Corey Rebhahn: NEW TERRA



On 19 September 2019, Morgue said,
“Okay! We are having the next Hyperian event, entitled New Terra, on Oct 12th…
I have an idea I’d like to run by you: What if you wrote something for the evening, and we played it in a computerized anonymous voice for the attendees? I think that would be very cool.
Here is a summary of the evening… It will be centered around the premiere of the document ‘A Message from the New World Order’ which I will attach to this email. It’s already been finalized and printed, I’m just waiting for them to arrive. It is much shorter and the entire focus is on the complete transformation of the Earth and humanity into a society of the divine. The political section is literally just two pages now and the document has a much more spiritual tone. Everything that was cut will go in a future book on Hyperian Meritocracy.
Before entering the venue, attendees will be blindfolded and asked to removed their shoes. Upon entering, a short guided void state will take place, followed by the removal of their blindfolds. It will be a dark/immersive atmosphere with red lighting, and images and words projected onto the walls ‘Remember, you’re dreaming’ etc.
There will be a guarded and curtained off area. Individual attendees will be required to give the Sign of New Terra, to go behind the veil. Upon entering, in some ritualistic manner yet to be determined, I will give them a black envelope sealed with a red, wax skull and bones seal. They will be told not to open the envelope until instructed.
Then, myself and Phoenix will be giving talks on the NWO. At some point during the talks, is when individuals will be instructed to open their envelopes which contains the NWO document. I will conclude the evening by swallowing a red LED sword. All the lights will be turned off, and when the sword is lit, you can see my throat glow red. Since the room will be in darkness, and the sword glows bright red (a bit like a lightsaber) it will most likely be correlated to the NWO dispelling the darkness of the old world.
This night will be the first of many, and is all about establishing a Hyperian community in los angeles. We’ll have sign-up sheets for activities, new membership, etc. So it’s really more of the beginning of a Hyperian ‘temple’ of sorts, rather than an event. The theme of that night will be ‘The establishment of the Hyperian NWO ushering in a divine humanity united as ONE.'”
Actually, in “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”, several people have referenced this event and expressed how tedious and disappointing it was. It was mostly a long line of people waiting to go behind a curtain. Many people gave up and left! It was so bad that some people were in tears and thinking of leaving Hyperianism.
By the way, Porgy, when is the next Hyperian event? It’s not as if there’s anything stopping you from doing another, right?!
On 22 August 2019, Morgue said,
“Tomorrow I am getting on a call to officially begin working with a PR team.”
Oh, Morgy Porgy has a PR TEAM!!!
Porgy said,
“I’m working with both groups I mentioned to you previously. What is going to come up very quickly, is how Hyperianism began. They both seem quite interested in this and building a narrative here. Inevitably, this is going to lead me to bringing up the Illuminati.”
INEVITABLY” – Ho, ho, ho!
You see, once upon a time, Rebhahn knew that he could not divorce Hyperianism from the Illuminati. And then, heavily influenced by Susan Mitchell, who utterly detested us, Rebhahn decided, “Actually, I can just act as if the Illuminati aren’t there – they’re not on social media, after all – and then I can claim all of their work as my own.” And so that’s exactly what he did.
He doesn’t care that thousands of people know the truth. Because millions don’t! – and this is purely a numbers game. If we had ten thousand online Illuminists on social media, we would have shut down Hyperianism by now. But it’s Hyperianism that has a reach of around ten thousand, and that’s why it’s still here. If our numbers go up and Rebhahn’s go down, it’s all over for Hyperianism. Don’t pretend to yourself that there’s anything other than a numbers game going on here. This is as primitive as it gets. We are up against a social media Influencer and he currently has a sufficient number of followers to sustain him. If we can erode that number, we can end Hyperianism. We’ve halved Rebhahn’s Patreon number. We need to achieve that result, and better, across the board. That’s why it’s essential for everyone to keep producing anti-Hyperian content. It all helps.
Porgy said,
“I will most likely say something along the lines of… ‘at this point I can’t discuss details, but I made contact with a hidden group: the Illuminati. They have been leaking information to the public for over ten years now. You can find their material online if you know where to look. What they are attempting to reveal to the world is astoundingly complex and I realized this information must be brought to light and in such a way that the public could comprehend and thus Hyperianism was born, a system to bring the world to apotheosis.’ Something like this. If you’d like any alterations or have suggestions for additions etc. let me know. If they push me for details I’ll say it’s not something I can discuss. Though at some point they may need something more ‘meaty’ here for their narrative, but who knows.”
We weren’t “leaking” anything. We were publishing hundreds of books! All you need to do is look on Amazon! Not difficult!
Never forget, Hyperianism was never anything other than dumbed-down Illuminism (“Platonism for the masses”, as Nietzsche described Christianity).
It’s amazing how Morgy Porgy was once fully understanding of what Hyperianism was – a more popular and accessible way of expressing difficult Illuminism – and then he suddenly suffered from acute amnesia and started to believe it was all about him and HIS message. But, hey, that’s pathological narcissism for you.
On 18 May 2020, Morgue said,
“My current plan is to open it up by saying there exists a hidden organization of the intellectual elite called the Pythagorean Illuminati. They have created books and seeded them throughout the world to raise the consciousness of humanity to those that find them and have the eyes to see.”
That plan didn’t go very far, did it, Porgy?!
On 28 Mar 2020, Porgy said,
“I just wanted to say I hope you’re doing well and are able to stay safe. It’s a tumultuous time and the world needs you.”
You’re definitely not saying that now, you fuckwit! No one needs you, that’s for sure.
On Thu, Feb 20, 2020, Porgy said,
“Hey there! Good news, bad news situation. The good news is that my videos are doing excellent garnering millions of views on facebook and YouTube is steadily snowballing. The bad news is that due to this increased exposure my accounts are facing heavy scrutiny most likely due to the religious content. I’ve been hit with some heavy restrictions and I don’t want to risk losing my accounts so I’m currently trying to figure out how to navigate this. It’s very frustrating.”
It won’t be long until all your shit is banned, as per your Influencer chum Andrew Tate.
On Aug 22, 2019, we wrote to Morgue,
“The New World Order needs to be understood along the lines of a New Enlightenment – transforming science, philosophy, religion, politics, economics, education and psychology. It’s a whole new way forward for humanity. A whole new vision.
Science is replaced by Ontological Mathematics
Materialism is replaced by idealism
Empiricism is replaced by rationalism
Mainstream religion is replaced by self and collective actualization Democracy is replaced by Meritocracy
Predatory capitalism is replaced by social, productive capitalism Prussian education is replaced by bespoke, optimal education, tailored for each individual
Rule by the elites is replaced by rule by the people
Psychology is factored into all aspects of society.”
Isn’t Hyperianism such a bizarre scene? Last week Joel Swindler was banned by Bitchell for preaching Christianity. Yet he was back on last night’s deadstream and Porgy was praising him, a top Hyperian donor, to the sky. This is what Swindler (“Jesus of NAZARETH”) said on his FB page,
“Amen! These men right here are fully connected to the energy of the Holy Spirit realm that Jesus Christ blessed us with. 🙏🏻
Swindler, a Jesus Freak, clearly believes that Hyperianism is a version of Christianity. Well, why wouldn’t he? IT IS. We wrote about the Emperor Hadrian – a great pagan leader – and were immediately branded N**IS by the Hyperians. These people are ABRAHAMISTS. They believe that the Second Coming has happened and Jesus has returned … as COREY REBHAHN!
We don’t want Abrahamists coming anywhere near us. Hyperianism is FULL of Abrahamists.
On 1 August 2019, Morgue said,
“Btw, everything [NK] has been reporting is absolute crap. If you ever want my opinion on the individuals involved let me know. You were asking about how NK gets people on his side. Here is a message I received from someone that explains exactly how he does so: ‘Yeah he was really shady about it, strategically talked to us and made us all feel like we are privy to some little secret that only we are ready to hear. Made us feel special and unique and thus warm up to him. It’s funny because I was really skeptical of him being some sort of de facto leader at first, yet he managed to slowly but surely establish himself as unquestionable.'”
That makes us laugh now – sounds exactly like Morgy Porgy!
But we have to reiterate that although we came to find NK extremely problematic, we respected his intelligence. We don’t find Morgue intelligent at all. It’s because Morgue is so lacking in intelligence that the whole Hyperian scene is so lacking in intelligence. It’s astonishing how cretinous the Hyperian “chat” is on every deadstream. These are some of the dumbest, most delusional people in the world. It actually disturbs us how stupid these people are. No intelligent person could bear being in the presence of these dunces, and would be appalled to have attracted such an audience. But not Morgy Porgy. All he wants is narcissistic supply – and he doesn’t care who supplies it, as long as they supply it.
Porgy, the freakshow performer with a seriously weak bladder – always on the verge of soiling himself – claims to have answered the greatest philosophical question in history. Man, that makes us laugh so hard. It wouldn’t even be funnier if Coco the Clown, during his circus act, said it.
All that Porgy actually cares about is NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY, i.e., people willing to play up to his grandiose self-delusion that he is the most important man (or non-binary thing) in history.
“If you believe in astrology, that’s fine!”, said Morgue on his deadstream.
Thus speaks the greatest philosopher in human history! Well, in his own imagination, at least.
Morgue said to us back in the day,
“So! I absolutely agree Hyperianism needs to gain a harder edge.”
HAHAHAHA. That worked out well! Is there anything softer and mushier than Hyperianism?
Porgy said,
“Let me fill you in on what my plan of action is at the moment. Having been on a television show and a few years later putting out videos with millions of views, when I put my mind to it, I can get major attention. None of that was an accident or bought as NK claimed. It may take awhile but I’m good at that. Here is the issue: Major attention won’t do any good until we have a solid lifestyle/system in place for people to identify with. If we get all these views, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have a system in place for them to stick around. That’s why my focus right now is NOT about getting views (which can be done later) but about creating a solid system and a community. Once that is in place, then we can switch to getting attention. I’ve just created a 5 part series on actualizing the Higher self. This is not designed to get views. If it was, it would have to be created in a completely different way.”
And NK was totally right that you buy success, and you were almost out of business before Ricky Gervais, by accident really, mentioned your crappy video that simply repeated what he said (much better, and with jokes!).
Porgy said,
“I also want to do a book or videos about lucid dreaming and dream work. This way, those that join Hyperianism actually have something to do. Intuitives can work on actualizing their higher self (to increase their lucidity levels to become a Living Archetype. The final stage will be Absolute Lucidity as per Hegel and will require rational understanding) and dream work, while thinkers can begin studying OM.
So my plan is to complete these materials, and get a firm system in place. We need all these lifestyle elements, step by step programs for people to work on things everyday, and a firm community with initiation ceremonies, a verification process etc. THEN I can focus on getting major attention. It’s almost useless to get attention without this in place. It’s like putting water in a bucket with holes. Meanwhile, we will be cultivating a harder edge. This will be much easier to focus on when the *attention* phase begins but I’ll begin laying the groundwork now.
By the way! I found the dream angle in the 15th Stark book as well as the style of ‘When the Universe Spoke to Humanity’ to be perfect! Have you considered synthesizing the two styles? I feel they go together very well and that would be extremely close to the vibe of Hyperianism that I’m going for. Funny, that I am also subtly pushing for a hive mind view, but without explicitly using those words because I know it has a negative connotation.”
HAHAHAHA. Rebhahn now constantly attacks the Hive Mind and says that we are all actually one mind (er, no, we’re not: we’re eternal and necessary, independent minds!)
Porgy said,
“That’s my only concern, personally I like the idea of a hive mind but I wonder if the public will? Perhaps it could work? I’ve attached a photo that I found online to give you a bit of a feel for the vibe I’m planning to go for in the future that’s subtly based on a hive mind (Absolute Lucidity). Check it out. If we could synthesize the dream aspect of the 15th Stark book with the cosmic style and content of ‘When the Universe Spoke to Humanity’ perhaps something could be created that would complement Hyperianism greatly. This is on my mind because I’d love to figure out a way where we could work together even more effectively.”
We were never interested in working more closely with Porgy. In fact, even back then, we regretted working with him at all. So it goes. Life’s a bitch.
Check out this Sam Vaknin video about INVERTED narcissists:
Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope are inverted narcissists. Susan Mitchell cannot live without narcissists in her life. She is addicted to them. She left her husband for a narc, before crawling back when her narc grew bored of her an moved on (in 24hrs, we must imagine! – Too long? Ok, 24 minutes. Or 24 seconds). Phillip Shope a very weak insecure, submissive gay man, terrified of abandonment, is as addicted to narcs as Bitchell is. 
Immensely Fat Jan is an overt narc. Annoyingly for her, she has to play second fiddle to Rebhahn, which frustrates her immensely (maybe that’s why she’s IMMENSELY FAT JAN). She would love to be the center of attention. She comforts herself via her own Sideshow Bob channel – the Immensely Fat Jan Channel, watched by immensely stupid people, who may also be immensely fat. We wouldn’t be surprised.
So, Hyperianism, comprises two overt narcs (Rebhahn and Immensely Fat Jan), backed up by two covert (inverted) narcs – Mitchell and Shope – and a whole bunch of people who are also inverted narcs, or borderline personality disorder types. Mark Wonderpoop is another overt narc, hence his dreary channel – as bad as Fat Jan’s – another parasitical channel.
The former mods Megan, Christina, Rowan and Jewel were able to get out of Hyperianism because none of them was mentally ill. They weren’t narcissists. They all belonged to the normal spectrum. They were idealists, in the sense of people who want to make the world better. They got caught up with Hyperianism in the first place exactly because it seemed to be presenting a healthy vision for the future. Sadly, it was hijacked by a malignant narcissist and became all about him, not about actually building a better world. Everything was about making Corey Rebhahn’s life better, about making him rich and famous.
Sam Vaknin said,
“The inverted narcissist sacrifices herself ostentatiously. … She sacrifices herself TO the narcissist.” That’s what Bitchell does. And Shope. They get off on martyring themselves to Rebhahn. It’s what defines them. It’s their IDENTITY.
Vaknin said,
“She is highly moralistic and critical of others. She is a perfectionist. She engages in lengthy ritualistic behaviors. She is obsessive compulsive. She does not exist except through her primary narcissist. In his absence, she is just a shadow. … She is terrified of abandonment by her primary narcissist.”
– this is a PERFECT description of Susan Mitchell, a narc groupie if ever there was one. It’s also exactly true of Phillip Shope, someone you would barely notice if he was standing right in front of you. Shope can be “seen” only in Hyperianism – a cult of total losers, failures and wholly marginalized people, worshipping an androgynous, non-binary weirdo … an absolute freak who literally worked in a freakshow.
All the people who left Hyperianism were normal. The abnormal, the mentally ill, have remained in the cult. They are participants in a shared fantasy revolving around the fantastical claim that Rebhahn is supremely important, and so are they for supporting him. They get to feel important about themselves by regarding Rebhahn as incredibly important. But Rebhahn isn’t important, and nor are they. That’s not what they want to hear, of course.
The very basis of narcissism is that the narcs have a False Self and flee from reality. All of the remaining Hyperians are people who prefer fantasy to reality … and that is precisely what mental illness is! They don’t want to live in the real world. It has always been cruel to them. Rebhahn’s fantasy world isn’t cruel to them (well, unless they leave, and then the FBI will be hammering on their door!), and so they would rather live there. Who needs reality, right, guys?!
Rebhahn always condemns humanity for being in “planetary survival mode” – full of hate, and violence, and so on.
Why doesn’t he talk about “cult survival mode”? – the mode he is in right now with his false complaints to the FBI, his swatting, his smear campaigns, his cancelation and deplatforming campaigns, his lawsuits, and so on? Porgy talks about planets advancing to “planetary civilization mode”. What’s for sure is that cults such as Hyperianism can never be civilized and will always be the enemy of civilization. They are always about extreme narcissism, revolving around a grandiose cult leader (Influencer) who believes he is … GOD.
Rebhahn is one of the most ridiculous people in the world. It’s time for him to be removed from the stage. It’s not his choice. It’s ours. By cooperating, we can get rid of this parasite and monster.


SEARCH LIST: AMC Freakshow, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), Corey Rebhahn, hyperian, hyperianism, Hyperion, Hyperionism, Inner Star Actualization, Metacognition; Concept Networking, Mirror Self, Morgen Night, Morgue, morgue official, Power Self, Shadow Self, the Absolute perspective, the Avatar perspective, the HOLOS, the Monadic perspective, the Source