Corey Rebhahn ran away from humanity when he was a child, and never came back. Like the hero of his favorite movie “The NeverEnding Story”, he entered a fantasy world and never wanted to leave, so didn’t, and he has lived as a fantasist ever since. His fantasy is that he is the most important human being EVER. Seriously!
Professor Sam Vaknin, himself a pathological narcissist, points out that pathological narcissists always believe themselves to the best this or the best that. That’s how they fuel their fantasy. Rebhahn believes he is shaping the world and raising humanity’s consciousness so as to establish New Terra. In fact, Rebhahn is a freakshow performer who never went to school, has no qualifications, and was psychologically traumatized by his parents in childhood. The gap between his idea of himself and his reality is infinite. Hyperianism – the vehicle for Rebhahn’s mad fantasy – is located in this gap. Rebhahn says he is beyond human, higher than human, and doesn’t identify as human. He’s right on this last point. He ISN’T human. He lacks the essential feature of humans – a Real Self. Rebhahn is a construct. He has a False Self, and that means he is a False Human, a human impressionist. Kind of like a Replicant. He simulates human behavior without being human.
Vaknin wrote,
“He prefers to run away and hide, as he did when he was a child. Only this time he hides behind another self, a false one.”
Rebhahn’s whole game – and that of all his cultists – is to run away from reality and hide, in a laughable fantasy world where they are all “hyperaware”. Hyper delusional more like.
All his life, Rebhahn has hidden behind a Fake Self, named MORGUE. Only as Morgue or one of Morgue’s alters can Rebhahn face the world. Morgue is not a real person. He’s an image, a mask, a pretense.
Vaknin wrote,
“People reflect to him this mask of his creation, until even he believes its very existence and acknowledges its dominance, until he forgets the truth and knows no better.”
And that has proved to be Rebhahn’s fate. He actually refers to his real name – COREY S. REBHAHN (son of Michelle Rebhahn, who detests him almost as much as we do!) – as his DEAD NAME! The clue is right there. Rebhahn’s true self is effectively dead, and the freak MORGUE now imagines it is real, and it has got hundreds of people to not only acknowledge its existence, but to worship it! Morgue is called Morgue because his real self died and went to the morgue of his deep unconscious, where it merely watches his life happening rather than living his life.
Similarly, Jan Erikson refers to her REAL NAME (ALLIE TORGENSEN) as her “DEAD NAME“. You might as well say you have adopted a FALSE NAME and buried your TRUE NAME – because you can’t bear who you actually are. In the religion of ancient Egypt, Rebhahn and Torgensen, by denying their real names, would have lost an essential part of their soul and ensured that they could never have an afterlife. So it goes.
Vaknin wrote,
“The narcissist is only dimly aware of the decisive battle, which rages inside him. He feels threatened, very sad and suicidal – but there seems to be no outside cause of all this and it makes it even more mysteriously menacing.”
That’s life as Corey Rebhahn and Allie Torgensen. Sad and pathetic. All reality gone. Just the fantasy, the illusion, the delusion, remains.
Vaknin wrote,
“This dissonance, these negative emotions, these nagging anxieties, transform the narcissist’s ‘motion picture’ solution into a permanent one. It becomes a feature of the narcissist’s life. Whenever confronted by an emotional threat or by an existential one – he retreats into this haven, this mode of coping.”
That’s why Rebhahn and Torgensen always do deadstreams. They can’t stop. It’s their haven, their safe space, their way to cope with the world. Well, Torgensen also poops a lot and punches the air like a madwoman, while Rebhahn constantly vomits, and hates pooping – those that are beyond human should not have to poop, right?! Hasn’t everyone realized that Rebhahn has a severe eating disorder? He’s bulimic. He always has a “bad taste” in his mouth because it’s full of so much vomit. Yeah, we vomit too, mate – whenever we see one of your deadstreams!
Vaknin wrote,
“He relegates responsibility, submissively assuming a passive role. He who is not responsible cannot be punished – runs the subtext of this capitulation. The narcissist is thus conditioned to annihilate himself – both in order to avoid (emotional) pain and to bask in the glow of his impossibly grandiose fantasies. “
That’s the perfect description of Rebhahn. He annihilated his real self to avoid pain and now he basks “in the glow of his impossibly grandiose fantasies”, all encapsulated by Hyperianism and New Terra, Rebhahn’s fantasy world, his “FANTASIA” – where he is both the little boy and the Queen.
Vaknin wrote,
“This he does with fanatic zeal and with efficacy. Prospectively, he assigns his very life (decisions to be made, judgements to be passed, agreements to be reached) to the False Self. Retroactively, he re-interprets his past life in a manner consistent with the current needs of the False Self.”
Rebhahn constantly confabulates. When mods leave his cult, he simply pretends that they never existed in the first place and goes on referring to his “fabulous mods” – as if they’ve always been the same. He cannot psychologically admit that the mods he always shouts in precisely the same way every time are very different from who they used to be … so many have walked out on him (never to be mentioned or thought of again, if Rebhahn can help it!)
Vaknin wrote,
“It is no wonder that there is no connection between what the narcissist did feel in a given period in his life, or in relation to a specific event – and the way he sees or remembers these later on. He may describe certain occurrences or phases in his life as ‘tedious, painful, sad and burdening’ – even though he experienced them entirely differently at the time.”
Rebhahn isn’t living, he’s making up a life, just constantly telling himself a ridiculous story where everything is going GREAT. He can absolutely NEVER tell the truth. It’s FORBIDDEN. He can never be honest, and his cult requires no honesty from him. They love his dishonesty, and THEIRS, because it allows them to go on living in their fantasy world, to which they are now addicted. They will PAY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO REBHAHN TO STAY THERE. In his fantasy, which is now their shared fantasy.
Vaknin wrote,
“The same retroactive coloring occurs with regards to people. The narcissist completely distorts the way he regarded certain people and felt about them. This re-writing of his personal history is aimed to directly and fully accommodate the requirements of his False Self.”
Rebhahn continuously rewrites history to suit the narrative his False Self wants to believe. He writes his former mods and chief supporters out of the picture, he rewrites his involvement with Illuminism, he just invents whatever suits the story he wants to tell right now. He omits from his story all the sick fuck things he does to others. And all the suckers in his cult adjust themselves to whatever lies he tells them. They will ALWAYS believe him, no matter how much what he says contradicts reality. That’s the way they roll. They are as insane as he is. They are of course his CODEPENDENTS!
By the way, have you noticed that Enormously Fat Jan pees as much as Morgy Porgy? What is it with these people?
Porgy said,
“I had an acquaintance who will remain nameless. She was unhappy with her life, and would cry to me night after night. Yet she did nothing to improve her situation. She had time and opportunity to change her life, she was simply lazy. It became apparent that this person had no intention of improving her situation and was simply seeking my pity, to stir emotion. I saw the negative effects it had in my life and I severed ties with her. I will help the willing and persistent but I have no tolerance for the weak.”
Says the guy who claims he’s all about compassion and calls us N**IS!
By the way, we shall soon be showing you a large number of screenshots from the private mod chat, so that you can see what Rebhahn, Mitchell, Torgensen and Shope have been saying behind the scenes! The revelations won’t affect the brainwashed cultists, of course. They will ADJUST. They always do – to accommodate whatever lies Rebhahn chooses to tell them.
Vaknin wrote,
“In sum, the narcissist does not occupy his own soul, nor does he inhabit his own body. He is the servant of an apparition, of a reflection, of an Ego function. To please and appease his Master, the narcissist sacrifices to it his very life. From that moment onwards, the narcissist lives vicariously, through the good offices of the False Self.”
And that right there is the miserable, pitiful existence of Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope. All four are seriously mentally ill and living in a fantasy world where they dementedly believe they are “hyperaware” and “world shapers”. It would be hilarious if it did not have such serious consequences for others.
Vaknin wrote,
“Throughout, the narcissist feels detached, alienated and estranged from his (False) Self. He constantly harbors the sensation that he is watching a movie with a plot over which he has little control. It is with a certain interest – even fascination – that he does the watching. Still, it is mere, passive observation.”
The True Self is reduced to a spectator. It’s like someone watching a film of their life but where they are played by someone else, in fact by one of Hollywood’s top stars (which is what Rebhahn’s False Self longs to be and in fact already imagines it is).
Rebhahn is baffled by how a Weirdo Woke Freak like him isn’t much more famous given that we all live in Woke World now. He’s non-binary and vegan, and a compassionate pacifist ending suffering and raising human consciousness and creating a Woke Paradise (New Terra). What more can he do to be acknowledged as the Woke Messiah?!
Porgy wrote,
“Once we realize that we are all connected, we will stop hating on and harming each other. To harm another individual mind is like harming yourself because when looking from the perspective as a whole, we are as ONE mind.”
That’s the gospel of the Woke right there. Except of course we are NOT One Mind, so the whole thing is bullshit. We hate on and harm each other not because we are the same (how absurd!) but because we are DIFFERENT. We are all competing for power, and savagely fighting to get more of it. Rebhahn is GAGGING for more power, and, as we know, will fuck over anyone to get it. His Woke rhetoric is the opposite of his actual behavior where he is swatting people, canceling people, smearing people, serving lawsuits against people, going to lawyers, phoning the FBI, phoning the suicide hotline to make sure his enemies get a nasty visit from the cops, and so on, and so on.
But this is not a well man, this is not a sane man. This is a madman. That’s why he’s “non-binary” … an insane condition for insane people; a prime marker of their insanity, of their total delusions and confusion about who they are. Rebhahn has no idea who he is … he’s a FALSE SELF. He has no connection to reality. He HIDES from reality. He HATES reality. He always has.
Vaknin wrote,
“Thus, not only does the narcissist relinquish control of his future life (the movie) – he gradually loses ground to the False Self in the battle to preserve the integrity and genuineness of his past experiences. Eroded by these two processes, the narcissist gradually disappears and is replaced by his disorder to the fullest extent.”
Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope have all been replaced by their disorder to the fullest extent. The real people vanished long ago, and will never be seen again. There’s no way back for these human impressionists. Their lives will disintegrate as soon as their bad impersonation of humans reaps its full consequences.
The sole reason why these people insist on continuing with their Hyperianism – which has already died in the real world and has no future at all – is that they are FUCKING INSANE. These are true loonies, and their future is going to be staggeringly grim. But they have no reality principle, so will never face up to that.
Artemis Maenad said,
“Narcissists must control information and the people they use for their narcissistic supply. It is an imperative for regulating their psychological disorder and Corey’s behavior is textbook.”
That’s right. Rebhahn – fully assisted by Mitchell, Torgensen and Shope – is all about the absolute control of information (the Hyperian cultists must NEVER be shown reality, must never be treated honestly) and everything is done to secure maximum narcissistic supply for all of them.
Hyperianism lumbers on as a zombie because four people – Rebhahn, Mitchell, Torgensen and Shope – are addicted to feeling important and have found hundreds of hopeless simps and gimps willing to tell them that they are … that they are World Shapers! Ho, ho, ho. Jail shapers, more like.
Did you see Immensely Fat Jan’s deadstream last night? WTF! That blob just gets more and more insane. It’s extraordinary how a person so fat, ugly and stupid – a true GROTESQUE – can imagine she is changing the consciousness of eight billion humans. She can’t even change her own consciousness. Exactly like Rebhahn, she has a false consciousness – that which necessarily accompanies having a FALSE SELF.
Everything about Hyperianism and its leaders is false. The whole scene is false, pathetic … and deranged. In fact, it’s psychotic, and that’s why it refuses to go away despite being dead.