Corey Rebhahn: Cult Leader of Hyperianism (2023)



Happy New Year everyone!
New Year’s Resolution? – Er … DELETE HYPERIANISM! This year, the abomination will finally be gone.
Every deadstream, Rebhahn shouts out Joel Swindler, one of his top supporters on Patreon. Here are a few recent comments by the Swindler:
“Merry Christmas everyone! Jesus loves you. … No religion can guide like Christ. You just have to meet Christ and repent of the flesh, for we cannot understand or comprehend Christ in this ego (flesh). This is why the ego must be broken. Identify the ego… let it go. … Pray for us. … Today I get to see the Family. These people kept me going when I abandoned Jesus. I love them all dearly. God put us together for a lifetime, not a season. #Jesus is King … demons will hide in ego (the flesh) completely blinding one of its presence. Be forgiving. Don’t let demons win. We are and are not the ego. Ego is just a tool of ‘the flesh’ to manipulate this human form. … Amen. Jesus can save anyone. May all the demons flee from us. … That tremble you feel isn’t the concern of offending someone with Jesus. That’s Jesus trying to call you through the battlefields of forces we cannot see. Jesus Christ will save us sinners 🙏… Following Jesus is easy. Following Jesus through religion can be difficult… Jesus loves all. The Gospel is what saves.”
Great to see Morgy Porgy at last overcoming his “RTS” and embracing his Christian fundamentalist roots again! Morgue LOVES Jesus freaks and bible bashers and those fanatically preaching the Christian gospel. He can’t get enough of them. He loves being supported by them. He loves their money. Just like any other Christian preacher! Isn’t that what he is now? Hasn’t he become … Mary Magdalene?
Porgy has no problem with his supporters being Christians, so he must be a Christian, right?! If you are opposed to Christianity then you don’t want Christian supporters, right? But Porgy is delighted to have Christian supporters, he’s delighted to have their financial backing, and he’s delighted to shout them out. After all, he does it all the time, every deadstream!
Porgy says he stands totally opposed to unnecessary suffering (hence why he’s a “vegan”, or so he claims). Well, Joel Swindler, a carnivore, hunts and kills animals for fun!!! But, hey, it’s not as if Porgy is going to turn down Swindler’s lovely money, is it? Porgy abandons all of his “principles” if they ever get in the way of his wealth. It’s always money first for Rebhahn.
Corey Rebhahn encouraged everyone to get their covid vaccines. Here’s what far-right libertarian Joel Swindler – top Hyperian who gets shouted out on every deadstream – says, “They’re only human, which is why trusting our God-given immune system is best during a freak outbreak… Vaccines are just an experiment at the end of the day. The question is, should WHO or a government entity ever have the power to force an injection in the name of ‘public safety’? I listened to 3 hours of oral arguments with the Supreme Court, not once was individual freedom mentioned in the arguments. They only made arguments of how this affects the network, as in employers and insurance providers… The corporate world… not our individual freedom.”
Great to see Morgue supporting extreme right-wing individualism, to match his own extreme right-wing Woke individualism. We wouldn’t want anyone to imagine that Morgue has any connection to our benevolent, left-wing, working-class collectivism.
Ishtar said,
“Illuminism is about collective actualization at its apex.” That’s exactly right, while Hyperianism is all about the “sovereign individual”, i.e., the individual being allowed to do absolutely whatever they want – you know, like top Hyperian Joe Swindler who refuses to wear a mask during a pandemic and refuses to get vaccinated. He really cares for others, doesn’t he? That’s why he’s a top Hyperian, and top Hyperian donor, and why Morgue always shouts him out. Right? I mean, if Morgue had any problems with what this guy says, he would expel him from Hyperianism, right? He obviously AGREES with everything Swindler says. Why else does he shout him out twice a week?! He doesn’t shout us out (I wonder why not?!). We oppose all of Swindler’s positions! We wouldn’t let Swindler anywhere near Illuminism. But he’s a perfect hyperian, for sure. After all, he gives lots of money to Rebhahn, and that’s what counts, right?!
By the way, we actually suspect that Swindler has recently left Hyperianism – he has become as invisible as that other top Hyperian donor Filanthrowpissed. But Porgy can’t remove them from his list of top donors because that would make it look like Hyperianism was FAILING. Porgy has to constantly pretend that everything is going FANTASTICALLY. When you’re an Ascended Master and hyperaware world shaper then nothing can go wrong, right?!
Here are some recent comments by Rebhahn: “Anyone who disagrees with gender politics is a terrible person.” So, NEW TERRA is defined by gender politics. Sheez. Rebhahn said, “Can men get pregnant? – yes they can!” … great to see Hyperianism being such a strong rational supporter of science. You know, fifty percent of animals born in nature are born to males… Er…!!!! No chance of Hyperianism ever imposing ideology over science, right? Rebhahn said, “We have problems in the world today because people get upset over gender.” So, if you have ever forgotten what Hyperianism stands for, it stands for EXTREMIST GENDER POLITICS – about being mandated to agree that men can get pregnant and have babies – which is why 100% of Hyperians are extreme Wokesters.
Rebhahn said, “If you believe in lizard people and watch my channel, that’s fine. Just be respectful!” Great to see Morgue being so open-minded toward far-right conspiracy theory nutjobs. Morgue doesn’t mind what kind of people sign up to Hyperianism – just so long as they pay up! You can see why Porgy hates Illuminism so much. We have zero respect for those that believe in lizard people (well, unless they’re referring to Hyperians, and then we completely agree!).
Brainwashed Hyperian fanatic Alan Irons simperingly said to Morgue,
“I know its been awhile! it’s nice to see you too! I read phenomenology of Spirit and have been sticking up for you against our former hyperians’ that have turned into haters/trolls… Ad Astra!”
Porgy said,
“I don’t even keep up with those weirdos. I have no idea what they are doing.”
Isn’t it hilarious the way Hyperianism never talks about why so many Hyperians left Hyperianism in 2022 and all of these Hyperians who left suddenly became “haters” and “trolls.” Why not rational and logical critics of a sick and dangerous cult?
Any explanation for that, Alan Irons? What’s the point of reading Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit if you can’t even ask your cult God Corey Rebhahn why Hyperianism has lost so many members, and why they are now totally opposed to Hyperianism? Shouldn’t your God Morgue have an explanation for that? He’s a hyperaware world shaper, right?! Shouldn’t he be able to address it in a deadstream? You raised the issue, after all. Why not ask him to spend a whole deadstream discussing this key matter about the health and future of Hyperianism? Yeah, didn’t think so.
Does Iron Man believe that hundreds of people just perversely one day decided to be “haters” and “trolls”? Maybe they learned some hideous truths about Corey Rebhahn. The question, is it not, is why didn’t Alan Irons learn those same lessons? Well, Irons is self-evidently yet another gay man in love with Corey Rebhahn. Hyperianism is full of them.
Here’s another one, another insane gay Hyperian, Paul Cherry, persisting with the key Hyperian lie that Corey Rebhahn never made a sick, false, malicious complaint to the FBI. Apparently, Morgue denied to Cherry that he ever made any complaint to the FBI, and Cherry has 100% faith in what his God says.
Cherry wrote,
“@rowan James So perhaps before calling people r.e.t.a..r.d.s > and claiming that they are delusional while sending proxies to do your dirty work because you are too much of a cowardly little no-mark to do it yourself (vile little hypocrite); you should learn to think for yourself, boy. A good start would be removing your tongue from the ACPI’s arsehole. I heard it’s been so far up there for the last eight years that it’s formed a parasocial relationship with their prostate. Maybe RJ should stand for rimjob. Look, it’s plain for everyone to see. Your involvement with the movement was never about making a real difference to help bring humanity forward. And it is more about feeding your fragile ego, so when it does, all go wrong, which is inevitable. It is not like you can claim ignorance about this because I warned you countless times about the consequences of what happens when little idiot boys try to step out of their prams and desperately try to play- pretend to be coffee-bar revolutionaries.— you absolute fucking gaping arse what? You don,t seem to realize that when someone either talks on the phone or uses a search engine, there is an algorithm that detects and then red flags certain words and phrases. Didn’t you know this? Maybe you should have used the Principle of Sufficient Reason or, at the very least, some common sense to assess the situation, but I think it never happened. There is no FBI investigation. You got entangled in a lie. Now It’s too late to back out, so the blame had to be shifted to hide your numerous and blatant shortcomings. The only people you will hurt in the end are yourself and those in your proximity the worst part of all this will be living out the rest of your days knowing this is entirely self-inflicted, a disaster of your own making. To reiterate my point, when you have burnt all your bridges, don’t come crying with cap in hand begging for favours because it will fall on deaf ears. So have fun living like a generic version of peewee Herman in the land of make-believe. Now toddle off and go and play-pretend at being a toy soldier with your wooden rifle and tinfoil hat.”
The insane projection is strong in this one! This is the nut who demanded that we supply him with private Vancouver police department interview tapes with RJ to prove what we have said. Hey ho. There’s no point in arguing with STUPID. He’ll just drag you down to his level. Cherry is so far up Morgue’s ass that it’s impossible to say where one begins and the other ends.
His “theory” is that RJ got detected by “algorithms” – and that’s why the cops showed up at his door. (Funny, they didn’t show up at our door – after 20 million words of Na**sm, supposedly!) Rebhahn apparently had nothing to do with it and we have been constantly lying, and we simply fabricated all the screenshots where the Rebhahn gang discuss the FBI complaint. It’s STAGGERING what these people are willing to believe and what the Rebhahn gang encourages them to believe.
Insane Hyperian Adrienne Reyes said,
“The way people treat others is a reflection of how they feel about themselves I bet they hate themselves as well and just want to bring everyone down as well.”
Yes, that’s why Morgue made a false and malicious complaint to the FBI, why he swatted three people, why he wrote two smear campaigns against us and canceled our website, why he issued a preliminary lawsuit for defamation, and so on, and so on. Those are the actions of an enlightened Ascended Master who has risen above messy human affairs, right? Ho, ho, ho.
No chance that Morgue wants to bring anyone down, right? How delusional can you get?
Why don’t you lunatics try living in the real world for a change? Whatever you IMAGINE Corey Rebhahn is, that’s the OPPOSITE of what this guy actually is. This guy is an apex predator and YOU are his prey. He is a PSYCHOPATH. Ever wondered why he didn’t actually sue Karen (and us) for defamation – it’s because, following Karen’s response to his lawyer, he was given the strongest legal advice that he had zero chance of success – i.e. what we have said about him is absolutely true! Why don’t you ask him to release the legal advice he received? He’s such an open and honest guy, right? He’s all about asking questions, especially of him, right? While you’re at it, why don’t you get him to publish the false and malicious complaint he made to the FBI about his legitimate critics?
We saw these comments on Morgue’s Facebook page from someone called Shawn A Stoudt:
“I’m ready for original Hyperionism when you originally Teached it as a mathematically reality morgue … I just want to know why morgue the main topic is gnostic nowadays I’ve been on your Channel over a year. … I don’t feel like you’re teaching Hyperion morgue I feel like you’re teaching Gnostic topic lately. … Why is my hyperionism not explained as a mathematical reality anymore and haven’t really Been that topic any more morgue … I want to aim towards hyperionism but it’s turned into Gnostic and morgue why … you said hyperionism is not a religion morgue its been religious lately … People are explaining different views I want to hear it from the founder you morgue Didn’t really lead me to the core morgue I’m getting a lot of gnostic from you I’ve been on your channel for quite sometime other hyperions are saying different things what is Hyperion Does it come from pythagorean Illumination what are your teaching What I’m saying morgue is you have lost me lately you’ve gotten very Gnostic so I’m asking for help and wondering what Hyperionism really is … Are people paying to get their comments answered what’s the secret why am I not getting answered. … Can I even be seen … I’ve been on YouTube and my question still does not get Answered”
Hyperianism is now extreme right-wing hyper-individualism revolving around gender …and Christian Gnosticism, allied with New Age cosmic consciousness. We’re all really one mind, apparently, and that means, apparently, that we should allow Corey Rebhahn to do whatever he fucking wants!
Survival Hax said to Morgue,
“I was thinking you might have some points but then i saw you’re just a washed up street performer who became a youtuber so this is most likely all for attention.”
Whatever points Morgue ever had came from Illuminism. Morgue’s own ideas are just standard, Woke, New Age, mystical bullshit about everyone really being one – you know, the basic New Age mantra that has been failing for decades. It’s amazing that polarization, conflict and hate are rapidly increasing given that we are all supposedly one mind. We must be a totally fucked, dissociated mind if that’s the case – and that means we are an INSANE mind, and an insane mind will NEVER cure itself. Schopenhauer accepted the logic of there being only one mind – and concluded that it was a totally evil mind, only good at producing suffering. Morgy Porgy is now a follower of Schopenhauer, but denies Schopenhauer’s logical conclusions. Porgy claims that this single mind is somehow sane and amazing (having myriad different experiences!) – er, so why is Porgy always making deadstreams about the world being so crazy and hateful and about to meet its end?
What is Hyperianism’s purpose these days? Where is it going? What’s its direction? What is its strategy? Well, its sole function now is to secure maximum narcissistic supply – maximum adoration, fame and money – for Corey Rebhahn. That’s it. There are no principles, no philosophy. There is no movement. It’s all about what is good for Corey Rebhahn. It’s just Rebhahn’s fan club and, really, was it ever anything else?
Hey, Morgy Porgy, how’s your “conflict resolution” going with Arden Leigh?
“Creator of The Re-Patterning Project and frontwoman of Arden & the Wolves and Prospertine. She/they.”
Was she your squeeze for a while? She’s non-binary too … just your type! Very different from Fat Jan (He/they), though. Arden was asking about your “character ad integrity”. She obviously doesn’t know you very well. You don’t have any! We know you far better than you know yourself. You are hyper-unaware!
You definitely need repatterned, mate!
Did you see the ghastly Hyperian Plagiarism’s deadstream last night? We were spared Immensely Fat Jan – let’s hope the storm got her! – but then Necropants Grindr Phil (Greater Regional Health, Creston … Environmental Services) talked about Scientology without realizing he was describing his own cult of Hyperianism. Does being “hyperaware” make you mentally retarded?
Then we had Mad Bitchell talking about Brian, her sad and pathetic cuckolded husband with all his ailments. Do you think Bitchell ever tells him that she’s cheating on him with her new narc Corey Rebhahn, just as she cheated on him with her old narc? By that we mean that ALL of her emotions are given over to an androgynous man half her age in California. Just as well her husband is autistic – locked in – so has no clue what she gets up to. Do you think she discusses Hyperianism with her husband? You must be joking. This is a woman who spends her whole life lying, deceiving, cheating, following narcs around like a puppy dog. It’s the only time she feels alive.
What a sad, sad, pathetic nutjob. She’s the most dishonest woman in the world. And the way she treated CL over the precious items of Kari that had been promised to her is utterly infamous. It reveals what a truly sick and monstrous individual Bitchell is, with no honor at all. So cruel. She was honor-bound to give those items to CL. She didn’t. Kari would have insisted. But Bitchell spits on Kari’s memory, just like she spits on everyone else, including her husband. Only beloved Corey is never spat on. God forbid! Rebhahn, not her husband, is her best friend. She says so herself. How can Brian stand to be with this toxic cheat?
There are things that transcend disputes, but not when it comes to Bitchell. She will always spitefully dehumanize people. She’s a true grotesque.
But, hey, you will be able to read about this for yourself when “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” is published. We are going through this material slowly because we want these books to be as good as possible. They are so amazing that, given a fair wind, they will end Hyperianism on their own. Whether a fair wind arrives is another matter. Our ETA for publication is two weeks from now. Then Corey Rebhahn will go insane. If he thought Sinclair’s book was bad, he ain’t seen nothing yet. Rebhahn will suffer extreme narcissistic injury and lash out in the most extreme way yet. And then Hyperianism will perish in the immediate aftermath when everyone sees the psychopath fully unleashed. So, the timing of the publication of these books is critical. The ideal would be for the McAfee article to come out, our books to come out, and the FBI to formally launch a criminal investigation of Corey Rebhahn and his Hyperian cult within days of each other – one devastating blow after another, smashing everything until there is nothing left.
But the end is finally coming. One way or another, “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” will trigger an explosion. People will not believe what they are reading. This material is sensational. It’s perfect for ending a very dangerous cult, and we profoundly thank all the contributors and everyone who helped with this project. Fantastic job!


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SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Shadow Self, Power Self, Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source, the Absolute perspective, the Monadic perspective, the Avatar perspective, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), Metacognition; Concept Networking