Fabricating Evidence



10/08/2022 Post #1


Why is Buffalo Phil, the back of the human centipede, definitely going to jail? Have a look at the attached screenshot.

Buffalo Phil, we see, has just retrieved the infamous POTUS comment by the former mod, but has also retrieved the critical legal disclaimer underneath (“never harms self OR OTHERS”). So, no one could LEGITIMATELY say it was intended as anything other than jokey rhetoric, expressed in a private chat with trusted friends (well, until you can no longer trust them and they weaponize your words to fuck you over to the FBI!).

The POTUS comment was very old and also qualified, hence INCAPABLE of being used against the former mod in any honest way.

Buffalo Phil even openly ACKNOWLEDGES these issues: “Those were OLDER conversations. He used to always say that THOUGH. ‘Never harms self or others’.”

Why add “though”? Why not say, “He used to always say that.” It’s because the whole reason this quote is being shown at all is as POTENTIAL AMMUNITION against the former mod. It’s crystal clear that everyone had been asked by Rebhahn, the perverted monster, to try to find dirt to throw at the former mod, and this was what Buffalo Phil had dredged up. He knew this was close to being dynamite apart from two key facts: it was very old and it had a qualifier attached. It was USELESS, unless it was deliberately manipulated to make it seem a live and serious issue.

But now look at the comment made by the Breeder Susan Bitchell: “This is extremely disturbing.”

We can almost see the idea forming in Bitchell’s head: “Let’s WEAPONIZE this. In fact, let’s do so to the maximum degree. We are DEFINITELY using this, no matter the problems. We can work our way round those.”

So, Bitchell, Buffalo Phil and the rest of the demented gang then took the fateful decision to REMOVE the legal qualifier from this comment and also to remove it from its original context (it was said two and half years ago when Trump was president) and pretend it was something said very recently. This was of course the key bait used to lure the FBI into taking action. Had the POTUS comment never been added, the FBI would probably have had nothing to do with the complaint, or it would have been put at the bottom of their priority list. The Rebhahn gang knew that, so they had to make this POTUS quote as damning and incendiary as possible. And they succeeded. But that very success will prove their absolute undoing. Because the former mod has the screenshots PROVING CONCLUSIVELY that what the Rebhahn gang said in their complaint was false, fabricated and malicious!

These five people sat round and discussed all of this and then deliberately conspired to insert a jokey comment made two and a half years ago, and which had a legal qualifier attached, as the centerpiece of an incredibly serious complaint to the FBI, but with the legal qualifier completely removed and also the whole context and time when the comment was made removed. And that conspiracy, and those critical omissions – which amount of course to FABRICATING evidence – are what will send these five people to jail, where they most certainly belong.

These people are all toast. The evidence against them is incontestable, yet they all swan around as if they have nothing to worry about. What a shock they’re going to get!