Hyperianism is a textbook example of cognitive dissonance.
Saul McLeod wrote,
“Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger, arising out of a participant observation study of a cult which believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a flood, and what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones who had given up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the flood did not happen. While fringe members were more inclined to recognize that they had made fools of themselves and to ‘put it down to experience,’ committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult members).”
Most Hyperians got out when they realized Hyperianism wasn’t what they thought it was. It was no kind of partner of Illuminism. The Hyperians who remained were all those who never liked Illuminism in the first place and were always in Hyperianism because of their feelings for Corey Rebhahn, the cult leader. When he was called out as a monster, an apex predator, their dissonance was triggered in the extreme and they had to make a choice: get out of Hyperianism, or double down. And, of course, all those still in the cult doubled down. They are much more committed to Hyperianism than they were before. Now they have fully invested their identity in Hyperianism, and that’s why a total shitshow is guaranteed when this cult collapses.
When the end comes, it will be extremely fast. It’s a tipping point game. A realization will hit some people, even among the most fanatical, that Hyperianism is a total waste of time and going nowhere … and then it’s game over. People hang on to garbage like Hyperianism because they don’t have an alternative. When they see other things they find interesting – that aren’t marked for destruction as Hyperianism is, that aren’t up to their neck in scandal – they will jump ship. Who wants to hang around a toxic scene indefinitely giving a malignant narcissist money to live in a swanky apartment in Hollywood? Is that the purpose of your life? Free yourself from Rebhahn’s malignancy!
The only reason why Hyperianism still exists is that a number of people fanatically keep it going. Above all, Corey Rebhahn continues to enjoy a glitzy Hollywood lifestyle on the back of the slavish adoration of his cult, so he won’t give it up if he has any say in it. Remember, it’s cult leader or nothing for this guy. This guy could NEVER work in the real world, with real people. He wouldn’t last a second. Only his groomed and brainwashed cultists – themselves an extremely odd bunch who struggle in the real world – could put up with his crap. Real people would laugh in Rebhahn’s face if he started spouting his drivel to them. Which is why he goes nowhere near normal people.
The best option is for Rebhahn to go to jail for his provably false and malicious complaint to the FBI, but the FBI doesn’t seem to be remotely interested in this case anymore. They only like supporting the Woke, not arresting them! What a disgrace to justice they are. The FBI are now entirely politicized and refuse to bring justice to Woke criminals.
By the way, if you consider the Hyperian leadership group over all the years of its existence, 75% of them have departed from Hyperianism, and nearly all of them have contributed to THTTM (Parts I and II). The 25% leadership group left are the least educated and the most personally attached to Rebhahn. Immensely Fat Jan, we are reliably informed, fucked Rebhahn (she’s the man and he’s the woman, of course! – keep up!). Bitchell is Rebhahn’s substitute mom, and she has a ferocious addiction to narcs, probably as a result of her childhood relationship with her father, who was most certainly a narc judging by how she turned out. Bitchell is desperate to “be someone”, and her chosen method is to attach herself to someone – an overt narc – whom she believes is a “somebody” (somebody by virtue of receiving lots of mindless attention and narcissistic supply). People such as Bitchell slavishly attach themselves to a narc and submit totally to them. The rest of the world can go hang. Bitchell previously left her autistic husband for a narc. Now she doesn’t have to leave her husband. She conducts her new affair with a narc remotely. She spends every waking hour doing Rebhahn’s bidding. A textbook narc groupie. Pity she doesn’t have a psychology degree. If she did, she might attain some self-awareness of her severe mental illness. This woman would sacrifice anyone and anything for her narc. Her role as Rebhahn’s substitute mother – the mother who would NEVER reject Rebhahn (unlike Rebhahn’s actual mother, who did) – is the axis around which Hyperianism spins. Without Bitchell, Hyperianism would collapse immediately. Bitchell has openly said to people that she fears she is a fundamentally selfish, self-absorbed person. A rare glimmer of the truth!
Then there’s Necrophil, a deeply insecure man, profoundly confused about his sexuality and identity and also in need of a substitute mother, and also suffering from bogus RTS (i.e., bad parenting). Necropants is a Hyperian because of the abyss that would confront him if he weren’t.
This Hyperian scene is wholly reflective of abnormal psychology.
In any healthy movement, if 75% of the leadership group opposed the leader, the leader would be gone. Not in Hyperianism. That’s because Hyperianism is actually Morgue Official. Hyperianism was based on an existing fan club for Porgy and never escaped from that, so that meant that Rebhahn could NOT be replaced. (Well, he could, but it would have meant the departure of most Hyperians, who were there because of Rebhahn, and not because of what Hyperianism was supposed to be.) In retrospect, Hyperianism was always pure narcissism because it was all about Rebhahn, and there was no mechanism to get rid of him, because all the Hyperian branding revolved around Rebhahn. All the money went to Rebhahn, all the deadstreams were purely about him, focused entirely on him; all the branding revolved around him and was relentlessly pushed by him.
So, “Hyperianism” was never anything more than an illusion. It was actually a vehicle designed to pretend that Rebhahn WASN’T an acute narcissist, that he was all about a benevolent “movement”, when in fact it was never anything other than the means by which Rebhahn promoted his own brand and massively monetized it. It was part of his sales pitch. This guy does nothing but manipulate and exploit suckers to extract narcissistic supply from them. That’s what malignant narcissism is all about.
Rebhahn is a DISEASED MIND. And it’s not as if you don’t know this. Go and look at his video on “RTS” and you will realize that this was exactly how his mind BECAME diseased. He has literally told everyone that he is seriously mentally ill in his own videos! Where is his hyperaware CURE for RTS? Well, he doesn’t have a cure. And if he doesn’t have a cure then that MEANS he is still suffering from the mental illness caused by “RTS”. In fact, what Rebhahn is actually suffering from is exceptionally bad parenting and the break-up of his parents, meaning that Rebhahn felt abandoned by his father, and had to go into “exile” in Montana with his ultra-Christian mother. Rebhahn’s psychological response to this was to construct a False Self, which turned him into the pathological narcissist and psychopath he is now.
There’s no mystery about any of this. Rebhahn’s whole life was defined by his toxic relationship with his mother AND father. He has managed to reconcile with his father, to a very superficial degree, but has no relationship at all with his mother, and all the rest of us have to suffer because of this person’s dysfunctional family and his complete incapacity to make up with his mother. Rebhahn will NEVER see his mother again, and that’s the core of his diseased, pathological psychology (total abandonment by his “primary object”). This is 1 + 1 = 2 stuff. Haven’t you ever wondered why Rebhahn NEVER talks about his mom, and almost never talks about his father, stepmother and stepbrother. Because this is a PSYCHOLOGICAL MINEFIELD for this person. All of these Hyperians go on about “community” and “hyperfam” so much because they all come from totally fucked families and thus are in desperate search of substitute families to fill the void.
Rebhahn said in his latest deadstream, “We are eternal minds.” Notice he refers to “minds”, not “mind”. Yet Rebhahn also states that “from the absolute perspective” we are all “one mind”. Well, the “one mind” and the “many minds” can’t both be eternal. These are two totally different systems. The first is a One Mind system, and the second a Many Mind (Hive Mind) system. These are absolutely different ontologies, with radically different logical ramifications. Yet Rebhahn is so ignorant of philosophy that he literally constantly switches between these two contradictory ontologies. When it suits him, he says we are independent eternal minds. When it suits him to make a different point, he says we are actually One Mind. BOTH CAN’T BE TRUE. These are directly opposed ontological claims. Not that Rebhahn, a freakshow sword swallower with no qualifications, knows or cares. He will say whatever it takes to secure narcissistic supply. He has no interest at all in the Truth. That would get in the way of spouting whatever feel-good bullshit he wants to get out there to make Woke suckers love him and send him money.
Intellectuals relentlessly pursue the Truth, even if it is extremely unpalatable. Con men relentlessly lie. Their objective is to manipulate and exploit their marks. They want money, attention, love, adoration – all the things that plainly obsess Corey Rebhahn, an attention whore if ever there was one. He even comments on the length of his hair during a deadstream and says how much he likes it. Can you imagine a university lecturer stopping his lecture to refer to his hair? But of course, Corey Rebhahn is not a lecturer and has never set foot in a university, and only people who detest education now take this sword-swallowing freak seriously. He is an anti-intellectual and anti-educationalist because he is teaching people NONSENSE in order to secure extreme narcissistic supply. This man has zero interest in the Truth. Does any sane person imagine that a truth-seeker would actively court an audience like that of Hyperianism? These people are drooling halfwits. NO ONE WITH ANY INTELLECTUAL INTEGRITY COULD ENDURE THIS AUDIENCE. That’s 100% guaranteed. But it’s exactly the audience that a pathological narcissist wants, because it’s exactly the audience that provides him with maximum narcissistic supply … endless love, admiration, adoration AND MONEY.
Rebhahn got EXACTLY the audience he wanted – groomed suckers who would venerate him and never challenge him. No one could possibly regard this as an intelligent, questioning, well-informed, philosophically-literate audience. These people go to Rebhahn because they are CLUELESS, not because they are seeking to build on advanced knowledge that they already possess. They have no advanced knowledge, and nor does Rebhahn. Rebhahn had access to our books, but he certainly didn’t have the education, intelligence and merit to understand them. He wanted access to our work so that he could pose as an Ascended Master … to obtain maximum narcissistic supply.
And, let’s face it, it worked very well for him. He made himself a millionaire off our work. He monetized our system, entirely for himself, not for any “movement”. There is no movement. Do you imagine that people such as Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy are in a movement? They are in a FAN CLUB! It all revolves around Morgy Porgy. These people are not carrying out ANYTHING independently of Porgy. These people have been conned – engineered – into believing that they are activists in a movement if they support Porgy, if they send money to Porgy, and if they share Porgy’s work. It’s never about anything other than doing what is good for Porgy. And that’s how it has ALWAYS been with Hyperianism. It was always a vehicle to give Porgy narcissistic supply. The first casualty of Hyperianism is THE TRUTH. Who needs it? No Hyperian does. They have MORGY PORGY!
To take Hyperianism seriously, you have to believe that Porgy is “special”. The only special thing about this fraud, plagiarist and grifter is the sheer scale of his pathological narcissism and psychopathy. And the sheer lack of his qualifications for talking about fundamental reality.
Mindless Monad said in the latest deadstream,
“The mind is eternal consciousness…”
WTF! That right there is the total denial of the evolution of the mind from the unconscious to consciousness. Not that Mindless Jan, the Fat Fortune Teller, cares. This is a person whose job is to set things up for a farmers’ market once a week, yet she believes she can pontificate on the fundamental nature of reality. Despite her “name”, she doesn’t even believe she is an autonomous monad. She, like Rebhahn, claims that there is only one mind, ONE MONAD. She absolutely denies the Hive Mind ontology of eternally independent monadic minds.
These monadic minds constitute a functional (not ontological) unity at only one point – that of ZERO ENTROPY (Absolute Zero; Perfect Superconductivity). That – the domain of eternal and necessary BEING – is the domain of actual eternal consciousness, but it is the consciousness of something akin to the Aristotelian God (who never interacted with the world!). It’s nothing like the consciousness that exists in the domain of Becoming, which is temporal, contingent and subject to evolution and the dialectic. But, shhh, don’t mention any of that to Mindless Monad. She’s a total fucking moron who has no clue what she’s talking about. Why would she? Where are her qualifications? Where’s her merit? She doesn’t have any!
Rebhahn said,
“If I say We are All One, you have to understand why that is the case. You must know why it is the case that we are all One.”
We’re NOT all one! And you will get EVERTHING WRONG if you believe Rebhahn. Ontologically, we CANNOT be ALL ONE. We are eternally separate minds, separate subjectivities. You can NEVER experience another mind’s subjectivity, only your own … but if we were all actually one as Hyperianism claims then we would automatically experience each other’s subjectivity … because we are the SAME mind.
We will NEVER experience anyone else’s mind. The only mind we will subjectively experience is our own. You know NOTHING about ontological mathematics if you claim, as Hyperians do, that we are all one mind. Why do they make this insane claim? Because it’s the centerpiece of WOKE IDEOLOGY! This is the reason why Woke New Agers say everything should be all about unconditional love and light … because “we’re all really one.” Except we’re not. We’re eternally separate, eternally locked inside our own subjectivity. Even at zero entropy, we experience our own subjective take on Aristotelian divinity. We don’t experience what any other mind is subjectively experiencing (although we can certainly rationally conclude that they are having the same experience given that this is a zero-entropy system).
Rebhahn said in his latest deadstream that his personal position is “the most likely scenario” for how existence is. That’s a statement of pathological narcissism!!! This is a non-binary, cross-dressing sword-swallower with no qualifications who believes that what he says is the “most likely” truth of existence – superior to Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, Schopenhauer, scientific materialism, and all the rest. Forget Nobel laureates and the greatest geniuses of all time … listen instead to a guy who never went to school and puts razor blades in his mouth. Why don’t people literally laugh in this cretin’s face? They ought to! He’s a fucking lunatic – yet we live in a world of social media where insane people can make the most absurd, grandiose claims and find other mentally ill people to believe them and give them money and adulation. This is exactly how deranged religions get started.
Rebhahn said, “The whole point of this is to reach higher consciousness.” But why do we need to if we are in fact “eternally conscious”, as Immensely Fat Jan says? If Fat Jan is right, we are not trying to “reach” higher consciousness. We are trying to express the consciousness WE ALREADY HAVE, but which is being blocked in some way.
These people aren’t smart. They talk Word Salad shit peppered with jargon and Woke ideology and made to sound impressive by stealing from our system. It’s exactly because it’s OUR SYSTEM that we cringe every time we hear these people talking. The only time Rebhahn was ever right was when he was reading out our video scripts, or reading our books! As soon as he talks on his own account, it’s all NONSENSE. Because that’s when he imposes Woke ideology on a system that totally contradicts Woke ideology.
There’s a very prominent Hyperian troll who – insanely – refers to himself as an “Illuminist”. Like Rebhahn, Immensely Fat Jan, and all the rest of the cretinous Hyperians, he has no clue what Illuminism is.
The thing that gave us the most satisfaction regarding THTTM (Parts I and II) was how well the contributors understood Illuminism. Hyperians don’t understand it at all. That’s why they’re Hyperians. Hyperians are all WOKE, and that’s precisely why they don’t understand Illuminism, and why they troll it. That’s why they love Corey Rebhahn, the Woke Jesus. These people are all Christians, New Agers, mystics and love and lighters – and that’s precisely what Rebhahn wants …. the SUCKER AUDIENCE, those who engage in magical thinking and will believe anything.
Shock, horror, sharp intake of breath (Part 2) … A Hyperian made us laugh!
Shout out to Joanna Laguna of all people. She posted this beneath Rowan’s video:
What’s the world coming to … funny Hyperians!
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking