The likes of Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy should be very proud of themselves. They have allowed their God to live like a king. Rebhahn doesn’t have a job. His income comes from people in love with him sending him astonishing amounts of money.
Hyperians pay to get Rebhahn’s attention and approval. In many cases, those in love with Rebhahn each send him much more than $10,000 a year, a staggering amount of money. They think that makes them “important” to him. It certainly makes greedy Corey Rebhahn, a devoted predatory capitalist, very happy. This is a man wholly committed to exploiting the workers. He’s a parasite, someone who makes a living from monetizing parasocial relationships and extracting money and adulation from ugly women and gay men who could never hope to get it on with one of the Hollyweird elite set.
Rebhahn makes his money from psychological manipulation of vulnerable people. It’s ABUSE. He is a predator preying on fantasists, and using every trick in the cult leader’s handbook to leverage the idea that he is in a profound relationship with these people.
People regarded as “charming” can now live as millionaires by simply fleecing the charmless, who are desperate and lonely and crave the fantasy of being in a relationship with their ideal lover (though this would NEVER transpire in reality, of course).
“Influencing” is basically about ugly people sending money to those people they find attractive, with the latter doing everything they can to pretend that the “relationship” (which is always parasocial) is real. But all they care about is monetizing the fantasies of the lovelorn and isolated. It’s mind-boggling that the State does not intervene in the “influencing” scene. It is literally the ultimate playground for grifters. This is where con men come into their own and don’t even get accused of being the criminal exploiters they assuredly are.
Rebhahn’s apartment in Hollywood is valued at $616,700, so he’s certainly living a very luxurious life by ordinary people’s standards. He’s not living in a bedsit. He’s not any kind of tortured artist, heroically doing his art in the midst of his absolute poverty. This is no friend of the working class. This is a very rich man who makes his money via exploitation. This man says you should send him money so that he can “keep a roof over his head”. Did you know that his rent costs over $3000 a month? That’s some roof. Is it made of gold? Only the best for Morgy Porgy, right?!
Porgy has an outside pool – paid for by all those strange hexen who send him “quotes” (because they’ve worked out that’s how to get his attention and praise … “You send such great quotes” as opposed to “You give such great head”). How nice for Porgy. Is a man relaxing in his private outdoor pool anxious about having a “roof over his head”? But Rebhahn makes you believe that he is living in near-poverty, just scraping by, and if you don’t send him MORE MONEY RIGHT NOW (“but don’t feel pressured or anything as I repeatedly pass round the begging bowl and notice that you haven’t yet put anything in!”), he’ll be out on the street. Out in his private pool, more like.
Rebhahn – a man who monetizes the ideas and systems of others –pretends to be one step up from the destitute, as opposed to someone living it up in swanky Hollywood, one of the most expensive places on earth. Why does he need to live there? Why doesn’t he live in a housing project in some shithole – if he has dedicated his life to “raising human consciousness”, as he claims? Why does a person “raising human consciousness” have to live in one of the most expensive places on earth, just like some greedy rich bastard? (Which is what he is, of course!)
All Rebhahn does is make videos in his bedroom. That could be done ANYWHERE. Why does it need to be done in glitzy Hollywood, among the elite? Because Porgy is a malignant narcissist who wants to believe he has “made it”.
To rent an apartment for over $3000 a month requires you to have an income at least three times that amount a month. So, we can factually know that Rebhahn makes at least $110,000 per annum from his Patreon, YouTube, books, merch, and so on. And he may earn anything up to $250,000 per annum – thanks to the weird obsessions of Dyslexic Fairy, Kassidy, and all the rest of the socially awkward hexen and insecure gay men in the harem.
There’s no danger of Porgy losing the “roof over his head”. In fact, he’s probably looking to upgrade to a full-on millionaire lifestyle and penthouse apartment – all paid for by the suckers he cons, looking for parasocial love in a parasocial world.
Porgy has a magnificent fireplace in his apartment. He no doubt sips his red wine in front of it, and takes his DMT, as he plans the next stages of his grand plagiarism schemes. Maybe he ponders relaxing afterwards in the outdoor pool, natch.
Do millionaires say they are struggling to put a roof over their head and to afford a “new camera”, and so on? But Rebhahn says that. Of course, this man of the people who claims to be open and honest and answer every question would NEVER tell his fans how much he gets from them. Because if they knew how much it was, they would STOP! He would be finished.
So, let’s look at this Corey Rebhahn character, the king of filth, the most degenerate one of all. This is the Goblin King himself. He was raised in California by his mother Michelle Rebhahn and his father Oliver Didio. The fact that Rebhahn is called Rebhahn and not Didio is highly telling, wouldn’t you say? Given that he says he was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household then, if we believe him (and no one should assume that this person has any relationship with the truth!), we must conclude that Rebhahn was a BASTARD, born out of wedlock, an astonishing sin in fundamentalist Christianity, inviting the hellfire for all concerned. Rebhahn was born in sin and marked for the Devil!
We assume that Michelle Rebhahn and Oliver Didio got married at some point. Then we assume that the cop Oliver Didio met his new wife, Dianne, with whom he had a new son, Sebastian. Michelle Rebhahn took her son Corey S Rebhahn with her to Montana, and, as Rebhahn says (truthfully for once), he lived in Bozeman, Missoula and Belgrade in Montana. His mother still lives in Belgrade, and is now married to “Bernie”. We bet Rebhahn hasn’t been back there EVER. That’s where his True Self is buried!
We assume that Rebhahn absolutely detested Montana – he goes on about it enough! – and was treated as an absolute freak (no surprise there!). He started practicing magic to make himself feel powerful; to imagine he had special powers and could control others. Then he started inflicting pain on himself so that he could learn to protect himself from the very hurtful world that had crushed his true self. This was when his False Self came fully online and Rebhahn’s highly vulnerable true self vanished into his unconscious, never to be seen again. Rebhahn was now “Morgue”, “Morgen Night”, the “Night Bringer”, the “Terror of Men” and … the SHOCK SURGEON!!!
These are all POWER NAMES, chosen by the FALSE SELF to big itself up. Porgy, hilariously, thinks he’s a tough guy, a scary guy – hence all that insane Terrors of Men drivel and all his “Big mistake fucking with me” bullshit – coming from a man in a dress wearing pink nail polish. Sheez, he’ll scratch you to death!
Thanks to Susan Mitchell, the creepy groupie and inverted narc addicted to overt narcs, Porgy now gets narcissistic supply from posing as the Woke Messiah, hence he has dropped all the Terrors of Men stuff in public, but still swears by it in private. This freak gets astoundingly, insanely angry in private. This is when he becomes totally MASCULINE – a psychopathic man using his reptilian brain stem. We’re waiting eagerly for this insane False Self to make its next catastrophic error. This guy can’t help himself. He’s a full-blown lunatic.
Rebhahn, we assume, had a huge bust-up with his mother and fled from Montana to California to be with his cop father. Then he went to LA to start his life as a street performer, and then he began setting up cults – the Terrors of Men, the Hollywood Dionysian cult, the Order of One, and, finally, Hyperianism.
This is the biography of an unmistakable malignant narcissist. Unfortunately for us, he alighted on our work and immediately saw how much narcissistic supply it could secure for him, so he was determined to have it.
This guy is staggeringly mentally ill, as our new books will demonstrate to everyone. Get your popcorn ready. This nutjob is going to go apeshit very shortly.
His huge problem is that he emptied his gun last time round. What bullets does he have left to fire? It would be a BIG mistake to go after our books, since his own books will then be fucked. So what does he do? The one thing he has going for him is that his remaining cultists don’t care what he does, what crimes he commits. They will forgive him ANYTHING. Their worship is total. Their faith is absolute.
Donald Trump said,
“I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” Rebhahn, likewise, can do whatever he likes and not lose a single brainwashed cultist.
Kassidy, one of the biggest victims of Hyperianism, grandiosely quoted Jung the other day:
“You are what you do. Not what you say you’ll do.”
What do YOU do, Kassidy? You send Corey S Rebhahn money, and you make memes about beeping smoke alarms and squeaking chairs. I mean, the idea that some cretin like you dares to quote Jung is beyond obscene. You claim to be “hyperaware”. In fact, you have no awareness at all. You cannot see your life for the total failure it is. You are the victim of a total conman, yet you call this conman your GOD, your SAVIOR! Why? Because when you sent him money, he SAW you. If you stopped sending him money, you would be invisible again. Who the fuck wants to listen to some anti-social weirdo talking about getting new batteries for a smoke alarm? What, is that what you have taken from Hyperianism? Is that the evidence of your “hyperawareness”? It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic. You’re a grotesquely lonely person, Kassidy, looking for people to hang with, and things are so bad that you have to pay them to look at you. Why don’t you try to get some dignity rather than worshiping a grifter? Your devotion to him is marked by how much you spend on him. So sad.
But fear not, Kassidy, you’ll soon have ample opportunity to read all about your God in our new books coming out on Sunday. Get all the juicy gossip – the stuff that people who actually know Morgue (unlike you) can disclose!
New Terra Radio said,
“Morgue’s ‘influencer apology’ video is going to be hilarious.”
Well, Porgy, why not make the apology now before things get even more embarrassing?! Carpe diem!
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking