Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Man Who Loves Lawyers



What is it with cult leaders and their love of lawyers? Corey Rebhahn, the world-famous World Shaper, so hyperaware that he has ascended to the mystical dimension of pure Hype, can’t get enough of lawyers. Does he fuck them in some sort of non-binary kink fest? Does he only get pegged by Woke female lawyers?
But is Rebhahn’s lawyer actually himself?
Check out this screenshot:
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Man Who Loves Lawyers

Is that legal advice? Or just Rebhahn pretending he’s getting legal advice? It doesn’t sound very, you know, lawyerly. It sounds more like Rebhahn telling his muppets what he wants them to do, but pretending it’s legal advice. Total bullshit, in other words. Rebhahn is an absolute conman. When he wants his slaves to be even more slavelike, he tells them he’s acting on “legal advice”, and they all bow and simper and do whatever he wants of them. 

Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Man Who Loves Lawyers
Morgy Porgy says, “I’m working on the legal aspects.” What, the legal aspects of lying to the FBI? We can tell you straight off the bat that it’s a felony and you’re going to jail!
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Man Who Loves Lawyers
Porgy says,
“current legal advice is do not engage in dialogue with them or about them – ignore for now.”
Er, once again, that actually sounds like YOUR command to your minions. Fly, monkeys, fly! Not something that any actual, you know, lawyer would say. Are you just making up this advice and then pretending it’s from a lawyer? Ho, ho, ho.
Shope, the back of the human centipede, said,
“I’m ready to make some content! Booyah!!
Oh God, not more W.H.O.L.E courses! Will the cruelty never cease?
Porgy says,
“Also legal opinion is this is a good opportunity to make our community stronger/solid.”
What, is that a LEGAL opinion? Doesn’t that sound like, ahem … YOUR OPINION? When does a fucking lawyer care about your community getting stronger and more solid? What does that have to do with the law? One lie after another!
Anyhoo, how’s that all working out for you – you know, the stronger and more solid community? It’s sure as hell much smaller. Is that what you were aiming for? Still ashamed to show your Patreon stats, you fuckwit? Are you down to 250 gibbering halfwits in your cult now? Seriously, Rebhahn, how much effort do you put into being a cretin? Is it like a 24/7 thing? Do you wear your golden wings, with a feather up your ass, while you’re dumbing down each night?
Corey Rebhahn (Morgue): The Man Who Loves Lawyers
Mate, you’re the one full of hate and discrimination. You’re a bigot against normality itself. You despise normal people. Your insane path is going to be a very long and lonely path for you. Your path will be one of pure pain. You are going to undergo MORTIFICATION. That’s what happens to pathological narcissists such as yourself when you finally reach the end of your con, and everyone, at last, sees through you. You lose ALL of your narcissistic supply, and that’s the worst thing that can happen to a malignant, psychopathic cunt like you.
So much for you to look forward to, you weirdo freak. Did your mother know you were a monster the first moment she looked at you? Did she see that you were a creature of the Devil, the spawn of hell? Were you the Original Sin? Were you born in sin? You were the unpardonable sin, the sin that no form of redemption could rectify. You are the most worthless and evil scum of all, aren’t you Rebhahn, totally depraved and forsaken, totally abandoned, a true monster. You are all alone in your fucked-upness.
Oh, sorry for traumatizing you with all that Christian bullshit! It’s the season to be jolly, and all that, right? Are you off to see your cop dad soon? He’s a fundamentalist Christian, just like your mom, right?
Oh, come to think of it, it’s your cop dad who gives you all your “legal” advice, right? That’s why it’s so SHIT! Did he help you get taken seriously by the FBI? Were you wearing your prettiest dress when you made your complaint? Man, you’re going to have a nightmare in jail. But, hey, YOU DESERVE IT.
Bye, bye, fuckwit.