As explained by Professor Vaknin, cultists FUSE or MERGE with the cult leader. They become a single, multi-cellular organism. They obey Mob Psychology. You can see this phenomenon exactly with Hyperians. The arguments they come out with to defend their continuing support of Corey Rebhahn are bizarre in the extreme. It’s just like listening to Trumpanzees. No one rational is at home. NOTHING would change their minds. They believe any drivel spouted by their side. And they automatically reject everything said by their opponents. This is of course the behavior of CULTS.
Cults, at all scales, are taking over the world. Cults are perfect for the social media age, or what we might call the Parasocial media age. Wikipedia says, “Parasocial interaction was first described from the perspective of media and communication studies. In 1956, Horton and Wohl explored the different interactions between mass media users and media figures and determined the existence of a parasocial relationship (PSR), where the user acts as though they are involved in a typical social relationship.” Elizabeth Perse said that a parasocial relationship is the “the illusion of friendship” with a public persona. “Parasocial” concerns one-sided social relationships – especially between celebrities and their audience or fans – where the latter imagine the relationship to be two-sided, i.e., that they are in a proper social relationship.
With traditional celebrity culture and TV personalities, the “stars” pretend to be addressing their audience more or less personally and intimately, even though they don’t even know who their audience are.
The “next level” – and even more dangerous version of the parasocial relationship – is that of the social media (parasocial media!) influencer. Here we have a “celebrity” (well, as far as his audience is concerned) engaging with his audience AS IF they were in a social relationship, and this illusion is of course plausible to some degree, because members of the audience can directly message the influencer and receive an actual reply. The influencer might flirt with them, wink at them, praise them, shout them out, pay them attention and single them out as “best supporter”, or whatever.
Of course, if hundreds or thousands of “fans” all want to be “having a relationship” with the star, the god, then, given that the star or god cannot shout out and interact with all of them, they then have to ENTER INTO COMPETITION to get the star’s attention. And, of course, this competition is MONETIZED.
Corey Rebhahn, a gigolo who never puts out, allows his fans to BUY his attention. This is the most nauseating parasocial situation possible – ATTENTION PROSTITUTION. You can purchase the illusion of a relationship with your favorite person, the star with whom you are infatuated. You come to his attention by giving him money and you keep his attention by sending him even more money. In Hyperianism, a signature example is Dyslexic Fairy. This person is clearly head over heels in love with Rebhahn – absolutely obsessed – and she is willing to pay, we estimate, some $13,000 a year to have the illusion of a relationship with him. It never occurs to her that this relationship is ENTIRELY based on money and that if she stopped sending Rebhahn money, she would never be mentioned again. The “relationship” would be over. From Rebhahn’s viewpoint, it’s a financial transaction, one of many in which he is engaged. For Dyslexic Fairy, it’s the most important relationship of her life. It’s what defines her life. It never occurs to her that she’s just paying a man she likes (loves) to pay attention to her, and he wouldn’t if she didn’t pay up. It’s astonishingly SAD.
So, the original parasocial relationship whereby the celebrity has no contact with the audience has morphed into an even more sinister form – the monetized parasocial relationship, whereby the parasocial relationship is made to look social, provided money is given, i.e., the audience now have the option to pay to make the parasocial relationship seem like an authentic social relationship. Dyslexic Fairy truly thinks she is in a relationship with Corey Rebhahn. Every night, she goes to bed thinking about him. He never thinks about her, of course. She chose him. He did not choose her. He simply accepted her very large amount of money. If she lived in LA, he wouldn’t give her a second look. He wouldn’t talk to her, hang out with her … he wouldn’t do anything with her. She would never be part of his glitzy Hollywood set. He just wants her money. Without her money, he would have no interactions with her at all.
There are two utterly sick things here:
- Dyslexic Fairy’s obsession with Rebhahn, which takes place as a one-sided financial transaction, whereby she sends him over ten thousand dollars a year to pretend to be important to him.
- Corey Rebhahn’s absolute willingness to participate in these monetized fake relationships and put effort into pretending he cares about these people when, self-evidently, all he cares about is their money. He interacts with them BECAUSE they send him money. That’s the selection criterion. There isn’t any other. Rebhahn pays no attention to anyone not paying him.
Rebhahn claims to hate Christianity and to suffer from “RTS”, yet one of his top donors, who gets shouted out on every deadstream, is Joel Swindler, a full-on Christian. Swindler says, “Amen! ‘It is done’, and I’m owed nothing. Thank you in JESUS name amen. … The HOLY Spirit of JESUS Christ is the most powerful force you can invite into your craft. May we all let God shine bright like Jesus teaches 🙏🏻 Amen!” How can Rebhahn say he opposes Christianity when he shouts out a Jesus freak at every opportunity – because Swindler pays up very handsomely? Never forget, money is always Rebhahn’s criterion, never principle. Rebhahn has no moral objection at all to taking money from Christians who are actively preaching Christianity on his own channel. Rebhahn has no morals at all. Rebhahn would NEVER turn down a rich Christian donor. And no Hyperians see any problems with any of this. Because they too have no morals and no principles. Not a single Hyperian would EVER ask Rebhahn to justify why he takes loads of money from a Christian Fundamentalist (supposedly the thing that triggers Rebhahn’s supposed “RTS” – ho, ho, ho). Because no one in Hyperianism cares about anything other than their parasocial love affair with Corey Rebhahn. That’s why it’s full of unattractive women (who can’t get a man), and unattractive gay men (who can’t get a man either). The whole scene revolves around Porgy’s somatic narcissism, yet everyone pretends that they are interested in cerebral things – by which they really mean Porgy’s additional cerebral narcissism.
We are entering the worst of all possible worlds – completely ruled by malignant narcissists and psychopaths.
In the past, celebrities were famous actors, singers, sportspeople, novelists, or whatever, i.e., their fame and their income came from an actual talent, an actual product, which people bought impersonally.
“Influencers” don’t have a talent and don’t have a product. Or, rather, their product is always themselves, and they sell this product very personally. People such as Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy – two extraordinarily weird women – personally pay Corey Rebhahn to interact with them. The more they pay, the more Rebhahn interacts with them. Money decides the entire thing. It’s a transaction. Lovelorn nobodies get the person they love to PRETEND to love them back, and they find this amazingly fulfilling. (Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy have obviously never been in an actual relationship. They would not be Hyperians if they existed in the normal world and had normal relationships.)
So, we have entered a world where the most manipulative and exploitative individuals – Dark Triad types – have the ultimate playground now. They don’t have to go and find their victims. Their victims present themselves to them! Corey Rebhahn didn’t go to Dyslexic Fairy and Kassidy. They came to him. All he has to do is SHOW HIS WARES and then the victims who like what they see come to him and give him exactly what he craves … massive narcissistic supply. They give him veneration, adoration, worship, unconditional love, unwavering support, and enormous amounts of money. And why? Because they are IN LOVE. And people in love are well known for how foolishly they act.
In the normal world, love lasts a certain while and then fades. Familiarity, as we know, breeds contempt. But in the parasocial world, where no “lover” ever physically interacts with the beloved, they never encounter the tedious reality of the beloved (all their annoying habits, and so on, how mundane they are, blah, blah, blah). It means they never encounter the real person, but only the mask, the image, the pretense, the “honeymoon” ideal. Real lovers move past the honeymoon phase and have to reach a much more realistic relationship where they mutually learn to accept and live with each other’s many faults. That actually leads to a deeper love – because it’s REAL, not a fantasy. The fantasy ended when the honeymoon ended. It’s called honeymoon for a reason! Wiktionary says,
“From earlier hony moone, originally denoting the period of time following a wedding, equivalent to honey + moon. The original reference was to affection waning like the moon, but later the sense became ‘the first month, or moon after marriage’, which tends to be the sweetest. Compare Middle Low German suckermânt (‘honeymoon’, literally ‘sugar-month’)…”
In the parasocial world, the honeymoon can be extended almost indefinitely. Because it’s a fantasy world based on fantasy relationships. Reality never intrudes. Look at Hyperianism. No one is ever allowed to mention reality, to let reality intrude. The fantasy is sacrosanct. The FBI must never be mentioned. No mention of SWATTING, smear campaigns, cancelation, de-platforming, cease and desist notices, threatened defamation lawsuits, bogus calls to suicide hotlines, and so on. That’s all REALITY, so is forbidden in Hyperianism. And Morgy Porgy doesn’t even have to tell his groomed cultists not to refer to reality. They do what he wants without him ever having to say what he wants – because they love HIS fantasy as much as he does, and the last thing they want is for it to end. They know that Hyperianism will end as soon as it makes full-on contact with reality, and so they want to delay that moment – THE END – as long as possible.
But it’s coming real soon. On 22 January, to be exact. Three books denouncing Hyperianism BY NAME will be published and will make the most serious possible complaints against Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope. These four people are psychopaths and reacted psychopathically to the publication of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus” – which didn’t even have “Hyperianism” in the title, and was much less personal than the new books are. We have learned a simply ENORMOUS amount about these maniacs since the first book was published. So, if these people went apeshit over quite an impersonal book back in July, how are they going to react to very personal books in January? And bear in mind that some forty authors are involved with TAKE HYPERIANISM TO THE MORGUE (Parts 1 and 2 … 300,000 words in total!) and many of these people know the four psychos extremely well and have delicious (or should we say horrific) secrets to reveal about them.
This is going to get fucking messy. Be in no doubt about that. All sorts of people will be dragged in, and careers and lives ruined. Because these four psychos can no longer avoid reality and they will react psychotically to the publication of these books, and that psychotic response will be what ends Hyperianism.
Their best bet would be to not react at all – to just keep the fantasy going – but we know these people are staggeringly angry and vindictive. We have already experienced their deranged attacks on us. And now, since the new books coming out are much more damaging than the original book, their fury will be all the greater and even more psychotic. It will be so extreme that they won’t be able to hide it from their cultists anymore, and the whole fantasy will collapse. These four people will be revealed for all to see as the totally sick and dangerous mental cases they are, and Hyperianism will be over. The mask will slip. The act will be over. Ronnie Real will be the last man standing, and all the fantasists will go into total meltdown.
This is all about to happen. Sunday, 22 January, is the BIG DAY.
Maybe Rebhahn will contact the CIA this time!
Did you know that most Hyperians deny that Rebhahn went to the FBI, and those that accept that he did do this also think that he was FULLY JUSTIFIED in doing so (although they have no fucking idea what he said in his complaint and he absolutely refuses to publish what he wrote … SOMETHING TO HIDE, YOU EVIL BASTARD?). That’s why this degenerate cult must be brought to an end. They are a total menace to normal, decent human beings. These cultists have no morality AT ALL. They’re not even bothered that Rebhahn refuses to tell the truth about the FBI situation. These people claim to be “raising human consciousness” and yet can’t even honestly discuss the FBI complaint. They’re not conscious at all, and they don’t mind Rebhahn lying to them. In fact, they love it!
You’re going to fucking jail, you muppet, and it’s your reaction to the new books that will send you there. Because you will no longer be able to mask the dangerous psychopath you truly are. Your own twisted, perverted nature will be your downfall. Your false and malicious complaint to the FBI ought to have seen you jailed long before now, but it’s all about to catch up with you. Like Andrew Tate, whom you so closely resemble in so many ways, you will soon be in handcuffs, under arrest, in jail, and about to be prosecuted for extremely serious crimes.
After our books come out, you can look forward to McAfee’s article coming out – hopefully in February – and you can be completely assured that we are trying to ascertain why the FBI has failed to arrest you for provably lying to them, an instant and automatic felony.
Never forget, Rebhahn, all your sick and twisted lies against us FAILED. We’re still here. You soon won’t be. You’ll be in jail.
The tide is about to turn decisively against you, Rebhahn, you mad fuckwit. See how far your insane talk of being a hyperaware World Shaper gets you in jail!
SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn, Morgue, Morgue Official, Morgen Night, Hyperianism, Hyperionism, Hyperian, Hyperion, AMC Freakshow, Inner Star Actualization, Shadow Self, Power Self, Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source, the Absolute perspective, the Monadic perspective, the Avatar perspective, Collective Frequency Domain (CFD), Metacognition; Concept Networking