Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): How Hyperianism Became Buddhism



In the book TAKE THEM TO THE MORGUE by JOE DIXON, we came across this statement by “Due Whit”:
Take Them to the Morgue by Joe Dixon
“The root of the universe is desire to be not lonely. All of us as one (or rather as WHOLENESS UNDIVIDED), undivided consciousness, no time no space just pureness of self. This state of consciousness is unpleasant and untenable. We FRACTALIZE, we split. The universe is not a creation it is a division. And the reason for this is the desire to experience amidst different life forms. All of us as one, undivided, is not a worthwhile experience, THEREFORE, we DISSOCIATE/ FRACTALIZE/ DIVIDE. This is NOT originating in mathematics but in loneliness. Wholeness divided for the sake of diversified experience.”
This is exactly what Corey Rebhahn and his Hyperians are now preaching!
The original book TAKE THEM TO THE MORGUE actually had very little to do with “Morgue” and was in fact a demolition of the many trolling comments made regarding Hyperianism, which, at that time, was the public face of Illuminism. The book was actually conceived as a means to rebut and humiliate TROLLS. The trolls were the “THEM” referred to in the title. It was an anti-troll book, giving everyone the ammunition to combat these clowns (killing off their dumb opinions … putting them in the “morgue”). The hilarious thing we have discovered as we re-read this book – we might even bring it back from the dead, from the morgue! – is that Corey Rebhahn (and hence today’s grotesque version of Hyperianism) is now repeating many of the New Age, Woke, mumbo jumbo mystical mantras that we ruthlessly dismantle and mock in that book.
It’s a truly astonishing thing to see how much Hyperianism has mutated in the last few years. It is now the inversion of Illuminism. It’s ANTI-ILLUMINISM.
Illuminism is about “diversity seeking unity” (the entropic universe reducing to zero entropy). Hyperianism literally preaches the opposite: “unity seeking diversity” (creating ENTROPY – discord, divergence, fragmentation, atomization, conflict, extreme individualism, psychopathy, narcissism, hate, identity politics, diversity, anarchy, the particular will, selfishness, greed, one-upmanship, self-obsession). Every deadstream, Rebhahn preaches DIVISION rather than UNITY. He literally says that the meaning of life is exploring DIVERSITY. In fact, human history shows exactly what diversity led to – total horror – and now the task is to relentlessly pursue unification to create the world depicted in STAR TREK – a meritocracy where no one goes around banging on about identity politics and diversity and demanding special treatment and a special, protected status. Tellingly, Corey Rebhahn has NEVER watched Star Trek, a fact which tells its own story – Rebhahn was NEVER attracted to that worldview. He always hated meritocracy and the general will (unification) and always loved identity politics and the particular will (diversity) – all the evil, endarkened, “Woke” shit … a stupid ideology for stupid people who actively detest the collective and refuse to help the working class overthrow the elites because they are too concerned with “expressing themselves”.
Rebhahn and his Hyperian cultists are now the anti-Illuminist TROLLS whose demented beliefs we are taking to the “morgue”. Rebhahn NEVER ONCE referenced Joe Dixon’s TAKE THEM TO THE MORGUE, and it’s obvious now why he didn’t. He was secretly on the side of those we were ridiculing. He AGREED with their position, and has now adopted exactly their New Age, mystical positions.
At the time, Rebhahn said,
“Also, I wanted to tell you than I am highly honored by the book ‘Take them to the Morgue’. Seriously, I don’t get the opportunity to voice this very often because we always discuss strategy but the work you all do is wonderful and I respect it immensely. The sheer Will and intelligence that goes behind your productions is astounding. The reason I have not shared this myself is that I have noticed that it has caused those that have read it to begin lashing out internally against some of the intuitives, and it could be rocky timing with the release of this exoteric direction.”
So, Rebhahn never acknowledged the book because it was an attack on New Age mysticism – the system supported by Rebhahn’s “intuitives”. Rebhahn was perfectly aware that it would infuriate them. So, even back then, Rebhahn was basically an apostate, plotting against Illuminism. That book was published on August 15, 2018!!!
Rebhahn said, “…my audience is currently 75% female”. Now, it’s about 85% women, and 15% gay men.
On 13 September, 2018, Rebhahn said,
“Hello! Again apologies for lack of comms, life should begin to smooth out for me at the beginning of November. Always drop me a message if you’d like any info from me. So here are two new videos geared towards our current audience, made up of intuitive women. I know this vibe isn’t anyone’s favorite but I have been doing a great amount of intense research and marketing and feel strongly this will be the most effective way to go for an exoteric public image, while our esoteric practices remain the same. The exoteric will have a gateway to the esoteric.”
What has happened since then, as we all see, is that Rebhahn has completely detached from the esoteric message (i.e., ILLUMINISM) and has gone completely over to the side of New Age women and gay men – i.e., “WOKE INTUITIVES“. That’s the VIBE he wants. There are ZERO heterosexual men in Hyperianism. Isn’t that utterly remarkable? That takes some doing.
Rebhahn – a pathological narcissist and psychopath – is an Audience Capture guy, meaning that all he cares about is NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY, hence he is all about telling his audience what they want to hear. He himself has no principles and no convictions. He will change to anything that gets him more attention, more fame and MORE MONEY, so that he can go on living his swanky anti-working class lifestyle in Hollywood. This guy hates the French Revolution, hates the Jacobins, and hates Robespierre and Saint-Just. Because he has so much more in common with the decadent French aristocracy! Rebhahn would have been an effeminate courtier of Marie Antoinette, cackling about “let them eat cake!” This guy is 100% bourgeois. He DESPISES working-class people, and never talks about. Name one of his clickbait videos that talks about the plight of the workers, and how to overthrow the elites. Never going to happen. Rebhahn LOVES the Old World Order. It’s the system that gave him the glitzy life he enjoys now, being worshiped by groomed morons who venerate him as abjectly as Abrahamists venerate Jehovah. They are exactly the same type of people – people of absolute faith, looking to kneel to others and adore them. In every way, they are the opposite of Illuminists.
Look at Rebhahn these days – ever more ridiculous with his ever more ridiculous hair … he’s constantly doing clickbait videos about:
  • Aliens
  • Universal Consciousness
  • Gnostic Christianity
  • Psychedelics
  • “Quantum Mechanics proves ancient secret knowledge”
  • “How to BREAK the ILLUSION of reality NOW”
  • “How LONG does it Take to REINCARNATE”
  • “The SECRET CULT That Tried to TAKE OVER Christianity,
  • “The SERPENT’S SIDE of the STORY BANNED from the BIBLE”
You can see exactly who this guy is trying to recruit to his cult – total weirdos, freaks, mystics, New Agers, love and lighters, conspiracy theorists, starseeds, otherkins, elves (!), twin flamers, and all the rest – people with no critical faculties but who are TOTALLY WOKE. Complete suckers in other words, the easiest people to con and fleece.
The unwary keep being drawn into the traps of sadistic predators like Rebhahn, and they are too ill-informed to escape. One Hyperian troll keeps saying that no one reads our books. Well, for sure, HYPERIANS don’t read our books. That’s the whole problem! If they did, they would know how much garbage Morgy Porgy is telling them. They would be INFORMED. The average Hyperian has never read ANY of our books, and knows exactly zero about Illuminism and about REAL ontological mathematics, as opposed to the false crap Rebhahn talks about.
Porgy took our system and then wrecked it by applying Susan Bitchell’s insane Woke, New Age, ultra-liberal Buddhism to it. Hyperianism is now just “Buddhism with ‘frequencies'”. It’s hilariously bad. It’s 100% incoherent. It’s totally demented Woke idiocy of the highest order, exactly what you would expect of a non-binary sword swallower with no education and no qualifications!
Remember, Rebhahn’s No.1 task is to arrive at the following Woke, New Age conclusion:
“We are all ONE, but we are Oneness exploring DIVERSITY, hence non-binary people should be celebrated by the world, and veganism and pacifism are wonderful.
Rebhahn relentlessly promotes UNITY EXPLORING DIVERSITY (entropy) whereas dialectical reality is driven by DIVERSITY SEEKING UNITY (zero entropy – the ABSOLUTE). Rebhahn has INVERTED dialectical reality in order to spread his toxic message of extreme individualism, extreme negative liberty, and extreme self-expression. He is the ANTIHESIS. He is exactly what must be dialectally overcome!
Rebhahn is not an intellectual pursuing the truth. This is a malignant narcissist working out what Woke message he must deliver to secure maximum narcissistic supply from Woke suckers. He knows his audience! But he will NEVER break out of this audience, and doesn’t want to – these are IDEAL cultists, so easy to groom, condition and brainwash.
Rebhahn is repulsive to humanity. For sure, Rebhahn is loved by his cultists, but everyone else detests him! If more people were aware of Rebhahn, they would troll the fuck out of him and end his cult. It’s only because his cult is so small and pathetic – just a few hundred fanatical supporters in his dismal “hyperfam” – that he gets away with it.
Artemis Maenad said,
“It’s funny when people say we are all one, while absolutely no one ever ‘feels’ anything other than separate from anyone else. You don’t need to know anything about ont math to understand this.”
That’s absolutely right. It is stunningly self-evident that we are NOT One Mind, that we have no ability at all to experience another person’s mind, their subjectivity. A person could literally be lying to our face and inwardly laughing at us and conning us – and we would have no idea. So much for ONE MIND!
Corey Rebhahn 100% relies on lying to his cultists – i.e., he depends on NOT being one mind with them, despite cynically preaching the message of One Mind!
“EvolveYourself” said, regarding the proposed Hyperian rebuttal book (DON’T Take Hyperianism to the Morgue):
“This is sad. I honestly don’t think that too many people who obsess over Morgue and follow Hyperianism can write. I’m not being mean. From what I’ve observed on the live chats and comments, there’s no intellect going on. A bunch of ‘hi …hello,’ ..’I like your hair …’, then throw a bunch of emoji bombs and talk about food. Anyone who’s not part of the shallow echo chamber is blocked, deleted, or banned. Intelligent questions go unanswered. The ‘following’ is more of the simple, mind-set of groupies or fans who are lonely and need to feel part of a ‘community.’ A simple ‘hello’ means the world to them. One time I asked what we’re all doing to improve the world and I got silence. I was sad and disappointed. There’s some insane ‘ren fairy’ who throws obscene amounts of money at Morgue with super chats. I just cringe. Why? When there’s real suffering going on in the world…”
That’s the sad truth of this desperate, pathetic scene. Rebhahn is a disgusting predator who deliberately targeted extremely vulnerable people (confused, hyper-emotional women and gay men) to fleece and dominate. It’s absolutely nauseating. What kind of State turns a blind eye to parasocial crime – Old World Order “influencers” conning the weak-minded and simple-minded with total impunity. The FBI had the cheek to take the criminal Corey Rebhahn seriously, and they STILL haven’t arrested him for fabricating evidence and maliciously lying to them in the hope of doing extreme harm to others.
All decent people need to reinvigorate their efforts to topple this sick and dangerous cult and its disgusting cult leader Corey Rebhahn, one of the most disturbed men on earth.



SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking