People with a False Self are nothing like people with a Real Self. A Real Self is archetypally programmed to grow and develop and get better and better at adapting to reality. The False Self, since it is mired in falseness and delusion and is in fact a desperate psychological defense mechanism AGAINST reality, can never be healthy, and can NEVER adapt to reality! The False Self is constructed to live in a FALSE WORLD, a fantasy. It’s escaping from reality, fleeing from reality. Look at Hyperianism. Just a bunch of really sad, pathetic losers and failures PRETENDING they’re doing something important and are important people. Isn’t it amazing that hundreds of people who claim to be “hyperaware” are so staggeringly lacking in self-awareness? They are incapable of seeing themselves as they really are. They are incapable of seeing themselves as the world sees them. They found someone – Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) – a False Messiah with a False Self, who created a False world, a fantasy – where all of life’s losers, failures and rejects could go and imagine themselves successful and powerful – WORLD SHAPERS, no less! Can you imagine Lunatic Fairy and Kassidy as World Shapers? What the fuck! Seriously, how can you expect to live a meaningful life if you have entered a total fantasy and you simply IDENTIFY as a World Shaper without doing anything … you know … WORLD SHAPING. Sending Hegel quotes for $6.66 to a malignant narcissist on YouTube – is that really what qualifies as WORLD SHAPING? Well, apparently so – if you’re a 100% delusional individual like Lunatic Fairy. How could such a person EVER know what world shaping is? Sending tens of thousands of dollars to a grifter and plagiarist on the internet is not being a world shaper … it’s being a sucker! Con men exist because so many people are so easily conned. You can’t have the con artist without the mark.
When you encounter a False Self, that person brings out a False Self in you too if you hang around – since you need a False Self in order to synchronize with his False Self and be in harmony with it. Everyone with a reality principle has departed from Hyperianism. Only the total fantasists remain.
The more pathetic these people are in real life, the more they cling to the fantasy of Hyperia, New Terra … Woke World where the exotic minorities dictate to reality. As if!
Why do you think people have a Superego and not just an Id? It’s because you need to share the world with other people and accept the COLLECTIVE rules. Why is Wokeness so sinister? It’s because it’s actually trying to kill the Superego.
What Morgy Porgy preaches is pure Id. Whatever the extreme individualist of an extreme, exotic minority wants must happen – even if it is totally unacceptable to the rest of the human race. How is that ever going to work out? It’s pure MADNESS. It’s a fantasy with zero likelihood of success, yet such is the insanity of Wokeness – its total disconnection from reality – that it believes that minority tastes can be imposed on majorities, and not only can this be done … it’s totally desirable and necessary for the future of humanity. In your fucking dreams!
Humanity has no future if it rejects the reality principle. Freud came up with the great idea of everyone having an individualist Id and a collectivist superego, with an intelligent negotiator – the Ego, consciousness – obeying the reality principle, standing in between. What does Wokeness do? It gets rid of the superego (the requirements of THE MAJORITY), and so it also gets rid of the Ego and the reality principle, and all that remains is the Id saying, “I must be allowed to do whatever I want and express myself however I want and what a shitty, boring, Nazi world it would be if I am not allowed to do whatever I fucking want, regardless of others.”
This is the age-old voice of ANARCHY but now the anarchists are members of extreme minorities and they want to get rid of the government and the State … and Sanity itself … so that Corey Rebhahn and his ilk can do whatever they want. Everyone else must not only not object, they must applaud! New Terra is where perverts perform their perversions right in front of you, and you are marched off to the Woke death camps if you do not cheer! If you do not CELEBRATE the perverts, you are a hater, a bigot, a N**i, and the Woke FBI will march you off and you will never be seen again. The world will turn into hell.
America is the home of extreme individualism, and what is Hyperianism if not extreme far-right individualism taken to its logical conclusion … TOTAL INSANITY, where the Id (extreme individualism) is all that remains, and there is no collective, and no society. That’s what Morgy Porgy preaches … WOKE Id-ISM (Idiocy… the Idiocracy!).
Corey Rebhahn is just a far-right extreme individualist, yet he is atypical for one reason – he has a False Self and not a Real Self. American right-wing libertarians are extreme individualists and very bizarre people but they still acknowledge many things that normal people acknowledge. Morgy Porgy and his Hyperian cultists have done away with even the libertarians’ tenuous links to reality, leaving just Woke libertarianism, the central tenet of which is that total freaks and weirdos – in particular Morgue, the Terror of Men, himself! – should be allowed to do whatever they like, and fuck everyone else … and anyone who criticizes them is an intolerant monster.
But these Woke extreme libertarians need the WOKE FBI to protect them. How would they defend themselves without the Woke Police? The wolves would eat them in five seconds flat. Nature will have its way. And nature is not vegan, and not pacifist. It’s the opposite!
Morgy Porgy is incapable of living in reality. It has nothing for him. Instead, he lives in his Hollywood apartment, pontificating to his Hyperian cultists over the internet, and never engaging with reality. He never has. His major claim to fame is that he was in a reality TV show about freaks – and nothing has changed. This is a total freak, talking to other total freaks, and all carefully separated from reality, and with no chance of ever influencing reality.
Professor Sam Vaknin said,
“The False Self is … is a kind of ‘hive self’ or ‘swarm self’. It is a collage of reflections, a patchwork of outsourced information, titbits garnered from the narcissist’s interlocutors and laboriously cohered and assembled so as to uphold and buttress the narcissist’s inflated, fantastic and grandiose self-image. This discontinuity accounts for the dissociative nature of pathological narcissism as well as for the narcissist’s seeming inability to learn from the errors of his ways.”
All of this is so true. Morgue is a fundamentally dissociated individual – he has been dissociated since childhood, and his “message” is totally dissociated. His audience are all dissociated types too. They are all disconnected from reality. They are discontinuous people. That’s why they are so weird and freaky and won’t accept reality.
Vaknin wrote,
“In healthy, normal people ego functions are strictly internal processes. In the narcissist, ego functions are imported from the surroundings, they are thoroughly external.”
This is a critical consideration. Morgue has no interior, no ego, no real self. He is pure Persona, pure mask, pure surface. He is in every way defined by how he interacts with the external world and the image he presents to the external world. There’s nothing else there.
You will notice that nearly every member of an exotic minority has a very “loud” image – gagging to be SEEN (the No.1 indicator of narcissism). In fact, they are all image, just like Porgy. They have no reality. They define themselves by how they PRESENT to the world, not by who they are inside, away from the world. So many of them have no insides … so many of them adopted the FALSE SELF as their way to accommodate a world hostile to them. Haven’t you seen those drag queens who say they become “real” only when they are fully in costume? In fact, that’s when they are totally UNREAL. What they mean is that they have given their FALSE SELF full rein, and now they feel they can operate fearlessly in the world – because pathological narcissists always posture as indestructible gods! A drag queen hasn’t reached a higher reality. They have totally left reality – and that in fact is the entire point of the exercise. With their mask, they can carry out an extreme act. Remove the mask – expose them to reality …. AND THERE IS NOTHING THERE. Are we here to support pathology and fantasy … or should we in fact be creating a society that allows everyone to be REAL and live in reality? What Wokeness seeks is for the whole world to become a masked drag act, and this is supposed to be some glorious new future for humanity … NEW TERRA. It would in fact be the end of the human race … and everyone knows it. Evolution did not produce Wokeness. Humans did that, in defiance of nature.
Narcissism is MUCH HIGHER in exotic minorities, in the Woke – and that’s no surprise. Narcissism is an attempt to shore up an Ego that’s struggling badly with reality. Those not being treated well by reality will be those most likely to adopt a narcissistic defense mechanism, exactly as Rebhahn did. Reality is proving too painful for them, so they engage a False Self and enter a fantasy world.
Wokeness might even be a called the disease of Narcissism. It’s no accident that Wokeness has arrived on the world stage at the same time as SOCIAL MEDIA, with everyone furiously curating their image and VIRTUE SIGNALING. They all want to show how “good” they are. But these people aren’t good. Woke people are mentally ill. Why do you think there’s a pandemic of poor metal health? It’s being caused BY WOKENESS. Because everyone is having to fake it, to pretend that reality is not reality. They are living in a fantasy world. They are seriously mentally ill because they are losing contact with reality and meaning … all because Wokeness is making them believe utter insanity, things that could NEVER happen in reality. Shit like Hyperianism – the extremist Woke promotion of exotic minorities and claiming that they are a master race and the future of humanity! – is catastrophic for the world. Hyperianism, and all cults like it – and there are myriad of these sick-fuck Woke cults now – must be stopped if humanity wants to be healthy.
Vaknin said,
“Consequently, the narcissist often confuses his inner mental-psychological landscape with the outside world.”
And that’s EXACTLY what is happening with Wokeness, and Hyperianism in particular.
Vaknin wrote,
“He tends to fuse and merge his mind and his milieu. He regards significant others and sources of supply as mere extensions of himself and he appropriates them because they fulfil crucial internal roles and as a result, are perceived by him to be sheer internal objects, devoid of an objective, external and autonomous existence.”
For Morgy Porgy, Hyperianism is an extension of himself. In Vaknin’s vocabulary of autonomous external objects and dependent internal objects, all Hyperians are internal objects for Porgy, with no autonomy. When people left Hyperianism (exhibited autonomy), they became NOTHING to Porgy, meaning that they ceased to be internal objects for him (or he repressed them as internal objects so as not to think about them ever again … it’s the oddest thing when he says how brilliant his mods are without EVER referring to the fact that four left! … what he says about the mods NEVER CHANGES, even though the mods themselves change!).
Vaknin said,
“Forcing the narcissist’s False Self to acknowledge and interact with his True Self is not only difficult but may also be counterproductive and dangerously destabilizing.”
Morgy Porgy would have a mental breakdown if he encountered his true self. This will happen to him in jail!
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist’s disorder is adaptive and functional, though rigid. The alternative to this (mal) adaptation would have been self-destructive (suicidal). This bottled up, self-directed venom is bound to resurface if the narcissist’s various personality structures are coerced into making contact.”
And that’s what we’re trying to bring about – to engineer direct contact between Porgy’s various personality structures, leading to psychological implosion. It will be messy when it happens, and it will happen.
Vaknin said,
“That a personality structure (such as the True Self) is in the unconscious does not automatically mean that it is conflict-generating, or that it is involved in conflict, or that it has the potential to provoke conflict. As long as the True Self and the False Self remain out of touch, conflict is excluded. “
By bringing more and more reality to Hyperianism – by relentlessly attacking Porgy’s FANTASIA – we bring Porgy’s False Self and True Self much closer together, and when those two structures collide … KABOOM.
Vaknin said,
“The False Self pretends to be the only self and denies the existence of a True Self.”
This is just like Gnosticism. The Demiurge – the FALSE GOD! – claimed to be the True God, and, naturally, denied the existence of the True God. The False Self does exactly the same thing.
Porgy is the Demiurge of the False reality of Hyperianism, denying the True God (Illuminism, in this case) from which Hyperianism came.
Vaknin said,
“Rather than risking constant conflict, the narcissist opts for a solution of ‘disengagement’.”
When Porgy isn’t engaged in getting narcissistic supply from his Hyperian cultists, he engages in disengagement – just being in his apartment, not interacting with the world …. Looking after his plants, and things and stuff.
Vaknin said,
“The classical Ego, proposed by Freud, is partly conscious and partly preconscious and unconscious. The narcissist’s Ego is completely submerged. The preconscious and conscious parts are detached from it by early traumas and form the False Ego.”
This is so interesting. So, a fissile process occurs and the True Ego vanishes into the unconscious, while the False Self attains a totally false consciousness – designed to shore up its own delusions via fantasy rather than engage with reality, as the Ego is supposed to do.
Vaknin said,
“The Superego in healthy people constantly compares the Ego to the Ego Ideal. The narcissist has a different psychodynamic. The narcissist’s False Self serves as a buffer and as a shock absorber between the True Ego and the narcissist’s sadistic, punishing, immature Superego. The narcissist aspires to become pure Ideal Ego.”
A healthy person aspires to be their Ego Ideal and realistically works towards it. A fantasist – like Porgy and the Hyperians – concludes that he is already his Ego Ideal – he is already perfect … God … and so the rest of the world, imperfect and fallen – ought to do what he says. In other words, the False Self is an absolute narcissist that believes it has attained an ideal state and that the world should worship it. IT WON’T. The world normally tramples all over such people, and that’s what is happening to Porgy. His dismal empire is collapsing, and is in fact only sustained by the sheer extent of his personal insanity and disconnection from reality.
Because Morgue has no reality principle and no contact with reality, he cannot work out that Hyperianism is already over. It has already died – in REALITY (but not in his fantasy).
Vaknin wrote,
“The narcissist’s Ego cannot develop because it is deprived of contact with the outside world and therefore, endures no growth-inducing conflict.”
Exactly! Morgue lives in a fantasy world with his brainwashed cultists. He has no connection to reality. If he did, he would never have got himself into this position. No one within Hyperianism ever challenges him because he serves the functional role of GOD, and you cannot remain a Hyperian UNLESS you treat Rebhahn as GOD. 100% of Hyperians do, and that’s why not one ever says anything that would cause Rebhahn any difficulties. Within Hyperianism, no one at all can grow because conflict is banned. Everyone has to fake it that everything is peachy.
Vaknin wrote,
“The False Self is rigid. The result is that the narcissist is unable to respond and to adapt to threats, illnesses and to other life crises and circumstances.”
Precisely so! Morgue has no ability to react rationally to what is happening to his cult and him. He just lashes out in narcissistic rages … and makes things EVEN WORSE.
Vaknin wrote,
“He is brittle and prone to be broken rather than bent by life’s trials and tribulations.”
And that’s what’s happening to Morgue and his cult. They are being broken. These insane narcissists cannot bend and reflect reality. So they break. So it goes.
Vaknin said,
“The Ego remembers, evaluates, plans, responds to the world and acts in it and on it. It is the locus of the ‘executive functions’ of the personality. It integrates the inner world with the outer world, the Id with the Superego. It acts under a ‘reality principle’ rather than a ‘pleasure principle’.”
And that’s exactly what Porgy lacks – a real ego, an ego that engages with reality, with the reality principle.
Vaknin wrote,
“This means that the Ego is in charge of delaying gratification. It postpones pleasurable acts until they can be carried out both safely and successfully. The Ego is, therefore, in an ungrateful position. Unfulfilled desires produce unease and anxiety. Reckless fulfilment of desires is diametrically opposed to self-preservation. The Ego has to mediate these tensions. In an effort to thwart anxiety, the Ego invents psychological defense mechanisms. On the one hand the Ego channels fundamental drives. It has to ‘speak their language’. It must have a primitive, infantile, component. On the other hand, the Ego is in charge of negotiating with the outside world and of securing a realistic and optimal ‘bargain’ for its ‘client’, the Id. These intellectual and perceptual functions are supervised by the exceptionally strict court of the Superego. Persons with a strong Ego can objectively comprehend both the world and themselves. In other words, they are possessed of insight. They are able to contemplate longer time spans, plan, forecast and schedule. They choose decisively among alternatives and follow their resolve. They are aware of the existence of their drives, but control them and channel them in socially acceptable ways. They resist pressures – social or otherwise. They choose their course and pursue it. The weaker the Ego is, the more infantile and impulsive its owner, the more distorted his or her perception of self and reality. A weak Ego is incapable of productive work.”
The vast majority of people in the world have a weak ego and degraded consciousness. Indeed, many have a false consciousness. They have a distorted perception of self and reality. They cannot do productive work. Even worse, we have an economic system (which drives politics) – predatory capitalism – which is BASED on the pleasure principle (consumption) and not the reality principle (production). Predatory capitalism is the perfect economic system for NARCISSISM, and that’s why we now have an actual narcissistic economic system called the ATTENTION ECONOMY. Who grabs all the attention? … THE NARCISSISTS … because their entire lives are devoted to securing narcissistic supply. Just look at COREY REBHAHN – MORGUE – a stereotypical influencer, obsessed with getting attention.
We now live in a totally degenerate age, the age of the insane, narcissist influencer, the person best able to garner attention … because they lust for it and are addicted to it. Look at the Kardashians. This is their world, and this is our future – unless we stop these people. We must stop the pandemic of narcissism in its tracks, which means stopping Wokeness, its primary source. Social media influencers must be recognized as the catastrophe for the world that they truly are.
Vaknin said,
“The narcissist is an even more extreme case. His Ego is non-existent. The narcissist has a fake, substitute Ego. This is why his energy is drained. He spends most of it on maintaining, protecting and preserving the warped, unrealistic images of his (False) Self and of his (fake) world. The narcissist is a person exhausted by his own absence.”
That’s Corey Rebhahn to a tee – a man exhausted by his own absence. A man wholly committed to maintaining, protecting and preserving the warped, unrealistic images of his (False) Self and of his (fake) world. That’s why Hyperianism exists. And look at his ghastly mods and ghastly top Patreon supporters. The worst of humanity!
Vaknin wrote,
“The healthy Ego preserves some sense of continuity and consistency. It serves as a point of reference. It relates events of the past to actions at present and to plans for the future. It incorporates memory, anticipation, imagination and intellect. It defines where the individual ends and the world begins. Though not coextensive with the body or with the personality, it is a close approximation. In the narcissistic condition, all these functions are relegated to the False Ego. Its halo of confabulation rubs off on all of them. The narcissist is bound to develop false memories, conjure up false fantasies, anticipate the unrealistic and work his intellect to justify them.”
And that’s the Hyperian scene in a nutshell – a place of total confabulation, false memories, absurd fantasies. Don’t you find it amazing that Hyperians once said how much they loved Rowan, Christina and Jewel – and now they are NEVER mentioned, just as Mike Hockney, Dr. Thomas Stark and Illuminism are never mentioned. Every Hyperian remembers what they must forget!
Vaknin wrote,
“The falsity of the False Self is dual: Not only is it not ‘the real thing’ – it also operates on false premises. It is a false and wrong gauge of the world. It falsely and inefficiently regulates the drives. It fails to thwart anxiety.”
Yup. Hyperianism is a supremely unhealthy scene because it is mired in falsehood, and people will kill themselves when this charade finally collapses.
Vaknin wrote,
“The False Self provides a false sense of continuity and of a ‘personal center’. It weaves an enchanted and grandiose fable as a substitute to reality. The narcissist gravitates out of his self and into a plot, a narrative, a story. He continuously feels that he is a character in a film, a fraudulent invention, or a con artist to be momentarily exposed and summarily socially excluded.”
Welcome to the abject life of Corey Rebhahn, the falsest man in the world. It’s no surprise that he doesn’t even identify as a man – or even as human. HE’S NOT – he’s a fiction, a lie, a FALSE SELF.
Vaknin wrote,
“Moreover, the narcissist cannot be consistent or coherent. His False Self is preoccupied with the pursuit of Narcissistic Supply.”
Getting narcissistic supply is the ONLY thing Porgy cares about.
Vaknin wrote,
“The narcissist has no boundaries because his Ego is not sufficiently defined or fully differentiated.”
That’s why Rebhahn and his insane cabal insanely went to the FBI. And that’s why they will all go to jail.
Vaknin said,
“The only constancy is the narcissist’s feelings of diffusion or annulment. This is especially true in life crises, when the False Ego ceases to function.”
One day very soon, Rebhahn’s False Self will cease to function and then it’s all over for this pathetic man.
We need a society that helps everyone – including all of the marginalized – to live with respect and honor in a REAL society. It’s insane to create a fantasy world – a narcissistic fantasy – where people divorce themselves from reality and engage in magical thinking. Hyperianism is pure magical thinking. It has no connection of any kind to reality. The whole Woke thing is about imagining a world where the slaves are in charge, where the minorities rule the majority, where the powerless wield power over the powerful. None of that – the Christian wet dream about the blessed weak and meek – can ever happen, so what’s the point of ever thinking about it?
Stick with the reality principle.