Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Americon



Did you see the latest Rebhahn deadstream? Exactly as predicted, Rebhahn, the self-declared hyperaware World Shaper, avoided reality. He always does. Don’t you laugh at the whole notion of a “World Shaper” who literally can’t even comment on the dispute that consumes him and all his cult followers? These cultists are FOREVER commenting on this situation. They’re obsessed with it, and constantly trolling us. Yet, when it comes to a deadstream, all of them, and their cult god, never once talk about it. The cultists are incredibly well-groomed, brainwashed and controlled. No one ever breaks out. No one ever rebels. Obedience is absolute. Everyone knows that Rebhahn doesn’t want to refer to what’s going on in reality – because it would make him look stunningly weak and unable to exert any control in the world, hence totally unable to change or “shape” the world – and so everyone, without having to be told, agrees to remain silent. Then, when the deadstream’s over, the flying monkeys go back to all their insane trolling, usually communicated by way of “quotes”.
Hyperianism is an ANTI-INTELLECTUAL cult where stupid people actively campaign against smart people. The world is now full of these Dunning-Kruger cults – led by vacuous influencers, nearly all of whom are American and suffering from malignant narcissism. In fact, America promotes a culture of malignant narcissism. The people who get noticed are the malignant narcissists and the psychopaths. Good, decent, valuable people get NOWHERE. No one “sees” good, decent human beings! You need to be SCREAMING to get noticed, and that’s what the narcissists and psychopaths are great at.
Americans or Americants
Yesterday, we omitted to mention that we had also published “Americans or Americants: How America Became a Can’t-Do Society”. That’s because we thought it had been blocked by Amazon. Amazon took a VERY LONG look at it before allowing it to be published. Maybe it was concerned about the brilliant essay on toxic influencer culture by Dionysian. Or the innovative, radical political thinking of PG, an American willing to face up to reality, unlike most Americans.
Another book should perhaps be called “Americans or AMERICONS.” Rebhahn is an Americon. Conning people is a skill most Americans take to – like ducks to water. Social media, an American invention, is the perfect platform for con men. Look how much Corey Rebhahn loves social media. He ignores your questions all week (because they can’t be monetized) and then answers your questions on his deadstream … provided you pay up! He’s a busy man, you know – with those indoor plants, and all. They don’t look after themselves. And those golden wings need polishing! The auto vacuum cleaner can only do so much. You need to PAY to get his attention. He makes a living from getting suckers to PAY to get him to pay attention to them. That’s a conman’s paradise.
The “chat” on Rebhahn’s latest anti-intellectual deadstream was as anti-intellectual as ever. No intelligent person would ever go near Hyperianism. In “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue”, we went through Rebhahn’s staggeringly stupid comments regarding the PSR, and equally dumb remarks regarding monads, Leibniz’s Law, and the “One Mind”. Rebhahn – a person with no qualifications – says it’s fine for Hyperians to be astrologers. Well, of course it is. Rebhahn himself is a palmist!
It’s nauseating for intelligent people to see intelligent work being desecrated by a cretin to indulge his pathological narcissism, and to see his gibberish being lapped up by other cretins.
What is Hyperianism? – it’s a sales pitch punctuated by lazy readings of other people’s articles, and grotesque distortions of ideas stolen from others. Think of how many times Rebhahn the conman mentions Patreon subscriptions, YouTube subscriptions, and how the whole screen is taken up with showing who has sent stars and superchats and “superstickers”, loyalty badges, and so on. It’s always the hard sell. Rebhahn never gets around to the actual topic because he’s so busy grifting (which is of course the REAL POINT of the deadstream). Rebhahn makes a huge fuss and ceremony of putting every “special” person’s name on a whiteboard, i.e., all those signing up to his cult. It’s all brainwashing and conditioning 101. The signal goes out loud and clear – you’re only a real supporter if you’re giving  LOTS OF MONEY to Rebhahn. The whole thing is a grift and the terrifying thing is that hundreds of people appear to LOVE being grifted.
Rebhahn did not “grow up” in Montana. He grew up in CALIFORNIA and then was taken to Montana by his mom when she broke up with his cop dad. Why does this person constantly lie about his background? For years, we thought he had been subjected to a very weird Montana upbringing, when in fact this guy was 12 or 13 before he left California, and then was back a few years later. He’s Californian through and through.
It’s obvious that this guy’s psyche was fucked by the breakup of his parents. Why does he never talk about this given that he’s so keen to share his opinions on everything else? It’s because he HATES the truth of his life. He hates his mother and was abandoned by his father. That’s why he created a False Self and became a malignant narcissist who believed himself some godlike being with an inevitable destiny. Like all narcissists, he has the inevitable fate of being exposed, humiliated and destroyed.
In the following video, “The Signs of the Narcissist“, Professor Sam Vaknin gives another spookily accurate description of … Corey Rebhahn.
 Someone called “Anis Sett” sent thousands of stars to Porgy to try to get “on the board”. He said,
“No board for me … My name still not there.”
He must be new. You need to spend MORE money, buddy – on YouTube or Patreon! If you want Porgy to notice you, PAY UP!
Hyperianism is all performative. Rebhahn literally wants suckers to be so impressed by having their name scrawled on a whiteboard that they will sign up to his most expensive subscriptions. Can you believe that a hyperaware World Shaper raising human consciousness spends so much time writing down the names of people who give him money? That’s what a predatory capitalist does, and that’s precisely what Rebhahn is. He’s an Apex predator, an Apex parasite, consumed by persuading people to send him money. Why work when you can just write names on a board and people line up to out-do each other in how much they can send? Financial virtue signaling! Porgy can’t believe his luck. It’s so fucking easy grifting from delusional suckers.
Hey Porgy, Dyslexic Fairy only sent you $20 yesterday. Standards are slipping. You need to work your girls harder, you know, just like your buddy Andrew Tate. The more they work, the richer you get, right Rebhahn? They work FOR YOU. All of their extra money goes TO YOU. Don’t let your slaves slack. Crack the whip!
Dingus Pingus said to Porgy in the latest deadstream,
“Do you know about the philosophy called suggondese?”
Porgy – the universe’s greatest swallower of swords … and other things … is the universal genius regarding the ancient wisdom of Suggondese. It’s in the Gospel of Thomas, don’t you know? Mary Magdalene swore by it. You cannot get into a non-binary nightclub unless you know all about Suggondese. It’s also the password for getting past the secret curtain that leads to HYPERIA.
Narcissism is the art of deception, and that’s what Porgy is so skilled at. Always hide reality, right Porgy? Never let the suckers see what you’re actually doing behind the curtain.
MorgueOfficial said,
“Beyond human ✨ ✷ Revolutionary ✷ Philosopher ✷ Hyperian ⇀ Become beyond human and learn the truth of existence.”
What a fucking joke! Beyond sanity, that’s for sure.
“Revolutionary”? – don’t make us fucking laugh – the guy with a cop dad, two Christian fundamentalist parents, and with lawyers and the FBI on speed dial!
“Philosopher”? – self-proclaimed. This person has never been to university, or even school, and has zero qualifications in philosophy, as his amateur hour, but extremely grandiose, claims regarding the PSR and Leibniz’s Law demonstrated. If you listen to this cretin, you are literally being given a stupid person’s total misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Illuminism. Yeah, stupid people love to be taught by other stupid people. It would be a total shock if they want to read books and listen to smart people. No, watching, z-list reality TV stars on YouTube is as far as their commitment to “understanding” reality stretches.
This guy says he’s a hyperaware World Shaper yet can’t even discuss why he is being so heavily criticized by so many people. He just dismisses and ignores critics. Is that a smart thing to do? Is that how you learn? Is that how you address your Shadow? Ho, ho, ho. Why doesn’t anyone ever ask Morgy Porgy what part of his Shadow he ever actually integrated? What HATEFUL thing did he embrace? What vile aspect of life, completely rejected by him, does he now openly advocate – since the whole point of “shadow work” is to come to terms with what you have rejected, not embrace what you like!
Jung said,
“If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against… Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.”
Is that the message Rebhahn is promoting? Or in fact, the OPPOSITE? People such as Rebhahn – Woke fanatics who think the FBI should be called regarding anyone who opposes Wokeness – do nothing but project. So much for withdrawing projections!
This freakshow performer is 100% delusional. But America is now full of these people. Americans now “learn” from influencers and conspiracy theorists (who are often influencers too). Americans have given up learning from smart people. In fact, they hate smart people because they “write books” (we’re always getting accused of that by Hyperians!). That’s the great sin these days – intelligent people writing intelligent books. No, you must be a malignant narcissist on social media, making videos, or no one is satisfied. And that’s how the Roman Empire fell, except their version of malignant narcissist influencers preaching vacuous nonsense was Christian preachers talking about the salvation of the soul … if only you have enough faith!
America is a Can’t-Do Society because it is now directed by the most vacuous people on earth – vacuous influencers suffering from serious psychiatric problems, but lauded and revered by countless others suffering from serious mental health issues too. That is a country that is DOOMED. Professor Sam Vaknin is a brilliant and strong voice warning about the complete destruction of the west if it continues to let pathological narcissists and psychopaths grab all the attention, exactly as they are doing.
Hey Fat Jan, the Vaping Fiend, is that bandaged finger of yours the one you jam up your immensely fat ass to try to extract new shit for your shitshow? Another chance to throw shit at the audience tonight Fatso, right?
By the way, don’t you just LOVE all of Filanthrowpissed’s contributions to Hyperianism? He’s the top Hyperian donor and his insights regarding Hyperianism are off the scale. Well, they would be if Filanthrowpissed actually existed! Is that what you call your Fake Self, Rebhahn? You’re not a philanthropist, but you’re definitely pissed. You’re ALWAYS pissing and you’ve got a complex about it now because you never mention anymore that you’re going for a piss. Heeeeee. Just sit there and piss yourself and let everyone see the real you … an adult crybaby! Cry me a river.



SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking