
So, it’s great to see so many people referring to Sam Vaknin’s new video “Somatic Narcissists as Wannabe Gurus/Intellectuals” and pointing out how Vaknin seems to be giving an uncannily accurate description of COREY REBHAHN. Spooky, man!

Actually, for those that don’t know, Vaknin is referring to “life coach” Richard Grannon:

Vaknin and Grannon have been friends for years and done many collaborations, but have now fallen out big time. When you watch these two in their collaborations, you overwhelmingly get the impression that Vaknin is THE BRAIN, and Grannon THE BODY. In fact, it’s almost comical. But THE BODY has prospered mightily from echoing what THE BRAIN says. Everything that THE BODY says comes from others, and especially from THE BRAIN. But THE BODY tries to give the impression that he is some sort of equal partner in all of this, when he plainly isn’t.

We live in the Age of the Attention Economy, and the best adapted for this economy are … psychopathic narcissists. Why? Because they are ADDICTED to NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY, and they pursue it relentlessly, and will do ANYTHING to get it. Such people, in the bluntest Darwinian sense, will rise to the top of the Attention Jungle – because they can’t bear to be without attention, whereas most people like attention, but not too much, hence they don’t go to the inordinate lengths used by the narcissists, so they never do as well as the narcissists. Clearly, those who most want attention, and will do whatever is necessary to get it, and put all of their time and effort into getting it will INEVITABLY win the attention game, and that’s exactly what has happened. Look at Patreon, Only Fans, YouTube, Instagram, reality TV, and so on – the whole Influencer scene … it ALL revolves around pathological narcissists. These people are now driving the world! Their pathology and psychopathy is making the whole world narcissistic, pathological and psychopathic. And this, as is obvious in retrospect, was all INEVITABLE once social media was born in America, the home and source of extreme individualism and malignant narcissism. American narcissism is destroying the world. The only good thing is that when the world is destroyed, all the narcissists will be rounded up and meet their doom. The world will reshape itself to root out all narcissists and psychopaths. They will never again have “influence”. Can you imagine … a world without MORGUES. Paradise!

Look at Corey Rebhahn. He has spent HIS WHOLE LIFE trying to get people to look at him and pay attention to him (because his mother never did!). He would die if people ignored him, which they should of course! The world would be immensely better off if no one paid any attention to the people who crave attention (the narcissist caste).

The whole nature of humanity would change if we could get rid of the maniacs – the narcissists and psychopaths – who are obsessed with attention and power and will do anything to get them.

Corey Rebhahn is a psychopathic narcissist and spends his whole life seeking to manipulate, exploit and groom people. This person literally makes his living from getting hundreds of weak-minded submissives – looking to be led – to send him an astonishing amount of money … just for being him. This is the absolute dream of a psychopathic narcissist like Rebhahn, and he dreams of getting much bigger, of becoming a global phenomenon. Imagine a Rebhahn of a hundred years ago. He would have been in a doss house or a mental asylum. Today, he can enjoy a millionaire lifestyle in Hollywood. And this is supposed to be “evolution”. In fact, humanity is regressing. Instead of getting the best people into power, humanity is bending over backwards to give the worst people the most influence. Marshall McLuhan said, “The medium is the message.” A new medium, a new technology, changes humanity. The invention of the printed book revolutionized human intelligence. But now the book is basically dead because of the rise of the ubiquitous IMAGE. Technology has allowed the picture to be everywhere, and the Word is relentlessly being replaced, or dumbed down to an incredible level. In fact, the word is now typically delivered as a very short comment regarding an IMAGE.

Who are the people best able to prosper in this Image Age, where image harvests the most attention? It’s the SOMATIC NARCISSISTS, those most occupied with, their body, their appearance, their image, how others SEE them. The No.1 somatic narcissists are the KARDASHIANS who have become multi-billionaires and some of the most influential people in the world thanks to their capacity to secure attention based on their image. And this is supposed to be a “good thing”. In fact, it’s a catastrophe for humanity. And it could lead to the death of humanity. You can’t have an evolving humanity based on the world being led by the Kardashians. That’s INSANE. Yet here we are. Insanity is not only permitted but encouraged, and is immensely LUCRATIVE.

Corey Rebhahn is an out-and-out somatic narcissist. His whole reality is consumed by his image – that incredibly concocted image of his, so carefully designed to communicate his androgyny, to convey his self-declared “non-binary” status. Rebhahn spends an astonishing amount of time on his hair and makeup, on going to the gym, wearing very specific clothes (those ghastly non-binary shirts), and so on.

Sam Vaknin, hinting at Richard Grannon, said,

“They are grotesque caricatures of masculinity: buff, deformed veined musculature, like tightly packed meat; slicked, gel oozing hair; ostentatious tattoos; and pants too tight so as to emphasize the crotch.”

That’s all true of Grannon, a heterosexual man. Rebhahn, by contrast, is a very effeminate man. So his emphasis is on his hair and trying to look as female as possible within the constraints of androgyny (i.e. he doesn’t want to be TOO female, because then he would leave the androgynous, non-binary game, so he has to be acutely conscious of what constitutes looking neither male nor female, or both at the same time).

Rebhahn is ALL ABOUT HIS IMAGE. His image is his “medium”. 100% of Hyperians these days are in love with Rebhahn’s image, drawn to that image and have an identity similar to his (that of a marginalized outsider, and especially that of an exotic minority, such as the non-binary extreme minority).

An astonishing number of people have been repulsed by Rebhahn’s image and they departed from hyperianism immediately because of it. Rebhahn will never get a mass audience because his image is so alienating – but he will NEVER change his image, since it defines him. It’s the appearance of his False Self, and so he cannot abandon it.

Vaknin said,

“The internet gave rise to a new breed of gurus, coaches, and self-styled experts who spend more time in gyms and nightclubs than in libraries and museums. They are covert and somatic narcissists who often pose as empathic or codependent victims, saviors and healers – all this intended to lure women to engage in sex and then cruelly dispatch them on their way.”

Rebhahn is a guru, a life coach, a self-styled expert (an “auto-didact” – he has zero qualifications and has never been near a university or any place of higher learning – well, other than our books, which he of course plagiarized.) He absolutely poses as an empathic codependent victim. He is forever posturing as a victim, playing the victim card. That’s why he converted from the sadistic Edgelord Morgue to the Woke Messiah Morgue – so that he could embrace victimhood culture and “empathize” with the myriad victims who populate Woke World. Morgy Porgy can weep about his RTS, he can weep over the animals (hence his veganism), he can weep over war (hence his pacifism), he can weep over being non-binary (hence his obsession with gender). He can and does weep over ANY Woke issue, and garners a huge amount of narcissistic supply from all the victims out there. And there are legions of them. Look at Hyperians. They are almost professional victims. Their identity revolves around the Victim role, and Rebhahn plays that card to the maximum. He LOVES posing as a victim, or “standing up” for victims. Not for him the world of dignity, honor, nobility, talent, and strength.

Rebhahn poses as a savior and healer, but not to lure women to engage in sex with him. Rebhahn, you should be very confident, is foundationally auto-erotic. We know that Rebhahn’s greatest pleasure is to put on a dress and be fucked by someone referring to Rebhahn as “she”, and that someone would be HIMSELF. That’s the real Rebhahn, as far as this weirdo has any reality at all.

Rebhahn’s involvement with women is about having “spiritual sex” with them, not “physical sex”. He wants them to become spiritually connected to him, so that they fall in love with him, bond to him, and then support him unconditionally and send him all their money. Look at how much very strange women such as Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy send this man. They are like rich old women paying for a gigolo, except all they get is flattery and their name spoken rather than sex … and that’s enough to condition them to keep paying up! Can you imagine how horrific Dyslexic Fairy’s life must be that her greatest pleasure in life is giving a freakish man money so that he says her name. People would kill themselves rather than endure that fate. And remember this has been going on for YEARS. She has no actual men in her actual life who will say her name or even look at her. If someone like that managed to get a romantic partner, she would leave Hyperianism. But she will never get a partner. So the next best thing is paying “Morgue” to pay attention to her. And that’s true of nearly all Hyperians.

Vaknin wrote,

“But sexual conquests are not enough for these delusional and vainglorious megalomaniacs.”

Rebhahn is all about “spiritual” conquests (which he lucratively monetizes), but that’s not enough for this absolute megalomaniac.

Vaknin said,

“They also posture as sages and visionaries. These cerebral wannabes pontificate and spew half-baked and ill-informed conspiracy theories, analyses, observations, and opinions in fields as diverse as philosophy and science.”

And that’s exactly what Rebhahn does. Unfortunately for us, he uses our work to provide his framework for all his Woke drivel and lunacy.

And Vaknin has hit the nail on the head. Some somatic narcissists are soooo narcissistic that they want to double up. They want to become cerebral narcissists too, i.e., narcissists who derive their narcissistic supply from their audience, who are always telling them how smart they are, what a genius they are. It’s critical to understand that most geniuses hardly interact with people, and are therefore anything other than cerebral narcissists. A cerebral narcissist, by contrast, is highly performative, always getting himself out here to garner attention and admiration for his intellect. In fact, Sam Vaknin himself is an archetypal cerebral narcissist, doing many hundreds of videos and being very keen to be “seen”, moreover, to be “seen as incredibly smart”.

Vaknin said of the somatic narcissists who step into the world of cerebral narcissists,

“They get most info disastrously wrong or just make it up as they go along as they self-importantly aspire to pretend that brain and brawn are interchangeable.”

Yup, that’s exactly what Rebhahn is all abut. He’s self-important, gets everything disastrously wrong, and just makes up shit as he goes along, and, of course, he’s talking to people who are as thick as fuck , hence can NEVER challenge him. In the kingdom of the braindead, the man with one active brain cell is king! Hail King Rebhahn, the one brain-celled man.

Shadad Al Shad said to Porgy,

“Why did you decide to change your old YouTube personality?”

To garner increased narcissistic supply! Seemples.

Vaknin said,

“There are somatic covert narcissists whose dream it is to be cerebral. They often team up with intellectually superior cerebrals, appropriate and plagiarize their work, and bask in the purloined glory.”

Yes, we know all about it!

Vaknin said,

“But they stumble when on their own because they are incapable of generating a single original idea or truly comprehending those that they steal.”

Oh yes indeed. It’s mind-boggling how many errors Morgy Porgy makes as soon as he strays away from what we have said.

Vaknin said,

“Some of them are smooth talkers and disguise their vacuity and nonsense effectively with resounding verbiage, pronouncing words like dissociation wrongly and awash in malapropisms.”

That’s Porgy to a tee!

“Others merely engage in displays of aggression…”

Porgy does that in private.

Vaknin said,

“…or nauseating eroticism.”

Porgy is totally into that.

Vaknin said,

“Creepy to the last, most of them are covert narcissists and psychopaths cloaking themselves in a mantle of saviors and healers.”

That’s the perfect description of Porgy! He can’t get enough of virtue signaling, this man who once said he detested pity and wanted to strangle women and stab people.

No cerebral person could bear the Hyperian “chat”. Can you imagine Descartes and Leibniz looking at the Hyperian drivel, yet Rebhahn, who loves the Hyperian chat says he has solved the greatest philosophical question of all time (meaning that he, this sword swallower with no qualifications, is the greatest intellectual in human history!). I mean, why is that guy not in a nuthouse? Why isn’t he laughed off the stage? Because his audience comprises groomed cultists!

On the ghastly “secret” stream yesterday, Michelle Yarema said,

“I can’t support like I did I am sorry 😢”

People are willing to give a millionaire their last penny!

Nickopeters said,

“Dr. Morgue looks completely normal.”

Dr???? Looks “normal”? What fucking world are you living in, mate? It ain’t this one!

Silver Cloud said,

“@Mitchel Whitworth wheres the nirvana meal?”

The what now?

New Member, gay man Aidan Guzman, said,

“Hahaha I was going to say morgue needs an only fans for saphiosexuals lmfao.”

Who’s laughing? Hyperianism basically is an Only Fans outlet now.

Rebhahn said, “Maybe.” He’s actually thinking of going on Only Fans, his true home … for somatic narcissists! No one cerebral is on Only Fans,

Aidan Guzman said,

“I only mentioned the only fans thing for the exact same content you already do lol everyone’s mind went straight to the gutter I’m sure.”

Yeah, I think that’s where your mind is, Guzman!

Heretical Response, another gay man, said,

“Getting mind out of gutter now.”

No you’re not. You’re always dreaming of fucking Rebhahn. That’s why you’re a Hyperian.

Do Hyperians have no clue about their own motivations? Aren’t they, er, hyperaware?

Thomas Batone, another gay man (Member (1 year)) said,

“I be never tried butt smoking butt I Smoked until 5 years ago 100% except weed been a year though, I miss it a bit but not whilst so exposed, best area. Morgue Newterra”


paul cherry (Member (2 years)), another gay man, said,

“@MorgueOfficial there was a vicar who got caught with a vaccum”

Wasn’t that you?

WTF! This is the world’s intellectual elite, apparently, raising human consciousness.

Gay men ought to be absolutely appalled by what is going in in this sick cult. It more or less already is an Only Fans setup for gay men and bisexual women, and “non-binaries”.

The very worst and most damaging narcissists are the double narcissists, like Rebhahn. He gets narcissistic supply via his somatic narcissistic malignancy and then a second narcissistic supply via his cerebral narcissistic malignancy, and there is of course a malignant synergy between the malignant narcissist and women and gay men who fall in love with Rebhahn somatically via his androgynous somatic manipulations and exploitations and then fall into his web of deception even more deeply via his “cerebral” manipulations and exploitations (via material plagiarized from us). And it’s that double whammy that produces a CULT. Hyperianism is a signature example.

Vaknin said,

“Today we’re going to discuss somatic narcissists who pretend to be cerebral narcissists, the worst conceivable kind, snakes in the grass. Clinically, a narcissist who pretends to be of the wrong type is a covert narcissist … covert because his true nature is hidden. He’s lying about who he is. Sometimes he’s lying even to himself abut who he is, a form of self-deception. But in most cases he knows very well that he’s deceiving people.”

Rebhahn is the worst type of narcissist, the double narcissist, and knows exactly what he is doing.

Vaknin said,

“Somatic narcissists who pretend to be cerebral are a serious threat because they claim intelligence, wisdom, sagacity, knowledge THAT THEY DON’T HAVE. They appear to have it but actually don’t have it. In other words, they are con artists!”

This is Rebhahn. A total con man. Can you imagine going through life constantly lying to everyone? What a hell! Rebhahn’s life is not one any decent human being would want to have. It’s more or less the worst life imaginable. A fake life, lived in total bad faith – where nothing real, nothing authentic, ever happens. You might as well not have lived. You faked your own life because reality was repulsive to you.

Vaknin said,

“This type of somatic narcissist is envious of the intelligence and intellect of the cerebrals. He wants to have it all. He wants to have perfect sexual conquests, and also be considered a public intellectual.”

That’s Rebhahn. Can you imagine a man with no qualifications who swallows swords wanting to be regarded as an intellectual? That’s not going to turn out well. And it didn’t!

Vaknin said of these people that they have no qualifications, formal or informal, to achieve their delusional goals. They are just con artists … they get most of the information disastrously wrong because they don’t have the tools to get it right. They are Dunning-Kruger types. Rebhahn suffers from the Dunning-Kruger effect BIG TIME. He almost defines the condition. He has no clue what an intelligent person is and how smart people behave (nothing like him!).

Vaknin said, regarding how somatic narcissists steal others’ work,

“… they attribute to themselves this work. That’s what they do. They are like cuckoo birds. They stumble only when they are on their own, when they are not together with or in the company of a cerebral. Because, when they’re on their own, they’re incapable of generating a single idea; it’s all about stealing other people’s work. They are NEVER creative. They are NEVER original. They don’t truly comprehend the material they have stolen. They just parrot, they just mimic. They just imitate. It’s ALL mimicry. … They know how to put together resounding soundbites very palatable to the layman’ ear. They are a serious danger to society and everyone who crosses their path. It’s about time we expose them … point fingers at them. You’ve all seen them on YouTube. They brainwash gullible and malleable people into submission as they form cults around themselves.”

And that’s what Corey Rebhahn is all about. And that’s what Hyperianism. In reality, Hyperianism is a crime scene. Hundreds of people are being defrauded out of tens of thousands of dollars, yet they report no crime because the criminal – the fraudster – has brainwashed them into believing that no crime is being committed. Sheez!





SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking