Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Significant Moment



A highly significant event has happened. A few days ago, the Rebhahn gang got several of Wrath’s videos banned – their usual MO to silence all critics! – but Wrath then appealed and his appeal has been upheld and the videos are back!
Here’s what was said:
“Please briefly explain why you think your channel was suspended in error.”
Wrath said,
“My channel is dedicated to exposé journalism on a cult being run on your platform. I was a member of this cult for 5 years and the content we are producing is the testimony of ex cult members and moderators for the cult. The cult is trying to silence its critics. Please review the channel, the contents on it and get back to me. We have done nothing outside of our rights to free speech and certainly not violated any community guidelines, the cult is abusing the youtube system by trying to have us silenced. We are trying to share the truth and he is silencing us by abusing your take down system. There are three long videos including a documentary full of ex cult members on my main channel The purpose of the secondary channel is to create short form content out of the long form, just as many podcasters and streamers do. Morgue also deletes the ‘donation portion’ of his streams. My latest video was fair use and transformative footage of that. PLEASE HELP!”
Wrath’s successful appeal is catastrophic news for the Rebhahn gang since YouTube now formally accepts that it is entirely valid on their platform to accuse Hyperianism of being a sinister and dangerous cult … and all future attempts by the Rebhahn gang to shut up their opponents will fail.
These maniacs have relentlessly tried to suppress all opposition to their cult using Woke cancel culture tactics and playing the victim card. It’s not working anymore. The voices denouncing this cult are getting louder are louder and very soon will shout down this horrendous cult. Their attempts to block free speech are coming to an end. The walls of Jericho are falling down. Cults MUST be stopped from grooming and brainwashing vulnerable individuals.
Rebhahn’s own YouTube channel is now “in play” – just like Andrew Tate’s. If Rebhahn loses his YouTube channel … THAT’S THE END OF HYPERIANISM. Hyperianism is living on borrowed time. This maniac Rebhahn now has to be astoundingly careful about what he says.
Hyperianism is a wholly pointless cult that continues purely because Corey Rebhahn makes lots of money out of it, and gets worshipped by the members of his cult. It has no other function.
Why do people like Corey Rebhahn, a predatory monster? Let’s review the following gushing testimonial that Arden Leigh wrote about him … before falling out with him (as everyone does sooner or later).
On May 7, 2020, Arden Leigh said of Morgy Porgy (warning: get your sick bag ready!) …
“Today’s nomination for #WholesomeMasculinityWeek is Morgue (Morgen Night).
Okay maybe ‘wholesome’ is not exactly the right word in this case. And while Morgue absolutely embodies masculinity, they identify as non-binary, which means that the category of ‘men showing up doing the work’ isn’t one they fit into. And yet the expression of their work in the world is absolutely one that deserves mention here. Morgue came into the public eye on ABC’s Freakshow, a reality tv series about sideshow performers. Morgue, a sword swallower and performer of other impressive bodily feats, was fascinated by the idea of pushing the limits to test what the human body is capable of, and was given to saying, ‘My name is Morgue, because if you did what I do, you’d be dead.’ After Freakshow’s success, they absolutely had the opportunity to pursue reality tv fame – VH1 would have paid them very handsomely to be an asshole in public – and they said no. Instead Morgue used the platform acquired by their growing cult fandom from the tv show to spread ideas of enlightenment, gnosticism, and the destruction of harmful religious rhetoric through the founding of Hyperianism – a belief system that the universe is made of mathematical patterns. Somehow Morgue manages to reject both religious rhetoric and scientific materialism at the same time, a position that earns them a great deal of hate on both sides. Given that Morgue’s following began in the Freakshow days, they attract a lot of goth anti-Christians who, feeling burned by mainstream American religious rhetoric, were eager to follow an attractive anti-Jesus ally. Morgue is transparent about the fact that they are a survivor of childhood religious trauma and capitalizes on this shared camaraderie over their common enemy, even going so far as to hire an actor playing Jesus to make a video asking their Christian haters to stop trolling them. But they don’t stop there. Instead they use this platform to challenge their following to think bigger, question reality, and begin to imagine an ability to see the ‘code’ behind the reality we think we understand. By balancing a 90s goth aesthetic with an invitation into questioning the fundamental nature of reality, Morgue gives an opportunity to those who might otherwise have never moved beyond defining themselves solely in reactivity against Christian tradition to align with a belief system that introduces them to areas of study such as quantum physics and ontological mathematics. Morgue is actively meeting people where they’re at and inviting them to think bigger at the same time. Morgue also uses their platform liberally to speak up about social justice, women’s rights, racial equality, and freedom of sexual expression. They have also been transparent about their own relationship to sexuality and kink as a means of promoting sexual freedom, and they also promote a non-judgmental, transitional path to veganism for those who want to shift their eating habits to do less harm to the planet. Morgue has also authored books on Hyperianism, veganism, and ontological mathematics. But the incident that inspired me to nominate Morgue today is that despite being an independent artist on Patreon who will certainly be hurt by the economic crash of the pandemic, they gave away their entire stimulus check to the legal defense fund of a man who was arrested in Nigeria for atheism. You can watch them do that in this video: 
Promoting religious freedom, sexual freedom, social equality, and spreading ideas of questioning reality beyond mainstream thought is why I’m nominating Morgue for #WholesomeMasculinityWeek. Check out their work at”
YUK! (I just threw up in my mouth a little.)
On July 22, 2020 Arden Leigh said,
“Here’s the latest playlist I’ve been working on. This one is themed Ceremonial Magick. Unlike some of my other magick-leaning atmospheric playlists that center the feminine and organic, this playlist conjures up images of wizardry, candlelit halls and studies, shelf-lined walls of dusty texts, laboratories of quietly bubbling potions and astrolabes to calculate the stars. I’ve been studying the Qabbalah under my tutor, reading the prophecies of Nostradamus, and learning ontological mathematics from the writings of Morgue, and I wanted something suitably cozy and grim, with the occasional flourish of grandeur. As always, shuffle setting is recommended.”
You haven’t been learning ontological mathematics if you’ve been listening to that cretin Rebhahn, the man with NO QUALIFICATIONS REGARDING ANYTHING.
Arden Leigh said of the Porgster:
“They’re so delightful! A really wonderful, funny, thoughtful human.”
You mean a humorless psychopath!
Arden Leigh said,
“Myles Scott thank you! I gotta get you and Samir out to Cloak & Dagger one rare night that Morgen actually goes out so yall can meet (after all of… *gestures vaguely* is over, naturally).”
The monster departs his lair only on FOOL moons.
Back in August of this year, Arden Leigh said,
“I [have] been in the midst of some conflict resolution with Morgue (which was personal and had nothing to do with Hyperianism), which we both put off fully resolving but had planned to return to in the future, and I am wondering if there is anything about their character/integrity that should inform whether I continue that process.”
So, you see, the game of pathological narcissists is to “lovebomb” potential sources of narcissistic supply. Morgy Porgy obviously thought he had hit the jackpot with Arden Leigh. Oh how she gushed about how wonderful he was. But now she’s questioning his “character/integrity”. That’s the way it goes with this man. Everyone, even his biggest fans and admirers, comes to realize that he is totally toxic. He has no integrity and is a man with the worst character you could ever imagine.
Arden Leigh said recently,
“There will be times in your life where people will speak to you as though they know everything, sometimes specifically in contradiction to the things you have known to be true, and you may question your own knowledge, intuition, capability, and intelligence in the face of their seeming certainty. And then years later you will see some of those people in circumstances that are making them miserable, clearly due to their own choices and the paths they chose to follow. … Maaaaaannnn did some of those people make some INTERESTING CHOICES let me tell you … I’m not trying to be mean but also THE AUDACITY????”
She MUST be talking about Morgy Porgy! THE FUCKING AUDACITY!!!
If Rebhahn had fucked off six months ago, as any rational person would have done, he could have salvaged something. He could have rebuilt. But instead, he chose to imagine that he – “GOD” – would come through this unscathed. Ho, ho, ho. Rebhahn is now finished … forever. So much reputational damage has been done to this guy that he will never be able to reinvent himself. Narcissists ALWAYS end up in this position. It’s called mortification.
Narcissists always lose because their narcissism always makes them think they can’t lose, even when they have a disastrous hand and are up against determined opponents with a brilliant hand. They always self-destruct.
Rebhahn’s entire public strategy for the last six months hasn’t altered once. It amounts to: IGNORE REALITY!
How’s that working it out for you, mate?! Rebhahn engages in pure magical thinking: “If you ignore them, they will go away”. Well, who went away? No one did. In fact, a feeding frenzy is coming. Rebhahn and his cultists will be attacked from every direction. What’s their defense? To pretend it’s not happening. This is an INSANE strategy. When people reject the reality principle, they are finished.
Porgy’s former friend Beka Ragnetti said,
“I knew Corey at 20 years old. He was a witty, cute goth kid that was very talented and hardworking. When we’d correspond, he’d answer or reply to a post of mine. It was only until October 2019 when I parted ways of our falling out when more of his negativity came out to me. I have videos I recorded of myself recounting the years as I was to do a video episode of my experiences with Corey ‘Morgen’. They are timestamped and I never got around to editing them. (Raw) I just watched them last night and I remember more then I do now, as I blocked out or let go a lot of it. When I did the video message last Sunday, it was my attempt to use the psychodynamic approach in some odd hope it would bring the little kid out of the monster. (Referencing the movie The Cell, Jennifer Lopez). Sadly, the Corey I once knew had long been since taken over by his persona and that is person we see now. … I did keep at a distance from his fandom that I think he knew he couldn’t pull one over on me. So much that went behind the scenes he either kept from me or I just didn’t know how bad things really got when I was off doing my own thing for lengths of time.”
Rebhahn is nothing but his persona now. Jung said,
“Identity with the persona automatically leads to an unconscious identity with the anima because, when the ego is not differentiated from the persona, it can have no conscious relation to the unconscious processes. Consequently it is these processes, it is identical with them. Anyone who is himself his outward role will infallibly succumb to the inner processes; he will either frustrate his outward role by absolute inner necessity or else reduce it to absurdity, by a process of enantiodromia. He can no longer keep to his individual way, and his life runs into one deadlock after another. Moreover, the anima is inevitably projected upon a real object, with which he gets into a relation of almost total dependence.”
Rebhahn is totally dependent on … BITCHELL. Bitchell is the real core of Woke Hyperianism. She has shaped it into Buddhism. Porgy doesn’t care what Hyperianism is as long as he extracts maximum narcissistic supply. The “real” Morgy Porgy is the psychopathic nihilist Edgelord Morgue. Bitchell converted him into the Woke Messiah – the person she wanted to, and does, worship. For those that don’t know, Bitchell is an INVERTED narc, which means she only feels alive when the slave of an overt narc like Rebhahn. She feels important through him, through her chosen narc. Bitchell spends all of her time thinking about Porgy and none thinking about … her HUSBAND! If her husband had any clue what she was doing (he doesn’t), he would divorce her. No normal husband would tolerate the slavish worship Bitchell devotes to Rebhahn. It’s just another part of Bitchell’s disgusting character and total immorality and dishonesty that she treats her husband in this disgraceful way. She doesn’t give a damn about her husband (apart from his money!). Her whole life is about Porgy. She and Rebhahn are the perfect storm of narcissism.
“That didn’t happen.
And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
And if it is, that’s not my fault. > And if it was, I didn’t mean it. 
And if I did…
You deserved it!”
Narc Rebhahn and his narc cultists don’t have a prayer!
Have you noticed that Rebhahn now just constantly reads out articles from Medium dot com? Why bother listening to Rebhahn? Just read Medium dot com! This Rebhahn guy is the laziest guy in the world, just taking his ideas from everywhere else. He has none of his own. He has no originality and puts no effort into being original. He just lazily copies others. And gets paid a fortune for it by his groomed and brainwashed worshipers, like Claudia and Dee Bee. These people think nothing of each giving Rebhahn a hundred bucks … for reading out an article from Medium dot com. Rebhahn must think he’s got it made – and he certainly does with regard to his Hyperian cult. He is literally the GOD of these cultists and they compete with each other to show that they are the most devoted. The underlying jealousy among all the harem girls as they jostle for Rebhahn’s attention, to be the “good girl” or even “best girl”, must be off the scale!
So, the God Morgy Porgy ordered his slaves not to write essays saying why they support Hyperianism! You couldn’t make it up. Well, of course, the whole point of the exercise was to bring about this outcome … to show Porgy giving orders about what his cultists can and cannot do. Remember, Porgy sabotaged Karen’s Illuminist/Hyperian book project (“united in reason”). Now he’s sabotaging a book that Hyperians were planning to write about why they are proud to be Hyperians! Rebhahn is TERRIFIED of anything getting out of his control. He’s an absolute control freak, and does not allow his cultists any autonomy at all.
We were entertained when Sanja Jan bravely volunteered to organize the project. We knew she was certain to be shot down, and she was.
Sanja Jan said,
“Do it or don’t.
In life you’re always be criticized!
It’s called life.
Decision for courage is much better because you can learn something from the experience…
And criticism in both cases is needed to actually make any progress. Life without risks is not life… it’s death.
There is zero progress …
And how you’ll ever get any response from others/ the collective without speaking up??
You tell me that!”
Well, Sanja Jan is right, but no one in Hyperianism cares. All they care about is doing what Porgy wants them do. Sanja Jan has autonomy. These Morgue worshipers do not.
When we proposed this project, it was of course in the full knowledge that it would NEVER happen. Because in Hyperianism, Morgy Porgy never allows anything to happen without his say-so.
When we launched the THTTM project, we did so because we trusted the online Illuminist community to do something exceptional. And they did. They delivered. In Hyperianism, Morgy Porgy never trusts anyone and never wants the camera and attention to be pointed at anything other than himself (as a compulsive narc seeking narcissistic supply). He has no desire at all for Hyperians to be anything other than slavish worshipers sending him adoration … AND MONEY.
Imagine if Sanja Jan’s project had happened and great essays and art were produced. Porgy would HATE that. Because it would no longer be about him. Hyperians would come “into their own power”. They wouldn’t need him anymore. Like any priest, Rebhahn needs you to keep coming back to him to “teach you” (meaning that you always be his slave, always sending him money).
Imagine if the Hyperians said, “OK, we’ve heard you. You’ve said the same thing over and over again. You’ve given us the ‘tools’, as you put it. So now we don’t need you. We can go out into the world and make our own path.” That’s what the Hyperian book project was about – Hyperians showing autonomy, expressing their own thoughts and making their own statements.
We wanted all the online Illuminists to have their own say. Because they’re no use if they don’t have their own minds and autonomy. Morgy Porgy would never let Hyperians have their own say. He does not want them to have any autonomy. Their function is purely to be cultists giving him narcissistic supply. They have no other purpose or value, as he proves over and over again.
Sanja Jan was willing to break out of the prison, and she deserves praise for that. No one else joined her. That’s Hyperianism for you!


 SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking