So, we are finally entering the End Game. We are not waiting for the idiot police or moronic FBI to do their jobs and, you know, serve justice. They do not know what justice is. They let criminals roam free because the criminals are “Woke” and that’s seemingly a protected status in law these days – although we never saw any law proclaiming this astonishing – and utterly illegal – new doctrine. The Revolution is coming … and the Woke are provoking it. They are as insane, delusional and degenerate as the French nobility in 1789. They are living in a fantasy world. And their fantasy will be totally destroyed … by reality. Ronnie Real is coming. He’s coming for YOU, Corey Rebhahn.
We are not waiting for the ever-delayed David G. McAfee to bring out his new article on Rebhahn and his Hyperian cult. We have no control over when he will finally deliver. (The latest info is that nothing will appear before the end of February, at the earliest. And we fully expect that date to slip further given what has happened previously.) So, we move on.
We are not waiting for ANYONE. We make our own fate. So, this is to announce that our massive strike against Hyperianism is about to be launched. We will be publishing “Delete Hyperianism”, and the two parts of “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” on Sunday 22 January.
Remember what happened in the aftermath of the publication of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” at the end of July? THE FBI WERE CALLED … and two people were swatted within one week of publication. What will Rebhahn – a clinically insane person – do this time? Phone the President, the Pope, Vladimir Putin? Will he demand the use of tactical nuclear missiles against the AC/PI? We KNOW that SOMETHING utterly deranged will happen. Because we are dealing with a bona fide lunatic – someone on the Andrew Tate spectrum. And we look forward to Rebhahn doing another demented thing. We are banking on it, relying on it. Because Rebhahn will then – finally – end up in jail … or a mental asylum. This crazy person IS ABOUT TO SNAP.
Andrew Tate – in jail! – doesn’t he sound exactly like Edgelord Corey Rebhahn, the Night Bringer, the Terror of Men – the strangler, the stabber, the man who despises pity and weakness – who, exactly like Tate, claims to be the most intelligent person in the world. Indeed, Rebhahn claims to be the most intelligent person in history (!), solving the greatest philosophical problem of all time. By the way, in our new books, we will be absolutely demolishing all of Rebhahn’s comically bad arguments regarding the PSR. Not only has this lunatic not solved shit, he hasn’t even worked out that he is a malignant narcissist and psychopath. He doesn’t suffer from “religious trauma syndrome”, he suffers from pathological narcissism, stemming from his failure to secure the love of his mother. So, he replaced her with something that DID love him unconditionally, his FALSE SELF, an all-powerful being … GOD. And then he merged with his FALSE SELF and imagined himself GOD. And that’s why Rebhahn goes around calling himself God, without any irony or knowing wink. He actually believes it’s true!
By the way, did you notice that everything that Immensely Fat Jan said in her latest borefest about Andrew Tate could be said about her, Rebhahn and the Hyperian cult! Fatso constantly projects. She has no clue that she is always talking about HERSELF.
In “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”, we actually wrote about what Rebhahn would do in response to that book. Let’s review what was predicted.
In a section called “The Business Model?”, David Sinclair said,
“The leader of Hyperianism – a very angry man despite all of his rhetoric – will now have to decide what to do. Will he revaluate his business model and migrate Hyperianism to pastures new, those more appropriate for an entirely Woke message about exotic minorities, using the example of ContraPoints? That way, we can forget all about him and he can get on with whatever Woke nonsense he wants to spout. We don’t care. That way, he can keep his business model more or less on track. He’s already largely heading in that direction.”
That’s what Rebhahn SHOULD have done, if he were rational and logical. Of course, he isn’t. HE’S INSANE.
Sinclair said,
“Or will he be determined to go on trying to refer to Illuminism’s explanation of ultimate reality using ontological mathematics and the PSR? But how can he do that given that we have entirely repudiated him? He can’t go around plagiarizing our work. He can’t pretend it’s his own work. He can’t ignore our denunciation of him. He can’t claim he’s operating ‘like a university’ if he’s using the secret system of a secret society, one that he refuses to acknowledge. No one’s buying any of this. It’s an untenable position.”
Yet that’s exactly how Rebhahn DID choose to proceed – to defy reality. He fully entered a fantasy world, and all of his insane Hyperian cultists joined him there. They simply denied the self-evident fact that Rebhahn is a plagiarist. They ignored the fact that he used two different arguments. Firstly, he claimed to have acknowledged our work (on page 1005 of the footnotes of page 1005 of his website!), but then, realizing that this argument was laughable, he then deployed a completely different argument, namely, that no one can “own” mathematics, i.e., he switched from denying that he had failed to acknowledge our work, to claiming that he didn’t have to knowledge our work. He now claims that he has no need to refer to us ever – because mathematics is not owned by anyone. Actually, it is owned by people – all of the geniuses that developed it (!) and whose names pop up everywhere in mathematics. Euler’s Formula, the Fourier transform, non-Euclidean geometry, the Riemann hypothesis, Pythagoras’ theorem, and so on, and so on. Calculus was developed by Leibniz and Newton, and every mathematician knows that and respects that. But Corey Rebhahn knows nothing and respects nothing and literally claims that he can refer to ontological mathematics as if he originated it, and that’s now his core position. When on his deadstreams have you ever heard Rebhahn explaining where he came across ontological mathematics?
Sinclair said,
“He could get away with his shtick while he seemed to operate under some implied consent from us. Without that consent, he becomes a person teaching a secret system that he took from others – an immensely problematic position for a Woke Messiah posturing as an important, transformative person of honesty and integrity. People would see through him in an instant. His whole system would collapse in chaos. So, that’s a non-runner.”
Well, as it turns out, it IS a runner – because cults and their cultists 100% ignore reality and will unquestioningly believe whatever their cult leader tells them to believe, as we see with the likes of Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy.
Sinclair said,
“But can a person as narcissistic as this row back? Can he apologize? Can he back down? Can he retreat? Can a person with a Messiah Complex stop? Does he imagine he can somehow just push on through?”
Well, Rebhahn, as we all now know, did indeed believe he could simply ride out the storm publicly (while in private doing everything he could to fuck us over and stop us).
Sinclair said,
“As we said, this is an angry person. Does he try to fight back? Does he try to denounce us and call us bigots and fascists, and try to get us canceled and deplatformed and all that? No doubt he’ll try.”
That was EXACTLY what happened.
Sinclair said,
“But, of course, we will retaliate and the whole thing will become a desperate mess for the leader of Hyperianism.”
And that’s exactly what happened too. It’s amazing how predictable everything is!
Sinclair said,
“We’ve been through all this before. We know how it goes. He’ll get trolled and mauled. People close to him will get dragged into it. Employers and colleagues will find out about it. It will be a clusterfuck. Careers in real life will be ruined.”
Yup! And much more of that will no doubt be coming to pass in the VERY NEAR FUTURE.
Sinclair said,
“Moreover, his fans will see a completely different side to this individual – a really nasty, angry, vindictive person, striking back at the people to whom he once pledged his loyalty and whose system he was so eager to use.”
But of course, as we now know, Rebhahn tried to conduct his war against us in secret. He gave secret, hidden links to his groomed, brainwashed cultists to reinforce their brainwashing, while making no public reference of any kind on his deadstreams to what was going on, despite his mods suddenly vanishing. It was as if they were never there to begin with. We find that the oddest thing of all – how mission-critical mods were suddenly no longer there, and EVERYONE acted as if they had NEVER been there. How can hundreds of people silently agree to erase the mods – whom they loved just days earlier – from their world? Well, that’s the cult psyche for you. Nothing must interfere with the fantasy. Have you noticed that we have no difficulty referring to someone such as NK, a former leader of online Illuminism? It would be insane to pretend he never existed. Everyone knows he did. Yet, with Hyperianism, anyone who leaves is deemed never to have existed, hence CANNOT be referred to ever again (since they were never there to start with!). And everyone goes along with this … so as not to upset Corey Rebhahn! This is 100% cult behavior. Leavers become unpersons. They cease to exist. It must be sooooo weird for Rowan, Christina and Jewel to have all their hard work ERASED. None of it ever happened! Sheez.
Sinclair said,
“It won’t be a good look – this non-binary, compassionate man in a dress getting into a bitter conflict.”
But this man in a dress pretends he is NOT in a bitter conflict. He pretends that reality is not real. And his cultists go along with him 100%. None of them EVER asked him to comment on the situation.
Sinclair said,
“But he seems the type that might well go down that path. He will ruin his brand, but people like that always make foolish mistakes. They are feeling types. They can’t control their emotions, and they can’t think their way through the problem.”
So, this is exactly where we are at. Rebhahn has saved his public reputation only by conducting his sick war against us in private. He doesn’t even tell his own mods what he is doing, and just relies on them to back him up. Which they always do of course, since they are his glove puppets. But – THIS TIME – Rebhahn will have to go public – because three books with Hyperianism in the title cannot be ignored by the hyperaware World Shaper.
Sinclair said,
“Remember, if this were a rational and logical person, he would never have got himself into a situation where the future of his project depended on a group whom he had betrayed and were certain to denounce him at some point.”
Sinclair said,
“We told him years ago that Hyperianism and Illuminism could no longer go forward together, and we expected him to start steering Hyperianism well away from our work, but it hasn’t departed nearly far enough.”
Sinclair said,
“This person saw how things went with NK, then played exactly the same game as NK! That is so bizarre. A kind of madness overtakes certain people when they grasp how powerful ontological mathematics is. Like Gollum, they want the precious for themselves, and somehow imagine they have taken possession of it. But they haven’t.”
Sinclair said,
“What would you do if your Hyperian system is based on Illuminism but Illuminism wants nothing to do with you? How do you extricate yourself from that? And remember that you’re posturing as someone teaching humanity how to reach ‘hyper-awareness’, how to ‘actualize their inner star’ and how to create a ‘New World Order’. It’s not a good look when it turns out that all of the stuff you’re teaching comes from another group, the Illuminati no less. That’s not going to play well.”
Yup. But that’s why Rebhahn is trying to disown any link at all to the AC/PI. As we have all seen. He flat-out denies reality. He flat-out lies. And he has hundreds of people who flat-out lie alongside him, and flat-out believe ALL of his lies.
Sinclair said,
“But, like we say, we expect the leader of Hyperianism and his glove puppets to be furious – people upon whom the harsh light of truth suddenly shines always get incredibly angry for some reason and lash out…”
So it proved.
Sinclair said,
“…so we call on all decent people to help bring Hyperianism down if it fails to do the honest and decent thing and move on far away from our material.”
And that’s why we thank EVERYONE who has contributed to “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”. You have done an amazing thing, a heroic thing.
Sinclair said,
“The leader of Hyperianism was given the privilege to teach this unique, all-important information and then abused that privilege for his own ends. So it goes. Now he must pay the price.”
Sinclair said,
“How will the love and light fans of the leader of Hyperianism react when he’s angrily attacking the very people whose system he abused as he poses as someone introducing a whole, benevolent, enlightened new politics? He will look exactly like all the previous corrupt, self-serving, lying politicians.”
Sinclair said,
“Not a good look for the compassion and sympathy and empathy and morality and ethics guy promoting minorities as a kind of higher sort of humanity. Oh dear, the leader of Hyperianism must become a fire-breather to rage against us, thus ruining his whole image. And he might get himself deplatformed by YouTube and Facebook in the process. What a mess!”
Sinclair said,
“Go on, get fucking angry. Join the dark side. Get yourself canceled for bursting out swearing and ranting! Show the world the real you. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Ruin your constructed image. Show your true colors, those of a supremely entitled bourgeois person.”
At last, this is about to happen. Rebhahn can’t hide any longer. Hyperianism will be totally called out by these books, explicitly by name, and so the leader of Hyperianism must of course respond, and in public. The leader of hyperianism can do nothing when Hyperianism is explicitly denounced by name, in books where his name and those of his mods appear everywhere. The gauntlet has been thrown down and he MUST pick it up. His strategy of ignoring reality in public while waging savage war in private, is over. SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN. Finally.
The brown-out is here.
In a subsequent AC post in August we said,
“Nostradamus, or what? Check out how Corey wages his war against us – always out of sight of the public (so that no one knows that anything is happening). He uses hidden pages, with the links available to the initiated only. No one innocently visiting his website would know that his entire cult is in existential crisis. No one watching his livestreams – where all mention of the crisis is closed down instantly – would have any clue of the nightmare that has engulfed Hyperianism. He has to pretend that everything is ‘just fine’ and indeed ‘awesome’. This is the conduct of a total cult. Contrast that with how we waged our war against Hyperianism – in our public books, and publicly on our website (you know, the one Corey got canceled so that the public couldn’t get to see what was being said about him!). We want as many people as possible to know what’s going on. He wants as FEW people as possible to know. Because it would be catastrophic for his business model for people to see the truth.”
So, we’re right back to this SAME DILEMMA FOR REBHAHN, except now multiplied by three. And some forty authors – many ex-Hyperians, including mods, creators and donors and top supporters have denounced Hyperianism, these are Rebhahn’s own insiders – you know all the “ghosts” and “non-persons” he has scrupulously avoided mentioning since they departed. He will have to mention them now. They have certainly mentioned him!
So, let’s go through the Rebhahn PLAYBOOK, which we know so well of course, having directly experienced it after the publication of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”.
1) SMEAR CAMPAIGN – Remember “The Statement”? The chosen tactic, exactly as we anticipated, was to label us haters, bigots, transphobes, Na**s, blah, blah. Well, that convinced all of Rebhahn own cultists, but was ridiculed by everyone else. If he tried the same trick again, the same result would be obtained. He’s preaching to the choir, his GROOMED choir. His own mind-controlled cultists will believe him come what may, of course. No one else will. So, this tactic will change NOTHING.
2) Complain to the FBI (and cops). Well, Rebhahn and his gang made ASTONISHINGLY SERIOUS allegations against RJ, Apollonius and the AC/PI. What resulted? No one has been arrested, charged, prosecuted, jailed. In other words, the complaint provably FAILED. And, in fact, if you make the most serious claims conceivable against others – branding them killers, assassins, terrorists – and they are baseless, as they were found to be, you can have no expectation that the FBI will not at some point be taking action against you for making a false and malicious complaint. Put it this way, if you say that somene is going to assassinate POTUS, as the Rebhahn gang DID say (thanks to that repulsive freak, pervert and piece of shit Phillip Shope of Creston, Iowa), and then zero evidence is found that anyone is trying to assassinate POTUS, what is to be made of the complainants? Are they just to be allowed to get away with a complaint that demonstrably had no substance at all? Clearly, no legal system supports speculative accusations of the most lurid kind if they are based on nothing more than a private screenshot about daydreams that was years old, and then assorted nonsense that no rational person would regard as anything more than social media “noise”. But we are dealing with four serious psychopaths and highly abnormal individuals: Corey Rebhahn (extremist non-binary), Allie Torgensen (extremist non-binary), Phillip Shope (extremist FTM obsessive) and Susan Mitchell (cuckolded her husband; addicted to overt narcissists and herself a covert narcissist). This is an incredibly psychologically disturbed scene, full of people who in days gone by would have been committed to mental asylums.
If Rebhahn and his gang went to the FBI and police AGAIN, they would immediately be arrested for waging a campaign of false complaints. So that’s ruled out – unless these people want to go to jail right now rather than later, when the FBI finally take action.
3) Next, Rebhahn canceled the AC website. You know how all Woke maniacs say there is no such thing as cancel culture – then just go to the AC website and see that there definitely IS cancel culture. Actually, we were sent a message by our service provide to discuss the matter, but we have in fact not contacted our service provider AT ALL since our website was canceled since we are using the fact of its cancelation to prove to everyone how utterly dangerous psychotic Woke maniacs like Corey Rebhahn are. They are the absolute enemies of free speech. They refuse to be questioned, challenged, queried. Yet, insanely, the lunatic Corey Rebhahn claims that he wants everyone “to always ask questions”. But if you do, and you ask him a question he does not like, he will immediately invoke his Woke privilege, play his Woke victim card, and get you canceled. Rebhahn is the most cowardly, creepiest, weakest person in the world. An absolute freak and weirdo.
4) Rebhahn then issued Part 2 of his Smear Campaign – his hilarious MESSAGE that quoted fiction and psychotically elaborated on an absurd conspiracy theory on a par with QAnon. As with the first smear campaign, the only people who took it seriously were Rebhahn’s own cultists. Will Rebhahn try a third smear campaign? It’s the law of diminishing returns. It’s a lot of work and nothing will change. We’ll laugh at it and all the brainwashed cultists will believe it utterly. So, no change.
5) Next, Rebhahn tried a cease and desist notice signaling his intent to sue for defamation (HAHAHAHA!). The response he got said his complaint was frivolous and vexatious and entirely without merit and that if any such action were initiated, its dismissal would be sought asap, and Rebhahn would of course be liable for all the costs since he undertook a malicious action with zero chance of success. Actually, our side is still gathering evidence to use in a defamation case against Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope regarding their demonstrably defamatory remarks – made in front of mods who have left Hyperianism – that RJ , Apollonius and the AC/PI were assassins and terrorists plotting to murder “Hyperians”, “Woke liberals” and “POTUS”. When you make such claims – regarding people who have supported the case that you are highly dangerous cultists – your complaint had better be right … or you will be sued for defamation, as well as going to jail for making a false and malicious complaint to the FBI. We are also still exploring the possibility of a class action being taken out regarding these four individuals, and the likelihood will enormously rise if any hostile actions are taken regarding our forthcoming books. These four are in IMMENSE legal jeopardy and any psychotic things they do now will simply make things even worse for them than they already are and secure even longer jail sentences for them.
6) When Karen treated Rebhahn’s ludicrous legal action with the contempt it deserved, she was SWATTED within days, and we all know that nothing happens in Hyperianism without the express permission of the cult leader Corey Rebhahn, so he either did the swatting himself or ordered one of his groomed minions to do it. Given the degree of his psychosis – something that we want to have psychiatrically diagnosed (and will ensure is done in any legal proceedings; we will be citing his “RTS” videos as primary evidence that this man is a total nutjob!) – he himself almost certainly did it. He is a complete psychopath, just like Andrew Tate. He is the Woke Andrew Tate! Rebhahn and his gang have no one left to SWAT, so they can’t do that.
7) The tactic most likely to be resorted to by the Rebhahn gang – they have already discussed it and agreed to go ahead with it – is to attempt to tell yet more insane lies about us, this time to Amazon and get our account canceled, and thus all of our books permanently blocked (to help Rebhahn with his ongoing plagiarism of our work). Of course, Amazon would have to agree with the complaint and if they read the books about to be published, it will be Corey Rebhahn’s own Amazon account that will be canceled, and then ALL of his social media will be canceled, as in the case of that other psychopathic social media influencer, Andrew Tate. Rebhahn is staring at his own destiny when he looks at Tate.
Rebhahn is a psychopath and a malignant narcissist of the very worst kind. This will one day no doubt be formally tested in court, and this man may be carted off to the loony bin with all his “I’m a hyperaware Word Shaper” and “I don’t identify as human” and “I am beyond human” baloney. Those are clearly the statements of an insane person. When Rebhahn is faced by a judge and jurors rather than Kassidy and Dyslexic Fairy and all the rest of his groomed cultists, he will discover that reality assesses him very differently from how his cultists do. Rebhahn lives in a fantasy world. When Ronnie Real comes calling, that fantasy will be destroyed and then it’s all over for Rebhahn and his warped gang.
So, to be clear, Rebhahn is a psychopath and will engage in a psychotic response to our new books (he will experience “narcissistic injury”). This will end him and his cult. So, do your worst, you fuckwit. Whatever you attempt will blow up in your face and destroy you. You are not the “good guy”. You are a seriously sick and dangerous nutcase and you WILL face justice, as will Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope. You are evil, perverted people with a monstrous vison of what humanity should be. Humanity will NEVER be non-binary and it will NEVER be defined by exotic minorities. And the majority WILL destroy you when you go too far, exactly as you are now doing. Hyperianism will simply be the first toxic Woke cult to fall. There will be many more after that. The tide will turn and wash the Woke away.
People who live in a fantasy world where they are “raising human consciousness” by listening to some freakish sword swallower on a tiny YouTube channel will never fare well when they encounter reality, as they always do in the end.
Lock and load.
The birds are in the air.
Weapons Hot.
Your whole future is about to be decided, Rebhahn. Sunday, 22 January is your date of destiny. Mark it carefully in your diary.
Your game of ignoring reality is about to end. You cannot ignore three books about Hyperianism and not even mention them to your cultists. And you can’t engage with them because then everyone will see what a psychopath you are. Hidden links and secret pages won’t work anymore. Now you MUST address reality. Everyone is watching, Rebhahn. What will a psychopath do when he is called out a SECOND time? We know what you did the first time around, to no avail. And our second wave is so much more powerful than the first wave, since we know so much more about you now, and have harnessed many former Hyperians, who know where all the bodies are buried inside your sick and dangerous cult.
There’s no way out this time, Rebhahn. You have nothing from Rowan, Apollonius or anyone else that you can weave into your psychotic fantasy that you are facing some deadly terrorist campaign. What you are facing is very simple … THE TRUTH. And it will destroy you on the 22 January.
Bye, bye, fuckwit.
Your reign of error is over.
Hail New Error.
Hail New Terror.
Ad Disastra.
All red banners flying.
No Quarter.
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Shadow Self, Power Self, Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source, the Absolute perspective, the Monadic perspective, the Avatar perspective, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), Metacognition; Concept Networking