Corey’s Lies to the FBI (Part Eight)



Here’s a nightmare for you. You find yourself in an interrogation room with a lamp shining in your eyes, and a detective comes in and reads you your rights and asks you if you want a lawyer. “What’s this all about?” you innocently ask. Then he tells you, “Do you intend to assassinate the president of the USA?” You instantly wake up.
But RJ didn’t wake up. It was REAL LIFE for RJ. Something very much like this happened to him in August … and the situation still hasn’t gone away. He’s still facing this accusation. He hasn’t been formally cleared. Can you imagine? No, you can’t.
What brought this about? After all, all that RJ actually did was RESIGN FROM HYPERIANISM. So why did such a harmless action lead him to police HQ in Vancouver to be questioned about being a possible active shooter and potential deadly threat to President Biden?
To end up in such a bizarre situation you need to have come into contact with supremely bizarre people. Unknowingly for RJ, he had in fact been working with supremely bizarre people for YEARS, and imagined them as close friends and colleagues, people he could really count on. Bad mistake! He imagined these people to be normal human beings. They weren’t. They were CULTISTS, and, for such people, everything is sacrificed to the cult, and, above all, the CULT LEADER.
The cult leader is ALWAYS ground zero of the weirdness, the bizarreness, the freakishness. It all flows from him. He sucks others into his fantasy … and it becomes a shared fantasy. No one wants to leave.
RJ thought his colleagues liked him. They didn’t like HIM. They liked the fact that he was a prominent member of their CULT, advancing its cause day after day. When RJ ceased to be a member of their cult, he became an ENEMY of their cult, and then they didn’t like him at all. In fact, they hated him and wanted to destroy him. And they attempted exactly that. What was done to RJ proves by itself that Hyperianism is a sick and dangerous cult. No group of normal people behave like this. But cultists do.
The Hyperian cult leader Corey Rebhahn is a pathological overt narcissist and psychopath. So is Allie Torgensen. And Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope are pathological covert narcissists and psychopaths.
What happened to RJ happened because he was in a nest of malignant narcissists and psychopaths and didn’t realize it. He got fucked over because he was working with profoundly disturbed, abnormal people, not easy going, normal people. He was working with people who had been drawn into Corey Rebhahn’s insane fantasy, and it had become their insane fantasy too. When RJ left the fantasy, he automatically became an enemy of the fantasy. Rebhahn immediately asked RJ if he was working with us. That was ALL he cared about. He didn’t give a shit about RJ as a person. When RJ said he was supporting us, his doom was sealed. The four narcissists and psychopaths immediately started conspiring to ruin his life. They really did. The preservation of their cult, and, especially, cult God, was all that mattered to them.
And so a nightmare for the rest of us, something from which we could wake up, became a real experience for RJ, and he can’t wake up from it. It still hangs over his head.
Back in August, the Vancouver detective asked RJ:
“Regarding the statement you allegedly made (‘Almost missed my turn off the highway because I was daydreaming so hard of all the ways one could execute the “POTUS”’), have you ever made such a statement against President Joe BIDEN, Donald TRUMP, Barack OBAMA, any US president.”
As we have previously discussed, neither the FBI nor VPD knew who “POTUS” was in this statement. Was it Biden, Trump, Obama, or someone else?! How could the FBI/VPD NOT know if they had seen the source of this quote – a quote that was two and half years old and specifically about Donald Trump. Well, as we all now know, they were never shown the true statement in its true context. They weren’t show the date when it was made, which president was being referenced, the disclaimer words that followed “Never harms self or others”, and the fact that current Hyperian mod Phillip Shope said much worse things in the same private chat. WHY were they never shown any of this key information? BECAUSE Corey Rebhahn and his fellow conspirators DELIBERATELY AND MALICIOUSLY – WITH FULL INTENT TO DECEIVE THE FBI!!!! – removed the statement from its context and placed it in an entirely new, false context … at the end of RJ’s resignation message from Hyperianism back in July.
There is no question whatsoever that the Rebhahn gang lied to the FBI by removing evidence from its true context where it was part of obvious harmless private banter to a completely new, deceitful context where it was absolutely intended by the Rebhahn gang to give the impression that RJ was a MANIAC.
Remember, when two police showed up on RJ’s doorstep, they said they were investigating a report that he had guns and was driving around crazily, shouting out of his car window that he was going to kill the president. No one seemed curious about why a Canadian would be concerned about the president of a foreign country!
Now, there is no evidence anywhere about RJ shouting out of any car window. The POTUS statement specifically says that he was “daydreaming” – a silent activity, and also a 100% crime-free activity! Daydreams are not crimes. They should be of zero interest to the FBI and VPD.
Why did the cops just make up this nonsense about RJ making death threats to the president (Biden) out of his car window? When they were sent round to RJ’s apartment, they had clearly been given awareness of the POTUS quote. But the POTUS quote doesn’t refer to any sort of crime. Daydreaming cannot be a crime. The cops therefore simply converted the POTUS quote into something that could possibly be a crime – an unstable, violent person, with guns, driving around in a lunatic way, making public death threats to the American president … a clear and present danger to people … an imminent, radicalized active shooter … a member of a hate group promoting Armageddon. This impression of RJ is PRECISELY the one furnished to the FBI/VPD by the Rebhahn gang.
In fact, RJ wasn’t unstable, wasn’t violent, didn’t have guns, wasn’t driving around shouting out of his window that he was going to kill the president or anyone else, wasn’t a clear and present danger to anyone, wasn’t an imminent active shooter, wasn’t radicalized, wasn’t a member of a hate group, and wasn’t promoting any kind of apocalypse. In other words, the impression so carefully crafted by the Rebhahn gang in their complaint to the FBI was TOTALLY FALSE. It was a 100% LIE.
All that RJ had actually done was resign from Hyperianism. That, of course, is not any kind of crime – but the lunatics COREY REBHAHN, ALLIE TORGENSEN, SUSAN MITCHELL AND PHILLIP SHOPE believe it IS a crime – THE CRIME – and one worthy of being communicated to the FBI!!!!!
When the cops talked to RJ, they realized that he was nothing like the caricature the Rebhahn gang had presented of him. They no doubt went back to base and said the whole thing seemed like nonsense. The VPD detective even mentioned that it looked like RJ was being harassed by the complainant.
The issue is why action hasn’t yet been taken against the Rebhahn gang, and that probably stems from the central lie told by the Rebhahn gang – about POTUS. RJ had no recollection of this bantering remark from years earlier and so denied he ever said it. The FBI went to Rebhahn and asked him to prove this comment had been said. Rebhahn duly produced his doctored screenshot, showing no context whatsoever, but implying it was at the end of RJ’s resignation message.
So, the impression the FBI were left with was: RJ was deceitful – he HAD said the POTUS statement but had denied saying it. While Rebhahn was truthful – he declared that RJ said these words, and PROVED it. They probably concluded that RJ wasn’t a maniac but was “dodgy”, while Rebhahn was a bit hysterical but had accurately reported what RJ said. In other words, they arrived at a kind of “score-draw” or “six of one and half a dozen of another” conclusion. They are now just sitting on the whole thing, unable to make a decision, and not regarding it as a kind of priority. They have probably concluded that RJ is no kind of threat, so the complaint was false in that respect, but the Rebhahn gang were right to be concerned and flag this matter, so can’t be accused of deceiving the FBI. And that’s why the Rebhahn gang haven’t been arrested.
The FBI have shown no curiosity about this case, and not delved into it at all. They haven’t performed any true checks. They haven’t interviewed the Rebhahn gang. They haven’t followed up additional evidence supplied by RJ. They haven’t read any of our analysis of this case, exposing lie after lie told by the Rebhahn gang. They simply haven’t done anything – showing that they are completely inept. They are basically treating the case as “inactive”, as something not worthy of follow up. Their complacent plan was probably to just put this matter on file and then write it off after a year and tell all parties that no further action would be taken. You know, the worst type of law enforcement – absolute laziness and ineptitude. Just mindless bureaucracy. That’s why the FBI should be defunded. It has clearly ceased to be fit for purpose. It can’t be bothered doing proper investigations. That’s why 9/11 happened. The same complacency and refusal to check details properly – to just accept lies as if they were truth. Nothing has changed. The whole culture of the FBI is fucked. They just can’t be arsed doing proper investigation rather than superficial, mindless crap.
However, RJ has now filed an IC3 complaint to the FBI, and so they will now have to start paying attention. Remember, all that RJ actually has to establish is that the POTUS quote was doctored by being completely removed from its true context and placed in a new, totally false context. That right there is a felony and WILL see the whole Rebhahn gang jailed once the FBI investigate this case PROPERLY, and stop slavishly believing the complaint just because Rebhahn is the son of a cop and probably used his dad’s influence to get this treated with high priority. Rebhahn’s father should be investigated regarding all this.
As soon as someone intelligent at the FBI sees the original screenshot, it’s curtains for the Rebhahn gang.
Tick tock!
RJ was asked by the detective,
“If you have [made this POTUS statement], in what context did you make the statement(s).”
RJ had absolutely no memory of saying this comment and so emphatically denied having said it. However, when he gained access to the private mod chat and saw that PHILLIP SHOPE had brought this ancient comment to the attention of the other conspirators, he was able to go back and discover the true source of this comment. Even then, he had no memory of having said it. It was obviously just a throwaway, bantering remark in the moment. The Rebhahn gang, however, decided to paint it as something extraordinarily sinister.
The key thing is that RJ DID say this POTUS comment, but in a 100% different context from the one claimed by the Rebhahn conspirators. So, when the CONTEXT is finally investigated by the FBI, this fact will be discovered. It is unambiguous and incontestable, and will see the whole Rebhahn gang jailed since all of them together – WITH MALICE AFORETHOUGHT – criminally removed the POTUS from a harmless context and placed it in a context suggesting extreme, murderous violence … in order to get RJ swatted and, above all, do extreme and hopefully lethal damage to the AC.
You people in Rebhahn’s gang are totally fucked the moment the FBI look at RJ’s complaint and the real evidence rather than your complaint and all your false evidence.
To this day, your god Rebhahn will be telling you that we are insane and lying all the time, and you will believe him. You always do. Even though he hasn’t shown you what he put in his IC3 complaint – no doubt claiming that he can’t legally show you what he said (yet another of his convenient lies) – you still believe utterly that he has been honest and truthful. All of you know that we have been absolutely open with all of our evidence about this case (unlike Rebhahn who doesn’t even mention it!), so we’ll soon see who has been telling the truth!
No one accused by Rebhahn in his complaint has been arrested and charged with anything. Doesn’t that worry you? It should. It means that no one committed any crimes even though you maniacs alleged that a lethal conspiracy was underway, centered on assassinating the president of the USA. Do you seriously imagine that you can get away with saying such things about entirely innocent people? Your insane, defamatory lies will see you all jailed. And good riddance.
“Really, it’s for the best due. I just would hate for them to try and use that against you and imply you know what’s going on or something.”
But all of you DO know what’s going on! Who the fuck are you trying to kid? You are literally engaged in a conspiracy to stop Fat Jan spilling the beans. (Fat Jan had just said, “I deleted all my responses” in regard to the factual statement that the POTUS statement was criminally added to the end of RJ’s resignation.)
Rebhahn quickly said,
“Do not reply. Do not say anything about this. This is very important.”
And this is always Rebhahn’s strategy. Total denial.
We call Rebhahn an insane liar, and constantly talk about his insane lies.
Rebhahn calls us insane and liars, yet demands that none of his cultists EVER refers to these FBI matters.
Something to hide, fuckwit?
Shope said,
“Just remember, the president statement was not ‘added to the end’, and Morgue did clarify it was likely a statemen made when Trump was president and not recently. Everything was clarified as examples of violent rhetoric. According to what Morgue has told us within the scope of what they can say.”
Rebhahn can just show you what he put in his IC3 complaint. Why hasn’t he? Because he LIED to you!!!
Morgue DID add the POTUS statement to the end of RJ’s resignation. Morgue did NOT say that Trump was the president, “likely” or otherwise (we all know that Trump was FACTUALLY the president 30 March 2022, and no one knows that better than SHOPE, who supplied the quote!). Morgue DID say that the comment was made very recently – as the conclusion of RJ’s resignation. We 100% know this given what the cops said to RJ and given what questions he was asked in his interrogation by the detective. Shope, Torgensen and Mitchell are aiding and abetting Rebhahn in his proven lies, and obstructing justice. They are criminally engaged in an active conspiracy with the criminal Corey Rebhahn.
So, we know for a fact that Rebhahn lied in his complaint to the FBI about POTUS and that he lied to the other three goons too (Shope, Mitchell and Torgensen – dumb, dumber, and dumbest), but they completely accepted his lies and still accepted his lies even though we have proved that the FBI/VPD knew absolutely nothing about the POTUS comment being an old bantering remark about Trump, where Shope talked about guillotining Trump and burning his family (apparently that’s NOT violent rhetoric – ho, ho ho – seemingly only RJ does the violent rhetoric thing … we can PROVE otherwise!)
The lie that Shope, Torgensen, and Mitchell have been telling themselves is that they “merely” highlighted “violent rhetoric” by RJ and Apollonius, backed by “screenshots”, and were concerned by it and advised to send it to the FBI, and it was up to the FBI to decide what to do with it. They were just “witnesses”, supporting Morgue on Patreon, and so they cannot possibly be criminals. The truth of course is that social media is awash with violent rhetoric and hate and no sane person EVER goes to the FBI with it! It took insane people like Morgy Porgy and his weirdo gang to decide on that deranged course of action. Only CULTISTS behave this way. Normal people never do.
And Morgy Porgy himself knew that the FBI would never take action over a bunch of ten-a-penny social media screenshots of private chats between friends and colleagues. He had to tell the FBI a fantastic tale to get them to take action. The tale he told was that RJ was an imminent active shooter. He was “extremely unstable”, had extremely violent urges, was heavily armed, and had threated Hyperians, Woke liberals and even POTUS. He was a member of a neo-Nazi hate group (the AC, supposedly) who had radicalized him and made him an assassin and terrorist. According to the Rebhahn fairytale, the AC was conspiring to bring about Armageddon. We know this because these are the questions that were put to RJ by the VPD detective. THAT is what got the FBI to carry out a cross-border operation.
This entire fiction is based on relentless LYING. And everyone knows it, especially Rebhahn himself, of course … AND Shope, Torgensen and Mitchell who are actively conspiring with Rebhahn and aiding and abetting him in his ongoing lies to the FBI (he continues to maintain his lies and is fully supported in this criminal act by his mods), thus obstructing justice. We have the PROOF that all of these people are 100% aware of the evidence we have presented. If Shope, Torgensen and Mitchell were good faith actors in these matters, they would have been shocked by our evidence – THE TRUTH – and turned Rebhahn into the FBI, as all people are mandated to do when they discover a criminal. They have not done so and that makes them his active accomplices in perverting the course of justice and seeking to deceive the FBI on a continuing basis.
Rebhahn is a pathological narcissist and psychopath. He lies COMPULSIVELY. Anyone who supports such a person and believes such a person has damned themselves. It’s always because cult leaders – and their senior aides – lie and cheat relentlessly that they end up in jail. They can’t help themselves. The truth is not something for which they have any respect. Lies are their currency. And often their lies work and they get away with it – until they tell lies that are far too big, such as the lies the Rebhahn gang told the FBI.
RJ was asked by the detective,
“Do you have any intent to physically harm the US president? Any other person?”
Why was RJ having to respond to such absurd questions? BECAUSE OF THE SICK LIES OF THE REBHAHN GANG. Pure and simple.
RJ was asked by the detective,
“What information do you have regarding moderators of Hyperianism?”
LOADS. All proving that they lied to the FBI! And that they are sick criminal fucks.
RJ was asked by the detective,
“What information do you have regarding the entity ‘Morgue’.?”
Entity?!!! That sums it up! LOADS – proving that he fabricated evidence and lied to the FBI, a felony.
RJ was asked by the detective,
“What information do you have regarding authors using the pseudonyms Mike Hockney, Mark Romel, Jack Tanner, Thomas Stark, David Sinclair, Joe Dixon, etc.”
They’re all AC/PI authors. YAY! And they going to DELETE HYPERIANISM. YAY!
That concluded the list of farcical questions put to RJ. Why was he forced to endure this ordeal? All because of the insane Rebhahn gang and their insane, diseased lies about RJ and the AC.
These people will pay for what they did. They will be prosecuted and jailed for their malicious lies and fabrications.
RJ said, “I will kill misogynists.” So fucking what! People say stuff like that every day.
RJ said, “I will kill bigots.” So fucking what! People say stuff like that every day.
RJ said, “I will kill racists.” So fucking what. People say stuff like that every day.
And why the fuck would Hyperians and the Woke and POTUS feel threatened by any of that? – unless of course THEY are misogynists, bigots and racists!!!
RJ said,
“I believe it was Lil Low-Cuss’t who said AC/GS or die motherfuckers!” So fucking what? RJ was referring to a fictional LOCUST!
RJ said,
“My fight isn’t with the PI. It’s with the right wing conservative lunatics.”
So how the fuck did the AC/PI get converted by Rebhahn into a far-right neo-N**i hate group? Because he couldn’t possibly say the AC/PI are the radical left. That wouldn’t match his mad narrative at all!
RJ said,
“Current events have given me opportunity to reflect on who I am and what my true goals are. Destroying the conservative right-wing pigs.”
So, why on earth would RJ be a threat to Joe Biden, the current POTUS, as the Rebhahn gang insanely claimed?
Not a single thing RJ said was criminal. He spoke in very common rhetorical and hyperbolic terms regarding “killing” as people do all the time on social media. Except he did it in private – with his TRUSTED friends and colleagues. Except they turned out to be absolutely untrustworthy cunts who wanted to totally fuck him over and ruin his life – for leaving their cult!
RJ didn’t threaten any person. He didn’t make any death threats against any individuals. He didn’t threaten Hyperians. He didn’t threaten Woke liberals. He didn’t threaten POTUS. All he did was chat with people he saw as friends. And for that “crime”, he was swatted!!!! What a disgrace. But justice will be done.
RJ committed no crimes of any kind He did nothing wrong, not a single thing. Yet he was forced by the Rebhahn gang to endure an enormous trauma.
They will get back much worse than they inflicted on RJ. They will get back JAIL for what they did, their crimes, their lies, their mad attempt to defend and avenge their cult leader.


It has no future.