So, there have been three Hyperian events. We have already discussed the first two. What was the third? It was something that Morgy Porgy never mentioned to us. But here it is:
Dec 27, 2019
NEW YEAR’S FREAK: An Evening of Fetish, Freakshow & Kink 12/27
Join us for a night of once in a lifetime freakshow performances, BDSM play areas, a titillating charity raffle and MORE
About this event
$20 at the DOOR! See you there!
New Year’s FREAK | An Evening of FETISH, FREAKSHOW & KINK!
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27th at Boardner’s By La Belle, 10pm-2am | 21+
+ A portion of all ticket sales benefit SWOP LA+
It’s time to celebrate SIN & DEBAUCHERY and turn the “holiday season” into SHADOW SEASON as we work towards the decriminalization of sex work & a NEW WORLD ORDER of sexual freedom & bodily autonomy!
Join us for a night of once in a lifetime freakshow performances, BDSM play areas run by our amazing cast of dommes and dom-daddys, a titillating charity raffle filled with SINFUL prizes, WORLD CLASS DJs spinning a soundtrack perfect for a night of seduction, SEX-POSITIVE vendors & resources and lots of other SURPRISES the algorithm won’t let us post 😉
Morgue the inimitable SWORD SWALLOWING Freakshow icon
Bella Bathory the COURTESAN OF KINK
….& lots more TBA (3 breasted contortionist, anyone?)
Madame Raven Gray
Madame Wiley Wolfe
Sir Mr. Wombat
Madame Avery Jane St. Germaine
…with all the gear you need to explore & submit 😉
Baby Magick
Join us for an unforgettable night and help benefit an important cause.
Well, did anyone go?!
The only message we received from Porgy in December of 2019 was this one (3 December):
“Hey there. I hope you all have been well. This is a bit of an odd message but I just wanted to relay something that’s been on my mind. I admire your work greatly. Saying that is an understatement.I’ve been a bit depressed as of late as I implement various strategies to increase the reach of Hyperianism and gain a platform. I can see the trajectory and it will be effective and this is necessary to gain a foothold in public consciousness, and allow for more opportunities in the near future.The reason for the bout of melancholy is that it requires me to focus on Dionysian aspects, self-help, lifestyle etc. which is all well and good, and these things are important but my passion is in philosophy. … Sometime soon, I really would like to get back to doing logos videos and material.I digress. I suppose the point of this message is really just to have a point of contact with a rational mind. Dealing with this irrational world can be tiring. I admire your Will in the face of such a world.”
One of the AC team sent him a reply … a quote from Nietzsche.
On December 4, 2019, Porgy posted this quote on his Facebook page:
“For those who are struggling or facing hardships, I’d like to share with you this quote by Nietzsche that was shared with me by someone I greatly admire:The value of a thing sometimes does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it – what it costs us. … How is freedom measured in individuals and peoples? According to the resistance which must be overcome, according to the exertion required … The highest type of free men should be sought where the highest resistance is constantly overcome… Danger alone acquaints us with our own resources, our virtues, our armor and weapons, our spirit, and forces us to be strong. First principle: one must need to be strong – otherwise one will never become strong. … What does not kill me makes me stronger.”We will prevail. Per Aspera Ad Astra.”
We find this all so ironic now, of course. Who was the person who got the AC website canceled? – this very person … Morgy Porgy … who talked about how much he admired the AC writers. Seriously, you couldn’t make this shit up!
But, hey, this man is a total piece of shit, and no one should ever believe anything he says. The only thing this monster cares about is himself. He is, after all, a pathological narcissist.
Anyway, let’s get back to the third Hyperian event. That’s what Hyperianism is REALLY all about. It’s a FETISH scene, a KINK scene. It’s a BODILY AUTONOMY scene. It’s a DEBAUCHERY scene. It’s about “dommes and dom-daddys”. It’s about all the things Rebhahn sexually enjoys. His greatest sexual pleasure is to put on a dress and be referred to as “she” while someone who likes to be referred to as “he” fucks him.
All of the people who remain as Hyperians are either people into the same kinks as Rebhahn, or virgins! Many of the remaining Hyperian women have definitely never been touched by a man, and know nothing about men and sex. Rebhahn is their FANTASY male lover, and he doesn’t even identify as male.
Why do these people hate us so much? Well, it’s because we’re MEN. Straight men. And that’s “toxic” to these people.
All of these people are MISANDRISTS. They absolutely despise men and want to abolish them. They are to be replaced by non-binaries – nondescript creatures such as Corey Rebhahn, a person who says he’s sometimes female, sometimes male, sometimes both, and sometimes neither. A totally “fluid” identity. This fluidity is supposed to be something wondrous. These chameleon people are to be regarded as “beyond humanity”.
New Terra, the Woke paradise, is where 100% of people are “fluid”. Their identity can change from second to second, and everyone is to be fully on board with that and celebrate it. Because that’s how Rebhahn and his cultists want to live their lives.
Transgender individuals fully accept the gender binary, so can fit in with a binary world. Non-binary people like Rebhahn and his cultists are actually transphobes – because they want to overthrow the gender binary (the gender binary with which all transgender people agree) and have an AGENDER world, a world without gender – where the two sexes (genders) vanish and we are left with a world of 100% uniform people – completely uniform in the sense that no one has a sex, sexuality or gender. Everyone is whatever they want to be in the moment, and everyone else must accept, respect and celebrate them. OR BE CANCELED.
This is Woke heaven. Actually these “identity politics” maniacs are actually in the game of ANNIHILATING identity. They want a world without identity. Because identity is a limitation, a constraint, an imposition.
Corey Rebhahn wants to be able to do whatever he wants whenever he wants, without limitation. He calls this “self-expression”. Absolute self-expression entails having no identity because identity – implying a fixed role and set of behaviors – is the enemy of “self-expression”. Rebhahn (non-binary) wants to express himself as “male” when he wants, “female” when he wants, “both” when he wants, and “neither” when he wants. Of course, even this extreme fluidity still actually acknowledges, and is defined by, the binary order, but shhh, don’t tell the non-binary! They believe they are the “master race”, “mistress race”, the “both master-mistress race” and the “neither master-mistress race”. It is total self-indulgence. It is narcissism taken to its insanest level. And that’s what Hyperianism is all about. And you’re a HATER, a BIGOT and a N**I if you oppose this non-binary, non-identity, non-reality vision of the future. So says Corey Rebhahn.
And monads have been dragged into this to “intellectually” justify it. WTF! That’s why we must stop these maniacs.
It never occurred to us that the neutrality of monads in their pristine state would be used to advocate complete neutrality towards sex, sexuality and gender, i.e., towards people’s bodies. Their biological, factual reality in the world is to be abolished and replaced by monadic neutrality, meaning that everyone is to be regarded as sexually neutral, with neutral sexuality and neutral gender. That is, everyone “becomes” whatever they want in the moment, but has no fixed identity as male or female, straight or gay, and society is never to recognize male and female, straight or gay. This is the world Rebhahn and his cultists dream of. Because ALL of them are non-binary and/or bisexual, i.e., these are people who inhabit a very ambiguous reality. Like fascists and N**is, they are campaigning to extend their totalitarian ideology – universal ambiguity – to everyone, to the whole world.
And this is what “Wokeness” is really all about. It’s concerned with rendering 100% of people so ambiguous that no one could have any basis for discriminating against anyone else, even in principle. There would be no nations, no races, no sexes, no sexualities, no genders, no identities. EVERYONE WOULD BE THE SAME – just some weird, permanent ambiguity, maximally “self-expressing” gray, or rainbow-colored, gloop. This is what “New Terra” actually is. Everyone is to be “united” in absolute ambiguity. Everyone is to be One Mind, one infinitely chameleon, protean thing, completely “neutral” regarding any identity, completely ambiguous in terms of any possible identity. If you have the “absolute” perspective, Rebhahn says, we are all one mind and therefore we should, so he says, indulge maximum diversity (ambiguity). The “avatar” perspective should cease to be treated as a limit, and people should apply whatever “monadic” perspective they choose, second by second. This is what Lunatic Rebhahn and Immensely Fat Jan – both insane non-binaries – advocate every time in their deadstreams. And remember you are a BIGOT if you don’t like this. And you will be reported to the FBI as a HATER and TERRORIST.
Non-binary people are the weirdest people in the world, and you just need to look at Corey Rebhahn and his fanatical Hyperian cultists to see it. They have literally made a religion out of AMBIGUITY. They see ambiguity as the key means to optimize “self-expression”.
These people are the most extreme libertarians you could ever get. They demand absolute liberty regarding sex, sexuality, gender, identity … everything. This is negative liberty (freedom from) taken to its INSANE CONCLUSION. It’s the most right-wing vision you can get … the deification of the individual and the absolute destruction of all collective standards (which are deemed a deadly obstacle to self-expression).
Narcissists have no respect for boundaries, and, if you think about it, that’s what Rebhahn’s whole schtick is – having no boundaries in terms of sex, sexuality, gender, identity, behavior, morality, traditions … anything. All boundaries have to go – so that Corey Rebhahn can express himself however he wants without punishment or censorship. It’s anarchy gone mad, and all to gratify the pathology of an extremely seriously mentally ill man, a textbook malignant narcissist and psychopath. He has literally created an ideology, a religion, designed to accommodate his dysfunction and malignancy and hatred of boundaries, and he is of course the one true God of this religion. He is beyond humanity and does not identify as human. Go figure!
Hyperianism is a pathological cult from top to bottom and it’s astounding that the authorities have not closed it down. But they will, eventually. Because these sick, degenerate Hyperians are a threat to humanity. They MUST be stopped. Millions of Woke people could be drawn into this sick and demented belief system – because it’s simply Wokeness taken to its logical conclusion – a world of TOTAL ILLOGIC! 1 + 1 ceases to equal 2. It can be ANYTHING … because that’s total self-expression, without constraint! There are no objective standards, no absolute truths. Everything is subjective and relative, and changes second by second. There is nothing to judge anyone by. Everyone lives non-judgmentally in the moment. Like animals. And that’s what Wokeness is: ANIMALISM, humans reduced to animals that don’t care about anything, and live lives wholly without meaning (because meaning requires standards and truths).
You can see that Edgelord Morgue preached total anarchy, and Woke Morgue does exactly the same. Edgelord Morgue was a nihilist, Woke Morgue is a Woke moralist – but Woke morality is actually nihilism too because it’s all about removing judgment, the exact basis of morality. Morgy Porgy actually uses Woke morality (total respect and tolerance for everything) to shut down sex, sexuality, gender and identity and remove these from the board. Everyone is to be INFINITELY FLUID and never be bothered by anyone else’s infinite fluidity, and this is what Rebhahn is literally campaigning for. That’s what he finds “divine”.
Sam Vaknin says that the world is moving towards uni-gender (everyone has the same gender), or even agender (no one has any gender; gender is abolished). That is indeed what Woke World is delivering. And it will end the human race if it’s allowed to happen. But it won’t. Within years, Woke ideology will be savagely crushed.
Of the second Hyperian event, Jewel wrote,
“The second Hyperian event was a frigid exercise in alienation. It was a hollow, self-important affair, with a strong emphasis on clique-based politics and aesthetic posturing. If you were part of the in-group (Corey’s Hot Topic angels), I imagine you thought it was a lot of fun! It wasn’t about changing the world, it was about how good it felt to TELL yourself that you’re changing the world.”
This is such a key point. Hyperians could never under any circumstances actually change the world. But they can tell themselves that they CAN, i.e., they can fantasize about it. Hyperianism is a fantasy; it has nothing to do with reality. There are zero realistic plans to do anything. But none of the Hyperian cultists care. Reality would only get in the way. The fantasy is what is enjoyable.
Jewel wrote,
“The ‘mingling’ portions seemed to be without end, which makes sense, considering it was nothing more than the gathering of an alternative social club, with attendees posing for some wannabe goth lookbook (most people were simply waiting for a photo op with Morgue). Morgue’s LED lightsaber lost power several times mid-swallow, perhaps serving as a visual aid to Corey’s increasingly flaccid, failing empire and Hyperianism’s loss of purpose and direction. The whole event was akin to a performative, self-indulgent circle jerk, weighed down by all the image obsessed aestheticians with their immense egos, and stunk up by vegan leather (edgelord Matrix) and a truckload of over-applied cologne.”
That sums it all up!
That lightsaber losing power mid-swallow – that’s Hyperianism to a tee. The thing without the thing. All show, but no substance.
All three Hyperian events were HORRIFIC in their different ways.
When’s the next one, Morgy Porgy? What’s the excuse now? Why does hardly anyone ever mention live meets these days? Is it because you actually HATE meeting real people? Your kingdom is operated from your bedroom, where you never have to actually meet any of the simps and gimps who worship you and give you all that money. If people met you in the flesh, where you can’t control the environment, they’d see right though you, just as NK did when he met you in LA. You are a totally weird, trivial person, and there’s no hiding that when you’re actually talking to people in the flesh.
You can only dominate your suckers REMOTELY. Even they would be bored with you if they shared your company for any amount of time. That’s why you descend from the mountain for an hour or two to deliver a deadstream, and then run for the hills straight after. The reality of you is sooooo dull! You’re so boring, it’s amazing you don’t send yourself to sleep during your deadstreams. Why don’t you try to say something interesting for once?
Why not quote George Orwell, about the plight of the workers:
“It is not long since conditions in the mines were worse than they are now. There are still living a few very old women who in their youth have worked underground, with the harness round their waists, and a chain that passed between their legs, crawling on all fours and dragging tubs of coal. They used to go on doing this even when they were pregnant. And even now, if coal could not be produced without pregnant women dragging it to and fro, I fancy we should let them do it rather than deprive ourselves of coal. But, most of the time, of course, we should prefer to forget that they were doing it. It is so with all types of manual work; it keeps us alive, and we are oblivious of its existence. More than anyone else, perhaps, the miner can stand as the type of the manual worker, not only because his work is so exaggeratedly awful, but also because it is so vitally necessary and yet so remote from our experience, so invisible, as it were, that we are capable of forgetting it as we forget the blood in our veins. In a way it is even humiliating to watch coal-miners working. It raises in you a momentary doubt about your own status as an ‘intellectual’ and a superior person generally. For it is brought home to you, at least while you are watching, that it is only because miners sweat their guts out that superior persons can remain superior. You and I and the editor of the Times Lit. Supp., and the poets and the Archbishop of Canterbury and Comrade X, author of Marxism for Infants — all of us really owe the comparative decency of our lives to poor drudges underground, blackened to the eyes, with their throats full of coal dust, driving their shovels forward with arms and belly muscles of steel.”
Didn’t think so. All you care about are the bourgeois “exotics”. Fuck the people, right, Porgy?!
SEARCH LIST: AMC Freakshow, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), Corey Rebhahn, hyperian, hyperianism, Hyperion, Hyperionism, Inner Star Actualization, Metacognition; Concept Networking, Mirror Self, Morgen Night, Morgue, morgue official, Power Self, Shadow Self, the Absolute perspective, the Avatar perspective, the HOLOS, the Monadic perspective, the Source