Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Harvard Hyperian Experiment?



So, Harvard University decided it wanted to teach a revolutionary class on the nature of ultimate reality. It invited applications from all over the world to teach this class. After a year of sifting through the applications from the world’s greatest thinkers, Nobel laureates, top philosophers, the very best academics in every field, it finally announced whom it had chosen: four people. One was a cleaner (the person who cleaned the class), the next was someone who worked on a farmers’ market one day a week and was otherwise unemployed, the third was a senior citizen with extremely black dyed hair who said she had a psychology degree but didn’t know who Jung was, and the fourth was a non-binary albino guy who wore dresses, never went to school, and swallowed swords.
Well, fortunately, Harvard did NOT do such a thing, and yet there is a cult called Hyperianism whose cult members absolutely believe that these four people are the right people to go to to find out about ultimate existence.
It’s hilariously dumb. In fact, it’s insane. Rebhahn literally says that he has synthesized all of human knowledge and he is “probably right” (i.e., he IS right!) about what he says about ultimate reality, based on his “experience”.
You absolutely have to grasp a central fact here. Corey Rebhahn is saying that he is the most intelligent human of all time, who has provided the “most likely” answer to existence! (Who the fuck is he to judge what is the “most likely” answer to existence?!) These are things he literally says, or logically implies, on his deadstreams, time after time. He is saying that spending his life as a magician, palmist, astrologer, extreme stunt artist, street performer, sword swallower, freakshow performer, cult leader of the Terrors of Men, of the Hollywood Dionysian Cult, of the Order of One and, finally, Hyperianism, has proved no obstacle at all to his astonishing, unique and unprecedented intellectual development and gifts. He doesn’t need school, he doesn’t need university, he doesn’t need qualifications, he doesn’t need teachers and professors (he’s forever saying he’s an autodidact – although doesn’t an autodidact read the books of OTHER people, hence ISN’T an auto-didact!). Rebhahn, a man who never went to school, says that he has synthesized ALL philosophical knowledge, ALL mathematical knowledge, ALL scientific knowledge, and indeed ALL knowledge, and now is stating to the world the “most likely” answer to existence. (Funnily enough, his answer to existence is precisely that of Illuminism, to which he contributed exactly ZERO, except which he reframed, fallaciously, from the perspective of Woke, ultra-liberal, New Age, mystical ideology!).
Why don’t people laugh at Rebhahn? There is no connection at all between what he claims and the actual, meager (street theater) reality of his life. It’s an astonishing thing to see hundreds of people believing a total conman and charlatan and actually buying his bullshit. It means that these people DETEST education. Because if Corey Rebhahn is the most intelligent human ever – as he must be if he personally has provided the “most likely” answer to existence – then what’s the point of education? Rebhahn didn’t have one, so who needs education? You can swallow swords, ignore education, and be the greatest intellectual of all time, apparently.
Of course, what’s going on here is the Dunning-Kruger effect on steroids. A cretin is talking to other cretins and not one of them applies logic and reason to this situation and says: how can a freakshow performer be the most intelligent human of all time?
If you believe that Corey Rebhahn is the world’s greatest genius of all time then you are as insane as he is. Let’s be crystal clear about this. We can call Rebhahn insane all day every day with total impunity. Why? Because if he sued us for defamation (as he tried to sue Karen), all we have to do is point to his social media content where he makes the most insanely grandiose claims conceivable. Here are a few of his video titles:
  • The ANSWER to the GREATEST Philosophical Question of ALL TIME… (no attempt to say “proposed answer”, “speculative answer”, “suggested answer”, “my answer”, or anything like that … No, it’s THE ANSWER!!!)
  • The TRUTH About HUMANITY is About to Be EXPOSED… 
  • The TRUTH About CHOOSING YOUR NEXT LIFE: Are You ready to Learn?
What qualifications does this person have to pontificate on any of this? NONE. ZERO. ZILCH.
The gap – the grandiosity gap! – between the scale of Rebahn’s claims and the provable scale of his achievements and qualifications is infinite. And that right there is insanity. No philosopher on earth would agree that Rebhahn has provided the answer to the greatest philosophical question of all time, and we have already refuted his comically bad arguments in two different books, so why does he persist in these claims? BECAUSE HE’S INSANE. No jury and no judge and no panel of psychiatrists on earth would disagree with the statement that Corey Rebhahn is clinically insane. It’s self-evident. And it’s only a matter of time before this person is locked up. Who cares what his groomed and brainwashed cultists believe? They too would not come out well of an encounter with psychiatrists. If you buy into an insane person making insane claims, what does that say about you?!
You have a real simple choice here, folks. You either AGREE with Rebhahn that he is the smartest human ever, as he actually claims (who but the smartest human ever could solve the greatest philosophical question of all time and says that his “answer to existence” is “most likely the right one”?!) OR you agree that he is INSANE. It’s one or the other. Rebhahn is “non-binary” (itself a potential indicator of extreme mental illness!), but this matter is a simple binary. If someone with no qualifications who didn’t go to school says he is solving problems that defied the greatest geniuses in history, then that person is either a person who will wow the whole world with his self-evident natural genius … or he is a NUTCASE. Which is it? You actually have to reach a conclusion regarding Rebhahn. He’s either a god among men, unprecedented in history, or he’s a lunatic. You can’t say, “Oh, he exaggerates a little.” Hyperianism is based on this man claiming to be a “hyperaware World Shaper”, transforming human consciousness, building a New Earth and New Humanity (New Terra). Does any of that sound anything other than insane – coming as it does from a freakshow performer with no qualifications? He is backed up by a hospital cleaner, a part-time farmers’ market odd jobber, and a woman with extremely black-dyed hair. Seriously, is this a group of people changing the world?
Hyperianism isn’t changing shit, but it is succeeding very well in its TRUE OBJECTIVE – giving extreme narcissistic supply to the four individuals mentioned above, and giving the audience of suckers what they want … the idea that they are involved in something important, hence their rather empty lives are MEANINGFUL. This scene is all about abnormal psychology. It has nothing to do with ontology, epistemology, metaphysics, mathematics, and so on. That’s all just camouflage for what’s really going on – a malignant narcissist establishing a cult, and being slavishly loved by his cultists. None of these people actually listen to Rebhahn, or understand him, or care what he says, as long as repeats the basic mantra of Wokeism, which he repeats all the time: “UNITY EXPLORING DIVERSITY”. 100% of Hyperians agree with that, but they have next to no comprehension of what Rebhahn tries to say to justify this position. They just assume that he has “proved” it in some way, and so they think it’s important to support him.
Corey Rebhahn is staggeringly seriously mentally ill. When he makes these grandiose claims of his, he is proving that he is totally delusional. Fifty years ago, this guy would have been in a straitjacket in a padded cell. He’s the equivalent of a man saying he’s Napoleon, or a person suffering from Jerusalem Syndrome claiming he’s the Messiah. In the past, these people were committed to mental asylums. Now, they are millionaire influencers with hundreds, thousands, and even millions of followers who believe them utterly. This is the end of human intelligence. It really is. Every Hyperian is an absolute enemy of truth, knowledge, intellect, education and merit. They are worshiping an arrogant, entitled, delusional man, a person clearly suffering from grandiose malignant narcissism.
Nietzsche said,
“A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.”
But what if the world itself is a mental asylum? Then it proves EVERYTHING. Hyperians believe everything the lunatic Corey Rebhahn says. He is their absolute authority on life and existence – despite being nothing but a sword swallower who happened to read our books!
Havelock Ellis said,
“The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum.”
And today we have another striking absence of a lunatic asylum, regarding the world of influencers like Corey Rebhahn. Mentally ill people are being allowed to preach mental illness, and no one is doing anything about it. It CANNOT end well. This really is the end of the West – unless people such as insane Corey Rebhahn and his insane cult followers are totally stopped. They must be prevented from spreading their pernicious garbage which is dragging the whole world down into insanity!
If you cannot work out that Corey Rebhahn is someone with zero qualifications to talk about the nature of ultimate reality then you too are insane. It really is that simple. If you believe an insane person saying insane things, you too must be insane. How could you not be? Why do you find a madman persuasive?!
You have total contempt for sanity and for the truth. You are prepared to believe anything, just because you have found yourself emotionally invested in a patent lunatic and extraordinarily disturbed individual. One day, Rebhahn will be sitting in front of a panel of psychiatrists and they will all agree to send him to a nuthouse. And that’s exactly where he belongs. Just look at his video on RTS to see how truly mentally fucked this guy is. This guy needs HELP, urgently. He is a 24-carat nutjob, in total denial of reality, with zero self-awareness. He says he’s a “hyperaware World Shaper” raising human consciousness and building New Terra. SERIOUSLY? Well, that’s his fantasy. He is in fact an influencer on social media conning simpletons. That’s reality.
Why don’t all you Hyperians, WAKE UP. Corey Rebhahn can tell you nothing but gibberish because he’s unqualified to tell you anything else – unless you believe his inane claim that he is the most intelligent human that ever lived … the unambiguous statement of a wholly delusional malignant narcissist. Every time Rebhahn opens his mouth, he condemns himself; he proves how mentally ill he is. This guy is so far gone, it’s an astonishing thing to watch. This will not end well. Psychosis never does.
Any of Rebhahn’s fans who actually cared about him would be begging him to go see a psychiatrist. This guy may well kill himself when his Hyperian game is over. He will not be able to cope with the loss of narcissistic supply.
Only one person is making absolutely insane claims and that is Corey Rebhahn, the boy whose mother never loved him, and was never socialized at school (he didn’t go to school), and never worked out that you can’t tell monetized whoppers and expect to get away with it.
At school, Rebhahn would have been taught not to talk crap. Because he never went to school and instead lived in a fantasy world, he never learned to escape his fantasies. And thanks to social media, he has found a group of people as crazy as he is. All of them are as badly socialized as he is. They are all outsiders who do not cope with reality. Social media is allowing these bizarre cults and “communities” to spring up everywhere, and they are wrecking the world! They really are. These maniacs are an absolute threat to the future of the human race. They are the DEATH of intelligence. They are sanctifying insanity.
Arden Leigh, a one-time intimate of Rebhahn, said,
“Here’s something I’d like to say to my fellow autists, and perhaps to everyone else too, if it’s useful, but especially to my fellow autistic folks who are traveling the same path I traveled: There will be times in your life where people will speak to you as though they know everything, sometimes specifically in contradiction to the things you have known to be true, and you may question your own knowledge, intuition, capability, and intelligence in the face of their seeming certainty. And then years later you will see some of those people in circumstances that are making them miserable, clearly due to their own choices and the paths they chose to follow. You will see this happen to former teachers who once made you feel you weren’t good enough, catty frienemies who villainized you for your choices even when they weren’t affected by them, and spiritual leaders who insisted on their superior knowledge. And you may be like ‘huh?? I actually spent time LISTENING AND BELIEVING YOU?? I actually assumed you knew better than I did because you SAID YOU DID??’ People will act out of their own confidence and it doesn’t mean they’re right about life. And it’s a bizarre, vague, unwitnessed kind of betrayal when you discover someone has been lying to you out of ignorance about their being more right about life than you. If I could go back to my younger self, I’d tell her that other people generally put a lot less thought into things than she does, and that just because they can talk over her doesn’t mean they know better than her. We live in a world where a lot of people are confident about things they’re also wrong about. Don’t mistake a confident delivery for a measure of accuracy.”
Was Arden talking about Rebhahn? She said to an ex-Hyperian,
“I hope you don’t mind my messaging you. I’ve seen some of the things you’ve posted recently and it seems like you’ve left the Hyperian movement. I’m inquiring because I had been in the midst of some conflict resolution with Morgue (which was personal and had nothing to do with Hyperianism), which we both put off fully resolving but had planned to return to in the future, and I am wondering if there is anything about their character/integrity that should inform whether I continue that process. … the link you shared [to the AC before it was canceled by the Hyperian Troll King!] seemed pretty damning.”
Our advice is to run for the hills, Arden! You have been interacting with a psychopath. Save yourself. Don’t waste one more second on this beast!
Even Rebhahn’s own friends in LA can’t stand this nauseating troll. People are starting to see through his lies.


Kassidy Lynn Holtzman said,
“Birthday was awesome: 
• Started it with Morgue’s stream with awesome community. ✨ 
• Found more stuff. 🥺 
• Ending it with floofs. 🐱 
Thank you everyone for birthday wishes. Today has been awesome. 🖤
No party, no friends, no family! No birthday cake. No candles to blow out. Now you know why Kassidy is a Hyperian. She’s got nothing else! And this is true of ALL Hyperians. This “community” – their “hyperfam” – is the only life they have, and it’s barely a life. If Hyperians had active social lives, NONE of them would be Hyperians. Why didn’t Kassidy go to a bar and have fun? Because she’s a Hyperian. Duh!
Why do you think the same people show up obsessively at every deadstream? It’s because THAT’S THEIR LIFE. They have no boyfriends or girlfriends to meet, no sex to have, no friends to go out with, so they engage instead with a parasocial relationship with a z-list “celebrity” and send him “quotes” and comments about smoke alarms to “flirt” with him!!! And this will be the fate of more and more of humanity unless something is done about this influencer disease. The influencer industry now needs to brought under extreme regulation and all psychopaths and malignant narcissists – like Andrew Tate and Corey Rebhahn – banned.
Mary Martin said,
“Karen Shaw I was told by my lawyer not to get involved.”
With Hyperianism, it’s impossible to work out whether this statement is serious or a joke. We all know how much the malignant troll Corey Rebhahn loves Old Word Order lawyers, and is always consulting them (especially regarding what necropants to wear on Wednesdays). Why would it be any different for Mary Martin? Unfortunately, we think she’s being serious. This shows how much of a chilling effect Hyperianism has on free speech. Even Hyperians don’t feel free to talk about Hyperianism. Rebhahn might sue them. Sheez.
Great job, Rebhahn! This is what happens when you threaten everyone with the FBI, cops and lawsuits.
Sanja Sunny Jan said,
“I’m in but …. we need 29 others ! Lol 
Doubt they’re going to show up.”
So, shout out to Sanja Sunny Jan. At least she’s willing to get involved. At least she has some guts and is willing to DARE (did you see what we did there?!). Why not others? Why don’t you get in touch with Sanja Sunny Jan and get this thing done? Remember, all you’re actually doing is explaining why you are Hyperian and why you think Hyperianism is a good thing for the world, and why Morgue has made your life better, and so on. You ought to be itching to tell the world all of this. So why aren’t you?
Don’t worry about Porgy and the Hyperian Plagiarism. You don’t need their permission to write a book about why you have chosen Hyperianism. Aren’t you autonomous, freethinking people using logic and reason and showing your emotional intelligence? You can make up your own minds, can’t you? Or are you literally glove puppets?
Don’t let these people control you. Liberate yourselves!
Intellectually, we are very keen to find out why Hyperians are so invested in Hyperianism. We can’t fathom it at all. Obviously, the motivations of the trolls Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope are transparent. It’s the hyperian members we don’t understand. What reasons are they giving themselves for being in this troll cult?
Tyler Esse said,
“…if you really want to know why I’m sticking with Morgue and not joining your group, it’s because I’m a woke liberal and not welcome in your group.”
Well, at last – an answer we can understand. Yes, it’s true that woke liberals are not welcome in our group, and it’s perfectly understandable that Tyler Esse is opposed to us on that basis. But why does that make him support Morgue? There are plenty of better Woke influencers out there. If Woke liberalism is your sacred cause, why not support one of them? Or is Tyler Esse agreeing with us that Hyperianism is the ultimate expression of Woke liberalism. You just can’t get any Woker and more liberal.
But if you think you’re getting any explanation of reality from Morgy Porgy then you are insane. Rebhahn never went to school and has no qualifications. He is one of the least appropriate people on earth to be engaged in what he is engaged in. The reason why he is involved with this is that he has a pathological psyche and suffers from extreme grandiosity and malignant narcissism. It’s an absolute characteristic of these people that they make claims that have no possible relationship to their actual talents and achievements.
Why listen to a Woke liberal lunatic? Go and listen to someone with something more realistic and constructive to say. Even Teal Swan (another narc!) is more worthwhile than Rebhahn. At least she has the good sense to warn about the Woke disease. Rather her than Rebhahn. ANYONE is better than Rebhahn!


SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking