Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): How to Preach Total Bullshit



Corey Rebhahn spends his life working out what bullshit to invent to get maximum narcissistic supply from his slaves. What kind of life is that? It’s pure horror, for all concerned. It’s not life. It’s the avoidance of life. It’s escaping from reality. Nietzsche said, “What does not kill me makes me stronger.” Nietzsche wanted more and more reality, everything it could throw at him. Rebhahn and his cultists say, “Reality makes me weaker. Only fantasy makes me feel strong and powerful. I delude myself and in doing so feel good about myself.”
Hyperianism is total bullshit. A bullshitter speaks to people who LOVE his bullshit and can’t get enough of it. For many humans, bullshit is the strongest drug on the market and gives the biggest high. What would Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy do without Rebhahn’s absolute bullshit to consume and make them feel important? Artemis Maenad said,
“They use poo scented air freshener after taking a shit. It’s the scent of Morgue’s poo because of course they think his shit don’t stink.”
Nietzsche said,
“The falseness of an opinion is not for us any objection to it: it is here, perhaps, that our new language sounds most strange. The question is, how far an opinion is life-furthering, life-preserving, species-preserving, perhaps species-rearing, and we are fundamentally inclined to maintain that the falsest opinions (to which the synthetic judgments a priori belong), are the most indispensable to us, that without a recognition of logical fictions, without a comparison of reality with the purely IMAGINED world of the absolute and immutable, without a constant counterfeiting of the world by means of numbers, man could not live—that the renunciation of false opinions would be a renunciation of life, a negation of life. TO RECOGNISE UNTRUTH AS A CONDITION OF LIFE; that is certainly to impugn the traditional ideas of value in a dangerous manner, and a philosophy which ventures to do so, has thereby alone placed itself beyond good and evil.”
Most people are addicted to UNTRUTH, and until that fact is universally acknowledged and accepted, it will be very hard for humanity to advance, to become higher. Higher humanity is MORE TRUTHFUL humanity. That’s why the truth seekers and the fighters for the truth are so important. And that’s why the grotesque lies of Corey Rebhahn and his Hyperian cultists must be resisted and fought. All of their lies must be exposed.
Yesterday, we looked at the simplest Hive Mind system – two monadic minds in the Hive. Each monad is dualistic in the sense that it has two modes: Being and Becoming. The Being mode is the monad in its eternal and necessary pristine state, that of zero entropy. It is like a Platonic Form. It is perfect and immutable. It CANNOT change. It is Parmenidean.
All monads are functionally, but not ontologically, the same at zero entropy. However, despite all being in the same functional state, they are all absolutely ontologically different.
The second mode of a monad is that of Becoming, which is innately entropic. This is the mode where the monad is imperfect and mutable. It is constantly changing. It is Heraclitean. The lifespan of the universe of Becoming is determined by its entropy. A universal cycle comes to an end when the universe attains zero entropy, i.e., intersects with Being, but that simply sets the indispensable condition for the next entropic Big Bang and the next universe of Becoming.
Entropy is absent from the eternal and necessary order, and compulsory in the temporal and contingent order. Reality is all about how non-entropy produces entropy via ontological Fourier mathematics. Non-entropic frequencies produce the entropic material universe of spacetime, and it’s all built into the math! Math is non-entropic (“logical”; rational) in its pure mode of Being, and entropic (“scientific”; empirical) in its impure mode of Becoming. Reality is encoded in the operations of mathematics. Reality simply is those operations, and we can understand reality fully by working out those operations. We are confronted by a cosmic math problem – which we can SOLVE. We are all engaged in solving a monadic, universal Rubik’s Cube, and the game is to attain zero entropy (the “solved” cube). We are just nodes of a self-solving system, and the system ALWAYS solves itself. Will you align yourself with the solution (you are a unity seeker, an Illuminist, promoting cooperation and the decrease of entropy; you side with the general will and collective expression), or hold out against the solution (you are a diversity seeker, a Hyperian, promoting conflict and the increase of entropy – identity politics, and all that; you side with the particular will and extreme self-expression and libertarianism).
Heraclitus said,
“There is nothing permanent except change”.
That is absolutely true of Becoming, but totally false in relation to Being. Plato sought to reconcile the unchanging Parmenidean world and the ever-changing Heraclitean world via his system of Parmenidean perfect Forms and Heraclitean imperfect matter. Aristotle, with his hylomorphism, made everything in Nature a hybrid of Parmenidean Form and Heraclitean matter. Ontological mathematics is basically all of these considerations properly worked out and mathematically defined and expressed.
When we talk about a monad having two modes, we are actually just talking about ontological Fourier mathematics, whereby eternal and necessary frequencies can generate the temporal and contingent spacetime functions of the material universe. We can switch between the two domains via forward and inverse Fourier transforms. We can, in other words, epistemologically switch between Being and Becoming modes. Reality is as it is EXCLUSIVELY because of the simply mind-boggling mathematical properties associated with ontological Fourier mathematics which allows two domains to coexist and interact via transforms. This is the answer to the supposedly intractable mind-body problem present in Cartesian dualism. The impossible dualism of mind and matter becomes totally possible – actually, inevitable – when the dualism is reframed in terms of an overarching mathematical monism, which can generate within the monism two related domains (Being and Becoming; frequency functions and spacetime functions).
Neither Descartes nor any of his successors could get mind to interact with matter given that they had seemingly exclusive definitions (Cartesian mind – res cogitans – is unextended thinking substance while Cartesian matter – res extensa – is extended non-thinking substance). Ontological Fourier mathematics resolves the problem via the concept of the transform. We can transform mental (frequency) functions into material (spacetime) functions, and vice versa. They don’t PHYSICALLY interact. They MATHEMATICALLY interact, via a very specific mathematical formalism. Mind and matter are not different things; rather, matter is a production of mind, a transform of mind. There is only mind, but mind can generate mathematical functions which are exactly those that are understood to be “matter”. So, unextended Cartesian thinking substance can generate extended Cartesian non-thinking substance AS PART OF ITS INBUILT MENTAL, MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS. If ontological Fourier mathematics did not exist, there could be no material world, there could be no spacetime. It’s purely thanks to the properties of mathematics that reality is what it is!
No scientist, no philosopher and no mathematician on earth – outside the ranks of Illuminists – knows that the Cartesian mind-body problem has been definitively solved. And, what’s more, they don’t want to know, because this is the ultimate paradigm shift that changes EVERYTHING. The resistance to these ideas is almost total since it would mean the overthrow of countless academic careers. Nearly everything that today’s academic community swears by is swept away by ontological mathematics. Everything about reality is completely reframed and understood in entirely different ways.
A person who came into contact with these revolutionary ideas was Corey Rebhahn. As we now know, he didn’t grasp these ideas at all. They were far beyond him.
So, let’s address the claim that is now central to Rebhahn’s ideology, namely that there is only One Mind.
Yesterday, we discussed the fact that monads have quiddity, haecceity and aseity. Corey Rebhahn DENIES that monads have haecceity and aseity. He doesn’t present any arguments to justify this position. In fact, it’s crystal clear that he has never heard of haecceity and he has only ever thought of aseity in terms of “God”. What Rebhahn does is reduce monads to quiddity – whatness.
If we return to our two monad Hive System, how would Rebhahn, a person with no substantive philosophical knowledge – see such a system? Well, we now know. For something like the past year, Rebhahn has been laboring under the total delusion that he has made a remarkable philosophical discovery concerned with “Leibniz’s law”.
The Pan Reference Dictionary of Philosophy says,
“Leibniz’s law: The principle that if one thing is identical with another then anything that is true of the one must be true of the other. … indiscernibility of identicals: The principle that if x and y are identical, then x has every property that y has, and y has every property that x has. The converse of the identity of indiscernibles, it is sometimes called Leibniz’s law.”
So, Rebhahn stumbled across this one day and he thought, “Ah, how does one pure monad differ from another pure monad? OMG, they don’t differ at all … and that means they’re the same! And no matter how many monads there are, they will all be the same. Therefore, there is only ONE MONAD … ONE MIND. OMG, I Corey Rebhahn, am such an astonishing genius. People will now WORSHIP me!”
Oh dear! Monads are identical only in terms of their quiddity, but they are permanently different in terms of their haecceity and aseity. Each monad is uncreated and uncaused (entirely independent) and has its unique haecceity (thisness). It is inherently different from any other monads. This type of discussion was held all the time in the medieval intellectual world where Catholic philosophers sought to understand how immaterial angels could be individuated. “Angels” are in effect synonymous with monads! Leibniz was a great expert in the “Scholastic” way of thinking.
Anyway, Rebhahn – totally ignorant of the whole intellectual framework that underlies the discussion of both angels and monads – simply convinced himself that he had made an enormous philosophical breakthrough, just as he did later with his absolutely laughable claims regarding the PSR. He announced himself a genius – without having the vaguest idea that actual geniuses have wrestled with the problems he believes he has “solved.” He has solved NOTHING. He hasn’t even understood the problem.
Let’s crack on. Rebhahn was highly MOTIVATED to reduce reality to one Mind because it is exactly what New Agers, mystics, Buddhists, psychonauts, the Woke, love and lighters, and so on, have been peddling for decades. Now Rebhahn believed he actually had an incredible philosophical and mathematical proof that it was true – and now he would be hailed as the greatest genius in the universe of all time, ever. Oh dear – that’s pathological narcissism for you.
His “genius discovery” is 100% FALSE. There is no such thing, ontologically, as “One Mind” (i.e., one exclusive monad). There is a HIVE MIND (i.e., a myriad of monads). But Rebhahn has no interest in that because he finds the idea of a “Hive Mind” to have “negative connotations”, and he knows that his Woke audience hates that idea. Getting rid of the Hive Mind means that Rebhahn can make the Woke speech he has been making for the last year, namely that life is about UNITY EXPLORING DIVERSITY.
But, since the Hive Mind is true, the exact opposite is the case. There is all the ontological diversity you could ever have, and what is actually happening is that this diversity is dialectically seeking UNITY, the ABSOLUTE. So, “diverse” people should in fact be seeking to be less diverse! That is the 100% antithesis of Rebhahn’s message. Instead of being obsessed with “self-expression”, people should be engaging in collective expression – again 100% opposed to what Rebhahn claims. Rebhahn says that we are “all one” so it’s “insane” to hate each other. In fact, we are all ontologically different, so hate and conflict are absolutely natural. We are all competing centers of power, we are all different wills to power savagely battling with each other for power, exactly as Nietzsche said. Hate and conflict are to be absolutely expected. Again, Rebhahn doesn’t want to hear any of this – because as the member of an extreme minority (non-binaries), it places one huge motherfucking target on his back. So, Rebhahn couldn’t have been happier when he believed that he had “proved” that there was in fact only one mind, one monad – which seemed to him to mean that if only people grasped this then hate and conflict would vanish … and he could do anything he wanted!!!
The task is in fact to overcome our natural hate and conflict by unifying, not diversifying – the opposite of Rebhahn’s message. As Artemis Maenad, we need Star Trek and not Star Wars!
Tomorrow, we shall explore the sheer philosophical and mathematical stupidity of Rebhahn’s idea and why he should have realized that this conclusion could not possibly be correct. But Rebhahn is incapable of having intellectual integrity and honesty. His mind immediately seizes on anything that will give him narcissistic supply, so he was instantly absolutely captivated by the idea that there was in fact only one mind. He practically creamed himself, and he has now made this Woke speech about “Unity exploring Diversity” the centerpiece of every deadstream of his. And FATSO, Allie Torgensen – another non-binary maniac – repeats all the same drivel.
It is 100% false. It is the OPPOSITE of what existence is and how reality operates.
Reality, ontologically, is about total diversity – the HIVE MIND – and that would lead to permanent war were it not for the fact that ontological diversity can achieve functional unity at zero entropy (perfect symmetry and harmony apply: all monads are perfectly aligned).
So, the Big Bang is where functional unity is broken (with regard to Becoming), and the Big Crunch is where functional unity is restored. Ontologically, all minds are ALWAYS separate and NEVER become one ontologically. That’s an ontological impossibility.
We keep hearing mad Hyperians saying that we should not be fighting them because they are promoting the same basic message. This simply proves how utterly cretinous these people are. Corey Rebhahn is preaching the OPPOSITE message from Illuminism. He is preaching ANTI-ILLUMINISM and ANTI-Ontological mathematics. And, if you don’t get that, it means that you understand neither Illuminism nor what Hyperianism has now become because of Rebhahn’s One Mind mantra. (One ONTOLOGICAL MIND, to be exact. If he talked about “One Mind” functionally, in terms of zero entropy, that would be a different matter, but he never does. He literally says we are all one mind ontologically, and that is totally false.)
In terms of consciousness, reality can explore two types:
  1.  the consciousness of BEING, which can be regarded as a functional collective consciousness, operating in the manner of Aristotle’s God: it thinks and experiences only itself as a perfect functional unity (zero entropy);
  2. the consciousness of BECOMING, which is entropic and necessarily involves multiplicity and separation.
This type of consciousness evolves, and what is it evolving towards? – COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS (zero entropy), i.e., it has to overcome the otherness, the diversity, the multiplicity that generated it, and seek functional togetherness and unity. That’s the LAST THING Rebhahn wants to endorse. He is all about more and more DIVERSITY. This person DESPISES the collective.
When you watch Rebhahn’s deadstreams, the thing you notice most of all is that no one actually knows what Rebhahn is talking about … and no one cares. People mindlessly chat about any old thing while Rebhahn is talking, and now and again pay attention to some soundbite he makes … but they are in no way closely following and analyzing what he is saying. He’s impossible to follow because he’s just a hopeless word-salad guy who doesn’t actually know what he’s saying (he contradicts himself constantly). However, WE can see what he’s up to because it’s OUR SYSTEM that he is corrupting, misinterpreting, misunderstanding and misrepresenting. We are practically the only people listening to him who grasp what he’s doing – and that’s why we are going to stop him inverting and perverting our work. What he is doing is absolutely obscene. Marx inverted Hegel, but did so in a very interesting way. There’s nothing interesting about Hyperianism. It’s just insane Woke drivel, intended to let a non-binary pathological narcissist believe that he is God and that his views regarding gender, veganism and pacificism are 100% validated and metaphysically mandated. AS IF. This guy is a total fucking lunatic. He has departed so far from the reservation (of sanity) that he is never coming back.
By the way, what happened to his latest ghastly deadstream? Did we miss something?! Did the FBI finally arrive with the cuffs?!
Rebhahn is now going for an “aliens and Tesla” set of themes. Have you noticed?
By the way, someone placed an interesting comment under Rebhahn’s video about God being an alien.
Cid Nnor said,
“You had me up until you introduced the concept that god is all knowing and fractured itself to explore its individuated diversity. The theory that this source light became bored and created a playground I think is really naive and in nuanced and also a paradox to your point that ‘if you were an all powerful being who has already done everything, what would you do?’ I don’t think it’s rational to say in response to that question ‘well what you would do is break into a million pieces and do everything’. And if god is simply a cycle of source light breaking into individuated experiences of immense suffering, then it is more sensible (and better documented) that the definitive goal would be to never do this again, because truly the only thing ‘left to do’ for an all powerful being would be stop existing. It would not be to re-experience everything in endless granulating fractals of individuation. If we were not truly trapped here, then it’s clear we have trapped ourselves here, and our nature of perpetuity is abhorrent to entropy and emptiness.”
Of course, everything that Rebhahn said is nonsense because there is NOT only one mind, there is a Hive mind, and it is mathematically obligated to generate a domain of Becoming. It doesn’t choose to. It must. It’s not bored, or unhappy, or dissociated, or trying to gain a special type of consciousness, or wanting to explore diversity or anything else; it is executing its internal mathematical programming. It’s amazing that we get to experience the evolution of consciousness, but that’s simply a byproduct of the mathematical operations of the system. It’s not WHY it does it. It does it because it’s an inherently self-solving mathematical organism. “God” (actually the Hive God) must and does find the answer to itself. Because it’s a mathematical God!
Everything that Corey Rebhahn now teaches is fallacious, wrong and false. He is constantly deceiving you. He is a liar and a fraud, motivated to secure his drug – narcissistic supply … being worshipped by stupid, easily conned people.
JtLaggy said,
“Hi @morgueofficial Your views are sooo refreshing! I want a video about your own story please how do you work? I just feel like how you got to WHO YOU ARE And maybe stories about how you got into this! Please like this comment for me😇🛸🪬
Ho, ho, ho. That guy will never tell you the truth about his family and how he “got into this”.


SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking