We always laugh when Rebhahn tells his brainwashed cultists to ask questions of everyone, especially of him. This, we imagine, is his way of presenting himself as open and honest, trustworthy, a teacher and not an indoctrinator, and so on.
The hilarious thing is that: a) None of his cultists ever asks him a question that he would not want to answer, and b) He NEVER answers ANY question that he would not want to answer (i.e., anything awkward, challenging, that does not fit the narrative and image he is selling to the suckers who take him seriously).
Rebhahn is a totally deceptive character. He’s all about creating an image that has no connection to his reality (he’s a sick psychopath and malignant narcissist!), yet his brainwashed cultists ALWAYS believe the image and ALWAYS avoid and deny the reality, and attack anyone who seeks to open their eyes to the truth.
A while back, Apollonius – one of those entirely innocent people swatted by Rebhahn and his gang – was asked by investigative journalist David G. McAfee to provide, at short notice, a list of questions he himself would pose to Morgue. Apollonius rapidly produced a list, and then we supplemented his list.
Morgy Porgy originally agreed to answer questions that McAfee was going to put to him. Then he changed his mind, refused to cooperate, and ghosted McAfee.
We suspect that his change of mind came about because Jewel left Hyperianism and spoke out against him. It was one thing for Morgue to smear us – as he certainly would have done in his “answers” to McAfee’s questions – but answering questions based on the testimony of one of his own mods who had eviscerated him in a brilliant essay … that’s something that we suspected might be too much for Morgy Porgy (he couldn’t smear Jewel – his No.1 tactic for dealing for critics – since he actually made a song and dance of wishing Jewel well when Jewel first resigned from Hyperianism!), and so it proved. Morgue, the perpetual coward, ducked the questions.
We ask the Hyperian cultists – those who laughably say they are “freethinkers” rather than brainwashed drones – to take Porgy up on his oft-repeated instruction to “always ask questions” and ask him THESE QUESTIONS, the ones sent to McAfee by Apollonius:
• Your previous movement was called Terrors of Men. The now-defunct Terrors of Men website says some truly horrific and misogynistic things, and promotes actual terrorism. You’ve never publicly acknowledged or apologized for these sick comments. Do you stand by these statements? Many of your frankly disgusting comments remain visible on your Facebook page to this day, to anyone who goes back and looks at your comments from 2010 to 2016. Why do you have profoundly misanthropic and nihilistic comments on your facebook page? Moreover, you still have up extremely sinister YouTube videos from that same period with titles such as: SUICIDE; SHOOT UP THE WORLD; THIS VIDEO COULD KILL YOU; THE INSANITY DRUG; MAD WORLD; EMBRACING DESTRUCTION – ELIMINATE RELIGION, MORALITY, CULTURAL CONDITIONING, AND BAD RELATIONSHIPS; Why I Wear “Dark” Clothing – A Warning Sign to Stay Away if you’re part of the problem; Drugs as Tools; The Liberating Effects of Satanic Music and Marilyn Manson.
• Aren’t you a very disturbed and disturbing individual who will say and do anything to get attention? Have you ever sought professional help for mental health problems? You have had the Terrors of Men cult, a Hollywood Dionysian cult, the Order of One cult, and now the Hyperian cult. Aren’t you self-evidently a cult leader, always trying to perfect your cult formula? You have been called a cult leader for over a decade, by all sorts of people. Why are they all wrong? Why do so many people make this accusation against you, year after year? If you’re NOT a cult leader, why do so many people think you are, and what do you intend to do to stop people holding what you claim is a totally erroneous and damaging opinion of you?
• Although the website was deleted a number of years ago, an archived version from The Wayback Machine was recently circulated. Since its circulation, it has been removed from The Wayback Machine archives. Why did you have this deleted if you weren’t attempting to cover it up? Are you now ashamed of this material? How do you reconcile this nauseating material with your current persona as a kind of vegan, pacifist Messiah? Have you repudiated your past Edgelord persona? If so, why is so much of the content from that period still available on your social media? People could easily describe you as a Jekyll and Hyde individual. Would you agree with that description?
• It’s almost like you have two personas: the Terrors of Men, “strangle the bitch”, “terrorize the world”, politically incorrect Morgue and the Hyperian vegan, compassionate, liberal Morgue. How do you explain such a radical departure from your old persona and the values you previously held where you expressed contempt for pity and campaigned against conformity and even normality? You marched behind a coffin representing normality, didn’t you? And you told people to “Say No to Normal”. What are people supposed to make of that? Do you have a serious problem with normal people? Do you believe that you are very special, and even an extraordinary person? Do you believe you are a World-Historic individual with a World-Historic mission? You said, “I have intuitions about myself but of course nothing that I can say I know for a fact.” What are these intuitions?
• It’s been claimed you transitioned to the compassionate, liberal, vegan Morgue in order to tap into the New Age audience to increase the numbers in your cult and to increase hits on your YouTube videos. What’s your response to that? Your Terrors of Men content provably contains positions that are the direct opposite of what you now endorse. Are your positions extremely unstable and based on your mood, or on what you believe will gain you more popularity, success and money? Did you have firm convictions in the past? Do you have firm convictions now? How come your convictions have inverted themselves? Don’t you find that very odd? We’re not talking about an evolution of views, we’re talking about an inversion. Almost like a religious conversion. Your critics say you are still basically a fundamentalist Christian. All you have done is replace the Christian God with yourself. Isn’t that true? You do say that you are God, don’t you? (It’s on video!) What are people to make of that? You talk about helping people to “come into their power”. Do you believe you are a prophet or a messiah? You say you are “hyperaware” and a “World shaper”. What do you mean by these rather extraordinary claims? On your Patreon page, you say, “My name is Morgue and I create videos about the nature of reality and content with the goal of transforming consciousness and, ultimately, the world.” So, you believe you are one of the most exceptional people in the world? You believe you can alter human reality. Is that right? Isn’t it the case that you have no academic qualifications and didn’t even go to school? Weren’t you a performer in a Freakshow? What credibility can be given to your claims that you are going to transform human consciousness? Isn’t that a delusional statement, or the sort of statement a cult leader makes, such as Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson, or L. Ron Hubbard? You have been directly accused of using the Scientology playbook, especially when it comes to suppressing critics. How do you respond to that?
• There’s very clear documented evidence that you created Hyperianism with the help of the Armageddon Conspiracy authors. Indeed, they even came up with the Hyperian triskele symbol, among other things. Even the name “Hyperianism” is taken from three terms they use: hyperreason, hyperrationalism, and hyperborea. Why then did you say this in a livestream: “Hyperianism is not something I discovered, it’s something I created.” In fact, doesn’t it actually say the following on your own website: “Hyperians are the Next Evolutionary Step. The author of The Unity Document, Morgue, came into contact with what have been called secret societies and is bringing a system of timeless knowledge to the public so that the world and its people may reach the next step of their evolution and become whole. That system is Hyperianism.” Aren’t you openly acknowledging right there that all of your content actually originated with a secret society and has nothing at all to do with you? You haven’t been to university and have no academic qualifications, and your career as a sword swallower is well-documented. It makes perfect sense that you are using the system of others. You were chosen as a shock artist front man, were you not? It makes no sense at all that you in any way originated the content you rely on. You could not have done so. In fact, wasn’t all the content you rely on previously published in books that were provably available before Hyperianism even existed, and didn’t you in fact ask to be allowed to publicize this material, all of which you had eagerly read and devoured?
• The reason all of this has happened in recent months is because the Armageddon Conspiracy authors wrote a book asserting that you’re a shameless plagiarist who’s taken their work and attempted to pass it off as your own, and monetized it, and in every way attempted to use it for your own benefit, and you have massively corrupted it and distorted it to make it fit issues of personal concern to you. You have denied all such charges. Given the well-documented evidence ontological mathematics was developed by people other than yourself, and the documented evidence that Hyperianism was in fact created with the AC authors to promote their system of “Illuminism”, why then did you say in a Hyperian Source livestream:
MorgueOfficial Member (6 months)
“In a nutshell, Hyperianism is a synthesis of knowledge from many different areas throughout history brought together by me. Let’s stay on topic now.”
Do you understand what plagiarism means? Do you accept this definition by the University of Oxford: “Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgment. All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional. Under the regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence.”
The accusation of plagiarism, you have claimed, is something that can be counteracted merely by occasionally mentioning some authors’ names (in various half-hearted ways). In fact, you would be found instantly guilty of plagiarism if a professor, for example, read your material and concluded that it was simply a rehashed version of material already published and that your work exhibited no originality whatsoever. Can you name anyone in the world, other than people who have been involved with the Armageddon Conspiracy and Illuminism (including yourself), who has even once referred to ontological mathematics? Yet your whole system is based on ontological mathematics, is it not? A system that has nothing to do with you, and to which you contributed nothing. Yet you continue to claim that you are some sort of independent researcher in this field, do you not? Making you the only independent researcher in the world. Don’t you find that improbable? Isn’t the much more likely explanation that you are a plagiarist and you are passing off the work of others as something intimately connected with you, when the truth is that ontological mathematics has nothing to do with you and you simply decided to make it seem as if it had some connection with you and that you had the supposed right to use it without explaining exactly where and who you got it from, and why?
• We acknowledge the source of ground-breaking ideas like Darwin’s theory of evolution, the Pauli exclusion principle, Einstein’s theory of relativity, etc., so why shouldn’t you acknowledge where you got your knowledge of ontological mathematics from – knowledge you claim is as revolutionary and ground-breaking as the aforementioned theories? Your own website says, “We are presenting to you a hidden system of unity that has existed timelessly. It is, was, and always will be. This system has been encoded in innerlight. This is not light as you know it. Your people will one day discover that thought can be encoded as a special kind of light. Light is frequency, after all. As is thought. This system of unity is a blueprint for your mental evolution and the evolution of the species. It was given to the highest minds of your people where it was guarded in secret to be protected from fracture.”
To whom does “we” refer when you say, “We are presenting…”? If this system was “hidden”, how come you know about it? How, exactly, did you come by this knowledge?
Well, of course, ontological mathematics wasn’t “given” to anyone. It was developed by rationalist and idealist philosophers and mathematicians – of which you were most assuredly not one. You haven’t even been to school. Why do you persist in self-aggrandizing lies and fabrications that are plainly incredible? You are a freakshow performer! Aren’t you a fantasist with delusions of grandeur and narcissistic grandiosity?
• If you claim to not be plagiarizing their work, why are the pseudonyms of some of the prominent Armageddon Conspiracy authors banned from use on all Hyperian livestreams? Why are terms like “AC” and “Armageddon Conspiracy” also banned from use?
• Why did you have the original Hyperianism website ( deleted in recent months – this website being the only place you publicly acknowledge the AC authors’ secret society, “The Pythagorean Illuminati?” It seems like you’re trying to cover it up.
• If the Armageddon Conspiracy authors are so horrible, and the Pythagorean Illuminati are bigots and N**is as you claimed in your smear campaign against them following their book denouncing you as a fraud, liar, plagiarist, grifter, conman and cult leader, why don’t you just stop using their work? Why would you want to be associated with such people? Why do you go on using THEIR system? Surely you would be eager to flee from such a toxic scene?
• The only mention of this feud was in a hidden link on your website which could only be accessed with knowledge of the link. Why haven’t you publicly talked about the feud that has engulfed and threatened the very existence of your cult? Why are you so astoundingly secretive about what is going on and the crisis that is threatening the future of your cult? Are you terrified it makes you look weak, flawed, vulnerable and anything other than the guru and messiah you seek to portray yourself as?
• Your former member and financial backer Wrath has created a documentary series interviewing many members of your former cult who claim they’ve been duped and traumatized by you. Do you have any comments on that? Have you watched this series of all these people speaking out against you, people you had previously praised for their support for you? Why have you never once discussed this series on your channel? Why do you completely ignore it? You ignore everyone who leaves your cult in bitter circumstances, don’t you? Why is that? Does it make you feel angry? You are a very angry person and have very dark moods, don’t you? You are a depressive and once felt suicidal, right? You have trouble controlling your emotions, don’t you? You don’t like rejection and you don’t like disloyalty, right? People are wrong to walk away from you and wrong to challenge you, correct? You talk a lot about religious trauma syndrome. Why have you refused to refer to those who have referred to Hyperian trauma syndrome?! Aren’t you constantly traumatizing people? Aren’t you an extremely dangerous person?
• We live in a world where financial transparency is more and more in demand, especially from people in visible social positions. So, how much money do you make from your Hyperian-related online activities? Why have you recently made your Patreon statistics private? Are you hiding something? A huge amount of money has been given to you by “FILLANTHROWPISSED”. Shouldn’t the public be told who your very rich backers are? Is there a huge story going on here that you are concealing?
• Certain ex-members and financial contributors have spoken out. They all say the same thing – that they felt betrayed, duped, and so on. One particular contributor had given you 10k and asked for his money back. Essentially, he paid for a product he did not receive. Why did you refuse to refund him and the others? Aren’t you a grifter and conman defrauding people? You are very economical and strategic with the truth, aren’t you? You ask people to question you and then refuse to answer any difficult questions, right? You have your livestreams on slow mode to allow your moderators to filter out anyone asking you difficult questions, right? Why are you so afraid of the truth, of tough questions? Are you a control freak? You frequently complain about lighting, and pixels and camera quality and focus and hair out of place, and so on. Do you have OCD? Are you a very obsessive individual who likes everything to be just right?
• It’s been noted by others that, in just the last few months, you have gained a couple of extremely wealthy donors and financiers. Seeing as you have publicly denounced the wealthy elite, and called for the abolition of the rich elite, why would you accept the donations of the extremely wealthy?
• Do you regularly take drugs and or alcohol? Did you in the past?
• Why did you cancel the AC website?
• You’ve publicly made these two statements: 1. “Transmen are men, transwomen are women, and non-binary people are beyond your mortal comprehension”. 2. “The future will converge to an androgynous state. The world is currently dominated by masculine energy, willfully bringing in powerful feminine energy will bring us closer to an androgynous future where the line between male and female is blurred” Given the above statements, and the fact that you identify as non-binary, do you believe non-binary people are more evolved than those who are not?
• After the FBI report was filed, then reported on by the Armageddon Conspiracy authors, your supporters claimed the report itself was invented by the AC to defame your character. How come you never corrected them or told them the truth? If the AC was lying about all of this, why didn’t you simply say so? Why do you allow speculation to occur that paints your opponents as liars and you as truthful and a paragon? Aren’t you afraid that if the truth comes out you will be destroyed, given all the false beliefs and claims you have allowed to flourish? How do you believe your Hyperians will react to a negative article, showing documented evidence?? Why are you agreeing to be interviewed? Is it to engage in firefighting and damage control? David G. McAfee wrote two previous articles about you, and here you are again, with new opponents and much more serious allegations. What do you make of this recurring pattern? Why does this keep happening to you? Are you doing anything wrong, or are you just surrounded by haters and bigots for some unfathomable reason? Do you intend to change any of your behavior going forward? Are you going to keep mentioning ontological mathematics even though no one else on earth mentions it except those that developed this system and who accuse you of plagiarism and are saying you are bringing their work into disrepute with your fallacies and misinterpretations? You are not a person qualified to discuss this subject, are you? You have no qualifications at all. Do you believe that you have a special intelligence, far superior to that of ordinary mortals? Do you believe that being an “autodidact” makes you a genius?
• Are you a fantasist and compulsive liar? Will you do anything to save face? Are you terrified of being exposed as a very sinister individual? Do you suffer from pathological narcissism? Are you a dark triad individual? What do you think of cult leaders? What do you think of secret societies? Do you think you are a providential figure, come to educate humanity? Are 100% of those who call you a dangerous cult leader wrong? Do ordinary people simply get you all wrong? Why is that? Are you an extremely benevolent figure, a hyperaware World Shaper? What does it mean to be hyperaware and a world shaper? Are you a supremely special and gifted person?
• Your website says, “Hyper” means beyond or higher. Hyperians are world shapers and actively seek to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, and to unite the world. Understanding hyperian principles and knowledge will allow you to take control of your life, transform yourself, and become a fully expressed individual. You are Infinite. … If you were not searching, you would not have found us. You don’t know what you’re searching for, but you have a deep urge, a drive, an insatiable hunger for… something. We have a saying, ‘Lux ex tenebris,’ which means, ‘from darkness, light.’ Everything that you’re searching for is already within you. It’s just hidden in the dark, waiting to come to light. … Now, like a rose ready to bloom, the world has finally become ready to hear our message. Unify shadow and light. Become Whole. … There’s a secret in the stars. We are the bringers of their gift.”
Isn’t this exactly the kind of thing brainwashing cults say? What would a cult say that would be different from that?
The truth is that Morgue is a very disturbed and strange person with extremely serious mental health issues. And it’s not as if this is any secret. He himself talks about “religious trauma syndrome”, post traumatic stress disorder, and complex PTSD. But if Porgy is a hyperaware World Shaper and Ascended Master, why hasn’t he resolved these issues? Why does he have to keep dealing with them in his own life? Why does this man in his thirties weep like a child when mentioning his childhood? Is that heathy? Is that a man who has come to terms with his past, who has forgiven his parents, who has moved on? Rebhahn hasn’t spoke to his own mother for DECADES.
Not only is Morgue someone who has not addressed his deep psychological issues AT ALL, he has also completely failed to tell his audience that his deep, unaddressed psychological turned him into a full-blown psychopath and malignant narcissist. Cause and effect. 1 + 1 = 2.
You see, when you talk about RTS, PTSD and CPTSD, you also ought to talk about how these are often KEY DRIVERS of psychosis! Of totally fucked mental health. Of the very worst psychiatric disorders. Porgy talks about RTS, PTSD and CPTSD because he wants to elicit sympathy and, above all, narcissistic supply. Morgy Porgy would elicit NO narcissistic supply if he told people he was a psychopath, a dangerous maniac, a malignant narcissist manipulating and exploiting his audience. Yet that’s exactly what he is and what he does. But he will NEVER tell the truth about who he really is. He is someone who plays the mental health card as something to win favor with his audience, but he never tells the truth abut his mental health – that it was so poor that he became a nutcase.
Do people have any idea what nutcases are? They are people with physical brain damage – many psychopaths have unusual brains – or they are people physically and mentally abused in childhood who were so badly damaged that they became psychotic. Morgy Porgy is one of those, and it’s self-evident. He is an astonishingly weird, freaky person who hates normality and campaigns against it. Why would anyone imagine that is HEALTHY? It’s not. It’s psychotic. Who are the people deeply drawn to the psychotic? OTHER psychotics! Other deeply damaged people. Hyperianism is a cult promoting extremely negative mental health under the guise of “hyperawareness”. Everyone in this cult should immediately leave the cult and go and see a psychiatrist. They won’t of course – because the mentally will obviously not do the rational and logical thing. That’s why cults always end in such a horrific mess. Hyperianism will be no different. It will be a shitshow. And it’s all the responsibility of Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope. But they don’t care … they’re psychos!
So, here’s the latest news on the David G. McAfee front. His first article is due any time this month!
But, guess what, he has been “getting vague threats by email” … One of the emails said “ad astra” in it. Hmmmm, wonder who that could be?! Hey, Morgy Porgy, why don’t you stop trying to silence your legitimate critics? Instead, why don’t you answer all of the questions we have listed? Don’t you actually claim that you’re all about answering questions? Isn’t that your thing … to prove that you’re not a guru and cult leader? Ho, ho, ho.
Know thyself, Morgy Porgy!
Your sick empire is at last reaching its end. Someone who was not one of those named in your complaint to the FBI has named YOU (and your crew) in their just-submitted complaint to the FBI. Maybe that will be what finally gets the FBI to get off their fucking asses and arrest you and your gang.
The two parts of Take Hyperianism to the Morgue will soon be ready. We originally expected this project to be about 80,000 words long. In fact, it’s over 250,000 words. We currently project that we will be able to publish by the end of the month. In any sane world, these books would instantly end your cult. In the insane world of Hyperianism, your deranged, brainwashed cultists will go on worshipping you. It’s not as if they’re going to do anything else!
But it surely cannot be long until the FBI come knocking on your door. They can’t keep ignoring the vast volume of evidence against you. They were quick to jump into action at your behest. They are extremely slow to do anything for those demanding action against YOU. Why’s that, Morgy Porgy … son of a cop?
Nevertheless, the FBI can’t keep ignoring the complaints formally made against you via the IC3 mechanism (the same one we now know YOU used against us!).
The End Game is at last beginning.
Tick Tock
It’s another deadstream tonight! The lunatic will begin with, “Hello everyone, it’s going to be a great topic, I’m really looking forward to it… I’m really excited…” … and then spend the next two hours lying to his worshipers, while he frantically grifts from them, and then he’ll read out someone else’s work, while superimposing the same Woke speech he has been making for years, and all of his simps and gimps will say he’s a genius. Yawn. He himself must be bored to tears by all this now! This source of narcissistic supply has run out of juice!