Corey Rebhahn (Morgue Official): CRETIN




The whole of what Corey Rebhahn now calls “Hyperianism” is based on an astonishing error that not even a child could make, yet Rebhahn – a grandiose narcissist – actually believes that he has made a breathtaking, earth-shattering philosophical breakthrough. We already all know that Rebhahn claimed to have answered the greatest philosophical problem of all time. He hadn’t, of course, although he still believes he has. His “answer” was LAUGHABLE.

But we’ve talked about Rebhahn’s PSR gibberish elsewhere. Today, we want to show exactly how dumb his foundational claim is that we are both “one mind and individual minds”.

Let’s remind you of Rebhahn’s signature statement, made once again as recently as his last deadstream:

Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): CRETIN
Cretin Corey exaggeratedly demonstrates how much he knows about Ont Math.

“We are both individual minds and one mind. We are both one and many.”

What truly astounds us is that people hear this verbiage from Rebhahn and don’t stop and say, “Whaaaaaaaaaat?!!!”

They just accept it as if it were some incontestable saying of Zen Buddhism. In other words, they do not THINK about it.

The world is full of TOTALLY FALSE STATEMENTS that average people accept as absolutely true. Why can’t the human race advance to a Star Trek future? It’s because so many humans believe so many provably false things, and it’s all this false nonsense that people believe unconditionally that prevents humanity from becoming a TRUTH SPECIES and doing amazing things WITH THE TRUTH. … WITH REALITY.

You can’t change reality in the Start Trek manner via false beliefs about reality. You must subscribe to the Reality Principle to have a relationship with reality. Most humans, sadly, subscribe to a Fantasy Principle, and spend their lives in pointless fantasies. Look at mainstream religions – all pure fantasies! And look at the new face of religion – absurd online cults like Hyperianism where a sword swallower tells retards that he will explain the fundamental nature of reality to them … and they believe him and make him a millionaire.

You couldn’t make it up!

Reality, the truth, is what is entirely absent from desperate scenes like Hyperianism. But no one cares. The truth is of zero interest to Hyperians. They’re into other things like “community”, or “Woke solidarity with non-binaries”, or “compassion”, or whatever.

Nietzsche said,

“All that is proper to man, however, is faith in the attainable truth, in the ever approaching, confidence-inspiring illusion. Does he not in fact live by constant deception? Doesn’t nature conceal virtually everything from him, even what is nearest, for example, his own body, of which he has only a spurious ‘consciousness’? He is locked up in this consciousness, and nature has thrown away the key. … Truths are illusions of which one has forgotten that they are illusions, metaphors that have become worn-out and deprived of their sensuous force, coins that have lost their imprint and are now no longer seen as coins but as metal. … The more abstract the truth you want to teach, the more you must seduce the senses to it. … That a belief, however necessary it may be for the preservation of a creature, has nothing to do with truth, one can see, for example, in the fact that we have to believe in time, space, and motion, but without feeling constrained to grant them absolute reality. … Man could not live without accepting logical fictions, without measuring reality by the purely invented world of the unconditional (…) that to give up false judgements would be to give up life, to deny life. Admitting untruth as a condition of life: that means to resist familiar values in a dangerous way; and a philosophy that dares this has already placed itself beyond good and evil.”

Almost all humans live via UNTRUTH. Imagine how different humanity would be if it lived via TRUTH.

A humanity that reveres Untruth above all is of course a Fantasy Species. What could humanity achieve if it instead became a Reality species? But which humans can embrace reality? Nietzsche had to invent a new type of human – the SUPERMAN – for this task.

Nietzsche said, “

The predilection of strength for questions for which no one today has the courage; the courage for the forbidden. … But my truth is dreadful: for what has hitherto been forbidden on principle has never been anything but the truth – revaluation of all values…”

This is the reality – humanity forbids the truth on principle. Why? Because lies and fantasies are much more emotionally appealing than the harsh truth. That’s why conmen like cretinous Corey Rebhahn are so successful. They tell people who crave lies and fantasies exactly the lies and fantasies they want to hear. The truth-tellers are booed off the stage. No one wants the fucking truth. Plato said,

“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.”

Hyperians are classic examples of people who utterly detest the truth. The more you tell them the truth the more they despise you! The more you lie to them, the more they love you. They LOVE Corey Rebhahn the cretin for being the liar they always dreamt of.

So, let’s give you an analogy to allow you to clearly get your head around the utterly insane statement that defines Hyperians. To repeat, Corey Rebhahn INSISTS:

“We are both individual minds and one mind. We are both one and many.”

Imagine ten gold coins that have been in circulation for years. Each of these gold coins has its own history and bears the marks of its individual existence. Everyone recognizes that these coins are DIFFERENT. Now imagine all ten of these gold coins on the day they were all minted together, all gleaming in their pristine perfection. Now imagine that they were so well minted that they looked identical. No one could detect any difference between them. Since they were all newly minted, they had no history to make them visually different.

But no one in their right mind would say that these ten coins are the SAME COIN just because no visual difference could be detected between them. Clearly, regardless of how similar they appear, they are PHYSICALLY different coins and thus not the same coin. They remain, aways, TEN COINS. They are never at any stage ONE COIN. One of these coins doesn’t go around saying, “We are both individual coins and one coin. We are both one and many.” Yet that’s EXACTLY what Corey Rebhahn says in relation to monads, via a simply astonishing error regarding “Leibniz’s law”.

Rebhahn said in one of his deadstreams earlier this year:

“We can understand what reality truly is as being a single unified mind. [PAY ATTENTION: REBHAHN SAID REALITY IS … A SINGLE UNIFIED MIND … ONE MIND]. But what this single unified mind can do is differentiate or particularize itself into individual minds. We can understand how this happens through Leibniz’s law. Leibniz’s law basically says that if two things are identical in every way then they are actually one thing. [PAY ATTENTION: REBHAHN SAID THAT THINGS THAT ARE IDENTICAL IN EVERY WAY ARE ACTUALLY … ONE THING … meaning that they are not different things … they are the same thing, one thing.] So, you can have a one thing that actually has the capacity to be many things by introducing diversity. [PAY ATTENTION: REBHAHN IS SAYING THAT ONE MONAD CAN BECOME MANY MONADS … BY INTRODUCING DIVERSITY … whatever that means.] Because if you have one thing that introduces diversity, well you can have two things, the diversified thing and the original. And this can continue and keep diversifying again and again and again by introducing variation and diversity. And so you can have a universal mind that particularizes itself into many minds and these many minds can return to unity again by establishing identity by removing the separation. [PAY ATTENTION: REBHAHN IS SAYING THAT REALITY COMPRISES A UNIVERSAL MIND AND INDIVIDUAL MINDS, AND WE ARE BOTH (somehow).]

Let’s highlight the key reference:

“Leibniz’s law basically says that if two things are identical in every way then they are actually one thing.”

So, going back to our ten newly minted gold coins, Rebhahn, using this argument, would say, “If two coins are identical in every way then they are actually one coin. If TEN coins are identical in every way then they are actually ONE COIN. They are both ONE AND MANY.”

Rebhahn’s mind-bogglingly dumb error was to imagine monads in just the terms we have described. He literally says that if you take ten monads and look at them after, say, ten years, then they all have different histories and so are different monads. They are MANY. Then he says, “But, ah, what about these monads in their pristine state, before they have any ‘history'”? It’s their history that distinguishes them, so, without a history, they are IDENTICAL, and by Leibniz’s law, they are therefore the same (according to Rebhahn). So, ta da, THERE IS ONLY ONE MIND … ONE MONAD. The Universal Monad, we might say! What Rebhahn has done is take ten different monads and declared them all to be “identical” and thus decided that they are in fact just ONE monad. He has, if you need it spelled out, instantly violated the inviolable law of conservation of energy (energy can be neither created nor destroyed)!!!

And yet Rebhahn literally believes that this “thought” of his makes him an expert in ontological mathematics and one of the greatest geniuses of all time. Let’s remind you of what he said in a private chat with carpet cleaner Phillip Shope, the fourth most “intelligent” Hyperian! …

“You know I’ve been thinking, I have contributed elements to OM the authors don’t discuss. I’m wondering if this freaked them out because they’d have to credit me and so they are trying to destroy my credibility and get me away from OM. I believe elements they don’t discuss because it shows an intrinsic unity between all of us and it’s hard to preach hate when that is foundational to existence [PAY ATTENTION: REBHAHN REFERS TO AN ‘INTRINSIC UNITY’]. I think some elements I’ve developed they just haven’t worked out yet. You’ll notice their ‘unity’ is always in terms of hives or swarms, which reflects mindless sameness [PAY ATTENTION: REBHAHN IS VERY SPECIFIC ABOUT DENYING FUNCTIONAL UNITY VIA A HIVE MIND AT ZERO ENTROPY, AND ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED TO ONTOGICAL UNITY … THAT IS, THERE IS ONLY ONE MONADIC MIND!]. It’s also insane to me the argument that somehow OM implies genocide, a gender binary…”

We laugh so loudly whenever we read these demented comments. This person is literally insane. His delusions and narcissistic grandiosity and total disconnection from reality are off the scale.

Folks, let’s just spell all of this out for you in terms even the blind can see:

Ten newly minted gold coins – no matter how identical their appearance – are always ten physically DIFFERENT gold coins. They NEVER at any point become ONE physical gold coin (the “universal coin” capable of expressing diversity via ten different coins). They are NEVER … “ONE AND MANY”. They are ALWAYS ten separate coins. They are always MANY. They are NEVER “One”.

And exactly the same is true of monads. In the zero-entropy state known as the Absolute (Being), where no monad is in any way marked by the temporal and contingent (by the non-Absolute; Becoming), all monads remain MENTALLY DIFFERENT (independent mental subjects), just as all the gold coins remain PHYSICALLY different. They at no stage become ONE MONAD … ONE MIND … ONE SUBJECT. They are at no stage, ontologically, ever “ONE AND MANY“. They are at no stage ontologically “both individual minds and one mind”.

Rebhahn bet the farm on Leibniz’s law … AND GOT IT 100% WRONG.

Imagine a universe comprising just three monads, which we shall refer to as One, Two and Three. So, imagine that monads One and Three both say they have met another monad (Two), but they do not know they are referring to the same monad (Two). They each think they are referring to a different monad from the one the other has in mind. So, monads One and Three list everything they know about monad Two. They exhaustively go through every property and behavior and feature of monad Two, and, at the end, both of their lists are IDENTICAL. Then monads One and Three both nod and say, “Ah, we have PROVED that we are talking about the SAME monad”.

THAT is what Leibniz’s law is about.

Now imagine we introduced a fourth monad – a different ONTOLOGICAL entity – and let’s imagine, for argument’s sake, that it has all the same properties as monad Two. Well, of course, it COULDN’T have all its properties in common with Monad Two, because it’s a different monad, a different mind, with different potential and different subjectivity. Even if, up to now, it has lived in the same way as monad Two, tomorrow its behavior could diverge totally. Because it’s a completely different monad, a different mind, a different life.

But Corey Rebhahn, a man with no qualifications, who has never been to school never mind university and knows nothing about philosophy, concludes that if monads Two and Four have the same list of properties (ignoring their different ontology) then they are ONTOLOGICALLY the SAME MONAD, the SAME MIND. And yet, they somehow remain completely different because the “One” has to become “Many” for Rebhahn’s “Unity exploring Diversity” mantra to work.

So, Rebhahn the cretin literally says that monads Two and Four are actually the SAME monad – so there is only ONE monad, not two – and yet he says this same monad, just one monad, can nevertheless generate two different monads, Two and Four … Unity can explore Diversity!

So, Rebhahn both DENIES the ontological difference between monads Two and Four when he is talking about UNITY (one mind), and INSISTS on the ontological difference between monads Two and Four when he is talking about DIVERSITY (many minds). So, in Hyperianism, Rebhahn literally makes all monads into one monad – ONE MIND (Unity) … there is only ONE ontological monad!!! … and then makes this one ontological monad into countless DIFFERENT ontological monads. This is the biggest violation of the law of conservation of energy you can possibly get. One monad with an exact energy signature spawns endless clones of itself, thus creating endless new energy out of thin air, and then has to destroy all this energy to bring about reunification of all the diverse monads back to unity (one monad).

This is comically bad philosophy. But what would you expect? Rebhahn isn’t a philosopher. He’s a sword swallower on a freakshow!

Just like that, Rebhahn makes one ontological monad into a myriad of ontological monads – the One and the Many, the One mind and the Many individual minds. None of this is relevant to our monadic Hive Mind, of course, where nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. Myriad monads stay myriad monads and at no point do they ever become just one monad, one mind. They enter into a functional unity at zero entropy (they are perfectly aligned with each other), but this has nothing to do with an ontological unity. No such thing is possible. There is no ontological ONE MIND as Rebhahn insanely claims via his absurd misapplication of Leibniz’s law.

So, not only does Rebhahn know nothing about philosophy, the PSR and Leibniz’s law, he also knows nothing about physics. Why would we be surprised? This guy was raised at home reading the BIBLE. He has been nowhere near a university. He has no qualifications. He is that most hilarious of things – an “autodidact”. Now, with someone like Einstein, a genius physicist, you could certainly accept that he could make himself a genius in other related fields too by studying on his own. Someone like Leibniz was a genius philosopher, genius mathematician and genius physicist. He was staggeringly well qualified.

Wikipedia says,

“Leibniz’s father had been a Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Leipzig, and the boy later inherited his father’s personal library. He was given free access to it from the age of seven. While Leibniz’s schoolwork was largely confined to the study of a small canon of authorities, his father’s library enabled him to study a wide variety of advanced philosophical and theological works — ones that he would not have otherwise been able to read until his college years. Access to his father’s library, largely written in Latin, also led to his proficiency in the Latin language, which he achieved by the age of 12. At the age of 13 he composed 300 hexameters of Latin verse in a single morning for a special event at school. In April 1661 he enrolled in his father’s former university at age 14, and completed his bachelor’s degree in Philosophy in December 1662. He defended his Disputatio Metaphysica de Principio Individui (Metaphysical Disputation on the Principle of Individuation), which addressed the principle of individuation, on 9 June 1663. Leibniz earned his master’s degree in Philosophy on 7 February 1664. In December 1664 he published and defended a dissertation Specimen Quaestionum Philosophicarum ex Jure collectarum (An Essay of Collected Philosophical Problems of Right), arguing for both a theoretical and a pedagogical relationship between philosophy and law. After one year of legal studies, he was awarded his bachelor’s degree in Law on 28 September 1665. His dissertation was titled De conditionibus (On Conditions). In early 1666, at age 19, Leibniz wrote his first book, De Arte Combinatoria (On the Combinatorial Art), the first part of which was also his habilitation thesis in Philosophy, which he defended in March 1666. De Arte Combinatoria was inspired by Ramon Llull’s Ars Magna and contained a proof of the existence of God, cast in geometrical form, and based on the argument from motion.”

Corey Rebhahn, by total contrast, is the son of a fundamentalist Christian cop and fundamentalist Christian mother, who was Bible home-schooled and has zero qualifications. Rebhahn learned magic tricks, palmistry, astrology, and became an extreme self-harm stunt artist. Yet this guy – this absolute clown – believes he is smarter than Leibniz! I mean, WHAT THE FUCK!

But remember, Rebhahn is extremely seriously mentally ill. He is a clinical malignant narcissist and psychopath and suffers from the extraordinary grandiosity that this mental illness induces in those suffering from it.

Corey Rebhahn is a moron. He thinks he is making astonishing contributions to ont math, when he is in fact stating astonishing fallacies and committing the most egregious errors conceivable.

So, Rebhahn, you ludicrously and falsely said we don’t “discuss” these matters. In fact we’ve written 20 million words on these subjects and we are exceptionally highly academically qualified people. What about you? Why don’t you now do a deadstream where you formally REFUTE everything we have said here? Given how much of a genius you proclaim yourself to be, it should be no problem for you.

Show how we have got it all wrong and your insane declaration that we are both individual ontological minds and ONE ontological MIND – a self-evident category error – is nevertheless absolutely true. Because, if it’s not true – AND IT’S NOT TRUE! – then that automatically means that Hyperianism is 100% FALSE.

And why wouldn’t it be? The current version of Hyperianism preached by Rebhahn has long since departed from Illuminism and is the product of a sword-swallowing performer from a freakshow who isn’t qualified in ANY academic subject. This is not a person adding anything to ontological mathematics. This is a person who doesn’t understand ont math AT ALL and is totally corrupting and wrecking our incredibly precise work in order to make himself rich and famous by preaching insane Woke gibberish about ontological Unity exploring ontological Diversity – a 100% falsified claim.

But hey, as we said, what does Rebhahn care about any of this, and what do his Hyperians care? They don’t give a fuck about the truth, about reality, about intellectual integrity, about basic honesty and decency and respect for the work of others. These people are 100% retarded and 100% fantasists. Rebhahn will simply go on spouting his disproven garbage, and these people will go on believing it and calling him a “genius” and sending him heaps of money so that he can “keep a roof over his head” and keep stating blatant falsehoods to everyone. That’s the way these people roll. And that’s why this totally sick and insane cult MUST be destroyed. It is a signature example of stupid people blocking human evolution. It is a signature example of the DUNNING-KRUGER effect … really stupid people think they are really smart and think that really smart people are really stupid … and they ignore ALL of the facts to the contrary.

The signature Hyperian follower is Dyslexic Fairy – a person as little acquainted with intelligence as Corey Rebhahn himself. An out-and-out retard manically defending absolute lies against truth, and doing so FANATICALLY … and sending Rebhahn enormous amounts of money to allow him to go on deceiving impressionable, vulnerable people.

This is the kind of monster we are up against. This is what the opposition to a bright human future – based on truth, reality, reason and logic – looks like!

Charles Darwin said,

“To kill an error is as good a service as, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact.”

That’s why we will not rest until this diseased religion of Hyperianism, with its absolute faith in the cult’s god Corey Rebhahn, is ended. All decent people should do everything in their power to stop total conmen like Corey Rebhahn.

Rebhahn says,

“Support me so we can get this important information out there.”

Don’t support him! Stop his ghastly lies and falsehoods from continuing to be spread. Conmen like these must have their grift ended.

SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Cult of Hyperianism, Hyperian Founder, Morgue Official Real Name, What is Hyperianism, Hyperianism Beliefs, Cult Leader