Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Hyperian Non-Thinkers



What do Hyperians actually believe? Well, we know what Corey Rebhahn believes in – HIMSELF. This guy literally worships himself, as all malignant narcissists do. It’s easy to understand what Rebhahn is all about – securing narcissistic supply to inflate his False Self and make him very rich.
Rebhahn is regulated by the adulation he receives from OUTSIDE. He cannot regulate himself INSIDE given that his True Self died in childhood. There is no ego behind the mask. There is only the mask.
Rebhahn has a False Self and everything about him is false. His whole life is false. He thinks falsely about everything because the truth can never be relevant to the life of such a person. The only thing that is real to Rebhahn is narcissistic supply – because that’s what keeps his show on the road.
For any addict, only the addiction is real. Everything is sacrificed to the addiction. It consumes everything. Narcissists are addicted to being worshipped by others. They set up everything to secure that end. Every vacuous influencer is a malignant narcissist. There are no exceptions.
It’s simple to understand Rebhahn and his three mods. These are just narcs doing what narcs do. They can be understood purely as drug addicts, their drug being narcissistic supply. Hyperianism is the vehicle by which they make themselves feel important, by which they get others to pay attention to them and tell them how wonderful they are.
None of these people is a thinking type. They are all extreme feeling types, so they only care about what makes them feel good. Such people instantly abandon any ideas that make them feel uncomfortable.
What do Hyperians actually believe Hyperianism is? All you Hyperians, why don’t you write down what Hyperianism is, what you believe it to be? Do you have any fucking clue what it is you are subscribing to? Explain how Hyperianism differs from Buddhism, from Hinduism, from New Ageism, from Christianity.
For example, Rebhahn says that there is only One Mind and that it creates phenomenal, illusory minds to “explore diversity”. That’s BUDDHISM. But then Rebhahn ridicules Buddhism – because Buddhists want to escape from the illusion and reach the reality (the world of the One Mind … NIRVANA). Hyperians, for some unexplained reason, want to remain permanently IN the illusion, as illusory persons (False Selves), yet somehow to become “hyperaware”. But how can false selves be hyperaware? If they were, they would be hyperaware of their own falseness, their own illusory nature, and then wouldn’t they be interested in escaping to reality? You know, like Buddhists!
Sometimes, Rebhahn says Hyperianism is like Hinduism. Whereas the Buddhists talk about the anatman (non-self … the illusion of self), the Hindus talk about the atman (the self, the real thing, not an illusion). Rebhahn said in his last deadstream, “You are an eternal mind with infinite potential.” Er, but you’re not – because there is, according to Rebhahn, really only ONE MIND … and it’s not yours. You have no real existence. You are a CREATION of the One Mind … you know just like in Christianity, with its monotheistic Creator that breathes life (soul) into dust.
Rebhahn said,
“We are all gods, every single one of us.”
Rebhahn thinks this kind of stuff will appeal to his sucker followers … and it does. But it’s meaningless coming from Rebhahn. After all, he says there is only actually One Mind (remember all his fallacious nonsense about Leibniz’s law!), so there is only one GOD, and it ain’t you. “You”, such as you are, are created during that mysterious process when the “Bored God” wants to explore difference … DIVERSITY. You are the product of God’s DISSOCIATION, and apparently, that makes you a “god” rather than a manifestation of mental breakdown.
Well, go on, Hyperians, you have been listening for years to that clown Rebhahn and have had many hundreds of opportunities to question him, to get clarification. So, explain what Rebhahn means when he says that there is only one God (One Mind), but you are all gods (many minds). Good luck with that!
The reality is that you don’t give a damn. You let Rebhahn tell you any old hyper-emotional gibberish, and you make no attempt at all to subject his laughable claims to rational and logical scrutiny, even though you endlessly – EMOTIONALLY – blabber on about reason and logic as if you have a relationship with them. What, an EMOTIONAL relationship, because you sure as fuck don’t have a THINKING relationship with them. You DON’T think. You don’t care at all about how Rebhahn’s absurd claims supposedly hang together. You just let his emotional claptrap wash over you, and you love it. You couldn’t care less if it makes sense, as long as he says the right things to make you feel good about yourselves. Because that’s all that matters to you – YOUR FEELINGS. You want to believe in a bunch of things that get your feelings going, but, hey, you definitely don’t want to THINK about any of this stuff. And you DON’T.
Rebhahn says on the one hand that you are all gods and on the other hand that you don’t even exist – you are mere phenomena generated by one noumenal mind! Why don’t you ask him to explain this blatant contradiction? Because you don’t give a damn. Who cares what he says, as long as you can get warm, fuzzy feelings out of it, in whatever way makes sense to extreme feeling types.
Rebhahn explicitly said,
“People are not realizing that we are a UNITARY MIND experiencing itself into a particularization of itself, into a multiplicity.”
So, in what way are YOU an eternal mind? In what way are you a “god”? You are just a phenomenal “particularization” of the real deal – the monotheistic Christian God …. YOUR CREATOR. Right?! This is just pure Christian Creationism. What else did you expect from a Bible Thumper like Rebhahn, a Christian cultist through and through?
Well, go on, Hyperians, explain what Rebhahn means. It’s impossible because what he says is incoherent. He contradicts himself all the time – because this is a person with no intellectual abilities. He literally has no qualifications. But Rebhahn doesn’t care. Remember, his game is to get NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY, not to say anything that makes any sense.
In field theory, you are just a transient excitation of the underlying field. You come and go just like that. The field is real and enduring … you are not.
You crazy Hyperians, do you really believe that reality is about ONE MIND – a CREATOR?! And that what it creates is a world from itself, and dissociated minds from itself, in order to experience “diversity” (what, did it find unity, wholeness, completeness BORING?! … so this is in fact a pathological hatred of, and repudiation of, UNITY!!!).
Go on, ACTUALLY WRITE DOWN WHY YOU ARE A HYPERIAN. Actually state what you think Hyperianism is all about. What’s 100% certain is that it has ceased to have anything to do with mathematical idealism and rationalism, anything to do with self-optimizing eternal and necessary monadic minds. Haven’t you heard … Rebhahn says there is only ONE MIND! So, this mind dissociates, for some unknown reason, via an unknown mechanism, and then fights itself and hates itself, and all the rest of it. Of course, a One Mind in conflict with itself is an INSANE MIND, and that’s literally what Hyperianism is about – INSANITY. Haven’t you grasped that Corey Rebhahn is insane? He himself has dissociated – in the sense that he has rejected his True Self in favor of a False Self – and that’s why he is now a malignant narcissist and psychopath. Rebhahn preaches insanity. He preaches the gospel of the grandiose False Self – the entity that thinks it’s God – in denial of the truth. That’s what Hyperianism is all about … denying the truth in order to indulge grandiose fantasies. Hyperianism is literally about the FALSE SELF … because that’s what Rebhahn has, and it’s the only thing he grasps. He has no connection to the truth. He cannot. The whole point of embracing pathological narcissism is to get rid of harsh reality, to deny horrific truths. And that’s what Hyperianism is – a pure fantasy constructed by a False Self, with the specific point of denying and avoiding reality.
Rebhahn said,
“A neurologist approached a mentally ill woman named Elyn Saks and offered to help cure her. She declined and replied ‘Don’t take my demons away for my angels may flee too.’”
This sums up Rebhahn. Except he says, “Don’t take my insanity from me, for no one will worship me anymore and give me loads of money.”
Rebhahn believes that all the basis thoughts in existence belong to just ONE MIND, which means of course that your own thoughts – given that you are something that is NOT the ONE MIND – do not belong to you.
It also means you have no free will – because you have no actual control over your basis thoughts … they belong to the One Mind, not to your created, constructed, phenomenal mind.
Rebhahn ceaselessly contradicts himself. He said,
“Nothing is the same EVER, except us as individual minds as far as being units of subjectivity. We are changing as well…”
Ah, back to Buddhism. Then Rebhahn said,
“…but there is an aspect of us that is unchanging.”
Er, you mean an aspect of the One Mind that is unchanging – given that it’s the only thing that actually exists … according to you!
This is so funny! We are NOT units of subjectivity, as far as Hyperianism goes – since there is only ONE MIND, hence only one subject. A subject CANNOT give its subjectivity away. That contradicts the whole concept of subjectivity. No other mind can experience the subjective states of another mind. But in Rebhahn’s system there is only One Mind, hence all the multiple “minds” must be experiencing the same subjectivity since it has the same source – the One Mind – and that means that all minds would experience what every other mind is subjectively experiencing. We all know – from our own direct experience, never mind rational and logical arguments – that this is 100% false.
But Hyperians don’t care. These are hyper-feeling types – hyper-dumb types – who are absolutely repelled by reason and logic. They would never let reason and logic get in the way of a parasocial relationship with a vacuous influencer like Rebhahn. This guy mentions Hegel and Nietzsche and Jung and Descartes and Plato, and so on, and people actually imagine that he knows what’s he’s talking about. He doesn’t have a fucking clue. He has read the Bluffer’s Guide to Philosophy and watched Philosophy 101 videos on YouTube – and read our books (without understanding them!) – and that’s the extent of his philosophy knowledge. He’s never been to school. He’s never been to university. He has never attended a philosophy lecture. He has never submitted a philosophy paper to a philosophy professor. He has zero qualifications. And yet Hyperians believe this guy is a “hyperaware World Shaper”. What a fucking joke. This is exactly what the Dunning-Kruger effect is: moron followers telling a moron influencer that he’s a genius. Neither the followers nor the influencer know anything about philosophy, yet they engage in a MUTUAL FANTASY that they have accessed the secrets of the universe.
So, we have published over 200 books about the fundamental nature of reality, but you know what – our 20 million words are totally inaccessible to you if you lack the intelligence to understand them. And that’s true of all those who still call themselves “Hyperian”. These people don’t understand what Rebhahn is telling them – he’s literally talking gibberish – but they have no means to separate gibberish from profundity. It all sounds the same to them. After all, they deploy their feelings, not any kind of thinking! A Hyperian decides to like Hyperianism on the basis of feeling regarding Woke identity politics. If Rebhahn wasn’t Woke, spouting Woke rhetoric, the Wokesters who slavishly follow him would NOT follow him. None of these people would stick with Rebhahn if he spouted his Edgelord Morgue rhetoric, which is why he never delivers that rhetoric (even though that’s the rhetoric that he himself absolutely believes in!).
Ultra Hyperian Dyslexic Fairy quoted Martin Luther King, Jr:
“Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle….Einstein’s Theory of Relativity…. to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love…”
So, that’s HYPERIANISM right there … “hearts full of grace” … “souls generated by love” … Fuck Plato, fuck Aristotle, fuck Einstein, fuck grammar, fuck merit … You can SERVE. Yeah, serve fucking what? Serve the Dunning-Kruger effect. Serve the degeneration of humanity. Serve anti-meritocracy. Martin Luther King, Jr was a Christian preacher. We much prefer the Black Panthers. But you won’t catch Dyslexic Fairy quoting Fred Hampton:

“We don’t think you fight fire with fire best; we think you fight fire with water best. We’re going to fight racism not with racism, but we’re going to fight with solidarity. We say we’re not going to fight capitalism with black capitalism, but we’re going to fight it with socialism. We’re stood up and said we’re not going to fight reactionary pigs and reactionary state’s attorneys like this and reactionary state’s attorneys like Hanrahan with any other reactions on our part. We’re going to fight their reactions with all of us people getting together and having an international proletarian revolution.”

Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Hyperian Non-Thinkers
Rebhahn tells people that they are “eternal minds” (notice the plural, but of course they can’t be if there is only actually ONE MIND and it creates all other minds in order to explore “difference and diversity”. Never forget: what Rebhahn says is absolutely incoherent. He contradicts himself time after time … that’s because he switched from Illuminism – based on eternal minds in a Hive Mind – to New Age mysticism based on One Mind, and now he just switches between these two contradictory systems whenever his rhetoric requires it, and no one pays any attention to all the myriad discrepancies, and no one cares. Do you think that Hyperians actually bother about intellectually justifying the “One Mind” and have any means to refute the Hive Mind of Illuminism? They wouldn’t have a clue how to try, and they have zero interest. They are emotionally bonded to Rebhahn, and their emotions are all they care about it. These people have no interest in fundamental truths of existence. Rebhahn certainly doesn’t. He’s an “American dream” guy – he wants to be rich and famous, and that’s it.
Rebhahn said,
“Join us as we delve into the shocking dark side of spirituality. With the rise of interest in spirituality, it’s important to protect yourself from pseudospiritual scams. In this video, we will expose the truth behind the misleading practices and provide you with the tools to protect your own spirituality. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening journey, watch now!”
This makes us laugh so hard. What is Hyperianism? It’s a Woke, PSEUDOSPIRITUAL SCAM! Rebhahn is a guy with lawyers on speed dial who reports critics to the FBI and tries to silence critics with bogus lawsuits. Hyperianism is the cultiest cult – the scammiest scam – you can get. It’s literally led by a malignant narcissist psychopath. You saw that psychopath when Rebhahn was cleverly asked in his latest deadstream about David Sinclair … Rebhahn was LIVID. Aren’t hyperaware World shapers supposed to rise above the fray? Rebhahn, on the contrary, can’t get enough of lawyers, corporations, cops and even the FBI! He LOVES swatting. That’s what gets his juices flowing.
Listen, all you Hyperians, the ideology you are following is basically that of THE EGG:
Wikipedia says,
“What is the philosophy of egg theory? The entire universe was created as an egg for the main character (all of humanity), and once you have lived every human life ever, you will be born as a god. The reason God created the universe was for the main character, you, to understand this point: “Every time you victimized someone, you were victimizing yourself. Every act of kindness you’ve done, you’ve done to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by any human was, or will be, experienced by you. … God explains that in fact there are other godlike beings elsewhere, and that you too will one day become a god.”
Go on Hyperians, explain how that is any different from what you believe.
100% of Hyperians would no doubt love this Egg stuff. It’s Woke, solipsistic gibberish and madness, of course – but hey, it’s a warm and fuzzy story, and that’s all that matters, right? Remember, Hitler did not kill the Jews (according to Egg theory)! He killed loads of versions of himself. It wasn’t genocide, it was mass suicide. Or some shit like that. There goes all morality. There are no criminals and no crimes. There is only self-harm (Rebhahn is of course a professional self-harmer!).
But, hey, we’re not the ones defending this Woke “everyone is actually the same person” garbage! That’s Rebhahn’s game.
The world is such a funny place. Woke people who say they hate sameness and conformity and love difference and diversity literally end up saying that everyone is actually the same person!!! That everything is, ultimately just ONE MIND, one cosmic consciousness, one nirvana, one non-dualism, one WAY (Tao). They hate the HIVE MIND, which foundationally rejects all that baloney. In the Hive Mind, we are fundamentally different ontologically – via haecceity and aseity – but fundamentally the same epistemologically – via quiddity – and we can enter into functional unity at the exact technical state of zero entropy, where we all have exactly the same knowledge of reality and the exact same experience of reality. We are equivalent to Aristotle’s God, syntactically AND semantically.
But shhh, we know the Hyperians don’t like to hear any of this. It tortures the feelings of these poor little souls. They want to be told there is one God (they dislike departing from Christian monotheism and Creationism), and they are part of it, so are godlike too. And that’s exactly what the malignant narcissist Corey Rebhahn tells them. Oh how they cheer!
What will be on Rebhahn’s next deadstream? We predict: “The Banned Gospel of the Ancient Androgynous Aliens Using Tesla Coils Who Revere the Forbidden Gnostic Disciple of Mary Magdalene, Erased from History by the Bigots of the Patriarchy”.
Or maybe he will just read the latest article on Medium dot com and superimpose his same old woke speech about unity exploring diversity over whatever he has decided to plunder. We all know the drill.
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Hyperian Non-Thinkers
Nietzsche said,
“You will never get the crowd to cry Hosanna until you ride into town on an ass.”
These days, the crowd cry Hosanna when you deliver a deadly dull deadstream and beg for superchats and stars! Sheez.
Turn yourself into a fucking ass, Rebhahn. Oh, you already have!
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking