
Today, we’re going to commence going through all of the points put to RJ in his interrogation by a Vancouver detective where he was read his rights and asked if he wanted a lawyer. The preposterous and defamatory questions put to RJ directly reflect the demented lies told to the FBI by Corey Rebhahn and his fellow conspirators Allie Torgensen, Susan Mitchell, and Phillip Shope.
So, let’s get started with listing Rebhahn’s very long set of lies. Over many days, we will go through the list of points put to RJ to show that all of them were absurd, and based on total fantasy and outright lies by the Rebhahn gang.
The Vancouver police detective said to RJ,
“You need to address the concerns made against yourself, as well as address the statements you have made. The concerns about you include that you are/have expressed: 1) Extremely unstable…”
So, Edgelord Morgue has made countless extremely disturbing statements on his Facebook page and in YouTube videos, and openly admits to suffering from extreme religious trauma syndrome – yet this person, who has never been to university and hasn’t even been to school and has no qualifications regarding anything, is somehow qualified to diagnose RJ. Of course, while RJ was a member of Hyperianism for several years as a high profile moderator, he was TOTALLY STABLE. Then – because he left Hyperianism – he was suddenly totally unstable. So, Rebhahn’s definition of “stability” would appear to be that you are stable if you stay in his cult, and you are unstable (and dangerously insane) if you leave. It’s highly doubtful that any psychiatrists would agree! The extremely unstable people are those who stay in a cult come what may, and regardless of reality. They are suffering, amongst other things, from extreme cognitive dissonance.
Rebhahn’s opinions should have been treated as the joke they are. We can all play the game of saying that other people are extremely unstable. For four months, we have been providing chapter and verse on how extremely unstable Corey Rebhahn is! But we didn’t fucking send our findings to the FBI! Rebhahn DID send his “findings” about RJ and Apollonius and the AC to the FBI. That’s how insane he is … the entitled son of a cop who automatically assumes that law enforcement will always help him … and they certainly have so far. This whole “cop family” thing is so fucking corrupt and disgraceful.
Anyway, leaving mere opinion out of it, in what way is a lie involved in this claim by Rebhahn about RJ? The lie resides in the fact that on the morning of 30 July, RJ was not regarded as in any way extremely unstable. In fact, he was a regarded as a totally loved and loyal Hyperian moderator. He was a friend and confidant. He miraculously became “extremely unstable” because he then decided to side with us!!! In other words, agreeing with the AC is what constitutes being “extremely unstable” in Corey Rebhahn’s mad worldview. To say that someone becomes “extremely unstable” overnight – because they have left your cult – is self-evidently not to state a truth. It’s to state an exceptionally self-motivated LIE. Rebhahn knew perfectly well that RJ wasn’t extremely unstable. After all, the day before, when he was still siding with Rebhahn, RJ had been regarded as extremely stable! So, Rebhahn lied, and sought “evidence” to support his lie, and got his whole mod team to conspire with him to give this blatant lie the appearance of truth. That’s what Rebhahn does. That’s his MO.
So, to sum up this first point put to RJ, no one can overnight become extremely unstable … for leaving a cult when a very long, detailed book has just exposed exactly why it is a cult. RJ behaved completely rationally (though not of course from the perspective of an irrational cult that hates rationality!). To Rebhahn, being an insane person – a pathological narcissist owing to his “religious trauma syndrome”, and a psychopath into the bargain – the very fact of walking out on HIM (GOD!) is ipso facto an insane act and ipso facto evidence of being “extremely unstable”. The truth of course is that Corey Rebhahn should be committed to a mental asylum. His so-called religious trauma syndrome is actually psychosis! He is without question a diagnosable lunatic. And he will certainly be getting interviewed by psychiatrists in due course! Maybe even by Professor Sam Vaknin.
Let’s return to the key POTUS evidence that we have been looking at in such detail.
Diarmuid Russell said of Rebhahn’s fraudulent POTUS message,
“…not simply incomplete … the image has been edited and doctored. It’s hard criminal evidence that they lied to a transnational police investigation (which they themselves falsely instigated).”
That’s exactly right. They doctored and manipulated evidence – PROVABLY, with actual screenshots – and used their mad fabrications to instigate an FBI operation, stretching into another country (that’s how seriously their fabrications were taken, exactly as designed by the lunatic Corey Rebhahn).
Phillip Shope, the supplier of the evidence – an act of absolute betrayal of his former friend – said,
“If they knew I had no involvement with the FBI thing and those screenshots were not provided for the reason they think – they might not be attacking me like this.”
They were provided for the EXACT reason we think – to portray RJ as an extremely violent and disturbed individual who was capable of assassinating the American President, Joe Biden – which is exactly why two Canadian cops were sent straight round to his apartment, by order of the FBI! And that’s why you are going to jail, Shope. We told you that you had one last chance to save yourself and that was to go to the FBI and explain that you had no intention of those screenshots being used in the way they WERE used by Rebhahn in his complaint to FBI. You didn’t take your chance. You are in cahoots with a felon and that makes you a felon too. You will be going to jail with Rebhahn. Bye, bye, fuckwit!
You clearly have some delusional alternative “explanation” of the reason why you supplied those screenshots. But you now know for a fact the way in which those screenshots WERE used, not how you may have imagined they were going to be used. How DID you imagine they were going to be used? Not for any fucking innocent purpose, that’s for sure. You were always intent on fucking over RJ because you’re a Grindr guy who wants to suck Corey Rebhahn’s dick and will do anything to win his approval. Why do you insist on lying to yourself? You can’t seriously be claiming that there was some benevolent reason why you supplied those screenshots to Rebhahn that we would somehow find perfectly acceptable. What planet are you living on? It’s not this one.
Like Rebhahn, your God, you had a ferocious hatred of RJ for leaving your cult – the one that defines your whole existence – and siding with us, those who will destroy your cult and your insane God. You had a malignant, pathological desire to fuck RJ up as much as possible. Not because he had done anything wrong, or harmed you in any way, but for no other reason than that he was an apostate as far as you were concerned, and a “problem” for your cult, and especially for your god, Rebhahn. And you wanted to remove that problem.
You can lie to yourself all you like. No one else is buying your self-serving bullshit. All that fucking nonsense about fearing for your life from RJ – how did a group of adults work themselves into such a hysterical state where they could actually believe such drivel? We’ll tell you why – because a psychopath, Corey Rebhahn, put you all in that state. That’s what he does. As soon as RJ left, Rebhahn started claiming that RJ was unstable, violent and dangerous and he started talking about being worried about people’s safety and kept repeating how he would go and see lawyers … for what fucking possible sane reason?!. Now, Rebhahn knows that you and the others worship him and want to do what pleases him, so if he says RJ is dangerous, you all immediately agree, you all align with that opinion, and you all look for ways to confirm it, so that Rebhahn will be impressed by you. You will do ANYTHING to win his favor. Because you’re cultists and he’s your cult leader, your God, around whom your whole life and identity now revolves. He wanted you to believe that RJ was a maniac and so you went along with it. Because that’s what you do in a cult. And he KNOWS that he has this degree of control over you. He relies on it to get you and all his other cultists to slavishly do his bidding, to treat him as GOD. You are his narcissistic supply. That’s your role on life – to adore him. And you do!
He’s 100% certain that you will never challenge him. And he’s right. You never will. Because the very act of EVER challenging him is to leave the cult, because you are obviously no longer under his spell.
Man, we’d fucking love to see your insane attempt to give a reason different from the one we think and know was in your mind!
You could have saved yourself if you had gone to the FBI and told them that you were totally stunned by how Rebhahn actually used (abused) the screenshots you gave him, and you totally repudiate what he did and agree with us that he fabricated evidence and lied to the FBI, a felony. But you didn’t. Hey, ho. Instead, you willfully, criminally, chose to obstruct justice, you chose to aid and abet a felon, to be the accomplice of a felon. YOUR CHOICE. You made your bed and now you will have to lie in it. So it goes.
You had agency. You were no mere “witness”. You were the very person who supplied Rebhahn with his golden bullet – the POTUS quote, the centerpiece of his entire mad swatting campaign, the very thing this son of a cop knew would trigger an FBI operation… AND IT DID.
You know all of this and you have done nothing about it.
As it turns out, you were facing a version of the prisoner’s dilemma: do you stick with Rebhahn, and suffer the same fate, as an accomplice in his felony, or try to save yourself and separate yourself from his felony? Well, we know what you did. You stuck with your God. And you so will suffer with your God. That’s the way it goes.
No one could possibly have gone through all of the evidence we provided and still imagine that Rebhahn was a good faith actor in all of this. Rebhahn is a toxic person who twisted everything, and made it as lurid and damaging as he could possibly contrive – to get his revenge for David Sinclair’s book.
We all know what this is really about. And you yourself have been craving revenge against us, and are completely in bed with Rebhahn, and relentlessly plotting against us – we’re reading your private chat with all your sick suggestions! So fuck you, you brainwashed muppet. You’re going to get exactly what a mad bastard like you deserves. The world needs to be freed from toxic enablers like you. People like Rebhahn couldn’t exist without people like you and Mitchell to give them life and power. You are as bad as he is.
Shope said,
“I mean, they can’t arrest us for being witnesses…”
You are CONSPIRATORS who literally discussed how to fuck over RJ and Apollonius and us, using whatever material you could dredge up and weaponize via insane lies and distortions, all with the hope of destroying the AC for daring to criticize your God, Corey Rebhahn.
Christina and Jewel were very squeamish about all of this and very wisely got out. But not the rest of you! You have all stuck with Rebhahn, and you will all share his fate – in a prison cell.
Christina and Jewel ARE witnesses … AGAINST YOU! How do you think the prosecutors will handle the fact that they left the cult while you not only didn’t but actively supported the felon Corey Rebhahn to the hilt to the bitter end – because you literally worship this man as your GOD!
We have an enormous advantage over you and your conspirators. We are sane … and you aren’t! You are totally under the control of unconscious forces generated in you by Rebhahn, a pathological narcissist. That’s what he does – manipulates the unconscious of his victims so that they give him the narcissistic supply he craves. You are the PERFECT victim for Rebhahn – a very confused man, with every type of sexual frustration and anxiety and yearnings, who still hasn’t come to terms with being a homosexual, and Rebhahn seems to be the answer to all your problems. You love him, admire him, and even want to be him (as well as be fucked by him), so you will do anything for him. You will even go to jail for him because you are so under his spell and you can’t break free. You are just like one of the Charles Manson gang – manipulated into becoming criminals by a malignant narcissist and psychopath.
Shope said,
“They wouldn’t follow up with an interrogation if there wasn’t anything more to discuss right?”
What they were “following up” was all the astonishing lies contained in Rebhahn’s complaint! You haven’t even seen what he put in the complaint to the FBI, yet you are supporting him to the end. What a naïve, brainwashed clown you are. You have been totally played by the man you love! And the hilarious thing is that he doesn’t give a fuck about you. Look at how much he cared for RJ and Jewel! As soon as they were useless to him, he either totally ignored them … or tried to destroy them.
Mad Bitchell has also been played, and Fat Jan, who used to fuck him! All three of you are sad, lovelorn, starstruck desperadoes. You’re like infatuated teenagers. So sad and pathetic. This is exactly what happens when people come under the power of a pathological narcissist. Their lives get destroyed.
Mad Bitchell whined,
“They keep saying we lied to the FBI, but we sent evidence of what we thought could result in a violent situation and we had been advised that we should notify the FBI.”
What a fucking self-righteous, delusional liar. On the morning of 30 July, while RJ was siding with you against us, you had no notion of any “violent situation”. On August 6th, RJ was being swatted – suddenly he was supposedly an insane, violent killer. Why? Because he changed his mind and sided with us! Nothing more and nothing less. And that sealed his fate, and he literally could have been killed by the police if that swatting operation had gone south. You literally believe that people become radicalized killers because they leave your cult and turn against your GOD, Corey Rebhahn, a man with whom you are desperately in love, just as you were desperately in love with another pathological narcissist, the man for whom you left your own husband, before crawling back, begging for forgiveness. You’ve got fucking form for this, Bitchell, and ZERO self-awareness. You fell for one conman … and then for another. Always the same! You people can never learn.
Let’s spell it out to you – the narcissist in your life is the person receiving narcissistic supply from you, i.e., the person you are infatuated with, always agreeing with, and WORSHIPING. That exactly describes your relationship with Rebhahn. You detest us and we detest you even more, so your accusation against us that we behave like the narcissist with whom you ran away with, cruelly betraying your husband, is laughably absurd. You’re so fucking dumb that you don’t even know what narcissism is! That’s why you’re obsessed with the pathological narcissist Corey Rebhahn!
The real world doesn’t believe that people become homicidal maniacs for leaving a cult! Only you believe that. Consider this, Bitchell. Shope expressed extremely violent thoughts towards Donald Trump. Yet you have no notion of any “violent situation” with regard to Phillip Shope. Funny, that. Fat Jan Torgensen is a gun nut who loves deadly rattlesnakes and tarantulas. You have no notion of any “violent situation” regarding her. Funny, that. Top Hyperian donor Joel the Swindler has loads of guns and gleefully kills animals and displays their carcasses on his Facebook page, and you and Rebhahn greedily take his money. You have no notion of any “violent situation” with regard to the Swindler. Funny, that. And Morgy Porgy talks of “strangling” bitches, stabbing people with steak knives, and killing normal people. You have no notion of a “violent situation” with regard to Rebhahn. Funny, that. In fact, you plainly have no problem with violence at all. What you have a problem with is people opposing your cult, and you think that posturing as victims and claiming that you are surrounded by violent haters will get law enforcement to act on your behalf. And, hey presto, they did! But only because you lied through your teeth to them. For which you will go to jail.
Isn’t it amazing that none of you had any problem with a “violent situation” regarding RJ when he was one of you? No one said there was anything wrong with his POTUS comment then. The “violent situation” was RETROSPECTIVE. It became a thing ONLY because RJ left your cult, and otherwise it WASN’T a thing! Then all of you sat round – a whole bunch of evil conspirators – to dredge up whatever you could to portray both RJ and Apollonius as two insanely violent people, so that you could present the lie to the FBI that they had been “radicalized” by the AC. You literally did that – ALL OF YOU. You tried to destroy two men’s lives because you were upset by David Sinclair’s book and were prepared to do ANYTHING to bring down the AC and get your revenge.
You would be torn apart by a prosecutor in a court of law, Bitchell – and we look forward to it. We have our popcorn ready!
Your position is insane and your lies are grotesque. And your self-delusion – a woman who routinely falls for the con of pathological narcissists – is off the scale. What a sad, sad, pathetic and evil person you are. Justice will be done against you!
You are fucking, disgusting, sick, degenerate human being, Bitchell – more or less as bad as Rebhahn – and we can’t wait for you to be in jail for your compulsive lies and aiding and abetting the felon, Corey Rebhahn. You are obstructing justice, Bitchell. You will go to jail, and who then will care for your sick mother, and for the husband you previously cheated on … for a chance to be with a pathological narcissist!!! What a piece of work you are, Bitchell! You don’t give a fuck about other people … your whole life revolves around your relationship with Corey Rebhahn, your “best friend” (actually, the god you worship, just as nuns worship and love Jesus Christ).
You are a liar to your very core. You literally have no idea what decency is, what morality is, and what the truth is. You are a cultist with a cult psyche, meaning that you will do ANYTHING for the cult, and, above all, to save the cult leader. But you’ve failed.
Thian Tii Joubert put it perfectly when he said,
“Did you know? It’s almost impossible to change someone’s mind using facts. This happens due to ‘motivated reasoning’, a psychology term that refers to the way people usually believe whatever they want to believe and use the flimsiest piece of evidence to justify that belief, even when there is plenty of verified evidence to disprove it.”
And that’s exactly what is going on here, with these Hyperian cultists. They are totally motivated to find us guilty and themselves innocent – with no regard to reality! – and have entered a very peculiar mental state where they can fully justify lying and in fact not even regard it as lying! These people keep insisting that they’re telling he truth even as they do everything to concoct total nonsense, and they do so with total malice, while pretending they are “victims” looking out for their own safety. People need to be made safe from them, which is why we’re trying our hardest to get them all jailed!
To wrap up today, let’s look at some quotes sourced by the excellent SHITADEL (unlike the Citadel … which is, er, SHIT!).
So, Morgueofficial said,
“The PI are openly antisemitic, transphobic and promote a number of hateful and dangerous stances, so their material is not appropriate here.”
If that’s true, why are PI books referenced on your website, you fucking psychopath?! …
Oh right, they have to be there because that’s what you’re relying on to defend yourself from the charge of PLAGIARISM. What a fucking mess!
J-Struction said,
“But hyperianism is based on ont math which originates from the PI books right?”
Oh dear, J-Struction has blurted out the truth! How inconvenient for Morgy Porgy.
So, Morgy Porgy tells all Hyperians not to talk about or access our books because we’re all sorts of monsters and haters and bigots, while his website actually links to our books. How can a person get into such a fucked-up position, Hyperianism is totally insane!
Of course, if Rebhahn had just fucked off away from our work, as we told him to, he wouldn’t be in this position. But he simply refused to give up referencing OUR answer to existence, while calling us N**IS. It takes a very strange person – a mentally ill person – to be caught in a situation where he relies on the work of people who hate him, and whom he calls anti-semites and transphobes and fascists! No sane person would ever find themselves in that situation. We are sane and we have no desire to be linked in any way to Hyperianism. So, why are links to our books on the Hyperian site? Because Porgy can’t get rid of those links because, hilariously, they are serving as what he imagines is a legal defense AGAINST US! You really couldn’t make it up. And hundreds of Hyperians still go along with this sheer madness.
Frank said,
“Hello. With all due respect I disagree. I’m a former Jew. Anti-semitism is hating people because they are Jewish.”
Yes, that’s exactly how we define anti-semitism. Morgue has a different definition. He says you are an anti-semite if you condemn Judaism. We of course condemn all three Abrahamic religions. Morgue did too, once upon a time. But now he doesn’t – because, by his own definition, he would be an anti-semite if he did! And he’s not an anti-semite, is he? He LOVES Judaism!!!!!!!
Frank said,
“Rationally dissecting religion, something that Hyperianism claims to do as well, is not anti-semitic.”
Exactly! But isn’t it funny that Hyperianism has suddenly changed its stance? – PURELY so that the Rebhahn gang can refer to us as N**IS and demonize us and smear us … you know, like the N**is did to the Jews!
We hate Abrahamism. We certainly don’t hate people of Jewish heritage. That would be insane. We are intellectuals and Jews have supplied many of the greatest intellectuals the world has ever seen. Right now, we are loving the work of Professor Sam Vaknin, who is from a Jewish backround. We must be the strangest anti-Semites ever – those who buy and promote the books of Jewish intellectuals rather than burning their books! But, hey, we are absolutely used to the constant lies of Corey Rebhahn. That’s why we’re going to end his cult, and thus end his lies.
Rebhahn calls us “transphobes”. We must be the strangest transphobes ever, GIVEN THAT WE WORKED WITH HIM!
But Rebhahn isn’t someone to ever let the truth get in the way when he can smear his enemies and throw red meat to his base. Who does that remind us of? Oh right, Donald Trump! Another pathological narcissist. Surprise, surprise.
Frank said,
“I think the PI rationally dissects Abrahamic religions like Judaism and would not consider that anti-Semitic.
Frank said,
“Morgue, you have also spoke out against Judaism in the same ways the PI does, so this statement comes off like a hypocritical smear campaign. Not a good look my friend.”
And that’s the truth right there!
Thank you for your honesty, Frank. It’s very refreshing. We thought all sanity had vanished from “Hyperia”.
Who are the real anti-Semites? Well, usually Christians and Muslims – and we are totally opposed to them, just as we are to Judaism.
Anyway, let’s hope more and more people are waking up to what a sick person Corey Rebhahn (Morgue) truly is.
And have you noticed that the deadstreams are getting later and later? Rebhahn takes longer and longer to get his game face on, and has so few mods now that he has to wait until they are ready. Also, Rebhahn is looking more and more flushed and rattled. The new camera didn’t work. Everyone can now see his repulsiveness in high definition. Oops!
The end is nigh!