So, shout out to Nakamarra Mja for finding something we have been searching for. We had an old message referring to someone querying why Morgue used to refer to himself as a murderer! We recalled that this had featured on Rebhahn’s Facebook profile at one time, and then been replaced.
Nakamarra Mja discovered a page that featured Morgue’s original Facebook Self-Bio.
Here’s how it goes:
“Freak, Monster, Witch, Murderer.My name is Morgue, I am an extreme stunt artist and performer on the TV series FREAKSHOW on AMC. I REJECT the anesthetic of MORALITY and religion. My blood will set me free. ‘Will’ is the knife that removes weakness and all that obstructs the path to vitality. Weeding out the weaknesses of the mind and limits of the body, I believe in overcoming resistance. Not contentment but constant self-improvement.Wake up. Sacrifice the sheep and become God.”
So, why on earth would someone refer to himself as a MURDERER?!

You are a self-confessed freak and monster, Rebhahn. You identify as a WITCH. Are you also a real-life murderer? Your Terrors of Men cult – depicting horrific acts of violence including strangling and stabbing, and showing a dead woman in a bloody bath – certainly suggest that you are a murderous psychopath. The sheer degree of your mental dysfunction would certainly grab the attention of FBI psychological profilers of serial killers. As we all know, you have shown a great interest in serial killers, and killing normal people.
You say things like, “I’m not anti-social. I just want you dead … Say No to Normal. No more normal … Your life is a cancer and I am the cure. … If you had the chance to try human flesh, would you? … Let’s go HUNTING. … It’s amazing what you can do when you just don’t give a fuck. … Before we can CREATE, we must DESTROY. … They say to live everyday as if it were your last. Be glad I don’t or you’d all be dead. … I can break the rules. Can you? … What would you choose: a happy content life, or would you risk losing EVERYTHING for fame and power? … We are the people our parents warned us about. … Waking up this early makes me want to kill somebody… well… more so than usual anyway. … It feels so GOOD to be BAD. … Aren’t you sick of all the peace and love? Don’t you want to taste a little blood? … Why is everything fun illegal? … You all are fucking crazy. … See ya, bitches. … I’d rather change the world than change myself. … Stain it Red. Spread the Terror. … Corrupting the youth! … Everyone has a demon inside yearning to escape. … We are the instruments of destruction. … Have you ever felt like something lives inside you? Sometimes you give it control and you feel more like yourself than you ever have. … I’m getting sick of all this peace and love. … I have seen beyond the limits of human understanding… I do not identify as human. We are higher than humanity. We are beyond human. … I will burn to create perfect light. … Such stupidity makes me want to strangle the bitch. … I grip the steak knife and my knuckles turn white as I long to plunge it into their rancid flesh.”
I mean, SERIOUSLY, what are we supposed to make of all this? What would the FBI make of it – bearing in mind that this sick individual actually made a complaint to the FBI claiming that others were very violent and threatening to kill people … what, were they saying even worse things than YOU, Rebhahn?! That’s fucking hard to imagine!
What a disgusting piece of shit you are. Not just a total hypocrite, but a genuinely dangerous individual who may even have outed himself as a real murderer. Your past should be investigated, Rebhahn. Did you, the son of a cop, murder vagrants in LA? Why don’t you do a deadstream where you explain why you self-identified as a MURDERER?!
You literally said,
“I REJECT the anesthetic of MORALITY … My blood will set me free.”
Explain what that means. Do you really mean that the blood of others will set you free?
You literally said,
“‘Will’ is the knife that removes weakness and all that obstructs the path to vitality.”
Just like in the movie ROPE, did you want to prove how strong your will is by killing someone … someone inferior?
You literally said,
“Weeding out the weaknesses of the mind and limits of the body, I believe in overcoming resistance.”
And we know that you will not let morality hold you back. You are absolutely immoral. Someone like you, from your mad cult background in fundamentalist Christianity, with a cop dad, given the things you have openly said, and the videos you have openly made (“SHOOT UP THE WORLD”; “THE INSANITY DRUG”; “Eliminate Weakness”; “SATANIC Prayer for the Christians”; “MAD WORLD”; “EMBRACING DESTRUCTION – ELIMINATE RELIGION, MORALITY”; “The Liberating Effects of Satanic Music and Marilyn Manson”; Why I Wear ‘Dark’ Clothing – A Warning Sign to Stay Away if you’re part of the problem”), would surprise no one if you were arrested for homicide. You are like a character from a Hannibal Lecter novel. And now you hide your murderous hatred of the world behind a Woke facade. Are you a murderer hiding in plain sight, Rebhahn? You are an astoundingly disturbed individual. You even make videos bragging about having PTSD and CPTSD – making you a prime candidate for carrying out extremely disturbed acts.
Were you inspired by The Night of the Hunter? Wikipedia says,
“The Night of the Hunter is a 1955 American film noir thriller directed by Charles Laughton and starring Robert Mitchum, Shelley Winters and Lillian Gish. The screenplay by James Agee was based on the 1953 novel of the same name by Davis Grubb. The plot involves a serial killer who poses as a preacher and charms an unsuspecting widow to get his hands on $10,000 in stolen bank loot hidden by her executed husband. The novel and film draw on the true story of Harry Powers, who was hanged in 1932 for the murder of two widows and three children in Clarksburg, West Virginia.”
In the movie, the preacher had the words “love” and “hate” etched on his knuckles. The preacher was both an Edgelord Preacher (hate) and a Woke Preacher (love) – just like you, Rebhahn!
You can con those suckers in your cult, Rebhahn. But you can’t fool the real world. Everyone can see who and what you really are. A MONSTER!
Is Rebhahn the Witch King or the Goblin King?
He says his interests are: “sharp objects, art, and philosophy”.
Well, this professional self-harmer certainly knows about sharp objects. But he knows fuck all about art and philosophy. It’s his malignant narcissism that makes him believe he has some connection to art and philosophy, subjects in which he has literally zero qualifications. He might as well say he has an interest in brain surgery or building spaceships to go to Mars, two other things he knows absolutely fuck all about!
Rebhahn literally said,
“Not contentment but constant self-improvement.”
Are you BECOMING, Rebhahn?
You literally said,
“Wake up. Sacrifice the sheep and become God.”
Sacrifice the sheep? What the fuck does that mean, Rebhahn? And coming from a “vegan”!!!
Is that your game, Rebhahn? Do you murder “sheep” to prove that you are “God”?
Man, you are a bona fide mental case. Your act as the Woke Messiah isn’t going to save you. That’s just another aspect of your pathology.
You literally said,
“One day you must look in the mirror and accept the fact that you might simply, actually be insane. … After all, sanity would be quite boring! … Thank you bluetooths, for making me appear sane when I talk to myself.”
You literally said,
“I can break the rules. Can you?”
You believe you can get away with anything, don’t you, Rebhahn? You believe the rules don’t apply to you. You believe you are above the law. After all, you’re “God”, aren’t you, Rebhahn? As a “hyperaware World Shaper”, you have special privileges, don’t you, Rebhahn?
Those who seek to bring you down are mere insects, to be SWATTED away, right, Rebhahn? We all know how much you like swatting your opponents, right, Rebhahn?
I mean, when we call you a freak and a monster – and even a murderer – we are not saying anything you have not literally said about yourself! Given what you yourself have said, we could say anything we like about you – because we can easily show that you yourself said such things about yourself – as badges of honor, as expressions of your “philosophy”!
Your ideology is that of a PSYCHOPATH. There’s not any debate about that. One simply needs to work their way through your social media content! It’s all there – brazenly proclaiming your psychopathy to the world. You’re PROUD OF IT. Your host personality has never altered despite the Woke fakery you now engage in. You are, and always have been, Edgelord Morgue (Morgen Night, the Night Bringer, the Terror of Men) – a nihilistic, immoral, twisted psychopath.
You’re not bothered in the slightest by committing crimes. You assume you will always get away with it. MAGICAL THINKING!
Seriously, why shouldn’t we accept exactly what you say about yourself, openly, on social media? Why don’t you do a deadstream about it? Why not be open and honest for once with your cult slaves?!
“Did you know Jesus reveals god is actually the devil in the banned gospel of Judas?”
Did you know Woke Jesus reveals Rebhahn is actually Edgelord Morgue (the devil!) in the forbidden gospel of Sinclair?!
“God had a wife, known as Ashera the Queen of heaven, but she was removed from the bible. The Queen of Heaven was a powerful Goddess, but she became hated by God who declared that those who worshipped her would be burned and destroyed by his anger and fury. Who was Ashera, Queen of Heaven and the wife of god? Why did god come to hate her and why was she removed from the bible?”
Er, you do know that neither of these entities actually exists? “God” didn’t remove anyone from the Bible. Humans did that. You know, just like you remove any mention of Mike Hockney, Dr. Thomas Stark and David Sinclair from your deadstreams, even as you plunder (ineptly) all of their ideas as you continue with your industrial-scale plagiarism. By the way, do you have permission from Medium dot com to continuously plunder their content while superimposing your insufferable Woke speech over everything its hard-working writers say (thus wrecking the points they are making!)? Why don’t you create your OWN content and stop using what other people have said, much better and more accurately than you? You know, why not try to be ORIGINAL for once in your psycho life? No chance of that, of course. You are the guy who has no intention of doing any hard work. Your game is just to get suckers to send you money, for reading out what others wrote! What a totally disgusting person you are.
By the way, if you want to know what site Rebhahn plunders to get his “banned” Gnostic texts to read out, just go here: The Gnostic Society Library: The Nag Hammadi Library
Don’t people find it outrageous that this man never has any content of his own but lives a millionaire lifestyle in Hollywood just by reading out the books and articles of others, and making the same Woke speech over and over again about “unity exploring diversity”? What a fucking racket. This is pure grifting in operation. And to think that all his cult suckers pay him to read out the work of others. Well, what do they care? Dyslexic Fairy literally pays Rebhahn to read out Hegel quotes she sends him. Why don’t people just fucking read Hegel?! Cut out the con man in the middle!
Rebhahn adds no value. In fact, he subtracts value by constantly misrepresenting and butchering everything he reads out.
Here’s one of Rebhahn’s first-world problems. He messaged “Modern Botanical – Let’s Grow Houseplants In Water” (as you do!) to say, “Hey all! Just wondering if there are any plans to release these in colors? Unfortunately wood grain doesn’t go with my decor. If they had them in black I would buy a mountain of them. … Jonas Harris if they come in black I’ll be first in line” – Morgen Night
Definite Psycho!
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking