Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): SICKO



Morgue said,
“I know you’ve felt a deep power within. A burning fire that’s yearning to be free. Innerstar actualization is the process that allows you to access and release that fire within.”
Morgen Night said,
“Have you wondered why women are subjugated? Conservative men are both attracted to and repelled by women. This is because they have an inner feminine within their unconscious. Because this part of themselves is split from their conscious ego, they have an unconscious desire to unite with the feminine. However, they project this desire for unity onto others, women, instead of uniting with their own inner opposite. This forms their attraction and desire for women. Yet at the same time, their conscious ego is repelled by women because they are viewed as ‘foreign’, ‘alien’, and ‘other.’ Thus they seek to repress and subjugate women. They are terrified of confronting their own inner feminine, and instead of doing so, they seek out women to ‘own’ and ‘suppress’ due to their psychological tension of unconsciously wanting to unite with their inner feminine while at the same time consciously viewing the feminine as ‘other’ and ‘alien’. We are currently engaged in a War of the Mind. Earth cannot be whole, until its inhabitant are psychologically whole. The mind has no fixed gender. We must unite with our inner opposite, and create a unified world.”
Morgue said,
“This world hates women because it’s ruled by men that are terrified to confront their own inner feminine.” 
[Er, so this world loves men because it’s not ruled by women who bravely confronted their own inner masculine. Sounds legit. NOT!!!]
Morgy said,
“Something new will be happening very soon. This world is trash. Will you stand with us at the beginning of our new Earth?”
Porgy said,
“Nope. I’m not celebrating the 4th. Too disgusted with how things are and busy creating a new future free from all the hatred.”
Morgue said,
“The vast majority of humanity suffers from a mental delusion.”
Morgue said,
“Toxic is toxic.”
Morgen Night said,
“I remember when I was a child, thinking about how exciting it will be to get to know all the amazing people in the world, and to learn about who they are. When I grew older I quickly realized that no one actually became anything at all. No one worked on themselves. No one actualized their higher self. I found myself alone in a world of clones. What a sad world, with a population of 7 billion, but only a handful are actually alive. Don’t be another drone. Smash the mold and WORK on becoming a brilliant star. Others will tune into your light and become inspired to light their own fires 🔥 let’s build the earth into a beacon so luminous, that even the stars will be envious of our light.”
Morgy Porgy said,
“We are warriors of the mind. Our scars are testaments to battles triumphed.”
Morgue said,
“Makeup is about expressing yourself, not about limiting yourself. But how often have you felt that have to wear it a certain way or tone it down so society doesn’t judge you? Makeup is about freeing yourself, not imprisoning yourself. But how often have you felt like you have to put on makeup before you go out, even if it’s just to the store? Makeup is about uniting us in diversity. But you can see its fracture and division everywhere as it creates a fabricated gender gap.”
[There’s that key phrase: UNITING US IN DIVERSITY, aka… refusing to unite and instead preferring extreme individualism.]
Morgen Night said,
“Ridiculous ‘beauty’ standards have instilled a huge amount of insecurity into many people. Makeup should be something that enables you to express yourself more effectively and freely. You should never feel uncomfortable to go out into public without makeup on. This absolutely goes for men that wish to use it as well. The idea that makeup is only for women is a total lie and a tool for division. There are no fixed gender roles. In ancient Egypt it was acceptable for men to wear makeup, they created cat-eye designs, and green eyeshadow, and lip and cheek stains were popular. Do you know how often I get judged for wearing eyeliner, nail polish, and even having long hair? Many people even refuse to listen to what I have to say simply for wearing makeup. Not only does this show their small mindedness and disdain for anything that challenges their preconceived notions of what’s acceptable. But it also shows that people are prone to take content less seriously when it’s associated with anything in their minds that they have labeled as feminine. Which clearly demonstrates the huge problem of psychological gender inequality. What a sick culture. Raise your middle fingers to those unevolved animals. Don’t take their shit and don’t play their game. Use makeup as a tool for your liberation and the expression of your individuality and power.”
Morgue said,
“This inequality is driven by men’s internal fear to embrace their inner feminine. All they reveal is their own weakness. Wholeness will only result in the embrace of the totality of one’s nature. As individuals embrace their wholeness, so too will the world become whole. As above, so below. As within, so without.”
Morgen Night said,
“All qualities have their use and place. For example, the light of compassion is used to cultivate a healthy relationship. But the power of anger can be channeled to create change in your life when someone is trying to take advantage of you. We have all these powers within us for a specific purpose, to live a healthier life and create a better world. None of them should be denied. However, they must be guided by reason and wisdom.”
Morgue said,
“We are the heretics, blasphemers, and freethinkers. Fire couldn’t stop us because our souls are forged in fire and the world will see the fire in our eyes. 👁🔥”
Morgue said,
“An individual becoming Hyperian goes through different stages. First, they realize that they aren’t their body, that they are a monad, and so is everyone else. Then, they begin to understand the Absolute perspective. From the Absolute perspective we are all one. I’m a part of you and you’re a part of me. But as individual monads we are absolutely complete and whole on our own. We are both one and many. 🔻👁🔺 .”
Morgue said,
“According to Carl Jung, we are all androgynous. Our opposite qualities are contained within our unconscious and thus we are neither male nor female. In fact, integrating your opposite qualities is the gateway to the unconscious. How do you identify? Male, female, androgynous, fluid, none of the above? 🖤✨” 
Bob Reid said,
“Morgue …you are WAY OFF on dreams! Sorry, but true. Aliens actually give us dreams. They live in our heads and give us dreams. If anyone tries to dream or are interested in dreams, the Aliens will tailor the dream to make you think you know what is happening. You may think I am wrong or crazy, but I am not! Aliens are SUPER ADDICTED to giving us dreams. They are basically MASTERS at tricking us. They spend a TON OF TIME designing and performing dreams.”
Morgue said,
“I know you feel like you don’t fit in. You’re not part of the dull masses. Society tells you this is a bad thing. You’re mock, trolled, and ostracized but WE see you. We know the power that you have. It’s time to claim it. THIS is the REAL reason you don’t fit in and it reveals the POWER that you have.”
Morgue said,
“I bite 🐍”
Morgue said,
“It is a shame the more you have to do, the less you feel like doing any of it.”
Morgue said,
“The thing I hate most about life is that it takes up all my time.”
Morgue said,
“He who cannot lie does not know what the truth is 
I’ll just fuck the girls. 
All of the women are dead.
Wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked wicked”
Morgue said,
“Beer is stupid. Give me some wine or hard liquor because this shit ain’t workin!”
Morgue said,
“Hey, want to be on our new show Freakshow on AMC? The only requirements are that you are in southern California and are a weirdo! Send me a message and I’ll give you more info.”
Morgue said,
“It must be the season of the Witch.”
Morgue said,
“Go suck a fuck.”
Morgue said,
“Don’t you remember the roses? Our romance has turned to hate.” 
Morgue said,
“Every step I take, takes me further from heaven. 
Who’s god damn sock is this?
Why… oh why… Is everyone a fucking idiot?
I don’t give a fuck so let’s play in traffic!
I am a Freak, and proud of it.
People are weird.”
Morgen Night said,
“Do you ever feel disconnected from everyone? Sure you can laugh and even dance. But you are truly alone.”
Morgen Night said,
“When one heart stops, another begins to beat….. Perhaps then, a murderer is also life giver.”
Morgue said, “I drink alone.”
Morgue said,
“Are you a FREAK? I hope so 
Your Power Self is the source of your fire and your will. An integrated Power Self will give you godlike control over your life and others.”
Morgen Night said,
“We have established the epicenter of the New World and the shockwaves of our vision will ripple across the Earth. We have taken the first step towards a new age. Hail New Terra.”
Morgue said,
“The birth of the new and the death of the old begins tonight”
Morgue said,
“Stupidity runs rampant.”
Morgue said,
“Things are getting darker.”
Morgue said,
“It’s time to burn our bridges 🔥”
Morgue said,
“All the chaos in the world stems from the fact that old humanity is dying. They are in their death throes. But they are trying to take us down with them. This is why all the racism, hatred, violence, and sexism is being exposed. It was always there, hiding beneath the surface. But now, as its death is looming, it has come to the surface with its toxic fangs bared striking against all that threatens its existence. We are the birth of the new humanity but the old wants to make it a still birth.”
Morgue said,
“This is a critical time in history. It’s will either be a phase change into a glorious new future, or fiery destruction as the world falls beyond repair. The fate of humanity is being decided now. It’s time to take your stand instead of watching on the sidelines. We are New Humanity. We are Higher Humanity. We are Hyperians. Hail the Hyperian New World Order.”
Morgue said,
“I am the specter that haunts the old world, the shadow preparing the way for the new.”
Morgue said,
“This world is trash. Will you stand with us at the beginning of our new Earth?”
Morgue said,
“This inequality is driven by men’s internal fear to embrace their inner feminine. All they reveal is their own weakness. Wholeness will only result in the embrace of the totality of one’s nature. As individuals embrace their wholeness, so too will the world become whole. As above, so below. As within, so without.”
Morgue said,
“NEVER let anyone make you feel bad for being different.”
Morgue said,
“Close fucking Netflix for ten seconds an open your god damn eyes. The secrets of existence are right in front of you. People wonder why their life is out of control. How can you be in control of your life if you don’t know what life is? Increase your consciousness. Increase your power. Increase your control. Don’t wait. Be a part of the future, now. Hyperianism will be taught all across the world.”
Dragons Gaurdian Crystal Hearts said,
“I want to know what happens when you burn a Bible at midnight. my dad burned one. maybe that why I was so messed up lol”
Joanna Laguna said,
“If you Morgue ever had to stop your teachings, your teachings will live on through us.”
“You’re right on that Joanna Laguna. Hello”
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking