On 20 Jan 2020, Morgue said,
“By the way, I’ve been viewing the analytics and doing some testing and the reach on my Morgue page is definitely up, no doubt about it. This moment is an excellent opportunity. It’s like firing those missiles at the Deathstar’s exhaust port. This could last for a week or a year. Social media is fickle. In any case, I plan to milk this moment for all it’s worth. To give you a quick run down of what I’m doing. I’m focusing on building up a YouTube audience. Facebook is like a flash in the pan. You’re popular one day then gone the next. But if you can build a strong YouTube channel you have a much greater chance at longevity. So my plan is to use Facebook to funnel people to YouTube. However, creating videos for Facebook is 100% different from creating videos for YouTube. Facebook is like a sprint and YouTube is like a marathon. Facebook is for short attention spans, and loves short, punchy, attention grabbing videos. YouTube likes longer videos that tell a story, draws them in, follows a theme/niche, creates a community, and has viewers become a part of your world. Facebook is like a sprint and YouTube is like a marathon. This presents a challenge for sure as it utilizes vastly different creation strategies, but I am attempting to create a huge amount of content where 50% of it is created for Facebook and 50% for YouTube.”
“…creates a community, and has viewers become a part of your world” – hmmmm, doesn’t it just! All of Rebhahn’s cultists have become “part of his world”. Part of his CULT!
At the end of 2019, we thought that Morgue and Hyperianism had completely run out of steam and would fade into oblivion. (If only!) Then something happened that changed everything. It was one of those “celebrity culture” black swan events. The sequence of events began just before the covid pandemic struck the West, with Ricky Gervais’s lacerating anti-celebrity routine at the Golden Globes ceremony on 9 Jan 2020. Morgy Porgy did a YouTube/Facebook video about it – “What Ricky Gervais is REALLY Talking About | Golden Globes Monologue 2020”. Incredibly, it came to Ricky Gervais’s attention, and he linked to it in a tweet.
“The Gourd Delusion” said,
“Great news that Ricky Gervais retweeted this. Hopefully it will get a whole host of new people engaged with hyperianism. Great work as always Morgue.”
A host of new people did indeed engage with Hyperianism. Morgue’s facebook numbers went up from something like 300,000 to 750,000 in very short order and Hyperianism suddenly had a whole new lease of life. Just like that. Just because of the celebrity Ricky Gervais. Oh what a world we live in. It’s never merit that counts … it’s getting mentioned by celebrities!
We detest Hollywood. We even wrote a book about it in March 2022, based on Nathanael West’s “The Day of the Locust”. Going back over our emails, we saw that this was on our mind two years earlier.
On Jan 15, 2020, we said to Morgue:
Given the success of your Ricky Gervais video, you should perhaps do a mini-series of Hollywood-themed videos. Here are a few topics you could potentially address…
1) “The Day of the Locust is a 1939 novel by American author Nathanael West set in Hollywood, California. The novel follows a young artist from the Yale School of Fine Arts named Tod Hackett, who has been hired by a Hollywood studio to do scene design and painting. While he works he plans an important painting to be called ‘The Burning of Los Angeles,’ a portrayal of the chaotic and fiery holocaust which will destroy the city. While the cast of characters Tod befriends are a conglomerate of Hollywood stereotypes, his greater discovery is a part of society whose ‘eyes filled with hatred,’ and ‘had come to California to die.’ This undercurrent of society captures the despair of Americans who worked and saved their entire lives only to realize, too late, that the American dream was more elusive than they imagine. Their anger boils into rage, and the craze over the latest Hollywood premiere erupts violently into mob rule and absolute chaos.” – Wikipedia
Discuss how this relates to Hollywood in 2020. Predict that this will happen for real.
2) “In his work Simulacra and Simulation, Baudrillard argues the ‘imaginary world’ of Disneyland magnetizes people inside and has been presented as ‘imaginary’ to make people believe that all its surroundings are ‘real’. But he believes that the Los Angeles area is not real; thus it is hyperreal.” – Wikipedia
Discuss the hyperreality of Hollywood, Disneyland and the USA. Mention The Truman Show and The Matrix.
3) Discuss Jim Carrey’s top movies. Discuss why he chose the movies he did. Compare and contrast him with other Hollywood stars and their movie choices.
4) Discuss the Leftfield song “Open Up”, featuring Johnny Rotten: “Be bigger than God. Burn Hollywood burn, taking down Tinseltown Burn Hollywood burn, burn down to the ground. Burn Hollywood burn, burn Hollywood burn.”
5) Discuss how Hollywood is being assassinated by Netflix.
It’s plain now that only culturally resonant topics can beat the algorithms and secure a large audience. There is a great resentment building towards Hollywood prima donnas, so everything can be framed in these terms.
Porgy replied,
“Yes! I love these ideas. I mean to reply to this in a greater length soon, my video recording schedule is insane right now as I’m attempting keep my numbers up on YouTube to create a long-term snowball effect. But I want to say really quick that I think some of our viral power has been restored to facebook. If that is the case, that is very good news. I mean to write a lengthier reply soon with some ideas on strategy.”
We said,
“So, you should do a video on the JOKER, which is like the Gervais Hollywood critique conducted by other means. You could in fact portray yourself as someone on the ‘Joker spectrum’ – a ‘freakish’ rebel outsider taking down the establishment and standing up to billionaire Batman. You could even put on Joker makeup. The Joker is someone who would definitely feature on the Freakshow! The Joker is a great emblem for everyone who feels a bit freakish.
‘Hollywood’ has now become a huge cultural topic, mostly because the right-wing hate it so much, and the left-wing are none too keen on super-rich sleazy celebrities preaching to the world about virtue and social justice. Hollywood can be, and should be, totally demonized. Hatred of Hollywood is now a zeitgeist issue.”
Morgue said,
“I love all these ideas. The Joker vibe really strikes a chord with people.”
We said,
“The Joker vibe is great.
The one issue is that although Hollywood has so much wrong with it, it also occasionally produces brilliant movies like the Joker, the Matrix, Inception, and so on. We need a ‘New Hollywood’ that produces far superior content to most of the dross it currently churns out.
Scorsese’s point, endorsed by Gervais, is an excellent one: ‘In an interview with Empire magazine, Martin Scorsese gave the Marvel Cinematic Universe the cold shoulder, comparing the billion-dollar franchise to theme parks. “I don’t see them. I tried, you know? But that’s not cinema,” Scorsese told Empire magazine. “Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn’t the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being.’
Basically, money corrupts everything and converts all high art into mass-appeal theme park rides. Everything gets dumbed down. It’s always a race to the bottom. The lowest common denominator reigns. That’s where most money is made.
Kanye West – sheez. What a chump he is.”
Morgue said,
“Yes! I’ve I trying to think of possible names for a New Hollywood. Perhaps New Babylon? I’m looking for something inspiring to artists and subversives but also hints at the ‘end times’ of Christianity. For the most part Hollywood is shit, but as you said it does occasionally produce some superb films. The Never Ending Story was highly influential on me and has many interesting underlying themes. This is why I was careful not to condemn all of Hollywood but ‘celebrity culture.’ The amazing artists and films get through ‘despite’ toxic celebrity culture, in my opinion. I have many ideas cooking for the Joker vibe… We’ll do some more Hollywood videos to test out the waters and if there’s an interest there is a lot to play with here.”
We said,
“‘New Babylon’ sounds even more decadent than Old Babylon.
You could perhaps try NEW CAPERNAUM
‘According to the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus selected this town as the center of his public ministry in Galilee after he left the small mountainous hamlet of Nazareth (Matthew 4:12–17). He also formally cursed Capernaum, along with Bethsaida and Chorazin, saying “you will be thrown down to Hades!” (Matthew 11:23) because of their lack of faith in him as the Messiah.’ – Wikipedia
Capernaum, an accursed place, never succumbed to Christ’s message.
Or how about something like the NEW CABARET, in reference to the Cabaret Voltaire.
Wikipedia says, “Cabaret Voltaire was the name of an artistic nightclub in Zürich, Switzerland. It was founded by Hugo Ball, with his companion Emmy Hennings, in the back room of Holländische Meierei, Spiegelgasse 1, on February 5, 1916, as a cabaret for artistic and political purposes. Other founding members were Marcel Janco, Richard Huelsenbeck, Tristan Tzara, and Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Jean Arp. Events at the cabaret proved pivotal in the founding of the anarchic art movement known as Dada. It closed in the summer of 1916.”
Wikipedia says, “The spectacle is a central notion in the Situationist theory, developed by Guy Debord in his 1967 book, The Society of the Spectacle. In the general sense, the spectacle refers to “the autocratic reign of the market economy which had acceded to an irresponsible sovereignty, and the totality of new techniques of government which accompanied this reign.” It also exists in its limited sense, where spectacle means the mass media, which are “its most glaring superficial manifestation.” Debord said that the society of the spectacle came to existence in the late 1920s. The critique of the spectacle is a development and application of Karl Marx’s concept of fetishism of commodities, reification and alienation, and the way it was reprised by György Lukács in 1923. In the society of the spectacle, the commodities rule the workers and the consumers, instead of being ruled by them, are passive subjects that contemplate the reified spectacle.”
or THE LOCUST FACTORY (in honor of the Day of the Locust).
It’s money culture that ruins Hollywood. While everything is about money, art gets strangled. Money feeds into toxic celebratory culture as a way of generating higher returns. More people go to movies to see their favorite celebrities.”
Going back over these emails, we see that we continuously gave Morgy Porgy great suggestions, and he continuously said that he loved these ideas … but of course, that was a total lie. He never had any intention of doing any of the intellectual things we suggested. He was ALWAYS going to do what he wanted to do. And that was by always bringing everything back to HIM and his narrow identity issues.
He said,
“I see a lot of potential here. Here is an interesting bit of news that could be made into a great video:
“My next video which I’m currently editing is about my experiences with religious trauma syndrome. In that video I’m going to reference the #metoo movement and lgbtq and how, in addition to standing up for their rights and against their abusers, we need to stand against religious abuse. So a following video about Kanye west, combining the themes of celebrity and religion, could be powerful.”
Yawn! It’s so irritating to us now that we didn’t notice that Rebhahn was ALWAYS bringing everything back to Wokeness. We kept imagining that Rebhahn was about to do something big, something important, something to get Big Ideas out there … radical ideas, things that would move the dial. We had a totally different idea of what Hyperianism was, or was going to be, from the one Rebhahn had. We didn’t wake up until we saw Thomas Foster’s Open Letter to Hyperianism, and straight away we saw that Hyperianism was rapidly becoming the OPPOSITE of Illuminism, and that this had in fact been happening for years (we just hadn’t been paying attention to what was going on; we were never inside the Hyperian social media to see what was being said and how things were going … Thomas Foster was). We ended contact with Rebhahn the following day.
Back in 2018, Morgue said,
“Let me give you an overview of where I’m at. Now that the Hyperian movie has been released and the website is updated I am putting all my attention towards making sure the W.A.R. Room launch is successful and releasing my book, The Path of Shadow. Once those things are taken care, which should be soon, my attention will switch gears and I’ll begin to focus completely on the aspects that you mentioned by figuring out how to make Hyperianism validated, and also creating a story/hyperreality. … I think it is at this point I need to look into using this for expansion by perhaps hiring a publicist/PR person (though they are extremely expensive), orchestrating hyperreal events, getting booths at other events for a ‘Hyperian Cult Outreach’ or some such. The Hyperian movie was a good template and base, now it needs to explode into the world.”
“HYPERIAN CULT OUTREACH” – oh how we laugh now!
Porgy said,
“I want to do all of these things. I’ve actually been giving thought to a Hyperian nightclub (Shadow Zone? Club Shadow?) or teaming up with another nightclub to do a Hyperian event. One of Marilyn Manson’s fashion designers has a club called Dark City and another called OIL Nights (which is a BDSM sex party) and he might be into it. But Netflix most likely won’t bite until we’ve done a bit ourselves. So my thoughts are that we can do lesser versions of all of these things right now, and then we could perhaps approach Netflix later. For example, if the Mythos parts are not too difficult and we don’t need too many people, we could hire people ourselves for the Mythos elements. Most in the alternative community will do stuff like this for $50-$100, and some might even do it for free, and they have a great aesthetic.”
“…some might even do it for free” – yeah, everyone knows all about that, you fucking crook. You took in a huge amount of money from your suckers and kept it all for yourself.
Porgy said,
“Here is something interesting to think about… We could very possibly just start producing episodes on our own. But if we did, I think we’d need to think outside the box. How can we make it into a hyperreality? How can we blur the lines between what is real and what isn’t and give the viewer an immersive experience? I’m going to give this some thought.”
So, that’s what Hyperianism is all about: “…we [can] blur the lines between what is real and what isn’t and give the viewer an immersive experience.”
Porgy said,
“I’ll also shoot a message over to the producer of ‘Freakshow’ and mention the 10m viral video and see what he thinks.
“By the way, I went live with Paris Jackson the other day on Instagram and got her to mention Book Zero and how she thought a secret society was after her. We can perhaps use this video to stir controversy, she has been making headlines a lot lately.
“People absolutely love the Revenant portion of the movie. That part of the mythos has really gripped them.”
Always the same Morgy Porgy – trying to manipulate and exploit everyone to advance his own agenda, and then projecting all of his psychopathies onto his critics! He does this in EVERY deadstream.
MAJOR RED FLAG FOR MALIGNANT NARCISSISM: A person who refers to themselves as an AUTO-DIDACT. This means that they believe they TEACH THEMSELVES (hence need no one else!). It means that they believe themselves to be God, hence are in no need of formal education and qualifications. They are superior to everyone ever and can work out everything on their own.
Rebhahn, a sword swallower, LITERALLY said that he had answered the greatest philosophical question of all time!!!! A freakshow performer seriously said this. If you take him at his word, you are as insane as he is. You are fully sharing his fantasy. You have fully bought into his delusions.
Corey Rebhahn could not make any contribution to philosophy EVER. That’s a fact. This is a man who grifts on YouTube to a bunch of simps and gimps who unconditionally love him. He’s as far from a philosopher as you can get. He’s an Influencer who stole our work and passed it off as his own so that he could posture as the God he imagines himself to be!
It’s another insane Rebhahn deadstream tonight. We recommend that, beforehand, EVERYONE watches the following, astonishing, newly released video by Professor Sam Vaknin, “Why Narcissist Never Says ‘I am Sorry'”:
Jan 8, 2023: “Narcissists lack empathy so they never feel remorse or regret for their actions or inaction. They deny responsibility and shift the blame and guilt to others. Possessed of magical thinking, the narcissist feels immune to the consequences of his actions for four reasons: (1) The narcissist’s False Self; (2) his dissociation; (3) his sense of entitlement; and (4) his past successes at evading justice.”
You should watch this video without any distractions. Really focus on every word, and you will understand malignant narcissists perfectly.
Just imagine that Vaknin is talking about Rebhahn (he might as well be!). We regard this video as the DEFINITIVE account of Rebhahn. It gives a complete explanation of what Rebhahn has done since being exposed by us. And it also emphasizes that PUNISHMENT will definitely arrive for Rebhahn and all his sick, diseased kind – if they acquire a persistent, determined enemy, never going to give up.
Everyone, we are dealing with an incredibly seriously mentally ill person. Corey Rebhahn MUST be stopped, for exactly the reasons Vaknin details. All of us have a duty to stop this maniac. He is a true monster in our midst. We must make sure he goes to jail.
Remember, watch this Rebhahn lunatic very carefully in his deadstream tonight, framing him entirely in the way Vaknin proposes. It will leave you feeling sick. Rebhahn is a sick fuck currently getting away with it (ish). We must make sure he gets away with it no longer.
Justice must be done. This evil bastard must be stopped. The world CANNOT get better unless every psychopath is identified and prevented from doing harm to others. That’s a precondition for a New World Order.
Delenda Est Hyperianism