Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): THE SURPRISE ATTACK





We said we would publish our books on Sunday, but that was to give us the chance to mount a surprise attack.
Our books are in fact ALREADY PUBLISHED! The great day is here!
We have engaged the enemy by land, sea, and air.
Our invasion fleet has arrived.
We have already seized the beaches and our forces are making decisive advances towards the Morgue Bunker, where the heart of the Evil resides.
Victory will be Total.
It’s glorious to be alive in such a time – when wickedness itself is being vanquished.
The disgusting predator – the APEX predator Corey Rebhahn, the self-styled “Terror of Men” – is about to fall. Rich parasites will no longer be able to feast on the people.
You are a criminal, Rebhahn, and justice has come forth to deal with you.
Your Nemesis, the punishment for your Hubris, has arrived in the shape of mighty books to expose you and your cult once and for all. You and your three mods are abusers and predators, and the evidence against you is overwhelming and is being fully presented to the public so that they can make up their own minds.
THE ILLUMINIST ARMY – a citizen army of those who have devoted themselves to bringing down your sick and dangerous cult – has penned two AWESOME books:
Take Hyperianism to the Morgue Book I
Take Hyperianism to the Morgue Book II
We profusely thank every author who contributed. What a great job.
And we hail the return of , Rebhahn’s bane. If you didn’t like what Castalian said first time round (in “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”), Rebhahn, just wait till you see what he did to you this time! Ouch!!!! He fully answers all the insane drivel you served up in your “Statement” and “Message”. You are so fucking dumb.
All of the members of this great and noble Illuminist Army have intimate knowledge of you and your cult, Rebhahn. Many of them were senior members of your cult, now erased by you and your cultists as if they never existed. Did you really believe that you could turn your own former mods into unpersons? Are you so demented that you imagine that by never speaking of people who are now inconvenient to you, they somehow vanish from existence? That’s how you would love things to go, isn’t it? That’s called magical thinking, and it’s what you are an expert in. You have a False Self rather than a True Self, and you invented a False World – a total fantasy (“Hyperia”) – where reality is deliberately excluded because, of course, it does not reflect your deranged narrative that you are GOD. The real world has a very different opinion of you from that of your highly groomed and brainwashed cultists, and that’s why you seek to ignore reality. Which just proves how mentally ill you and your cultists are. You claim to be all about changing reality when in fact all you have done is IGNORE reality. All you do is keep changing your own mad fantasy, and you keep shaping it more and more in the image of those who give you the most money. You suffer totally from Audience Capture, but you LOVE Audience Capture, because it’s exactly how you secure the most narcissistic supply and money from your “base”. You “lovebomb” your audience by telling them EVERYTHING they want to hear. As Professor Sam Vaknin has pointed out, people fall in love with a pathological narcissist because he is holding up a mirror in which these gullible people can see themselves AND FALL IN LOVE WITH THEMSELVES!
Why don’t people such as Dyslexic Fairy, Kassidy, Paul Cherry, Heretical Response, and so on, leave Hyperianism? Because it is DESIGNED to be maximally seductive to them.
Rebhahn has no principles and no philosophy. Rebhahn is simply addicted to narcissistic supply and that’s all he cares about. Why do you think Edgelord Morgue became Woke Morgue? Edgelord Morgue is the OPPOSITE of Woke Morgue. Edgelord Morgue wasn’t effective at securing sufficient narcissistic supply. Woke Morgue is much better at it and now Morgy Porgy has an extremely affluent life because of it – all thanks to getting a very weird group of people to regard him as their Messiah, saying exactly what they want to hear. These people are now just ABRAHAMISTS. You cannot reason with them. They are people of TOTAL FAITH, as we have all seen over the last few months.
These people claim to support “logic and reason”. If they do, they would of course be eager to see what their critics say about them so that they can be rationally and logically well-informed. (Just as we watch the deadstreams of these people to gather evidence against them! We want to be maximally aware of their sick and evil lies. That’s the rational and logical thing to do!) So, the Hyperians should of course be eager to read two books by many former Hyperians, including mods, creators, top donors, top supporters, and so on – people with intimate knowledge of Morgue, who have worked with him at close quarters. Yet we already know that the Hyperians WILL NOT read these books. Because they do not want their illusions to be destroyed, their faith fatally undermined. They will even ignore all the juicy, titillating gossip (facts!) about Rebhahn and his mods.
The people who need to read these books are those who WILL NOT read them – the Hyperian cultists. They know this is a compete onslaught on their God, and they will not listen, will not pay any attention. They will ignore everything to do with these books. They are Abrahamists, people of absolute faith in their eunuch God. They do not doubt, they do not challenge, they do not question. They just slavishly follow, love, and adore … and give loads of money. That’s what gives their pathetic, failed lives “meaning”, or as much meaning as abject, mindless slaves can find. All they have is their parasocial romance with a malignant narcissist.
Morgy Porgy has a public deadstream tonight, followed by a secret deadstream. He will completely ignore these books during the deadstreams, and so will all of his cultists. Because these people DARE NOT acknowledge reality. It ruins their whole fantasy that they are hyperaware World Shapers. In reality, they are people who cannot look at reality because it’s too frightening for them. All they do is shape their own fantasies, which of course have no connection to the real world at all.
On the subject of daring, we have published two new books by Dave Sinclair:
The Philosophy of Dare
and, last but not least …
Delete Hyperianism: The New Face of Cults In the Twenty-First Century
Immensely Fat Jan – Mystic Jan, the Tarot Card reader! (does your future involve jail?!) – said in her latest ghastly deadstream, “Ultimately, my stance is not to harm people whatsoever.” Is that like Morgy Porgy ultimately wanting to be a vegan … or a woman? How can you “ultimately” want to be this or that? The Blob is admitting that she’s perfectly willing to harm others right now, as we all know! She’s one of the SWATTING gang. She’s engaged in a vicious and sick campaign to stop legitimate critics exposing her and her evil cult. This person was one of the sick gang that went to the FBI, conducted smear campaigns, issued lawsuits, canceled websites, phoned suicide hotlines, and so on. What a fucking sick hypocrite. Why don’t these “love and light” people try to practice what they preach for once. They are incredibly violent, but they carry out their violence through the disgusting manipulation of the authorities by always playing the Woke Victim Card. These are people with zero honor and dignity. They fight their battles through others. Absolute cowards. They are worthless human beings, whining all the time.
These people try to BULLY the world by screaming that they are VICTIMS and getting the authorities to act on their behalf. They must be stopped. The weaponization of victimhood must be ended for the health of society. Professor Sam Vaknin is really good on this topic. He’s incredibly bleak about humanity’s future because of these Woke maniacs, monetizing victimhood.
America is now a nation devoted to narcissistic posing and is totally withdrawing from reality. American extreme individualism – supported by the conservatives and liberals alike (they all HATE positive-liberty collectivism!) – has led to everyone living in their own fantasy worlds, and mental health issues have accordingly gone through the roof. America is going insane and a sick and a dangerous cult such as Hyperianism – about unlimited self-expression for extreme minorities, no matter how much it angers the majority (not a sane policy to adopt!) – is a microcosm of what is going on in America. Seriously mentally ill individuals – such as the leader and mods of Hyperianism (Rebhahn says he’s not even human!) – are campaigning against a healthy, sane world and seek to promote a culture of insane VICTIMHOOD. It’s all they ever talk about it. In fact, they’ve lucratively monetized it. And these people are so insane that they believe that they should be allowed to make false and malicious complaints about their legitimate critics and get away with it. Reality will teach these people very harsh lessons.
Good people will NOT be silenced by these Hyperian maniacs. No one is going away. Legitimate criticism of this evil and dangerous cult is never going to stop. The sooner Hyperians face reality, the better. Why don’t these people have an emergency deadstream about the situation they’re in? Because these people cannot abide reality.
Beka, a former “friend” of Porgy said to him,
“Just behave. Don’t overstep your boundaries. Don’t take it out on the world. You still have people that care, no matter even if you discard them and throw them aside. … Don’t lose yourself.”
There’s no one there to lose. Rebhahn is nothing but a False Self in search of narcissistic supply. He has no genuine friends. He has no empathy. He doesn’t care about anyone. He’s completely invested in his own grandiose fantasy that he’s a “special person”.
Professor Sam Vaknin is now saying that there’s a huge overlap between narcissism and autism. For a long time, we suspected that Rebhahn was autistic – he gets really upset over tiny noises, and “uncomfortable chairs”, stray hairs, and so on, and has incredibly robotic, regimented behavior, exactly like an autistic person. He now makes the same speech in every deadstream. He reads out an article from Medium dot com and then just recites his speech over it as if he is correcting the article. The people he’s “correcting” are enormously smarter than he is. And they’re not plagiarists.
Many autistics are part of Rebhahn’s audience. Autism is all about a person being locked inside themselves … and that’s exactly what pathological narcissism is, except the pathological narcissist has to go to the outside world to secure narcissistic supply. So narcissists are in a sense just outward-facing autistics. They are, we can say, high-functioning autistics, who have the ability to simulate empathy with others via “cold empathy”.
Harra Arial said,
“‘Cold empathy’ is another term for cognitive empathy. Essentially, the ability to read a person’s body language, tone of voice, and other such things as to ascertain their emotional state. It’s cold, because you’re not actually feeling anything in relation to this person’s emotions — that’s affective/emotional empathy, or ‘hot empathy’. It’s cold because there’s no real shared emotion there, there’s just knowledge of the other person’s state.”
Rebhahn can never experience hot empathy. He has no positive emotions. He feigns empathy via cold empathy, and since many of his audience are themselves autistic, they are very happy with this.
Lola Guerra, diagnosed with NPD, answered this question on Quora: “When a narcissist becomes self-aware, do they get a narcissistic injury?”
Lola said,
“Absolutely. When I was first diagnosed, I reacted as many would think a narcissist would. I scoffed, didn’t believe it, and was sure the doctor didn’t know what he was talking about. I was awesome! Time went on, though, and this weird feeling that something was wrong just wouldn’t go away. I wasn’t normal, I knew that. But what wasn’t normal? I did things wrong, but I always made myself the victim. I always WAS the victim… right? It wasn’t my fault… right? I thought some more and realized I wasn’t quite right. And what was wrong with me? Surely something was. I didn’t have many friends, people generally didn’t like me overmuch if I was myself around them, and I slowly realized I always talked about myself. I didn’t care much about what others thought but I’d always thought that was normal, that nobody did and they all just pretended. Wait… was this normal?
I went back to the doctor. This doctor was more understanding and thorough. He explained everything I felt but could never put into words: the discomfort when other people were upset, the boredom and confusion when I tried to understand what someone was feeling, the constant doubt. He obviously knew what he was talking about. Maybe he was right? I started watching my behavior around other people. Wow, I suck! I only want to talk about things I’m interested in, I don’t care about their stories and I was totally lost when trying to understand where someone was coming from. Why was I like this? What’s wrong with me? How do I fix it? No, there’s nothing wrong with me. Maybe that doctor was wrong.
I went to another doctor. This doctor openly hated me. He went on and on about how I was born a disgusting, morally inept person, how I would only ever hurt everyone I love, I would die alone, everyone would always hate me. There was no hope. I went home and cried for days straight. I didn’t want to be like this! I didn’t ask for this! I just wanted to be happy, I just wanted everyone to like me. I wanted to be normal. Well, not quite normal; I wanted to be better than normal. But now I knew I was doomed, that my mother and father would eventually abandon me, that my entire family would want me dead. I would have no friends, and I would die alone, and unhappy. What did I do to deserve this?
My mother convinced me to go to therapy, even while I insisted it wouldn’t work, that I was hopeless. This counselor referred me to another doctor, and told me point blank that I would have to work harder than anyone else to be a good person, but it was possible. This doctor didn’t like me, but he didn’t hate me, and he was blunt and realistic. I would make a lot of enemies, he told me, even when I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong. People would not like me if I didn’t control my behavior. I had to try, I had to pretend, and I had to do both at all times. I had to always assume I was at fault, that I was the problem. I was never to let down my guard. He told me to pinch or hit myself when I caught myself not listening or investing myself in those I cared about. I would have a small circle of people that I could trust and be truthful with about this. I needed to be extremely careful with those people, to put them before me, even though it would feel unnatural, in order to maintain relationships. It would be hard, but it was possible.
After the second doctor I realized that I hated myself. I may have also thought myself better than everyone else at the exact same time, but I truly did hate who I was and I hated what I did to other people. I experienced crippling self-doubt and to this day have little to no confidence. You can read in my other answers how much I truly hate my physical appearance as well as my personality. I’ve thought about killing myself many times: I wouldn’t have to worry all the time about hurting people I love, and everyone knows once you die your wrongs are basically forgiven. You’re remembered in a different light. I don’t like who I am and I wish that I was different, I wish that I was better. But I have resigned myself to who I am and I know who I want to be. I wear a rubber band on my wrist at all times and still hit or pinch myself when I realize I’m being inconsiderate. I assume everything is my fault, that I’m always the villain. I will never be normal, and I will never truly get better. But I can make small changes and try to have a big impact.
All I would have to do is think about how I would feel when others behave the way that I did and I would be able to stop myself. I don’t do this because I truly care how others feel necessarily, but I pretend that I am the one being hurt and remind myself that I want people to like me in order to be happy, and this will help me achieve that. So yes, it’s devastating once an NPD finally accepts the truth about themselves.”
Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope are narcissists who have never accepted the truth about themselves. And never will. They are way too far gone.
But the End Game has finally arrived with these stunning books, and David G. McAfee’s new article on Rebhahn and Hyperianism and all the FBI stuff due out next month. Reality is finally intruding into the mad cult world of Hyperianism.
The four maniacs will of course lash out in the next few days, just as they did after the publication of “Without the Mob, There Is No Circus”. They will make yet another astonishing error – because they are insane and engage in magical thinking where they imagine that the FBI really will jail people just because they want them to – and this latest error will be so extreme that it will finally lead to them all going to jail for their many crimes.
So, bring it on, fuckwits!
The Illuminist Army is here!
“March to the sound of the guns.”
Tick Tock


SEARCH LIST: Corey Rebhahn; Morgue; Morgue Official; Morgen Night; Hyperianism; Hyperionism; Hyperian; Hyperion; AMC Freakshow; Inner Star Actualization; Shadow Self; Power Self; Mirror Self, the HOLOS, the Source; the Absolute perspective; the Monadic perspective; the Avatar perspective; Collective Frequency Domain (CFD); Metacognition; Concept Networking