
Corey Rebhahn, a pathological narcissist and psychopath, lied relentlessly to the FBI and will go to jail for his lies.
We know what lies Rebhahn told because RJ and Apollonius – both swatting victims of Rebhahn – were subjected to questioning about these lies; RJ by the Vancouver police and Apollonius directly by an FBI Special Agent.
Rebhahn said
“Yeah I’d never lie to the FBI. That would be crazy, and stupid.”
It certainly would be crazy and stupid to lie to the FBI – and you went right ahead and did it … because you’re a pathological narcissist and psychopath and you think you can outsmart the world because you are, er, GOD!
Rebhahn specializes in a very particular type of lying … calculated lying, lying where the liar believes he can plausibly defend his lies (and thus insist he’s NOT lying). It’s called being “economical with the truth”. Wikipedia says,
“To be economical with the truth literally means to avoid revealing too much of the truth. While the idea may have an approbatory sense of prudence or diplomacy, the phrase is often either used euphemistically to denote dissimulation (misleading by withholding pertinent information) or else used ironically to mean outright lying.”
So, Rebhahn is a “magician”, a smoke and mirrors guy, a misdirection man. He gets you to look at what he wants you to look at, and to avoid looking at what he doesn’t want you to look at. He misleads “by withholding pertinent information”, i.e., he gets rid of the actual context in which things were said and done and instead creates a brand new context to advance his agenda. Years ago, RJ made a harmless, bantering comment about Donald Trump. Rebhahn took RJ’s words and made them appear to be a lethal threat to Joe Biden, forcing the FBI to take action. Rebhahn claims he told no lies because he simply repeated RJ’s words. But, of course, he withheld the pertinent information that this was a very old comment, from a private chat where current Hyperian mod Phillip Shope said worse things! The Canadian cops who came to RJ’s apartment had been given no information about any of that. They thought they were investigating someone making threats against Joe Biden in the present time. They thought RJ was shouting out of his car window that he was going to kill the president. Why did they think this? Well, their only source of information about all of this was a complaint to the FBI about RJ by …. COREY REBHAHN. Rebhahn certainly didn’t put in his complaint that the POTUS remark was two and half years old, had a legal qualifier attached, and was obviously banter with a fellow mod conducted in a private chat … things that Rebhahn was entirely aware of. ALL OF THAT DIRECTLY PERTINENT INFORMATION WAS DELIBERATELY – MALICIOUSLY – WITHHELD BY COREY REBHAHN. The FBI were never shown any of this.
And that’s a felony. That constitutes lying to the FBI in order to get them to swat RJ, contrary to law.
What Rebhahn put in his complaint to the FBI made Vancouver police believe that RJ was a violent nut, publicly threatening Joe Biden! Rebhahn’s complaint was the SOLE basis for what the Vancouver cops said to RJ. Think of how much manipulation must have gone into Rebhahn’s version of RJ’s POTUS comment to create such a totally false impression in the minds of the police! To go out of your way to manufacture an utterly false impression in the minds of armed police about a target of your hate is exactly what the crime of swatting is. And that’s what Corey Rebhahn did. And he was 100% supported in this by Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope. They are guilty of conspiracy to lie to the FBI (a felony), aiding and abetting a felon, swatting, and obstructing justice by failing to go straight to the FBI to turn in the criminal Corey Rebhahn for his successful crime of getting the FBI to swat RJ for him using an entirely bogus story of RJ being a potential lethal threat to President Joe Biden (a claim with no reality at all, yet which was acted upon by the Vancouver police). These three individuals will therefore all be jailed for their incredibly serious crimes.
What will bring down Rebhahn are his contextual lies. He deliberately hid the context of a host of things so that he could present them in the most damaging and serious light possible. In his own mind, Rebhahn is not “lying” because he is pointing to things that were really said and done – except they were said and done in the OPPOSITE way from what he suggests! As CONTEXT instantly reveals. But Rebhahn always omits context and just expects to get away with it.
Let’s show you exactly how an experienced psychopathic liar like Rebhahn operates, while insisting that he hasn’t told a single lie.
So, we went through RJ’s two resignation posts from 30 and 31 July, and we cherrypicked all the quotes that made him look really bad and removed all the context that explained why he said these thigs. We were left with the following:
“I can’t pretend that I don’t advocate war and violence against my enemies because I wholeheartedly do. I’ve been praying for war and it is coming. This is who I am. And it’s been that way since kindergarten. I want my enemies to die. Current events have given me the opportunity to reflect on who I am and what my true goals are. Go ahead and label me anti-trans, anti-lgbtq, whatever. I will kill misogynists. I will kill bigots. I will kill racists. I know who I am. I believe it was Lil Low-Cuss’t who said AC/GS or die motherfuckers! You now all know where I stand.”
RJ FACTUALLY said all of that, so, in terms of this exercise, we’re not lying when we assert that he really said all of this seemingly disturbing stuff. But of course, we ARE lying – because, in this exercise, we deliberately and maliciously removed the entire context … to portray RJ as a nutcase. This is precisely what Rebhahn does … and DID. This is Rebhahn’s MO. He insists he’s NOT lying – because he repeats exactly words actually used by RJ – even while creating exactly the impression in the minds of the FBI and police that he (Rebhahn) intends them to have.
If the police and FBI were presented with the whole POTUS context, a completely different impression would have been created in their minds. That’s why being “economical with the truth” is also known as outright lying. Rebhahn outright lied to the FBI, yet has convinced himself he didn’t lie because RJ really did say those things that Rebhahn said he said. Rebhahn would swear on a Bible that he didn’t lie. He would pass a lie detector test. Psychopaths always do!
So, when Rebhahn swears to you that he didn’t lie, remember that his concept of lying is totally different from that of normal, law-abiding citizens.
Everyone knows this is his Rebhahn’s MO. He keeps doing it. Remember his STATEMENT against David Sinclair – cherrypicked quotes presenting Sinclair in the worst possible light. No context at all. Then the MESSAGE against the AC – cherrypicked quotes presenting the AC in the worst possible light. No context at all. Even quotes from characters in novels were deployed!
This is what this guy does. This is his thing. It’s to lie through his teeth, but then claim he hasn’t lied at all because he has been strictly factual. Rebhahn probably developed this technique as a child and has been doing it all his life. What he did to us in the STATEMENT and the MESSAGE was exactly what he did to RJ and Apollonius in his FBI complaint. The game is always the same – to present his enemies in the worst possible light he can contrive, while also rallying his own troops and presenting himself as a victim, martyr, a hero fighting for the persecuted minorities … and all that Woke baloney we are all so familiar with. And we know for a fact that 100% of Hyperian simps and gimps buy all of Rebhahn’s fucked-up, lying bullshit. He even got the FBI and Vancouver police to buy it!!! That’s how skilled he is at this Lying Game of his. But now he has been caught and will at last be going to jail. All of his many victims will be avenged. Justice will be done.
All the FBI have to do is compare the POTUS screenshot Rebhahn sent them, with RJ’s original POTUS screenshot, which RJ sent to the police … and that will be sufficient to jail Rebhahn!
When Rebhahn swears he is telling the truth, you should just laugh. He’s even lying about that. He doesn’t know what the truth is. He thinks “facts” – totally devoid of explanatory context – are the truth. They’re not. Without the context, they are LIES. Because why has the context been deliberately omitted – precisely so that Rebhahn can get away with creating a false impression about what is happening, i.e., he is LYING. He is always trying to create an impression that sanctifies him and demonizes his enemies.
Nietzsche said,
“To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence.”
And that goes for psychopaths too. Rebhahn has learned a simple technique that he uses over and over again. He calls it telling the factual truth; we call it lying by omission, lying by virtue of all the other facts that you left out which supplied the context.
This technique has obviously worked countless times for Rebhahn. He was so supremely confident of the technique that he used it with it the FBI! SUCCESSFULLY! (So far … but as soon as the FBI discover the truth, he will be arrested and will go to jail. At last. And so will those who conspired with him, who aided and abetted him, who conspired with him to commit his felony – namely, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Philip Shope. They all know Rebhahn lied, and they have fully supported him against us as we have relentlessly exposed his systematic lies.)
So, as part of his tried and tested technique, Rebhahn simply appended RJ’s POTUS message to the end of his mad version of RJ’s resignation message, i.e., he stripped the POTUS comment of all context and just put it there as if it was RJ’s concluding statement, his final statement of his intentions:
“Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the POTUS.”
That was “sold” to the FBI by Rebhahn as the thing most on RJ’s mind! In fact, it was a comment he made over two and a half years ago which he couldn’t even remember ever having said! And that’s why we fucking detest Phillip Shope for handing that lethal gun to Rebhahn. And why? JUST TO FUCK OVER HIS FORMER FRIEND FOR REVENGE. What a sick, evil cunt Shope is. He’d better have armored-plated necropants in jail!
Remember, Rebhahn does not think he lied because RJ factually said these things. Rebhahn, as he sees it, factually reported what RJ said. In reality, he factually omitted the ENTIRE CONTEXT. But he does not consider that lying. It serves his purposes PERFECTLY. And Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope now play this exact lying game too – claiming they are telling the truth and claiming we are liars – WHILE THEY LIE THROUGH THEIR TEETH TO EVERYONE.
As we have already said, we knew that Rebhahn did not provide screenshots in his initial complaint – because the word “current” was omitted. RJ referred to “the current POTUS” while Rebhahn referred only to “the POTUS”. Did he just make a mistake and accidentally miss out the word “current”? Or was this a very deliberate LIE? Because when RJ wrote the message the current president was of course Donald Trump. Rebhahn did not want to reveal that this post was years old. So, he took out the word “current” – a specific identifier for what POTUS was intended by RJ – and thus rendered the term very ambiguous. Who was intended? RJ was asked by the Vancouver detective whether he meant Biden, Trump or Obama. But the main effect, deliberately engineered by Rebhahn, was to make it seem that the sitting president Joe Biden was supposedly in RJ’s gunsights, i.e., this was a PRESENT deadly threat, not a harmless daydream from years ago.
This is the way Rebhahn’s psychopathic mind works. He thinks he’s being incredibly clever – a master criminal, a Professor Moriarty. In fact, he has totally fucked up. As soon as the FBI wake up and realize that Rebhahn invented a threat to Joe Biden that did not exist, Rebhahn will be arrested and prosecuted. It’s staggeringly irritating that this has not already happened, but it will.
We should share with you an informal comment that the Vancouver detective made to RJ at his interview, to the effect that, if anything, this case looked like RJ being deliberately harassed by Rebhahn. If this is what has gone into the detective’s report back to the FBI then all we’re waiting is for the FBI to take the decision to prosecute Rebhahn and his three accomplices, and that could come at any time. We are thinking of ways to get this whole process speeded up, and of course we earnestly hope the FBI are reading these posts.
As things currently stand, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope have one last opportunity to turn in Rebhahn and save themselves – to tell the FBI that they had no idea what Rebhahn actually put in the complaint (he withheld it from them) and they now want to totally distance themselves from any suggestion that RJ was ever any kind of threat to any POTUS. If they do not do that, they are fucked. They will PROVABLY be shown to have engaged in a conspiracy with a felon, and they will of course share his fate.
So, we will know by tomorrow night’s deadstream whether these rats have chosen to go down with Rebhahn’s sinking ship or are going to try to escape and avoid going to jail by providing witness statements AGAINST REBHAHN. Tick tock!
What they have to do is very specific. They have to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, and explain that they now know that Corey Rebhahn – maliciously and falsely – described RJ as a potentially lethal threat to President Joe Biden, and they know that this is 100% false and they will not support Rebhahn’s deceitful claim in any way.
That’s their only way out. Otherwise, their life, as they have known it, will be coming to an end, and they be beginning a new life … as convicts, prosecuted for deceiving the FBI about an incredibly serious threat to POTUS, which Rebhahn simply manufactured to fuck over RJ, Apollonius, and the AC – to get his revenge for our attempts to end his cult, which is of course what this is actually all about – and fuck all to do with POTUS! Yet the FBI’s entire interest in this case concerns POTUS!
So, exciting times. By tomorrow night, we will know if Rebhahn’s prime enablers are going to fall with their god or reject their god.
What’s the betting?
We think all three will perish alongside their god. They’re dumb and too brainwashed to get out, to do the sane and rational thing. All three are self-evidently in love with Rebhahn. Let’s hope they all have a big love-in in jail. Ho, ho, ho.