Morgen Night said,
“I’m getting sick of all this peace and love. Love is certainly a good, necessary thing, but don’t let it blind you. Unconditional love makes you weak and docile. Should you love the ones who bind you? Should you love the ones who burn you at the stake? Those who love unconditionally are easy to control. Save your love for those who deserve it. … ‘When you’re taught to love everyone, to love your enemies, then what value does that place on love?’ -Marilyn Manson”
Morgen Night said,
“Don’t forget hate, anger, and will. Hate the ones who control and use you. Hate those who seek to make you their slave. Use your anger to fuel your will. Get angry and do something about it. Do not settle for the illusion of peace and freedom. Some of us still have a little fight left in us. Love those who love, hate those who hate.”
Morgue said,
“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”
Morgen Night said,
“This is reality, and we need both love and hate. Better yet, we should be beyond love and hate. As Nietzsche said, we should be ‘beyond good and evil’. Let us also be beyond love and hate. This is not playtime, this is not the playground, this is real life. I will not hold hands and sing songs with those who wish to destroy me.”
Morgen Night said,
“I have seen beyond the limits of human understanding and into the limitlessness of the Infinite and Eternal Mind. My gaze was returned in reflection as realization took hold that I was both subject and object. Those who understand this are no longer human. We are Mind. #BeyondHuman”
Morgen Night said,
“Excess excess excess. Better to go too far than not far enough. Better to be insane than mediocre and mundane.”
Morgen Night said,
“Our enemies have condemned us and thrown us into darkness. We’ve been beaten and persecuted, lied to and chained. Now we come flooding through the Gateway. Witches and demons, sorcerers and serpents. We wield fire, wisdom and shadow. This world we will burn and in its destruction our creation will rise. Energy is never destroyed only transformed. So begins our transformation of humanity. We Blaze through the Gateway.”
Morgen Night said,
“Don’t forget that I am real.”

Morgen Night said,
“I do not identify as human. We are higher than humanity. We are beyond human. We are infinite.”
Morgue said,
“In my eyes there exist whole universes.”
Morgue said,
“You cannot escape a prison if you do not know you are in one. The slave that never escapes is the one that thinks they are free. This world is currently a slave system and culture has placed the chains within your mind. We are the ones that broke free. #breakfree #freethinkers #thewarofthemind”
Morgue said,
“Once you know what you are there is no going back. Opened doors cannot be shut.”
Morgue said,
“Writhing in the midst of orgasm The Oracle declares ‘Know thyself.’ Do you know what you are?”
Morgue said,
“How can I be an atheist when I, myself am a god? You are too if you would but realize it. #thisisadream”
Morgue said,
“I know what happened before the first light and I know what will happen when the last star dies. I know what will happen when you burn out. Do you know happens when you die?”

Morgue said,
“Refuse to let this world treat you like shit. Ignite your anger, your passion, and your pride as a unique human being. #IDemandRealFreedom”
Morgue said,
“Don’t like what I say, get the fuck off my page.”
Morgue said,
“The way to remove weakness is through sheer will. Face your fears head on. Destroy your negative qualities and all that you deem cancerous. You either WILL or you won’t. Enough whining. No excuses. Fucking do it. Create yourself. Become yourself. #createdestroybecome”
Morgue said,
“Will is the knife that removes weakness.”
Morgue said,
“A new dawn rises and I command a terrible light. Our time has come. #createdestroybecome”
Morgue said,
“I am so disappointed. #humanity”
Morgue said,
“Everywhere I look I see weakness and fear. Don’t like something about yourself? Destroy it. Desire a skill? Create it. Don’t whine and complain. Shut the fuck up and change your reality. WILL IT and you will become it. #createdestroybecome”
Morgen Night said,
“I have been to places that I thought would take me. I have seen things that I thought would break me. Here I stand. Refined by fire.”
Morgen Night said,
“We have faced the abyss and conquered it. Those who pass through the darkness of despair and nihilism emerge as new beings, ordered, structured and wielding the powers of creation and destruction. Persevere my friends. #wearethefuture”
Morgen Night said,
“Fuck fear. Fear is the great limiter. It will hold you back and keep you in the ‘safe’, mundane, explored territories. Life is about overcoming. Life is about exploring the unknown.”
Morgue said,
“Hate can be a useful emotion when directed towards those who deserve it. If someone is treating you like shit don’t lie down and take it like a dog, stand up and fight back.”
Morgue said,
“Hate those who control and use you.Hate those who seek to make you their slave.”

Morgue said,
“Never forget that you can make this life into whatever you will. So choose wisely, fuck those who tell you otherwise and never give up. #rebelsofthemind”
Morgue said,
“Post something for #sinnersunday”
Morgue said,
“You have the ability to create yourself. Through strength of will destroy all weakness and all limitations. Cut it out like a cancer. WILL is the knife. #WILListheknife #selfsurgery”
Morgue said,
“I will not be shaped by anyone’s will but my own.No external force will bind me.”
Morgue said,
“I have a strange life.”
Morgue said,
“We are the future. Our will shapes reality. Hollowed be our names. Our kingdom come. Our will be done.”
Morgue said,
“We are the builders and constructors. I have taken myself to the bone and configured a superior structure. I will not be shaped by anyone’s will but my own. No external force will bind me. We are not the product of evolution. We ARE evolution.”
Morgue said,
“I admire his ability to speak the truth during a period in history that was even more infected by the virus of religion than it is today. It remains one of the world’s most destructive problems. Let’s stamp it out for good. #sinnersunday”

Nietzsche said,
“After coming into contact with a religious man I always feel I must wash my hands.”
We say the same after coming into contact with Hyperians!
Morgue said,
“Most people have become so stupid that they are closer to instinctual animals than they are to conscious human beings.”
Morgue said,
“Life is a struggle and often one will face the abyss, moments of intense depression and despair. One must not succumb to the abyss but push forward and emerge as a stronger individual. Often what makes you despair will transform you. One must rejoice in the struggle. Don’t let it bring you down, use it to rise up. Don’t be a weary traveler but a battle hardened veteran. One who overcomes all things.”

Susan Mitchell said,
“Whenever someone mentions goals, I have an immediate sense of discomfort because I’ve never felt the same desire that so many people seem to have for money, fame, power, and even for business success to some extent. Of course, if I had a lot of money, I know what causes I would support, but I don’t crave money just to have it. And success is only appealing if it is a byproduct of doing something I love. I have a hard time coming up with goals for myself because everything I really want is so inner-directed right now. I suppose my own spiritual quest is my goal. Does that count?”-
Morgue said,
“The Abrahamic religions are disgustingly intolerant. We do not tolerate intolerance. We do not support the trash of the Abrahamic religions. Let’s put an end to the madness.”
Morgue said,
“Don’t become content. Don’t become complacent. Always strive to become better. Anger can be a positive force when directed at that which stands in your way. Create yourself, become yourself. Destroy all obstacles and barriers. Take no shit. Fuck those who stand in your way. #create #destroy #become”
Corey Rebhahn said,
“Philosophy and esoteric teachings are vital to understanding reality. Unfortunately, hardly anyone is aware of them.”
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking