10/4/2022 Post # 1
The Greater Danger?
Adam Townsend said, “I’m not sure who’s more messed up, Edgelord Morgue or Woke people pleaser Morgue.”
It’s such an interesting question how Edgelord Morgue transitioned into Woke Morgue. Edgelord Morgue is summed up by all that deranged Terrors of Men stuff. It’s all about self-harm, hate, suicide, murder, detesting society, hating pity and rejecting compassion. Woke Morgue, by complete contrast, is all about love, pity, compassion, “hyperawareness”, “World Shaping”, veganism, pacificism, RTS, welcoming and embracing everyone, and, of course an absolute commitment to asserting that the non-binary are the master race, and androgyny – “balanced male and female energy” – is the future of humanity. The No.1 suspect in bringing about this apparent inversion in Rebhahn’s personality is of course Susan the Breeder. Bitchell is a Woke fanatic and started to exert more and more influence over Rebhahn, who was psychologically in desperate need of a mother figure. Edgelord Morgue – who detested his real mother and blamed her for everything – was a lost soul, a dead soul, raging against the world and wanting to kill the world, and himself. Then the Edgelord found the extremely strange Susan Bitchell who unconditionally supported him and agreed with him, and slowly but surely she started to fill the mother-shaped hole in his psyche, while Breeder Bitchell found the Edgelord filling the son-shaped hole in her psyche, and a terrible dynamic was established where these two became absolutely psychologically dependent on each other. The animus-possessed Bitchell and anima-possessed Rebhahn were a perfect dysfunctional pairing, and that’s why Hyperianism is such a dysfunctional scene.
Mother Bitchell started feeding her Edgelord son not with wholesome mother’s milk but with her disturbing ultra Woke views, channeling the “Great Mother” archetype – saving the planet and the animals and the weak and the meek and all that. And so Edgelord Morgue “vanished”. Well, not really. He just became a really sinister Shadow, getting angrier and angrier all the time. Who was it that wrote vicious smear campaigns against us, who contacted the FBI about us, who canceled our website, who issued a lawsuit, who SWATTED three critics? That was Edgelord Morgue. Woke Morgue can’t escape from Edgelord Morgue anymore than Dr Jekyll can escape from Mr Hyde. And he doesn’t want to. Edgelord Morgue is his “Power Self” – who he always turn to when he’s under any threat. It’s his “indestructible, willed” persona who fucks over all his enemies.
And just as Breeder Bitchell filled Rebhahn’s psyche with Woke Morgue, so Rebhahn returned the favor by filling Bitchell’s mind with the Edgelord Morgue alter. So, when Bitchell feels threatened, on her own account, or that of Rebhahn, or her fellow mods or her “hyperfam”, she turns to this Power Self too … Edgelady Bitchell we might say, who treats non-Hyperians and Hyperian apostates as sub-humans or non-humans who must be DESTROYED.
Bitchell is every bit as psychotic as Rebhahn. They are a classic example of the phenomenon of folie à deux.
Wikipedia says, “This syndrome is most commonly diagnosed when the two or more individuals of concern live in proximity, may be socially or physically isolated, and have little interaction with other people.”
Rebhahn and Bitchell spend an incredible amount of time together concerning Hyperianism, the cult that consumes them. It’s Rebhahn’s whole life, and most of Bitchell’s life.
Wikipedia says, “Various sub-classifications of folie à deux have been proposed to describe how the delusional belief comes to be held by more than one person:
“Folie impose: Where a dominant person (known as the ‘primary’, ‘inducer’, or ‘principal’) initially forms a delusional belief during a psychotic episode and imposes it on another person or persons (the ‘secondary’, ‘acceptor’, or ‘associate’) with the assumption that the secondary person might not have become deluded if left to his or her own devices. If the parties are admitted to hospital separately, then the delusions in the person with the induced beliefs usually resolve without the need of medication.
“Folie simultanée: Either the situation where two people considered to independently experience psychosis influence the content of each other’s delusions so they become identical or strikingly similar, or one in which two people ‘morbidly predisposed’ to delusional psychosis mutually trigger symptoms in each other.”
Rebhahn and Bitchell reflect the latter case, and of course the other mods Jan the Man, Buffalo Phil and Jewel Marsh Gas the Turd all join in, to create a super psychosis, a folie en famille (‘family madness’) or folie à plusieurs (‘madness of several’).
Rebhahn is now almost totally dissociated. His deadstream persona must ignore everything that preoccupies his Edgelord Shadow (the entity that was in fact the host personality before Bitchell showed up).
Only a dissociated person could maintain a complete lie on screen, pretending that everything is absolutely fine with Hyperianism, while doing the opposite offscreen and carrying out every desperate tactic conceivable because Hyperianism is in such deep trouble. This total dissociation means that Rebhahn can never honestly talk to his own audience about what is happening with Hyperianism, and, just as disturbingly, the cultists of Hyperianism know not to ask anything about it. Everyone has to pretend that everything is fine and going great. That is actual PSYCHOSIS.
The psychotic Rebhahn encourages everyone on his deadstream to “ask questions” yet every one of his cultist knows not to ask any questions at all. Only a psychotic person asks everyone to ask questions while having no intention at all of answering any questions about all the sick actions he has taken against AC/PI including canceling our website, defaming us, contacting the FBI and issuing a lawsuit against one of our allies, as well as maliciously SWATTING three of them.
Rebhahn is an actual lunatic, a full-blown psychiatric case. Everything he says on his deadstreams is exactly what he isn’t doing in his own life. His self-delusion is now total. What he says of others is exactly true of himself. The projection is total. And that’s because this is a completely inflated, dissociated individual. That’s why he makes such catastrophic errors of judgment.
Who is really running the Rebhahn show? In a dissociated personality, no one is in charge, and alters may not even be cognizant of the actions of other alters. Woke Morgue may now not know anything about Edgelord Morgue.
Roberta Singer Member (6 months) said, “I was told today I will be among the celestial beings. Was wild”.
Was INSANE, you mean. Everyone in Hyperianism is seriously mentally ill. That’s why they’re still in this failed cult.
Rebhahn said, “They integrated the beliefs of a madman.”
Yup, that’s Hyperianism!
This dissociated individual is constantly covertly admitting his insanity and that of his cult followers.