Corey Rebhahn: Good Girl or Bad Girl?



We’ve just been re-reading “Good Girl” by The Dialectical BlackRose, one of the outstanding contributions to “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”.
What a powerful piece of writing.
“You’ll do the most heinous and degrading things just to hear those lovely words, ‘Good Girl’.”
Isn’t that the truth?! You look at the Hyperian Harem, and you see a bunch of desperate women for whom even “good girl” isn’t enough. It’s all about being the BEST GIRL. They will degrade themselves absolutely to achieve this status. Dyslexic Fairy sends Morgy Porgy over ten thousand dollars every year, and “flirtatious” Hegel quotes (heehee) every deadstream – and she NEVER misses a deadstream because, er, she has no life outside of Hyperianism, the only place where anyone pays any attention to her – and all so that she can compete Hunger Games style to be BEST GIRL, Morgy Porgy’s top, most faithful supporter. “Kassidy” is in the same game. What’s that autistic obsession she has with beeps and bleeps? Does she have hyperaware, world shaping hearing? She’s another top Patreon supporter looking to be Morgy Porgy’s Queen. Then we have Angela Dukat, Maria Seedling, Athon the Abraxian, Dee Bee, Taylor Made, Storm the Delta, Joanna Laguna, Hope Bahr, Eleze Gentry, Roberta Singer, Kim Drew, and many, many others entering the tournament to be Morgue’s BEST GIRL. And of course there are many gay men playing this same game. They want to be seen to be Rebhahn’s most devoted and faithful follower, his strongest supporter, the one who will never abandon him, no matter what. This is thought to be a “good thing” – being someone’s mindless, brainwashed slave, absolutely incapable of directing any criticism at them. There is an absolute refusal to doubt Morgue. Everything he says is accepted as holy writ. It’s just … ABRAHAMISM.
Being up against a Hyperian is the same as being up against a fundamentalist Christian. There’s no one at home, no one capable of hearing rational and logical arguments. It’s all faith, emotion, confirmation bias, and identity. So a Hyperian gay man can’t hear any criticism of Rebhahn because to criticize Rebhahn is to be instantly branded a hater, bigot, homophobe, transphobe … N**I. This is how this game is played. Rebhahn says to his gay slaves: if you don’t support me, you’re a self-hating homophobe. You’re on the side of the bigots. You don’t love me.
And that’s how all rational and logical criticism is instantly and permanently shut down. You appeal to IDENTITY, and all discussion ceases. It’s THEM AND US. This is how Abrahamists and the Woke alike play the game. If your FAITH isn’t total, you’re not of us, you’re one of THEM. Rebhahn – the man who wrote the UNITY DOCUMENT (heeeeeee!) – only ever has one message … AGREE WITH ME OR YOU’RE A BIGOT. This, apparently, is how you unite the world!!! Rebhahn is one of the most divisive, polarizing and alienating men on earth, but hey, he’s the hyperaware, World Shaping Ascended Master who is creating New Terra by raising the consciousness of humanity. So, you can’t disagree, right? Except you can. Because this is all insane bullshit. The only thing Corey Rebhahn is doing is serving himself. He has no plan for anything. He doesn’t even believe in Hyperianism, he believes in Morgue – that’s why everything is branded MORGUE OFFICIAL and not HYPERIANISM. Don’t you get it? The clue is in the name. It’s all about MORGUE. He’s a pathological narcissist and psychopath. Why would you imagine that he ISN’T?
It’s amazing how much the “good girl”/”bad girl” dichotomy shapes so many psyches.
The Dialectical BlackRose wrote,
“The girls (and boys) in the Hyperian cult behave similarly to the girls who were in the sex trafficking cult. All fighting to be the top Good Girl and gain the recognition of the leader. Of course, if anyone dares to question the leader, they’re immediately labeled a Bad Girl and nobody wants to be labeled such a thing, so no one questions. They all just follow the leader no matter where he’s taking them, as long as they remain his Good Girls.
The brave ones that speak up with the hard questions get sent into exile and the rest of the cult pretends that person never existed. No one questions why they left. Why should they when it’s as if they never existed? Additionally, as a result of their parting, a Good Girl spot opens up and they are each compelled to take the loser’s seat. Each of them unconsciously doing their personal best to get one step closer to their master. Another second of his attention is worth forgetting your old friend(s) ever existed, right?!”
Isn’t this 100% accurate?
It’s so true, and so disturbing. It’s the game that extreme feeling types play. Their extreme feelings trump everything. All remaining Hyperians are profoundly in love with Corey Rebhahn (and he spends his life love-bombing them to keep them in that condition … he exemplifies total AUDIENCE CAPTURE (“Audience capture is a self-reinforcing feedback loop that involves telling one’s audience what they want to hear and getting rewarded for it”). Wokeness is audience capture. It’s all about influencers telling minorities what they want to hear, and totally ignoring reality.
Professor Sam Vaknin has warned that Woke World is a perfect feeding ground for apex predators, i.e., pathological narcissists and psychopaths have identified it as the perfect arena for receiving excessive narcissistic supply and achieving all their goals regarding money, power, influence, status, fame, sex, and so on. Just look at Corey Rebhahn. Not once has he said anything that would upset the most Woke person on earth – well apart from when he was Edgelord Morgue, a total misogynist, misanthrope, atheist, and nihilist with both homicidal and suicidal tendencies. He was total unwoke then! But, of course, just as Rebhahn never mentions the mods he used to shout out every week but who have now departed from his prison, he never mentions his own past self either! Edgelord Morgue is even less likely to be mentioned than Megan, Christina, Rowan or Jewel! Porgy would NEVER reference his Terrors of Men content, and none of his brainwashed puppets ever asks him to account for the INVERSION of his professed beliefs.
The Dialectical BlackRose wrote,
“If the one in exile does attempt to speak the truth and call the leader out on their bullshit, they’re quickly ridiculed by the rest of the members. Even if it was just yesterday when they were receiving top praise from the leader and other members. They will make up all kinds of lies and even call the police on the one who left in a pathetic attempt to silence their voice through fear! These people will do or say anything to make sure that you’re viewed as unfit to testify the truth.”
That’s exactly it! There’s so much fear in this hyperian scene, and also so much hate, and such a strong desire to punish apostates, and avoid being punished oneself. Everyone is spying on everyone else, and being spied on. They’re all regulating each other, making sure no one breaks out of the parameters set by their God, Corey Rebhahn.
The most effective prison is the one where the prisoner imagines himself free as he locks himself in. He needs no guards. He is his own guard. Rebhahn doesn’t need to worry about the cultists in his jail. None of them wants to get out. In fact, they pay tens of thousands to get in!
All the “good girls” compete to be told they are “best girl” – the best PRISONER OF THE CULT! People such as Dyslexic Fairy gave Rebhahn over ten thousand dollars a year to be regarded as the best girl. OVER TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS!! To send Hegel quotes to Rebhahn, and somehow flirt with him through that means – the worst romantic approach in history. I mean, WTF! No one could make this stuff up.
Why does the Mad Fairy send Rebhahn Hegel quotes? Seemples – because Rebhahn says that Hegel is his favorite philosopher.
By the way, did you know that Hegel – Morgy Porgy’s supposedly favorite philosopher – is often called a totalitarian, a freedom-hating Statist and an anti-semite and proto-N**i?! Nietzsche, another favorite of Porgy was branded by Bertrand Russell as the top philosopher of the N**i worldview! What is it with Porgy and his love for N**is and anti-Semites? Of course, Porgy brands us as N**i anti-Semites – which is no doubt why he was so keen to work with us!
Of course, what we, Nietzsche and Hegel all have in common is our hatred of mad religions and our wish to see all of them abolished, and that’s why we get called N**is and anti-Semites. As we all know now, the Woke Hyperians can’t get enough of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and now defend these insane religions to the hilt. Top Hyperian donor Joel Swindler is a Jesus Freak – he obviously thinks that Hyperianism is promoting Christianity, which it is, of course.
So, are all you Hyperians going to be good girls and do whatever Porgy wants? Doesn’t that sound wonderful – being Rebhahn’s good girl and maybe even his BEST GIRL? But you will never be one of those BAD GIRLS who say bad things about beloved COREY. They are monsters, right? They must be shunned and punished. Hell would be to be regarded by Corey as a BAD GIRL. You would rather die.
So, that’s why we are here … to save you the problem. We don’t mind in the slightest being called BAD MEN by halfwits and fuckwits like you. You are the very worst of womanhood. We’re going to destroy your sick cult. Some people, as you know, must be forced to be free (Rousseau).
By the way, Rebhahn’s only visible Patreon stat fell from 88% to 76% in 24 hours. The end is coming!




SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Shadow Self, Power Self, Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source, the Absolute perspective, the Monadic perspective, the Avatar perspective, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), Metacognition; Concept Networking