Corey Rebhahn’s Lies to the FBI (Part Two)



Today, we are going to look at the two screenshots that are going to send four people to jail for lying to the FBI – Corey Rebhahn (“Morgue”), Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, and Phillip Shope.
Rebhahn is the leader of the sinister and dangerous cult of Hyperianism, and Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope are the moderators of this cult, and the primary enablers and codependents of Rebhahn. They are all in love with him. They will never turn against him, hence will fall with him. It’s inevitable. People are often destroyed when they came under the spell of malignant narcissists and psychopaths.
So, let’s get straight down to business. The first screenshot is the source of RJ’s POTUS comment which is what this case is all about, and which prompted the FBI to carry out a real-world operation in response to an incredibly alarmist – and insane – complaint made to them by the psychopath Corey Rebhahn of North Hollywood.
Now, seriously, can any sane person imagine that this comment in a private chat with a friend (!) would lead years later to a cross-border FBI operation involving a supposed assassination plot against Joe Biden?! Yet that’s what happened (it really did!) – thanks to cult leader Corey Rebhahn, and his leading cultists, including the cultist Phillip Shope who was the person who supplied this screenshot to Corey Rebhahn, and which became the centerpiece of Rebhahn’s demented and false complaint to the FBI since, as the son of a cop, he knew this would definitely trigger an FBI operation, given that the FBI are legally obliged to investigate any viable threat to POTUS, and Rebhahn went out of his way to make RJ, his former moderator and friend of just a few days earlier (!) look like an imminent and deadly threat to POTUS and others, and was fully supported in this by his three mods, who all conspired to bring about this false and malicious complaint and actively supplied content vital to it.
This all ought to be unbelievable but when you’re dealing with a cult led by a pathological narcissist and psychopath, you can be sure unbelievable things will happen. Never forget the likes of Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson and L. Ron Hubbard. Rebhahn is on that spectrum. He is an incredibly disturbed individual and he even gives the exact reason why – he was subjected to extreme psychological abuse as a child (via manic Christian Fundamentalism), a situation which very often results in severe mental illness and the creation of a grandiose False Self as a psychological defense … this being the core element of the psychiatric condition of malignant narcissism, from which Corey Rebhahn self-evidently suffers … and all those around him have to pay the price.
Rebhahn’s complaint, we know, contained no screenshots. None were shown to RJ at his police interrogation by a Vancouver detective. We can assume that Rebhahn showed no screenshots because he had very selectively decided what to show the FBI, and what not to show them. This is his MO. However, to cover himself, he no doubt said to the FBI that he would show screenshots upon request (and, as we shall see, a request did indeed come!).
At his interrogation, RJ – who had no clue what the POTUS comment was all about and was certain he never said any such thing (he had literally forgotten this bantering remark from years earlier) – denied ever having made this comment. The FBI were made aware of this and immediately contacted Rebhahn and requested to actually see the POTUS comment (of course, Rebhahn never breathed a word of this on any of his deadstreams). For various reasons, which we will go into shortly, we know that Rebhahn must have sent them the following screenshot:
So, the first screenshot is the truth, and, had it been shown to the FBI, no FBI operation would ever have happened. The second screenshot is Rebhahn’s construct, the Lie, the fabrication – the smoking gun that made the FBI jump into action, even going to all the trouble of contacting a foreign country to get their police to carry out an operation against RJ.
Let’s compare and contrast the two screenshots, the first one being in context, the second one having been deliberately removed from its context by Rebhahn so that he could weave a fantasy about RJ being a homicidal maniac and a current threat to POTUS.
The first screenshot shows the exact date when the post was made: 30 March, 2020, when the sitting POTUS was, of course, Donald Trump. The second screenshot shows no date and, therefore, could have been made at any time, and Rebhahn wanted the FBI to believe that it had been made as the conclusion of RJ’s resignation from Hyperianism, and was his final thought before contact between RJ and him ended forever. It was presented as WHAT WAS ON RJ’S MIND. In reality, it was two and half years old and RJ couldn’t even remember the comment – since it was just banter with a friend who said worse things about Trump!
What sane person would imagine that a friend would submit to the psychopath Corey Rebhahn a “disturbing” comment about POTUS when that very friend had said MUCH MORE DISTURBING things in the same chat? That sort of thing CANNOT happen in the normal world. But it can certainly happen in the world of brainwashed cultists who worship their cult leader and will do anything for him, even fucking themselves over, as Phillip Shope has assuredly done. His betrayal of RJ in order to please Rebhahn will see him jailed for supplying false, fabricated information and REFUSING to make the true context clear. He actively conspired with Rebhahn to bring about the sick ends Rebhahn desired.
RJ was made to look “bad” because he denied ever having said anything about POTUS, yet it turned out he HAD said it – YEARS AGO! Did psychopathic Rebhahn foresee that this would happen?
Naturally, RJ believed he was being questioned about RECENT events. Why on earth would he remember private banter from years ago? And why on earth would stuff from years ago be relevant to today? Just consider how very differently things would have gone in RJ’s resignation if the detective had said to him, “Yeah, I can understand why you can’t remember it – you made it two and a half years ago! I don’t remember anything from then either!” Imagine if the detective had access to the screenshot – and why the fuck didn’t he? (any competent detective would have asked the FBI to provide him with the SOURCE MATERIAL, but not this guy … this is scandalously inept policing … vital information essential to this case, which would have cleared up everything IMMEDIATELY was not collected by either the FBI or the VPD, leading to extreme trauma for RJ … he could now sue the FBI and the VPD for negligence and wrongful interrogation and harassment … had they simply checked their facts, none of this could have happened … and it would NEVER have happened if the FBI and VPD were competent … why the fuck are WE having to prove what happened? … it’s not our fucking job … we’re having to do this because of the sheer ineptitude of the FBI and VPD, who have been utterly uncooperative in this whole matter … a total disgrace and insult to justice … no wonder calls for the FBI to be defunded are growing … if they are THIS inept, they certainly should be closed down … they themselves obstruct justice! …. That’s why they have so far failed to arrest the felon Corey Rebhahn, and his fellow conspirators.)
In a blatant lie to his mods, Rebhahn said,
“In my original report to the ic3 I said that quote was likely while trump was in office.”
How can it be “likely” that Trump was in office? The fucking screenshot shows the exact date when the comment was made – 30 March, 2020, when Donald Trump was unquestionably president, and it also features sinister comments about Trump by Phillip Shope. So, both Shope and Rebhahn knew for a 100% fact that Trump was the POTUS in question, but they REFUSED – in their blatant attempt to pervert the course of justice – to notify the FBI, so that the FBI could be DECEIVED into believing that RJ was an imminent threat to Joe Biden! Never forget that the two cops who hammered on RJ’s door said to him that he had been reported to have been driving around like a maniac, shouting out of his window that he was going to kill the president (Biden). They would never have held such a belief if they had seen screenshot 1. But of course they were basing their beliefs on what Rebhahn, VIA SHOPE, had sent them – the doctored screenshot 2.
Shope and Rebhahn self-evidently conspired to doctor screenshot 1 in order to maliciously get RJ swatted. They self-evidently fabricated evidence and lied to the FBI – a felony – and all the screenshot evidence is right here! No one can argue against the facts! RJ gave us the original screenshot and we published it months ago, back in September. Shope gave Rebhahn the original screenshot back in August and then he and Rebhahn, conspired, with malice aforethought, with the total intention of deceiving the FBI!, to present screenshot 2 (the false screenshot) rather than screenshot 1 (the true screenshot) to the FBI. We have literally proved it! And it’s a slam dunk FELONY.
Shope was of course extremely keen to remove himself from screenshot 1 because, in that whole chat, he makes horrifically violent statements against Donald Trump and his family! Shope was motivated to lie to avoid himself being investigated by the FBI, on exactly the same basis as RJ was! And he will be jailed for exactly that – agreeing with Rebhahn to doctor evidence to cause RJ, but not him, to be investigated regarding a threat to POTUS.
You cannot lay a single finger on evidence when you are involved in an FBI case. But the Rebhahn gang did exactly that. The two screenshots prove it! The FBI were NEVER shown the real screenshot. They were shown only what Shope and Rebhahn wanted them to see, which was maximally, maliciously, damaging to RJ, while protecting them!
The Vancouver detective had no idea that RJ had referred only to POTUS Donald Trump. Why not? Because Shope and Rebhahn conspired not to show that key information. The Vancouver detective had no idea that RJ had written “Never harms self or others” at the end of his message. Why not? Because Shope and Rebhahn conspired not to show that key information. The Vancouver detective had no idea that RJ had written this statement on 30 March, 2020. Why not? Because Shope and Rebhahn conspired not to show that key information. The Vancouver detective had no idea that RJ had been in a bantering chat with Phillip Shope about hating on Trump. Why not? Because Shope and Rebhahn conspired not to show that key information. Shope and Rebhahn conspired to remove not just one, but FOUR !!! vital pieces of evidence from screenshot 1 in order to lie to the FBI and fuck over RJ, while protecting themselves. This is their criminal MO – fabricating and distorting evidence to get others into serious trouble, and canceling others – while portraying themselves as innocent Woke victims!
These people are fucking disgusting. They are archetypal examples of Woke morality, which is to say IMMORALITY! Shope and Rebhahn are psychopaths and RIGHT NOW they are conspiring to obstruct justice by persisting with their grotesque and sordid lies. All four of the conspirators will be on their deadstream tonight, continuing to promote their squalid and insane lies.
Critically, the psychopath Corey Rebhahn said in the mod chat,
“In my follow up with them [the FBI] about a week or so ago I provided the screenshot of Rowan writing that.”
You can see exactly how much emphasis the FBI placed on the POTUS comment, how key it was to their understanding of this case … it was why they had taken it on in the first place. As soon as RJ denied saying it – which would of course instantly mean that the FBI had been brought into this matter on false pretenses – the FBI went to Rebhahn for proof that RJ DID say it. And Rebhahn sent them screenshot 2, NOT screenshot 1. And, right there, that’s LYING TO THE FBI – a felony. Because Rebhahn was deliberately and maliciously not showing the FBI the truth of the situation, a truth fully known to him and his gang, especially Shope, the source of the quote, without whom this could never have happened.
Rebhahn said, “I just checked the report I made to the IC3 and all of it is factual and none of your names are mentioned.” So this PROVES that Rebhahn did not show Screenshot 1 to the FBI (it would have revealed Shope!, the date, the right president and the “never harm” disclaimer). He did so INTENTIONALLY, in order to falsify evidence. Rebhahn said, “The FBI has legit information and this can be easily shown so it’s nothing to worry about.” HAHAHAHAH. So says a lying psychopath!
You’re fucked, Rebhahn. You’re a compulsive liar and all of your information to the FBI was illegitimate and malicious – and you will be jailed for it. As soon as the FBI see screenshot 1, you are finished.
Now, we already know that Shope, Torgensen, and Mitchell are going to play the innocents when the shit hits the fan. They will claim they are mere “witnesses” and they will deny they had anything to do with the writing of the complaint (it’s now crystal clear that Rebhahn did this psychopathic hatchet job on his own, using ammo supplied by the other three – who are of course material to his complaint and therefore part of his conspiracy … they are anything other than witnesses!). But they will all read this post and therefore they can be in no doubt about what Rebhahn has been up to. If they take no action against him – and we know they won’t – then they will hang with him as his active criminal accomplices.
Necrophil hilariously said,
“You think they’re going to lie to the FBI?”
You’re the fuckers lying to the FBI, you cretin. All we have to do is relentlessly expose your lies, and that’s exactly what we’re doing! That’s why you’re going to jail, you cunt … because you have failed to come forward to the FBI and show them screenshot 1 – which you sourced to Rebhahn – and therefore you are perverting the course of justice, a felony.
Shope said,
“They also say the claim by the ‘former moderator’ was fabricated, but we have screenshots.”
You sure do, you Muppet – and that’s WHY you’re going to jail! Rebhahn showed the FBI a doctored screenshot (screenshot 2), not the real screenshot (screenshot 1), and that constitutes fabricating evidence and lying to the FBI, and that’s exactly why you and your god Rebhahn are going to jail!
Rebhahn said,
“Yeah idk what they’re talking about we have screenshots of everything.”
Yeah, so do we, you mad fuck, and they’re totally different from the doctored ones you showed to the FBI – and that’s why you’re going to jail! All the FBI have to do is check our screenshots and yours – and see the vast gulf for themselves – the truth versus the lie!
Necrophil said,
“They’re just going to keep escalating until it actually destroys them.”
That’s what you crazy fucks did when you made your complaint to the FBI – you will be totally destroyed by that mad act!
Shope said, “I have everything screenshotted, copied and added to my AC conflict folder.” And that’s precisely why you cannot plead ignorance of all the decisive evidence we have accumulated against you and your gang! You are now on the hook. You now know for a fact that DOCTORED EVIDENCE was sent by Rebhahn to the FBI, and since you have failed to go to the FBI with that key knowledge, you have now engaged in a clear conspiracy with Rebhahn to protect him (and yourself), and pervert the course of justice.
Fat Jan said,
“I think their full of crap about the fbi.”
Well, you would, you fat fuck, out of your skull on testosterone and pooping and punching walls. You people are the most lowlife scum. And it’s “they’re” not “their”, by the way. Fucking moron. Can you get any fatter, fatty?!
So, literally all the FBI have to do is look at these two screenshots. Then all the FBI have to say to Rebhahn is: “We instructed you to send us the screenshot of Rowan James making the POTUS quote. We now see that you deliberately sent us a doctored screenshot, not the original, to conceal the true context of the message. Therefore, Mr Rebhahn, you have attempted to deceive the FBI, which is a felony. You will now be read your rights, Mr Rebhahn, and be placed under arrest.”
That’s what we’re all waiting for. It really is that simple. It’s almost inexplicable that this has not happened already. Why are the FBI holding off from arresting and prosecuting this repulsive, evil, worthless, diseased creature? Is he their agent? Does he have some bizarre hold over them? Are the FBI working for, or terrified of, those playing the Woke victim card, the non-binary card? This cowardice towards arresting non-binary people must end. They are not some protected species with a special status in law. They have no fucking special status regarding anything.
As soon as the FBI do this screenshot comparison and see how badly they have been deceived by the Hyperian cult, four people will be arrested and will go to jail, the four people involved in the conspiracy to dupe the FBI, namely Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, and Phillip Shope.
And there’s nothing they can do about it. As soon as Rebhahn sent the doctored screenshot following a specific instruction from the FBI to let them see the true screenshot, he was finally finished. And the others are finished because they are aiding and abetting Rebhahn, conspiring with him, and obstructing justice by not telling the FBI what they know about these matters.
Remember, anyone directly interacting with the FBI, or party to a complaint made to the FBI, is obliged to fully cooperate with the FBI and be absolutely truthful with them, and not send them doctored evidence, maliciously designed to get others into trouble. The Rebhahn gang did exactly that!
So, bye, bye, you fucking lunatics.
How fucking insane were you to deceive the FBI into carrying out a swatting operation and expect to get away with it?
We now have a working hypothesis about what is happening with the VPD and FBI. We believe that the VPD detective, following his interview with RJ, sent a report to the FBI saying there was nothing to see, that, if anything, RJ was the victim, and that RJ denied making the POTUS statement (which was in any case a totally bizarre statement if supposedly connected with RJ’s resignation from Hyperianism in July – why on earth would he refer to POTUS?!).
The FBI immediately acted and ordered Rebhahn to produce the POTUS screenshot. Rebhahn produced doctored screenshot 2, not the true screenshot 1. The one fly in the ointment for RJ was that he DID say the POTUS comment, but denied it (understandably) at his interview, while Rebhahn produced screenshot 2 and thus appeared to be vindicated. And that’s why things are currently stuck. Had Rebhahn NOT produced screenshot 2, he would have been arrested. We now need to ensure that the FBI get to see that screenshot 2 was DOCTORED, and thus Rebhahn deceived the FBI and must be arrested.
RJ actually sent screenshot 1 and two other screenshots from the same private chat with Phillip Shope to the Vancouver detective – BUT GOT NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Our working assumption is that the detective SIMPLY IGNORED THEM. He couldn’t be bothered with this case anymore. He had sent his report to the FBI and that was it. He wasn’t interested anymore. When RJ said to the detective that he would lodge a swatting complaint against Rebhahn with the North Hollywood PD, HE WAS AGAIN COMPLETELY IGNORED. The complaint has been lodged, regardless, but cannot be actioned while the FBI case is ongoing.
Or did RJ’s messages go to a spam folder, hence were never seen?
Another curious thing that happened was that RJ got stopped by a cop and was told that some of his contact info was out of date (it wasn’t!). He was asked for his phone number and email. We have no idea what that was all about. Does it suggest some breakdown in communications? In any case, RJ has heard absolutely nothing since.
We need to push this issue now. One way or another, we need to make sure that the FBI get to clearly see Screenshot 1 versus Screenshot 2. When they do, Rebhahn and his three mods will be arrested and Hyperianism will end. Perhaps we will use the IC3 mechanism – exactly as Rebhahn did! But one way or another, it will soon be the Rebhahn gang under formal examination. And all of their sick and deranged lies will be exposed! The evidence against them is overwhelming and incontestable.
Justice is coming … AT LAST.
By the way, we would like everyone to monitor Rebhahn’s deadstream for the presence of the mysterious donor “Filanthrowpissed” who showed up exactly as Rebhahn’s Patreon numbers were collapsing and exactly as Rebhahn made his Patreon stats private so that no one could see what was happening. Don’t you smell something very fishy?!
And also pay close attention to Rebhahn’s interactions with the animal killer Joel the Swindler. It’s very odd for a man who calls himself a vegan and anti-Christian and says he campaigns against unnecessary suffering to be getting financed by a Jesus freak who kills animals for fun, after cruelly hunting them down. That sums up what a psychopath Rebhahn is and how his true priority is never principle but always MONEY. Always follow the money.
We have now received the manuscript for TAKE HYPERIANISM TO THE MORGUE, and it’s so long that it will have two parts. We have also completed a book called DELETE HYPERIANISM.
David G McAfee’s latest article on Hyperianism is due in the next few weeks too.
December will be the cruelest month for Hyperianism. We are lining up a huge offensive. It will be decisive. All red flags are flying.