Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): What Happened to His True Self?



A pathological narcissist like Corey Rebhahn has disowned his life. Your life concerns your True Self, but Rebhahn is controlled by his False Self – a fake entity that CANNOT live a real life by definition.
It’s easy to spot a narcissist – it’s someone who makes ridiculously grandiose claims on an absurd basis. When a sword swallower who appeared in a freakshow and never went to school says that he is a hyperaware World Shaper and he is raising human consciousness and establishing New Terra, that’s a self-evident malignant narcissist right there. All religious prophets were of the same kind. The remarkable thing is that these mad people – they are clinically insane even if they can “pass” as functioning human beings – manage to fool so many people. Malignant narcissists and psychopaths often rise extremely high in society. Why? Because they don’t suffer from the “drawbacks” of sanity – being moral, respecting others, having a superego, having a reality principle, wanting to tell the truth, not wanting to do harm to others, and so on. Normal people don’t know what hits them when they end up in the company of the high-functioning insane, which is to say insane people who can pass as sane until the shit hits the fan. The shit hit the fan for Corey Rebhahn when David Sinclair’s book was published. Within days, Rebhahn had insanely gone to the FBI, and that will prove his doom.
Rebhahn has been insane his entire life but his condition allowed him to mask it to a point. He made it seem as though he was “a goth artist”, “a bit out there”, “different from the normal” … when in fact he was actually a dangerous madman and maniac, capable of ruining many lives, as he now doing with his sinister Hyperian cult. Rebhahn actually campaigned against normality and walked behind the coffin of normality. A plainly insane thing to do. And his New Terra – paradise for those who detest and reject normality – would in fact be a mental asylum for the criminally insane!
Professor Sam Vaknin, himself a pathological narcissist, made the extraordinary point that life is a nightmare for lunatics like Rebhahn. Why? Because only the True Self actually experiences life, while the False Self is faking it – yet the True Self was replaced by the False Self exactly because the True Self couldn’t cope with life. The True Self goes on experiencing life – as a nightmare! – and even the False Self it is using to shield itself is part of its nightmare. It has surrendered its agency, its control, to something else … and is now a hostage. It has been taken prisoner by its own construct. The Ego has surrendered to the Persona (the Mask) and now the individual is purely image, and purely concerned with how others see them.
He is defined by the outside world, not inner agency. Corey Rebhahn has no interior. He spends his whole life consumed by how others will perceive him. He does EVERYTHING to attain narcissistic supply … from people in the world, so they inevitably define him. Rebhahn has suffered total “audience capture”, meaning that all of his actions are designed to please his audience … BECAUSE they give him what he craves: love, adoration, and money. Rebhahn can never be himself because then he might not please his audience (because he’s not giving THEM what they want from him), and so Rebhahn always has to be cast in his audience’s image. They love him so much because he is mirroring them. They seem themselves in his reflection. He is telling THEM that they are hyperaware World Shapers when, in reality, they are drooling cretins. He can NEVER tell them that, of course. He must say that they are people of the highest quality, when the opposite is actually the case. The whole scene is 100% false. It’s about lies 24/7. Everyone is lying to everyone else, and they all LOVE the lie. They have no use for the truth. Just look at the Hyperian cultists. No amount of truth would ever convince these people to abandon their God. They are just like the insane Trumpanzees who claim that the election was stolen. Why? Because their God told them to believe that, and so they do. Rebhahn tells his believers what to believe and they do … because it’s what they WANT to believe. They definitely do not want to believe us. And they never will. They are as insane as Rebhahn. That’s why they’re in his cult.
Vaknin wrote,
“The narcissist experiences his own life as a prolonged, incomprehensible, unpredictable, frequently terrifying and deeply saddening nightmare. This is a result of the functional dichotomy – fostered by the narcissist himself – between his False Self and his True Self. The latter – the fossilized ashes of the original, immature, personality – is the one that does the experiencing. The False Self is nothing but a concoction, a figment of the narcissist’s disorder, a reflection in the narcissist’s hall of mirrors. It is incapable of feeling or experiencing. Yet, it is fully the master of the psychodynamic processes which rage within the narcissist’s psyche.”
That’s the state in which Corey Rebhahn exists. He’s trapped in his own Hall of Mirrors. He’s trapped by his own image and can never escape. He cannot change his image, and would never contemplate doing so anyway.
The late Queen of England was one of the fakest people on earth. She had to go through life constantly playing the role of Queen, and 100% of those she met had to acknowledge that role. She could never be free of her role, and those interacting with her could never be free of her role. She was a role all her life, and never an authentic human being.
The Queen was a functional pathological narcissist in the sense that she became completely identified with her role, and her True Self, such as it was, was completely sacrificed to it. The MASK, the False Self, ruled her life.
Corey Rebhahn has to spend his whole life desperately seeking narcissistic supply from the external world, and that means he always has to be concerned with his image, his mask. Rebhahn lives through others, always trying to con them, always trying to fool them with his constructed image.
Rebhahn can NEVER tell the truth – because it would destroy his image – and so he has to go through life as a permanent liar, a permanent fake, a permanent fraud. This is one of the phoniest people on earth. A hollow man, an emptied-out person – a person who cannot cope with reality and so permanently lives in a fantasy world. That’s what Hyperianism is. The Hyperian cultists live in Rebhahn’s fantasy. It has become their SHARED fantasy, but Rebhahn is the God of this fantasy. He created it and the others went to live in it alongside him … because he feeds their self-delusions.
Hyperianism, as a cult, is a MICRO-religion. Macro religions are just more successful cults. Judaism is the cult of Moses, Christianity the cult of Yehoshua ben Yosef, and Islam the cult of Mohammed. These people constructed a fantasy, and then millions and even billions joined them there. Religions and spiritual systems and cults are all about people joining some nutjob in his fantasy, and then accepting the fantasy as REAL and basing their life on the fantasy and not on reality. Nietzsche was forever railing against the gibberish people choose to believe in rather than accepting the real world. He loved the ancient Greeks, and especially Greek tragedy, because he saw that as a sign of the Greeks facing reality and learning to cope. Unfortunately, Nietzsche also regarded philosophers as fantasists and so became an “inverted Plato”. His attacks on intellectualism did him no favors and the weakest part of his philosophy is of course the metaphysical part. He couldn’t engage with any idea of a deeper reality and simply dismissed the whole idea as a fantasy. In this regard, he was an extremist empiricist.
Returning to the war of the True Self and False Self, Vaknin wrote,
“This inner battle is so fierce that the True Self experiences it as a diffuse, though imminent and eminently ominous, threat.”
The True Self, since it is helpless, since it has outsourced its agency to a false construct, MUST experience reality as constantly anxiety-producing. All of us actually have a means to grasp the horrible world of pathological narcissists. It happens when we dream! In dreams, we lose agency, we lose control, our consciousness is degraded, and we become highly anxious. Another Self – the Dream Self – has taken over and we are its prisoners, living in its fantasy world. When we wake up, we become “lucid”, so to speak, and become agents, with control, with our consciousness restored to its normal capacity. BUT A PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST LIKE COREY REBHAHN NEVER “WAKES UP”. He is forever trapped in his own mad dream, his own fantasy, the construct of his false self. Rebhahn’s True Self never grows, never evolves. It’s stuck forever as a terrified, unloved 4-year-old child, trained by its mother to feel despicable, worthless … a monster. Its False Self goes strutting around the world pretending to be this and that – Edgelord Morgue, the Terror of Men, the Night Bringer, and … these days, the Woke Messiah, the Second Coming (of the androgynous, non-binary, agender Jesus), the hyperaware one, the Ascended Master, the World Shaper, the Reality Changer, the founder of New Terra, and all the rest of the insane grandiosity this cretin comes out with. The reality is that he’s a pathetic ex-reality TV star from a freak show who lies to everyone, especially himself. What a sad life. It’s NOT a life.
Vaknin wrote,
“Anxiety ensues and the narcissist finds himself constantly ready for the next blow. He does things and he knows not why or wherefrom. He says things, acts and behaves in ways, which, he knows, endanger him and put him in line for punishment.”
And Rebhahn must surely know that the sword of Damocles can drop on him at any moment for his myriad crimes.
Vaknin wrote,
“The narcissist hurts people around him, or breaks the law, or violates accepted morality. He knows that he is in the wrong and feels ill at ease on the rare moments that he does feel.”
This is Rebhahn’s everyday experience. He is hurting everyone around him – doing them incredible psychological damage – he has broken the law, and totally violated accepted morality, and constantly preaches hate against normality. He KNOWS he is in the wrong and is a total freak and weirdo, but will not stop.
Vaknin wrote,
“He wants to stop but knows not how. Gradually, he is estranged from himself, possessed by some kind of demon, a puppet on invisible, mental strings. He resents this feeling, he wants to rebel, he is repelled by this part in him with which he is not acquainted. In his efforts to exorcise this devil from his soul, he dissociates.”
And that’s a perfect description of Rebhahn. He’s a puppet. He’s dissociated. He’s possessed by a demon. Should Catholic priests come along and exorcise his False Self, all his insane bullshit? THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS THEE! A Christian exorcism might well work on Rebhahn since his whole life is totally dominated by Christianity. He’s STILL a Christian. All he did was make himself Christ!
Vaknin wrote,
“An eerie sensation sets in and pervades the psyche of the narcissist. At times of crisis, of danger, of depression, of failure and of narcissistic injury – the narcissist feels that he is watching himself from the outside. This is not an out-of-body experience. The narcissist does not really ‘exit’ his body. It is just that he assumes, involuntarily, the position of a spectator, a polite observer mildly interested in the whereabouts of one Mr. Narcissist.”
Mr. Narcissist vanished for a day when David Sinclair’s book came out. Rebhahn spent all day vomiting! Well, so the compulsive liar claimed to his cultists to elicit their sympathy and make himself look like the victim. This is the half-man – the eunuch – who can’t wait to play the Woke Victim Card. What a creepy, cowardly, pathetic, whiny slimeball he is.
Then Edgelord Morgue took over as the primary alter of this totally dissociated individual and made an insane complaint to the FBI. Edgelord Morgue is Rebhahn’s psychopathic mode.
Vaknin wrote,
“It is akin to watching a movie, the illusion is not complete, neither is it precise. This detachment continues for as long as the narcissist’s ego-dystonic behavior persists, for as long as the crisis goes on, for as long as the narcissist cannot face who he is, what he is doing and the consequences of his actions.”
Rebhahn has evaded the consequences of his actions for months – due to the ineptitude, laziness and contempt for justice of the FBI and VPD – but his day will come.
Vaknin wrote,
“Since this is the case most of the time, the narcissist gets used to seeing himself in the role of the protagonist (usually the hero) of a motion picture or of a novel. It also sits well with his grandiosity and fantasies. Sometimes, he talks about himself in the third person singular. Sometimes he calls his ‘other’, narcissistic, self by a different name.”
Rebhahn ALWAYS calls his Other Narcissistic Self a different name – he calls it MORGUE. Other alters go by the names of Morgen Night, the Night Bringer, and the Terror of Men.
Rebhahn believes he’s a movie star, an amazing celebrity, just waiting to be spotted and gain wider public recognition. In fact, he’s a psychopath and he’s going to jail as soon as his crimes catch up with him.
Vakin wrote,
“He describes his life, its events, ups and downs, pains, elation and disappointments in the most remote, ‘professional’ and coldly analytical voice, as though describing (though with a modicum of involvement) the life of some exotic insect (echoes of Kafka’s ‘Metamorphosis’).”
Rebhahn isn’t actually living his life. He’s a False Self – and that’s a construct, not a living entity. That’s why Vaknin frequently says that pathological narcissists aren’t human and he even compares them to artificial intelligences. They are running the False Self program. They are emulating humans. They are not human. A human has a real self running the show. It’s because the False Self is so uncanny, so separate from reality, that people can fall under its spell … or be repulsed by it.
Franz Kafka wrote,
“One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible bug.”
One day, when Corey Rebhahn woke from his troubled dreams, he found himself transformed into Edgelord Morgue, the Night Bringer, the Terror of Men – a grotesque bug that bugged the world!
Vaknin wrote,
“The crux of the problem is that the narcissist … actually experiences his life as belonging to someone else, his body as dead weight (or as an instrument in the service of some entity), his deeds as amoral and not immoral (he cannot be judged for something he didn’t do now, can he?).”
Do you see that Rebhahn’s True Self can DENY that it lied, that it fabricated evidence, that it committed any crimes … because it can claim that the False Self did those things and it’s not the False Self. That’s why these people are compulsive liars and fantasists. It’s as if they are constantly controlled by their Dream Self and they are in a constant dream and can get others to share their dream. Look at Rebhahn. He has never lived in the real world. His whole life – magician, street performer, extreme stunt performer, reality TV z-lister on the Freakshow, the Terrors of men cult, the Hollywood Dionysian cult, the Order of One cult, the Hyperian cult – this guy has just gone from one unreality to the next and his life has NEVER intersected with reality. Rebhahn despises the working class, but the truth is that he has never met them. Rebhahn has lived in a fantasy bubble all his life. He has no clue about reality.
Vaknin wrote,
“As time passes, the narcissist accumulates a mountain of mishaps, conflicts unresolved, pains well hidden, abrupt separations and bitter disappointments.”
All of that has happened to Rebhahn, yet he insanely pretends that NONE of it ever happened, and is supported in this by the psychos who surround him, who are every bit as delusional and unreal as he is. Fat Jan, Mad Bitchell, Necrophil, and Wonderpoop are not people you would ever meet in reality. They are cartoon characters living in a fantasy world where they pretend they are superheroes “shaping the world”. It’s so CRINGE.
Vaknin wrote,
“He is subjected to a constant barrage of social criticism and condemnation. He is ashamed and fearful. He knows that something is wrong but there is no correlation between his cognition and his emotions.”
This is the state Rebhahn constantly lives in … yet he is also constantly WORSHIPED by hundreds of people. Rebhahn pretends the criticism doesn’t exist and just laps up the adoration.
Yet Rebhahn may well be dimly aware that something is VERY SERIOUSLY wrong with him. We hear he has consulted a Witch to solve his problems. STOP LAUGHING!
CL wrote,
“Yeah, I got a DM from Arden Leigh, this girl I barely know on Facebook. She was part of that Hollywood witchy/goth nightclub with Morgue. The private one that you have to be invited to join. She mentioned a post I had recently made on Facebook. I had already left Hyperianism at this point, and the post included a link to the AC site. … Then she said something… oh, how did she put it? That she was ‘in the midst of some conflict resolution with Morgue’ and went on to say ‘we both put off fully resolving but had planned to in the future.’ Then she started asking me about his… what were the words she chose… she asked me if there was anything she should know about his ‘character and integrity’… This happened right after Rowan told me all the details of how the cops had just shown up at his place and questioned him! That was no coincidence!”
By the way, CL’s contribution to “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue” is FANTASTIC. It’s brilliantly informative, creative, imaginative, honest and poignant. In fact, the standard of writing by all contributors to “Take Hyperianism to the Morgue (Parts I and II)” is impressively high, and in a number of cases outstanding. It’s really great to see so much talent and intelligence in this community – in TOTAL CONTRAST to Hyperianism, of course, where a bunch of loony, moronic cultists sit around praising a malignant narcissist and sending him money.
Did you see last night’s deadstream? These things are getting even deader. Since all the brain cells have now died, scientists are having to grow new brain cells in labs and send them to the Hyperians as replacement brain cells, which of course immediately die when exposed to Rebhahn droning on with the same retarded speech he has delivered 1,000 times already.
Destroying this cult is a mercy killing.