Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): How To Escape From Monsters Like Rebhahn



Encyclopedia Britannica says,
“Deprogramming, or reversing the effects of brainwashing through intensive psychotherapy and confrontation, has proved somewhat successful, particularly with religious cult members.”
Most members of cults such as Hyperianism have to be deprogrammed. A great effort has to put in to undo the grooming, brainwashing and mind rape conducted by apex narcissistic predators such as Corey Rebhahn.
Of course, the ideal is for members of cults to deprogram themselves, and then they can get out via an act of their own will.
A very interesting person in the history of Hyperianism is Jewel, the last prominent member to depart. Jewel was part of the Hyperian cult organism for several months after “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” came out. We thought he was a full-on cultist … and then, suddenly, he wasn’t. He was out. That, right there, is incredibly reassuring. It means that an intelligent person can work his way through the problem and extricate himself.
The current world record holder for the triple jump is former British athlete Jonathan Edwards. He was a FANATICAL Christian for many years, especially during his athletics career when he was winning so many gold medals. Then, overnight, he decided that Christianity was absurd, and immediately lost his faith, and he has been an atheist ever since. This sort of thing is so mysterious. Why does someone like Edwards believe so strongly for so long, and then … STOP? It’s as if a switch is flicked. Think of how much we could transform the human race if we could locate that precise switch, and flick it.
Jewel was able to find his switch and flick it and escape from Hyperianism. Those that remain seem as far away from the switch as possible. We’re fascinated by this switch. If you think about it, a person can become a Christian … just like that. They flick the faith switch and now they completely believe. But just as it gets switched on, it can get switched off. What causes the end of faith?
Swift famously said,
“You cannot reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into.”
Jewel had reasons for being a Hyperian and that meant he could find reasons to stop being one, and he did.
Jonathan Edwards pressed the faith switch. What caused him to stop believing and switch it off? It seems that he managed to flick the reason switch instead, and once he had reasons for not being a Christian, he instantly lost his faith. But this is highly unusual. With Edwards, he WAS reasoned out of a position he hadn’t reasoned himself into, but he had to come to these reasons HIMSELF. A debate with an atheist would never have persuaded him. Yet he may well have been unconsciously influenced by the atheist, but it took YEARS for him to unconsciously process this information and finally find a way to use reason to overcome faith.
With Hyperians, we never see any rational arguments for why they go on supporting Rebhahn. The arguments are all emotional, delusional, and highly faith-based. Basically, the remaining Hyperians have FUSED their identity with Rebhahn’s, and nothing is more difficult than changing someone’s identity. It took decades for Jonathan Edwards to change his identity away from being a person of faith. It will take some Hyperians decades to stop believing in Corey Rebhahn.
Luckily for Jewel, he had an identity that did not fuse with Rebhahn’s. He had an identity that brought him into Rebhahn’s orbit, but, critically, he didn’t merge identities with him, so when his original identity reasserted itself, he was able to get out. By contrast, with Phillip Shope – that renowned lover of necropants – his identity is fully fused with that of Rebhahn (he has been PERFECTLY groomed by the predator Rebhahn), so he will go down with the Rebhahn ship.
What we are trying to engineer is the complete mental implosion of Rebhahn via contact with REALITY. Badly wounded, Rebhahn is staggering on because he is massively shored up by Mitchell, Torgensen and Shope and gets fanatical, unconditional support and enormous narcissistic supply from them. Rebhahn will survive while that situation persists. However, if something big happens PUBLICLY – such that Rebhahn can’t go on pretending to his brainwashed cultists that everything is fine – then Rebhahn’s psyche will collapse. If Rebhahn ever had to be honest with his cultists, he would have a complete mental breakdown. That’s why he never is. Rebhahn and his three mods know that their No.1 tactic is TO DENY REALITY, to pretend that what’s going on isn’t going on. In the Hyperian deadstreams, everything proceeds as if everything is fine AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN. No acknowledgment of reality is ever made. That’s why this is a pure fantasy world. When the fantasy ends, the cult will end. When the FBI arrests Rebhahn, that’s reality right there, and that’s the end of Hyperianism. A very high-profile public story about Hyperianism would end it. Months back, we tried to engineer such a story, but, frankly, no one in the mainstream media is interested in Hyperianism. In the big picture, it’s just a silly little ten-a-penny cult for z-list influencers. If Hyperianism had no connection to us, we would look at it and immediately ignore it, move on, and never think of it again. That’s exactly how the media thinks of Hyperianism – “nothing to see … no story … nothing interesting going on … come back to us when something exciting happens.”
But of course, the Hyperian scene is totally boring. Its leader is staggeringly dull and all the Hyperians are total losers and failures. Hyperianism will become a story only when Rebhahn is finally arrested by the FBI.
Professor Sam Vaknin said,
“Cult leaders resent health.”
Rebhahn detests health. The healthy don’t listen to a highly unhealthy person like him.
We need to find the HEALTH SWITCH that makes people switch off from dangerous, sick predators such as Rebhahn. If we can locate that switch, we can bring about a whole new humanity.
Cults are a profoundly psychological phenomena. They are about the diseased psyche. There are zero mentally healthy people in Hyperianism. They are all losers and failures who have chosen to leave reality and live in a fantasy world where they are suddenly amazing and important people. This is how Rebhahn “lovebombs” them. He constantly tells them that they are very special people, the advance guard of a new humanity, building a new world – New Terra. Of course, all that’s actually happening is that Rebhahn is deriving massive narcissistic supply and enormous amounts of money from vulnerable suckers.
Hyperianism is pure pathology. It’s infantile magical thinking. It’s where some of the least charming people in the world – such as Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy – can enter the pretense that they are incredibly significant people leading incredibly meaningful lives. In fact, all they are actually doing is giving their money to a pathological narcissist. What do Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy do other than give Rebhahn all their money and, er, quote? They quote Hegel, or Jung, or … Morgue himself, spouting his usual cretinous garbage. And this, apparently, is what it takes to be a vital member of a vital movement. The delusion of these people is infinite. But Rebhahn’s entire game is to permanently encourage this demented delusion. He has lucratively monetized it. That’s his only “skill” – the skill of a total con man, who has been grifting from suckers for years.

Hey, Rebhahn, it’s only a week now until your House of Cards collapses.

Tick tock!

No doubt you’re already contacting all those lawyer buddies of yours that you have on speed dial. Isn’t it hilarious that this super-enlightened, hyperaware “World Shaper” – assiduously raising human consciousness and building New Terra and telling everyone not to hurt each other because we’re “all one mind” – is so keen to contact the cops, the FBI, the law … you know all the enforcement instruments of the OLD WORLD ORDER in order to do EXTREME HARM to others? What a fucking obscene hypocrite this gimp is. This sick predator says he’s all about answering questions, then he CANCELS anyone who asks any question he doesn’t like. It’s amazing that he doesn’t disappear up his own asshole. He’s the son of a pig, of course – a Christian Fundamentalist pig! – so no wonder Morgy Porgy loves the Old World Order so much. It’s practically genetic.
Don’t you laugh when maniacs such as Rebhahn pose as vegan pacifists who wouldn’t harm a fly? Well, we shall all see next week that this is an extremely violent man, who would without question kill his critics if he could get away with it. Just wait to see what this lunatic does next week when he’s in the midst of his narcissistic rage. This sick fuck is going to topple right over the edge. It’s a long way down, you perverted bastard.


SEARCH LIST: AMC Freakshow, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), corey rebhahn, hyperian, hyperianism, Hyperion, Hyperionism, Inner Star Actualization, Metacognition; Concept Networking, Mirror Self, Morgen Night, Morgue, morgue official, Power Self, Shadow Self, the Absolute perspective, the Avatar perspective, the HOLOS, the Monadic perspective, the Source