Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): Only Mad People Work With Morgue



Hyperianism is a scene for the mentally ill. It’s a pathology magnet. All cults are the same. Why do cults always end in calamity? It’s BECAUSE they are full of the mad, of fantasists, of people completely cut off from the reality principle. People join cults because of the fantasy they offer, the escape from reality. The only people now joining Hyperianism are totally gone with the fairies. Rebhahn talks New Age shit to them and they all agree – because what else are they going to do? No one within the Hyperian cult ever contradicts Rebhahn. It’s a monologue. Dialogue is impossible. No one ever challenges him. Not a single person finds that odd. No one in a cult ever does. A cult is always about the worship of the cult leader, and that’s purely what Hyperianism is about. Rebhahn is the apex narcissist, the source of the shared fantasy, and everyone is concerned with giving him narcissistic supply, and getting to feel “loved” and “important” and “part of a shared community” in exchange. No one can imagine questioning an “Ascended Master”. Of course, if Rebhahn ever stepped into a university setting, he would be devoured and spat out within a day. But Rebhahn makes sure that he goes nowhere near academics with tough questions. He only has people in his cult who slavishly agree with him.
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): Only Mad People Work with Morgue
The malignant narcissist and psychopath Corey Rebhahn says everyone should have a psyche evaluation before working with Hyperianism – yeah, to ensure that they are as insane as you are, Rebhahn! No sane person is going to stick around your scene. None has. Only the insane – the brainwashed cultists – remain.
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): Only Mad People Work with Morgue
Susan Mitchell – Rebhahn’s right-hand man – is also a narcissist and psychopath. Look at how obsessed she is with being regarded as “top mod”. Everyone knows that the mods with the talent were Megan, Christina, Rowan and Jewel. But the mod with the sinister control freakery, who conveyed the wishes of Rebhahn, was Susan Mitchell. No one should be in any doubt that Hyperianism would have evolved completely differently if Susan Mitchell hadn’t been around. The mods would in fact have taken over and replaced Morgue since – left to their own devices – they would have produced much higher quality content than Morgue … since they’re much smarter and they are not people addicted to narcissistic supply.
Everything Rebhahn does is intended to secure adoration for himself. That’s never going to lead to anything other than narcissistic content, and that, as everyone can see, is exactly what happened.
Susan Mitchell worships Morgue – her narcissism is expressed through finding a narcissist and then standing in his light and bathing in his reflected glory – and so she has done everything in her power to shape Hyperian modding in Morgue’s image, to serve Morgue at all times. Because this is not and never has been about Hyperianism. It has always been about MORGUE. That’s why there is a Morgue Official page but no Hyperianism Official page. It’s all about the glorification of MORGUE.
Susan Mitchell is addicted to narcissists. No one should forget that she ran away from her husband to be with an overt narcissist, and had to crawl back later to her rich husband. And now she is with another narcissist, Rebhahn. She is absolutely consumed by this man. She spends all of her time obsessing over him. She’s so fucking dumb that she accuses us of using narc tactics. We tell the truth about her, and she reinterprets everything that irritates her, especially anything negative about her narc – as narc behavior, when in fact she is glued to an overt narc (Rebhahn) all day long (while she herself is a covert narc … an inverted narcissist, who only feels whole via a relationship with an overt narc).
Susan Mitchell is a cretinous woman who, as a total narcissist, imagines that she is “hyperaware” and a “World Shaper”. In fact, she’s an absolute nobody – a joke – who takes herself staggeringly seriously … because that’s what narcissism is all about!
Immensely Fat Jan is yet another total narcissist and psychopath, with her own narcissistic channel and her audience of inverted narcissists, though if she weren’t linked to the apex narcissist (Rebhahn), she would have no audience at all. No one would watch Fatso if she went off on her own, and she knows it. Extremely Fat Jan is a parasitic narcissist, getting narcissistic supply from Rebhahn’s audience.
Then there’s a fourth narcissist and psychopath – the very sexually confused Phillip Shope, an effeminate gay man who pretends to be bisexual. Hyperianism has proved so difficult to overthrow because four very disturbed individuals – four pathological narcissists and psychopaths – have banded together and are sticking together come what may. It’s their psychosis that is keeping their collective show on the road, nothing else – well, apart from the fact that hundreds of people with severe mental disorders are willing to watch these people and give them extreme narcissistic supply.
The four mods who WEREN’T pathological narcissistic psychopaths were the ones who got out of Hyperianism. Imagine how different Hyperianism would have been if RJ, Christina, Jewel and Megan had been taking all of the executive decisions regarding Hyperian content. Everything would have been TOTALLY different. But all four were shut down. They were constantly controlled and censored by Susan Mitchell on behalf of Corey Rebhahn. They were never to take the limelight away from Morgue or look like they were smarter than Morgue. All of the content had to be shaped to ensure that Morgue was the top dog.
And look at people like Lunatic Fairy and Kassidy. In the same way that some men pay women for sex, these women pay Morgue – not for sex, but TO PAY ATTENTION TO THEM. They pay many thousands of dollars each year to get a man they fantasize about to say their name and flirt with them, and make them believe that they COULD have sex with him. The reality of course is that these two women get zero male attention and so they pay a man they like to make them feel wanted. It’s so sad, so pathetic.
Lunatic Fairy pays a man to read out QUOTES (usually by Hegel) – supplied by her – so that she can feel important. Of course, she can never get Porgy to read out HER words because SHE HAS NOTHING TO SAY. She, like Corey Rebhahn, just copies others, just says what others have said. THERE IS NO ORIGINALITY, NO CREATIVITY. Hilariously, Lunatic Fairy refers to herself as a “freethinker”. Kierkegaard said,
“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.”
Lunatic Fairy uses her “freethinking” to freely quote OTHERS. That’s not freethinking. When has this individual ever displayed ANY freethinking? This is a woman totally in love with Corey Rebhahn – a SLAVE to this man, a totally brainwashed and mind-controlled person, utterly incapable of contradicting and rejecting him. She is totally lacking self-awareness. She has no clue about her real motives.
Then there’s “Kassidy” who spends thousands of dollars a year getting the hyperaware World Shaper to talk about fire alarms bleeping! WTF!
It’s incredibly disturbing that the likes of Lunatic Fairy (or Kassidy) is rich enough to give Corey Rebhahn well over $10,000 dollars a year just so that she can insert herself – financially – into the life of the man she loves. She pays him to like her. If she didn’t pay him, he wouldn’t like her. He would ignore her. She knows that of course, but she loves the fantasy so much that she willingly pays the money to get her dream lover to say her name and tell her that she too is a “hyperaware world shaper”. The whole scene is nauseating, full of nauseating human beings who have zero self-awareness.
In the world of prostitution, there’s a concept known as the “GFE” – the girlfriend experience. The idea here is that the “relationship” between prostitute and client isn’t purely sexual. The prostitute simulates a spiritual connection, a loving intimacy, with the client. Of course, no such bond actually exists. The prostitute just pretends it does – she creates a fantasy – TO GET MORE MONEY FROM THE CLIENT. What Corey Rebhahn does is provide the BFE – the boyfriend experience for bisexual women and gay men. Rebhahn simulates intimacy and a genuine bond, a genuine connection with hundreds of people, IN ORDER TO GET THEM TO SEND HIM MONEY AND GIVE HIM MORE ADORATION.
Take Lunatic Fairy (Owl Demon). If she stopped sending Rebhahn thousands of dollars, she would rapidly become NOTHING to him. She PAYS to feel important. Is there anything sadder than that? She pays Rebhahn to tell her she’s a significant person. She, of course, is a pathological narcissist, just like Rebhahn. She PAYS for Narcissistic supply. Rebhahn – the apex narcissist in this scene – by contrast, gets narcissistic supply from the fact that inverted narcissists like Lunatic Fairy give him money. He gets his supply for free.
These pathetic Hyperians are INVISIBLE in real life. Look at people like Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope. These are people that no one would notice in the real world. Their big thing is about being SEEN. Their narcissism demands it. They cannot abandon Hyperianism because then they will go back to being nothing, and they cannot bear that.
Whereas Lunatic Fairy pays Rebhahn to pay attention to her, Phillip Shope gives his labor and unconditional love and support to Rebhahn to get Rebhahn to pay attention to him. This is why this whole “influencer” scene is so toxic. Severely mentally ill people try to “become someone” by paying an influencer to notice them, to say their name, to wink at them and call them a special friend, or whatever. You couldn’t get a faker, phonier, more fraudulent scene. It’s conducted in absolute bad faith. Sincerity and authenticity are 100% absent. Money is at the root of the whole thing. It’s a set of commercial transactions.
Rebhahn “loves” two types of people: those that work (slave) for him for free – like the suckers Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope – and those that send him many thousands of dollars each year, like Lunatic Fairy and Kassidy.
Hyperianism IS ALL ABOUT MONEY. Hyperianism’s function is to make Corey Rebhahn rich and famous. It has no other function. Hyperianism revolves around the pathological narcissism of Corey Rebhahn, and the inverted narcissists who surround him to bathe in his reflected glory and imagine themselves important.
We now live in a world where not only can people be famous for being famous, but unimportant people – like the Hyperian cultists – can pretend to be important, not by doing anything important, but by paying influencers to tell them they are important in front of an audience. Look at Lunatic Fairy – a dyslexic woman whose empty life is devoted to faking being important, via quoting Hegel. Why does she quote Hegel? Because that’s how she gets Rebhahn’s simpering attention. The whole thing is such a joke.
Did you see Immensely Fat Jan’s latest deadstream? Did she actually die over Christmas – overeating to the point of death!? Or is she heavily drugged? Has her giant double chin finally taken over and is now running the show?