For the last eight days, we have looked at all the lies that went into the Rebhahn gang’s false and malicious complaint to the FBI regarding RJ. And let’s be 100% clear about this – IT WAS ALL LIES!!! There was no truth in it at all. These lies led to RJ being swatted. He was CRIMINALLY swatted by the Rebhahn gang … and they will all be jailed for it. They had no right in law to make the complaint to the FBI that they did. They had no legitimate reason for their action, only illegitimate reasons. They did it because they were in a narcissistic rage concerning David Sinclair’s book, published mere days earlier, and were determined to have their REVENGE. That was their entire motive, and we have screenshots from their private chat to prove this. They talked about their anger, and their hatred for us. They said that we made a “big fucking mistake” and they referred to songs about WARFARE.
Their first attempt to avenge themselves was their libelous STATEMENT, where they tried their hardest to demonize the AC and get us canceled. All of their cultists swallowed this defamatory nonsense wholesale. Everyone else saw right through the smoke and mirrors and many spoke out against the obvious smear campaign.
The Rebhahn gang realized that something stronger was required. And Corey Rebhahn – son of a cop and someone who constantly talks about going to see lawyers – decided that robust language used to him by RJ and Apollonius (of the type that is used everywhere on social media!) could be reinterpreted as hate speech, as threats of violence, as death threats, as evidence of radicalization – by the AC! – and evidence of a criminal conspiracy to launch ARMAGEDDON (!). Seriously!
Rebhahn is self-evidently insane, and he created an insane, lurid, fantastical tale – based on nothing but magical thinking – to present a picture to the FBI that RJ and Apollonius were radicalized ASSASSINS – turned into killers by the AC – and the FBI had better act straight away to stop an imminent TERRORIST INCIDENT. Rebhahn’s goal was crystal clear – to get revenge on RJ and Apollonius for criticizing him – and, above all, to give the FBI reasons to launch a full-scale investigation into the AC/PI and thus silence us (stop us writing the truth about Rebhahn and his cult every day). He wanted to totally fuck us over and fuck us up. Edgelord Morgue – Terror of Men – had come out to play.
Rebhahn was for sure the Prime Mover in this insanity, but he was backed up to the hilt by his three most extreme cult supporters, Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, and Phillip Shope, all of whom knew what he was up to and all of whom gave him vital ammunition to weave his mad fantasy. They were as angry and as intent on revenge as he was. The card they played was of course the Woke victim card – and they presented the picture to the FBI that they were innocent, peace-loving, Woke individuals now living in FEAR FOR THEIR LIVES because a neo-N**i terrorist group (!) had targeted them and radicalized two former Hyperians to MURDER them, and wage war against Woke liberals, and even had a plan to assassinate POTUS to create Armageddon.
Now, as any sane person knows, you cannot make up baseless nonsense and send it to the FBI in the hope that they will swipe your enemies and solve your problems and private disputes for you! They are not working for you. They are upholding the law (allegedly).
Being insane, the Rebhahn gang – since they had no ACTUAL EVIDENCE of the demented conspiracy they were proposing – believed that they could rely on “violent rhetoric” (supposedly used by RJ and Apollonius) to “validate” their claims. The Rebhahn gang seriously believed that by interpreting “screenshots” – in the most hysterical way possible – they could justifiably assert that they were under an immediate TERRORIST THREAT.
And let’s not be in any way shy about this. The Rebhahn gang characterized the AC/PI as a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, targeting “Hyperians”, “Woke liberals” … and “POTUS”!! And RJ and Apollonius – two former Hyperians – were supposedly two radicalized TERRORISTS whom the AC/PI had “activated” and sent into the field to kill Hyperians, Woke liberals … and POTUS!
Now, in what world can you get away with branding people as TERRORISTS based on nothing more than screenshots that lend zero support to any such notion? Well, you CAN’T get away with it. The whole Rebhahn gang will be going to jail for baselessly claiming that RJ, Apollonius, and the AC/PI, were TERRORISTS, in order to swat RJ and Apollonius (who were indeed swatted) and get the AC closed down. That obviously did not happen! We’re still here – despite the Rebhahn gang’s ongoing attempts to cancel us (and steal our work!).
These people are insane and their insanity was fully manifest in their deranged complaint to the FBI. It was exactly because they were so successful in painting a demented picture of the AC/PI that the FBI were triggered to carry out a real-world operation. Of course, when the FBI spoke directly to Apollonius, they encountered a very intelligent, calm person who was the opposite of what they had been led to believe. And exactly the same thing happened when the cops encountered RJ. And precisely because of that, no action whatsoever was taken against the AC/PI, their alleged radicalizers – given that there was absolutely nothing to investigate. We weren’t terrorists, weren’t planning a terrorist campaign, and hadn’t sent two assassins into the field to start our supposed mission to unleash ARMAGEDDON. Er, Rebhahn, the book “The Armageddon Conspiracy” – great book! – is a novel, a fiction, about the Abrahamic God actually being the Devil (the Gnostic Demiurge), and a group of people trying to find the sacred weapons which could be used to assassinate the Devil and free the universe of evil. Rebhahn actually used this novel to present us as far-right terrorists trying to cause Armageddon by killing Hyperians, Woke liberals and POTUS!!!!
It would be hilarious if the consequences of the Rebhahn’s gang lies had not proved so serious. They seriously tried to ruin several people’s lives.
No one should be in any doubt that INSANE people do INSANE things.
Narcissists – and Corey Rebhahn, Allie Torgensen, Phillip Shope and Susan Mitchell are all EXTREME narcissists (pathological narcissists) – are characterized by a psychological construct (defense mechanism) called the FALSE SELF. This False Self engages in magical thinking and lives in a fantasy world where everything works out perfectly. The False Self, since it is UNREAL, has no reality principle and can carry out no real-world reality testing.
When the Rebhahn gang sent their complaint to the FBI, their focus was on using “screenshots” to support their demented claims. They believed that they were thereby protected from any assertion that they had maliciously lied through their teeth to do harm to others. They believed they could “justify” their claims with “evidence”. What they completely forgot was that their claims were going to be tested in the real world with real people. They presented RJ and Apollonius as terrorists. But as soon as anyone actually talked to RJ and Apollonius, it was going to be self-evident that they were NOT terrorists. Hence why were they being called terrorists?!
Mad people don’t realize that their mad claims will actually be put to the test in the real world and will fail!
Professor Sam Vaknin, an expert on pathological narcissism, is himself a pathological narcissist … and went to jail! He has an IQ, he says, of 190. Which would make him one of the most intelligent people in history. Yet he still ended up in jail. What makes the Rebhahn gang imagine they will NOT be going to jail for the false, malicious claims they made? Well, it’s only magical thinking – their inability to imagine reality – that lies behind their fantasy that they are getting away with this. They aren’t. Their lives as they have known them are about to come to a shuddering end. They will be arrested, they will be prosecuted, they will be found guilty, and they will be jailed. Why? Because they maliciously lied about others to fuck them over, and that’s obviously illegal. That’s about as ILLEGAL AS IT GETS. We would expect them to receive maximum sentences for the crime of lying to the FBI (itself a crime) in order to swat others (another incredibly serious crime!). That’s certainly what they deserve.
Sam Vaknin said,
“…the narcissist’s delusions … constitute mental illness because they impair reality testing and are self-defeating. They involve severe cognitive and emotional deficits and result in egregious misconduct … with dire consequences, psychological (mortification) or physical (prison, divorce, bankruptcy).”
Cult leaders either die in mass suicide or homicide events or go to jail. The cult leaders of Hyperianism will be going to jail for telling extraordinarily serious lies about their legitimate critics.
It was always inevitable that we would prove victorious over Hyperianism. Because we are sane and live in reality … they are not and do not. They inhabit a fantasy world of magical thinking where everything miraculously works out well for them. But this is the real world, not HYPERIA. They’re in the wrong world!
We’ll give one piece of advice to the demented trio of Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell and Phillip Shope, although we have no expectation that they will listen to reason (they are, after all, INSANE). You have perhaps one last gasp chance to save yourselves. You would need to go to the FBI STRAIGHT AWAY and blame EVERYTHING on Corey Rebhahn. You won’t, of course. Because he is your GOD! And you are NOTHING without him. And thus you will share his fate and go to jail with him. So, fuck you! Don’t say that we didn’t give you every opportunity to do the right thing.
Cults always end in catastrophe and extreme harm to dozens and even hundreds of people, and so it will be with Hyperianism. We really think that some Hyperians will kill themselves … and it’s all on Rebhahn, Torgensen, Mitchell and Shope. Not that they care. Malignant narcissists have no empathy.
By the way, isn’t it amusing that the three goons can’t ask Rebhahn to show them what he actually sent to the FBI because that would be to express DOUBT in their God, and that’s what worshipers CANNOT do. So even though we have proved that the Rebhahn complaint to the FBI is full of lies, the three goons have to go on believing that Rebhahn told the truth, and that’s why they will be implicated with him. They knowingly failed to turn in a criminal once they knew he was a criminal. Instead, they aided and abetted him, conspired with him to maintain their collective lies, and sought to obstruct justice.
So, Lunatic Fairy is one of Rebhahn’s top donors on Patreon, giving him at least $75 per creation, and therefore at least $300 per month (for four creations). She also donates on average $100 per deadstream. There are eight of these a month, meaning that she gives Rebhahn some $800 per month via this mechanism. So, in total, she gives Morgy Porgy around $1,100 per month, and thus $13,200 per year. FROM ONE PERSON! That’s a fucking lot of money. Where do these muppets get all this money from? Are they all trust-fund fucks who have never done a proper job in their life? No doubt! Who on earth can afford to give $13,200 a year to some dickhead on the internet?
Morgy Porgy has 16 obsessive donors. Let’s say they each provide $13,000 per year on average. That means that between them they give Porgy $208,000 per year!!! An astonishing amount of money – way beyond what most people earn – and just from a tiny group of people entirely under his spell. Plagiarism pays big time!
You can see how lucrative this influencer game is. An influencer only needs ten to twenty infatuated fans – covert narcissists coupling to his overt narcissism – to enjoy a fantastically luxurious life. That’s the game greedy, selfish Porgy plays. It’s the only game he knows – fleecing people whom he has brainwashed and made them obsessed with him, as if they were in an intense love affair with him. All influencers – and there are plenty of them – are in this same game. They are in a sense taking over the world. We are in an Attention Economy and people’s attention goes to narcissists who crave narcissistic supply and go out of their way – obsessively – to get it. Rebhahn LUSTS for attention and adoration. He can’t exist without it.
Can you imagine Morgy Porgy NOT being the center of attention? He couldn’t bear it. He has spent HIS WHOLE LIFE saying LOOK AT ME. Why do you think he chose life as a performer – precisely TO BE SEEN. And why? Because his mother hated looking at him. He was invisible as a child. And now he craves visibility and compulsively demands it – and has found a whole bunch of inverted narcissists only too happy to worship him and bathe in his reflected glory.
Most influencers play a “spiritual” game precisely to wrap themselves in a Messiah’s or guru’s mantle. Porgy is a classic of the species. He’s a stereotype of a wannabe Messiah. An Ascended Master. Or maybe a Descended Mistress.
By the way, it was another no show from Filanthrowpissed on the last deadstream. Is that because he was a fiction created by Rebhahn? This Rebhahn character is a compulsive liar and fantasist, so nothing is beyond this freak.
You would expect Rebhahn’s TOP DONOR to be first to his deadstreams. Yet we don’t see him at all. So come out, come out, wherever you are, Filanathrowpissed. Why not be PUBLIC in your support of Rebhahn since you are obviously his No.1 Fan!!!!!!
Ho, ho, ho.