the fuck is an expert to tell them they are WRONG? They are NEVER wrong!
People cannot abide being Wrong, and because of that, they cannot learn and become right. To get smarter, you must acknowledge that there are smarter people than you from whom you can learn. But extreme individualists (i.e., narcissists obsessed with “self-expression”) think they are the smartest people in the room. So, they believe that they should be preaching to everyone else, and have nothing to learn from anyone else. (Just look at Corey Rebhahn!) And that’s why they NEVER learn. And that’s exactly how you end up in the IDIOCRACY. If they made a sequel of that movie, it would focus on a cult like hyperianism and a moronic cult leader like Rebhahn, pretending he’s smart, and being worshipped by other people pretending they’re smart too. Pretending to be smart – while being spectacularly dumb – is what America, source of social media, is all about these days. That’s why it’s about to collapse. In fact, it already has. The facts on the ground take a little while to catch up with the spiritual collapse. People such as Corey Rebhahn have assassinated America.
Ontological mathematics is about the TRUTH of existence. It’s not about American influencers grifting from suckers. You CANNOT apply Californian Woke “genderism” to ontological mathematics and seek to use ontological mathematics to validate “non-binary” identity and “diversity” and “veganism” and pacifism and everything else the Woke Messiah Rebhahn (aka BITCHELL, the true soul of Hyperianism) endorses, yet this is what Hyperianism is entirely about (in order to attract maximum narcissistic supply and money for Rebhahn, and to shore up the total delusions of his FALSE SELF).
Rebhahn believes he is God, and therefore he looks for ways to vindicate all of the positions he holds – because all of God’s positions must be correct, right? So, Rebhahn can’t keep his non-binary fuckwittery to himself and his close friends. No, not only does he have to inflict this bullshit on everyone else, he then has to find ways to claim that non-binaryness is the future of humanity, the culmination of evolution, and all the rest of his androgynous master race crap.
Rebhahn – a ferocious anti-intellectual – starts with his Woke ideology and Woke identity and then, with confirmation bias turned up to maximum, tries to mold everything to suit his emotional, ideological position (which is also that of all of his cultists – we are talking full Audience Capture here) and reject anything that does not fit. Rebhahn is insanely trying to Wokify Ontological Mathematics, which is to say FALSIFY it – in order to accommodate his deranged ideology – and that’s why we must stop him. He cannot be allowed to pervert our system and make it as perverted as he is.
Rebhahn is an incredibly dangerous moron because this man with no qualifications believes he is the most intelligent human being of all time. He seriously does! He thinks he can correct Nobel Prize winners and philosophical geniuses such as Plato, Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, and so on. He frequently says of these astonishing thinkers that “they didn’t get it right … they made mistakes … here’s the real answer…” As if a sword swallower on a freakshow, who studied palmistry and welcomes astrologers and fundamentalist Christians into his cult, could correct humanity’s top intellects!!!! IT’S OBSCENE. This degree of malignant narcissism is OFF THE SCALE.
Everyone should watch this video by Professor Sam Vaknin, who has several doctorates, an IQ of 190, and is someone who is at least in the game of being capable of making genius contributions. It’s unlikely that he will, but it would not be a miracle if he did. It is literally impossible that Corey Rebhahn could make any intelligent contribution to anything. He never has, and never will.
Anyway, the video is entitled “Stupidity, Weakness: Narcissistic Extinction Events” …
People such as Rebhahn and his Hyperian cultists, and all the other influencer cults, pose an extinction-level event to intelligence. They MUST be stopped. Meritocracy demands it. They WILL be stopped.
In a university environment – something that Rebhahn knows NOTHING about – Rebhahn’s arguments would be torn to shreds in seconds and he would be thrown out of the class for lacking the requisite intelligence. Everyone who has been to university knows this.
But Rebhahn isn’t in a university, he’s in a cult, and in fact he’s the leader of the cult. This means that he can get to talk as much shit as he likes without ever being challenged. No one can challenge the authority of the cult leader and remain in the cult. So, Rebhahn KNOWS he can PRETEND to be a genius and he will get AMAZING narcissistic supply from his cultists, exactly as we see on every deadstream. He would be DESTROYED in the real world, but he always ignores the real world, and none of his cultists ever refers to it. This is why cults are so dangerous.
Rowan, Christina and Jewel are MUCH SMARTER than Rebhahn, as their superb essays in THTTM prove. What they lack is malignant narcissism. That’s Rebhahn’s “superpower”. He was able to boss around smarter people because they bought into his bullshit, which was unfortunately linked to us. We gave him the appearance of legitimacy. But when we withdrew it, the spell broke and all the smart people got out.
Look at the three remaining mods:
- Phillip Shope: Hospital Cleaner.
- Allie Torgensen: Part-time worker at a farmers’ market (35 years old and has a roommate, in someone else’s house!).
- Susan Mitchell: NEET carer for her mother and the autistic husband she cuckolded physically in the past and now spiritually cuckolds in the present.
So, these are the three towering geniuses whom Rebhahn hails on every deadstream. Do you imagine that any of these people knows the first thing about philosophy, mathematics, or science? Of course they don’t. Which one of them could say to Rebhahn: “You’re wrong. That argument is false.” That can NEVER happen in Hyperianism. Everyone capable of saying it has exited the cult, leaving only those incapable of saying it, and that’s why the cult continues to exist. All those left in the cult are those who would never challenge Rebhahn under ANY circumstances. He can rely on 100% obedience from his remaining cultists. He never needs to worry about any of them rocking the boat.
In fact, everyone who contributed to THTTM proved that they were much more thoughtful, much smarter, than Morgue. The standard was brilliantly high. Morgue is nothing but a conman whose pathological narcissism gives him an astonishing false confidence in his meager abilities, while much smarter people with much higher abilities constantly doubt themselves. This is what the Dunning-Kruger effect is all about, so the narcissism pandemic is equivalent to a Dunning-Kruger pandemic, and it’s influencer culture that is the primary vector for this catastrophic pandemic. Just look at Hyperianism … a signature example. A grifter is hailed as a genius by his groomed cultists and his gibberish is allowed to spread across the globe. This is the world’s future … unless humanity wakes up and stops these people.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking