Question. Would you pay massive tuition fees to a university where none of the lecturers had any qualifications regarding anything, and had never even been to school? You would need to be insane to actually do so. You would be PROVING that you are a total sucker.
Question. How many qualifications does Corey Rebhahn, cult leader of Hyperianism, have? The answer is … NONE. Rebhahn hasn’t been to university. He hasn’t even been to school. He was raised as a daily student of the BIBLE … he’s a home-schooled Christian Fundamentalist. (Now you know why he talks about Christianity ALL THE TIME!) Yet many people give this person many thousands of dollars a year. They even refer to themselves as dedicated to “logic and reason”. Why would anyone who was actually logical and rational go to someone with no qualifications to learn about the fundamental nature of reality? What are the logical and rational chances of that being a successful move? They are literally ZERO.
People do not give Corey Rebhahn money because they are logical and rational. They give Corey Rebhahn money because they are NOT logical and rational.
People listening to Corey Rebhahn are listening to a person reading out the ideas of others, and getting them horribly wrong – because he doesn’t understand them … because he’s a home-schooled Christian. At university, people’s ideas are savagely tested by lecturers and other students. It’s easy for a confident student making “big” statements to be totally humiliated when all the flaws in his argument are pointed out.
People who have been to university carry this process around in their head at all time – fully internalized … i.e., they always think: “What would a lecturer and other students say about this.” Corey Rebhahn has never been near a university and has never experienced having his mad claims challenged. Look at a Hyperian deadstream. It’s not a debate, an exchange of views, an opportunity to point out very obvious errors Rebhahn is making. It’s none of those. It’s a monologue. It’s a lecture by an “Ascended Master” or “Prophet” or “Messiah”. When “questions” are put to Rebhahn, they are never questions proposing that he is WRONG. Such questions are screened out by the groomed mods. The only “questions” put to Rebhahn are from fawning acolytes who believe everything he says, just as Abrahamists do when they think of their holy prophets. People PAY to ask Rebhahn easy questions which not once pose any threat to Rebhahn’s all-important authority. People listen to Rebhahn BECAUSE they believe he is an authority. Corey Rebhahn is in fact an authority regarding NOTHING. He has no qualifications, except in bullshitting people to get money and admiration from them (narcissistic supply), a “skill” he learned from many years as a street performer desperately trying to get people to watch him and give him money. Rebhahn’s whole “philosophy” can be summed up as: “HOW DO I GET PEOPLE TO LOOK AT ME, ADMIRE ME, AND GIVE ME LOADS OF MONEY AND ADORATION.” This is the gospel of ANY pathological narcissist, and Rebhahn is a signature example. Just look at his deadstreams. They are occasions of mindless worship and veneration. There is no KNOWLEDGE being imparted, except where he is reading out someone else’s ideas. ANYONE can do that!
Look at Immensely Fat Jan, a second-rate Rebhahn. All she ever does is show videos made by other people and then comment on them. It’s not as though she has any ideas or knowledge of her own. Why would she? She works for a weekly farmers’ market!
She’s just another hopeless, pathetic narcissist desperate for attention to shore up her massive insecurities and extremely low self-esteem (of her True Self).
All of these desperate half-wits invoke a FALSE SELF to big themselves up to make them seem important and relevant. They’re not! They’ve got NOTHING. They are more or less pointless people pushing themselves into everyone else’s faces in their desperate pursuit of attention, and we have a social media world that makes this possible in a way that was utterly impossible just a decade ago. This is the GOLDEN AGE for narcissists – because they now have the technological means to indulge their malignant narcissism to the maximum. Ten years ago, no one would have paid any attention at all to ginormously fat Jan (and getting fatter, if that’s even possible). Now, she has groomed a small group of fanatics to love her, to be her “community”, to give her narcissistic supply.
Imagine having it written on your headstone:“I watched all of Immensely Fat Jan’s videos and sent her money and support.”
Is that a life well lived? Yet that’s going to be the reality for most of humanity in the future – i.e., they spend all of their time watching vacuous influencers like Immensely Fat Jan and Corey Rebhahn.
The whole thing is an act, a show, a performance. This is the society of the spectacle. The Image is all. Substance has vanished. Someone such as Rebhahn is strictly performative. He has no actual knowledge to share. How would he have acquired any knowledge by his own steam? He’s never been to university or school, has no qualifications, and all of his knowledge is derived from the BOOKS AND ARTICLES OF OTHER PEOPLE. He has nothing new or interesting to contribute unless he were talking about the disturbed psyche of a performative self-harmer, or one of the world’s most extreme malignant narcissists. It’s baffling that anyone listens to this person at all – until you realize that this is a Dunning-Kruger guy talking to a Dunning-Kruger audience with absolute contempt for experts, knowledge, facts, qualifications, merit, intelligence.
This is the world’s dismal future – unless something is done about it. The predatory capitalist influencer industry should be closed down, except where influencers have relevant qualifications, or relevant experience, or are people self-evidently of high merit, and not bad recyclers and regurgitators of the work of others, and posturing as gurus with special knowledge when it’s obvious they don’t.
No one learns anything from Rebhahn – because he’s talking absolute crap. He has no understanding of the material from which he steals, and all he does is push Woke rhetoric, which the simps and gimps in his audience love and think is “profound”.
In fact, they aren’t learning anything about anything. They give Rebhahn money and devotion because he is a pathological narcissist who has groomed and brainwashed them, and they have irrationally and illogically fallen for his act, and now have a slavish, religious devotion to him.
Consider the logical and rational facts:
- Rebhahn has no qualifications.
- Phillip Shope, a hospital cleaner, presumably has no qualifications.
- Allie Torgensen, a person who works at a farmers’ market once a week, presumably has no qualifications.
- Susan Mitchell allegedly has a psychology degree from decades ago, but reportedly did not know who Jung was – one of the towering founders of psychology. Therefore, this person does NOT have a psychology degree. She too probably has no qualifications. She comes across as incredibly stupid.
So, Hyperianism is led by four people with no academic credentials at all – and yet they say they are hyperaware World shapers changing human consciousness and building a New World (New Terra). As if!
You are a SUCKER if you believe you are learning ANYTHING from these four maniacs. You are learning NOTHING. You might as well stand in front of a nutcase in the street who is shouting about Jesus. They know as much about reality as Corey Rebhahn and his three mods do, which is NOTHING.
If you take Corey Rebhahn and his three mods seriously, you are a prime example of the Dunning-Kruger effect and you loathe people with qualifications. You literally believe that qualifications are meaningless and that people who swallow swords should be listened to rather than actual experts who have studied subjects in depth for decades. Rebhahn has “studied” swallowing swords. He knows NOTHING about anything else.
And every logical and rational person knows this. But, of course, there are no logical and rational people in Hyperianism. That’s why they’re Hyperians!
Let’s not kid ourselves. Let’s accept the reality principle. Hyperians do not. They are always willing to deceive themselves – because they are all seriously mentally ill. That’s self-evident. A mentally healthy person does not listen to a mentally ill person like Corey Rebhahn and believe they are learning something profound from him. There is nothing to learn, except how to be as mentally ill, as delusional, as he is, which is in fact the tragic lesson that the remaining Hyperians are learning.
They go on supporting an insane ideology because their identity is invested in it, and they are full of “defiance”. When we say “defiance”, we mean they are capable of two simple behaviors – trolling us and continuing to support Rebhahn’s bizarre and demented deadstreams were he spouts absolute nonsense and even claims that he solved the greatest problems of philosophy. Seriously?! The entire philosophy community of the world would laugh hysterically at the idea that Corey Rebhahn is solving any philosophy problems at all. Does he even know what “philosophy” is? But when Rebhahn’s audience – all of whom are even more ignorant of philosophy than he is – actually believe the endless shit he is spewing out (he is wrong on a sentence by sentence basis for anyone with any actual philosophical expertise) then all that can happen is disaster, for these people and for the world. Billions of people are listening to cretins like Rebhahn and believing in the most fantastical, absurd nonsense. This is the “gift” of malignant narcissism to the world. It really is an extinction level event. The WEST is finished – because it gave the biggest platform possible to the worst type of humans: pathological narcissists and psychopaths willing to say and do anything to succeed. As Nietzsche said, “Success as always been the greatest liar”. And that’s no truer than today, in the braindead world of social media where those that claw their way to the top are always those most in need of attention – because they are psychotic narcissists addicted to narcissistic supply.
Corey Rebhahn and his three mods are seriously mentally ill. And Hyperianism is a seriously mentally ill ideology. Just read what the Hyperian website says:
“The goal of Hyperianism is to create a new humanity and a new Earth. … Hyperians are the Next Evolutionary Step. The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole. That system is Hyperianism. ‘Hyper’ means beyond or higher. Hyperians are world shapers and actively seek to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, and to unite the world. Understanding hyperian principles and knowledge will allow you to take control of your life, transform yourself, and become a fully expressed individual. You are Infinite. The greatest lights were born in darkness. Their brilliant fires burned for aeons in the void before there was a single creature to see their light. They reached across space and time to touch your eyes, giving you the gift of sight. Without the stars, there would be no life. There’s a secret in the stars. We are the bringers of their gift. If you were not searching, you would not have found us. You don’t know what you’re searching for, but you have a deep urge, a drive, an insatiable hunger for… something. We have a saying, ‘Lux ex tenebris,’ which means, ‘from darkness, light.’ Everything that you’re searching for is already within you. It’s just hidden in the dark, waiting to come to light. We are presenting to you a hidden system of unity that has existed timelessly. It is, was, and always will be. This system has been encoded in innerlight. This is not light as you know it. Your people will one day discover that thought can be encoded as a special kind of light. Light is frequency, after all. As is thought. This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species. It was given to the highest minds of your people where it was guarded in secret to be protected from fracture. Now, like a rose ready to bloom, the world has finally become ready to hear our message. Unify shadow and light. Become Whole.”
Who is telling you this? A sword swallower who never went to school. Why would you believe him? Obviously, YOU WOULDN’T. If you’re rational and logical, that is. If you’re not then you will believe any old shit, and that’s exactly what Hyperians do.
Now, we wouldn’t give a fuck about Corey Rebhahn and any of his ludicrous cultists were it not for the fact that they are using our system to spread their pernicious, deranged, false nonsense, that completely discredits and sabotages our work. So, as you would expect of any logical and rational people, we must eliminate Hyperians so that no one will be deceived about the nature of our work because of the lunatic Corey Rebhahn, one of the most extreme plagiarists in history, and backed up by three profoundly pathetic individuals who actually imagine – as do all of Rebhahn’s groomed worshipers – that they are world-historic people.
Seriously, people will die – by suicide – when this is all over … because people have invested so much faith in Corey Rebhahn and his three mods and they will not be able to bear it when they realize how badly duped, they have been. They have built their identity around a total fraud, despite countless warnings. What does that say about them?
Think we’re wrong? Then you Hyperians should say so in our new book project… check it out…
Mary Martin said,
“The thing really should be, the book the AC want us to write for them, that Hyperians should write their own book about their own experiences and how they are changing their World around them. And give the money to a Charity. Why should the AC get money from your work.”
Great! GO FOR IT! We don’t care who organizes it. We just want to see what defense is advanced for the disgusting, immoral behavior of Corey Rebhahn and his sick and dangerous cult!
Karen said,
“Great idea Mary Martin. Why don’t you lead the project? Find 30 Hyperians who want to contribute essays. Then upload it to Kindle Books. (It’s easy.)”
Exactly! (Wink.)
Another deadstream tonight … another chance to see the Hyperian cultists pretending that what’s happening isn’t happening!
It’s an astonishing phenomenon. And to imagine that all of these people believe they are autonomous freethinkers. How do they explain to themselves that no one can EVER refer to the devastating new books that have come out? Is it normal just to pretend that none of this ever happened?
Finally, Artemis Maenad said,
“Kim, that is a brilliant idea! Please gather up all the times you have been called a retard and submit it. That will be some great reading!”
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dying of laughter!)
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking