10/05/2022 Post #2
So, we have that insatiable curiosity thing. We can find something interesting about almost anything.

Attached is a pic of Corey Rebhahn in a dress. Clearly, this is him in a very feminine mode, but it raises several questions. Firstly, how do we separate a “non-binary” self-designation from, say, transvestite, drag queen, or transgender woman? Imagine all of these different types had different “pronouns” and they called you a hater and bigot if you got them wrong and then reported u to the FBI. How could you possibly establish what designation was correct without a very lengthy and intimate conversation with the individual? Sorry, ain’t nobody got time for that! Secondly, why does a man who hates masculinity and identifies with femininity call himself non-binary and not a transgender woman? Why does the non-binary man stop short of declaring himself a transgender woman? What exactly is he holding onto in relation to a male identity? How can the individual in the picture not be claiming to want to be a woman? The whole game is to provide that exact image, is it not?
And we got to thinking of something else. Is the length of Rebhahn’s hair correlated to how often he wears a dress?
According to “skirt length theory”, stock market trends were related to the lengths of women’s skirts. If the skirts were shorter, the stock market performed well. If the skirts got longer, it was time to sell.
Did the short skirt somehow reflect greater optimism? Who knows? Some people suggested that shorter skirts signified greater risk taking and the overall loosening of morals, which fed into potential investors being more likely to pull the financial trigger and buy shares and assets.
Hmmm, would Rebhahn wear a mini-skirt to express his “she” alter? He seems to define womanhood in relation to long black dresses. Come on, Rebhahn, get in a mini skirt and high heels. We’ll have a sick bucket ready!
So, when Rebhahn has extremely long hair, does he frequently wear dresses? When he cuts his hair shorter, does that entail that he wears more manly clothes? Or is there no correlation?
Is Edgelord Morgue associated with shorter hair (relatively speaking) and Woke Morgue associated with longer hair? Does the Wokeness of Morgue increase with hair length? When his hair is at its longest, is that when he is maximally Woke? If all his hair were shaved off – in jail, for example! – would he then become anti-Woke?
Will jail change Rebhahn’s “non-binary” self-designation?
Did Rebhahn always feel non-binary, or did it just happen one fine day? He used to call himself Mister Morgue, which certainly doesn’t imply a non-binary identification.
Did the Edgelord Morgue persona – full of anger and hate – start to go into the background once Rebhahn called himself non-binary? Did he then become Woker and Woker? (Dumber and Dumber.)
We ought to be told. The FBI profilers, especially those dealing with serial killers!, should be on top of all these questions.
What kind of impression would Rebhahn make in court? What would a judge think of him? How would a jury appraise him?
The thing about Rebhahn is that he uses public organization such as the FBI to execute his private vendettas against his legitimate critics. But the public would have nothing but revulsion for this man if he appeared in front of them in the dock. He has no rapport with the working class at all. He is entirely a bourgeois construct, wholly devoted to Woke, bourgeois issues and causes. This man’s life doesn’t intersect with working class issues AT ALL.
And check out the latest genius insights from Drop Bear Mc Swear!
You know, Rebhahn couldn’t make something like that in a million years. We’d love to see the attempt, though. That would give us a good laugh.